The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-26, Page 7• 26th,' 1956 HALDENBX ELECTRIC' . MOTOR SERVICE • •Arniatureand Field Winding, Brushes, .$earinge, Etc. ° Repairs to Fractional and Integral Horsep ower _.Motors, Also Electric Fans, Vacuums,: Clippers, Drills, Etc,. UALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough. Phone • Ripley' •111-r49 - KINGSBRIDGE Mrs, Yemen, of. Wingham. visit- ed. with Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Mc- Kenzie over the week=end.. Other: week -end visitors . here were Mr. Clarence Doherty of Montreal, Arnold` Marsman and Peter Van Osch.:of London, and Miss Mary. 'Sheridan of ::Toronto: At a re ,dent meeting , of the C.W.L. • it .. was . decided to hold the Fall Festival on November 9th, and to sponsor a Hallowe'en masquerade dance, date for the same to .be decided .shortly;--- Mrs: ..Dennis Dalton visited with relatives in ` Sarnia last -Beek: . • r a T> LUQfNOW SENT>(Nmh, Luc:1 TC , ONTARIO DUNGANNON • 1, in the study book by Mrs, •Stoth- ers. A. `letter from .Mrs. Rev. J. Gordon, Formosa, was read by the secretary, Mrs. Walihce Wil- son. After a hyrnri and prayer, lunch and a social time wasp en- Mr..and Mrs. Alfred Babel. & Jimmy. of Port Colborne were week -end visitors with •the lady's sisters, Mrs. Alvin Sherwood & Mrs,. Harve Anderson. Mrs, Chas, Fowler had • as vis- itors a return call from relativ.r from the West ho h. d vis ed here on their tion; were her sister, Mrs. W. J. Lewis. and daughters ,Faye and. Wend y of Rowland, Man. and, her neph- ew, Bert Bali •of % ughendon,. Al- berta. Mrs, . Eleanor Kirkland .of Greenock spent last week with Mr, and. Mrs. 'Wallace Wilson & other relatives. iss can Errington of Toron- to spent the• week -end with her parents, Mr., and . Mrs, Victor Er rington. . Franklin Stingel of Barrie. and Mrs. :John Fennell, Ronald and Rosemary of Bradford spent the week -end with their mother,. Mrs: Leroi Stingel. I Miss. Clara Sproul, Stratford,. spent Sunday with her sisters,, Misses Rebina and Nettie.Sproul. • Mr., and Mrs. 'J. D. Hesson. of Stratford visited Mr. and, Mrs. Cecil Blake on Sunday; ' Miss Honor Whyard of Detroit visited her aunt, Miss Ida Why- and last week.... • Erskine Presbyterian church W.M.S. met on Thursday after- noon. Mrs..-IIerb,.Stothers -led :the Meeting. Mrs. Frank. Jones gave the topic --`*Our Glorious Her'i- tage". Mrs. Irvine Henry gave the Glad Tidings .prayer. "Our Back Yard" was the chapter read ey d e United Church Evening. Auxiliary Twenty-six members and four Visitors enjoyed a lovely supper .arrangedby the committee in charge . of the September pro- gram: Following the supper the. regular 'meeting was held with Mrs 0, Jones conducting the' business. Each • 'member' is re- quested • to please bring an article of doll's -clothing' to be' sent in pareel-to Mrs: McFadden . at Cape Croker for her work among the Indian. children. A box will be placed in the.nursery for good used clothing to be sent in .a bale later. The Autumn, Thank - offering will be on October 5th with : Mrs. Vance of Chesiey as guest speaker. ,Eight mem=bers volunteered to held at tlie . nurs- e*, two each Sunday .morning:. Mrs. L. MacLeod tdok charge of the .program.. Scripture and med7. itation was read by Mrs. L. Rit- chie.' it-chie.' Mrs. L. Hall gave a read. ing, "We are then Wor1d's:.Bibles". A piano selection' was enjoyed, played by Mrs..: L. Ashton. Mrs. L. MacLeod took the final: chap-" ter of •the 'study book dealing with Indian 'education. It has taken. three -generations to as complish the present_educational system "for the 'Indian children. Years ago, the Indian parents .re- sented the white man's interfer- ence' but now`: they. appreciate I PAGE SEVEN and do all in their power to clothe and keep their 'children in school as many years as posse ible. Mrs. C. Crawfosd gave a reading, "Heard ' in a Hospital". Mrs. .Sproul told of an Indian minister she had heard preach • while vacationing in D.C. She baid he was a splendid speaker ah4 had preached on the boats al.on the coast 'for 16 years and now h`'ad three charges on the mainland,`°two white and one In- dian. A • by in. and benediction closed the :meetin • LANG,SIDE . • This community was again, saddened when word was receiv -ed-on Monday. that another of their . older residents liad passed away.: Mrs. Alex Gillies of .Con.. Two, was Jean. Purves' prior to ' her marriage, was a . patient in Wjngham Hospitl for. the past few weeks; She Was a highly re- spected neighbor and her home was her chief delight and which.. was noted for her kind hospital- ity, To her sister'. ` Nettie, Mrs. David:. Milne Sr. of Lucknow and brother Robert of Grand Prairie, Man., ',.and all who mourn her passing, sympathy is extended. Sympathy is extended to . a for- mer resident of Con. 2,: Ernest Casemore of. Wirigham and other members of 'his' "family in the passing of •'their sister • Marion, Mrs. Peter. Watson, on Sunday. • .Mis's` Margaret.. `Moffat' spent, the week -end -at—the—home - of her father, Mr. •Foster Moffat. Mrs. Arthur of Auburn ..was. a'. visitor for a •few days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- IMPERIAL ESSO • DEALER me and Esso, Extra Gasoline Marvelube and Mineralube R • MOBILOIL :.. • ATLAS TIRES Always look to Imperial for the best ' * . Modern'Egnipment For Wheel Alignment and Wheel Balancing i.E.• MacDONALD phone 3, Lucknow don Wall and family. Mr. and Mrs, Calvert Falcon- er. of Blyth were Sunday visitors . with Mr. and Mrs.'Russel. J it- chie. : ; On Sunday next : Rally.. Day service will be. observed in the church. Special speaker is Rev. • Angus •MacKay who will' tell of his mission 'work: in .India. Mr. Melvin. Husk and Douglas: of Kinloss were Monday ..even- ing_ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Frank "Miller. Mrs: Farish' Moffat spent a few days in Toronto last 'week, at, tending grand : lodge. .; } . r. +; {i:ti�:X;'��':,?'•''}1;: yKy`,. \4a:%: "9>"^' ir`'1;'^•;.17�:'�' .: ; . X .y y, .,, ' f - f ` ... .. }, v'•.�: ... +X,`.�'.�• .:..X•..,. • �• 'i?,3� •%`'. . 9/moi. ; {Y ,Q{•, . ' {,�. X {/. !/r ,r" r�::X� irY,,/ . i�{X � X+ rr ,..�r••r- rc+.:.�..� i . .��/�{, : X .., ,�ll;• ��, { • 1+; ,.. ,,;�{J;%J>;r, • . ; u: f .a,0Fi'1 % %/f//ii iXif{iJ/i %7{i/ /%Al G/�5' {{F%%�i'i i'fii�.{{%.f..: fit/.1.: . • g'. F-500 VAN' ice:::::::• ...... ';'..i Dozens of Ford Truck models are actually • pricedbelow all competitive makes! Ford Trucks' give you the oil and: gas economy of the most'nmodern short -stroke engines -- `-8 or Six Ford Trucks are built stronger for proved r longer �'pon er;lifel Ford Thicks carry more patilou, v` }eeri increased in models all through the line! Finally,' when you cometo` trade, .you: 11 find : you get more for your Ford Thick . ' •. K further proof that.Ford Trucks cpst less all along the line! SEE.YODR FORD -MONARCH DEALER • E Y� • F-100 PANE. YrOoad 4 • hat :.�,uct'•!:�f:�'W.`'.i:Ye:x } .• V4k•MAA.j�PiVyyww. ate. F-•100' PICKUP WITH' 8,FT.. BOX ` • : J h Ly ••x +• ,,... Ford costs start Tow and stay. low... they offer more. and 'Inst. longer! y FORD .MONARCH . DEALER • 'Phone 40, Luckriow • •