The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-26, Page 4• • .AGE FOUR: - THE. LUCKNOWSENTINEL, .LUCKNOW ,ONTARIO FOR SALE—one , f raine barn and :one driving shed, Cheap if sold at once. Apply'J. W. Joynt. HELP WANTED — male or °fe- • male. for work at Mullin's' Rake. Shop, phone 36. ' FOR-. (SALE.— 34:: pigs, ready to wean. LloY aander s R, R - 5, • Lucknow, phone 208-r-22. FOR SALE—Bargain.. Rangette, two burners` and: oven ' in work- ing order; Wm.: Murdie & Son. FOR ,SALE -- pair of children's dancing slippers :, size 13. Mrs. Margaret MacFarlane,. Lucknow. FQR SALE—Goed Cheer )1eater, new Wingham heater in. good .condition. Phone, Lucknow.'44-41. COMING EVENTS It :SPARE RIBS,, KRAUT Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday • night at the Commercial 'Hotel, Formosa; 50111.110. 1T3 • WzUNESDAY, ;SEPT 26th, 1956 Auction Sate: tEstate . _ .. Undersigned auctioneer has:, received instructions from the i Executors to sell' by Public Auction at the residence, Willoughby Street, East, in LUCKNOW, on Saturday,. Sept. •. • RECEPTION •FRIDAY' FOR .SALE' OR.RENT houtse on A reception will be held. in S':. Gough street, all modern conven- the . Recreational Centre, Luck- iences. Available Oct. lst. Orville ,now, op (Friday, September 28th for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Farrish (nee -Dorothy Watson). Music•+by the; Huron Rai tilers, I SATURDAY NIGHT BINGOS Theedies Auxiliar • • t o the Jones, phone 268, FOR 'SALE --4 yearling steers, 2 Hereford and one black, about 600-16.50 lbs. Phone 46-r-5 Luck - now. now. . FOt SALE — 2 used bicycles; completely overhauled; 1 power lawn mower, at bargain prices. Campbell's Sports. & Auto Sup- ply. .' Canadian 'Legion , Branch .309, would like you to come to their bingos to be ;held in the 'Auxil- iary rooms at 9 P.m. every ' Sat- urday night until further not- ice. Come and bring your friends I !CHESTERFIELDS --see {the new and families. Cash •prizes. . styles Land fa►brlics:'at'the Mildmay ' TEESWATER FALL FAIR' Furniture • showy rooms.. �-Select. ., • from about 24 living room suites. October 2nd. and 3rd: Show cushion}. from old suite to; Outstanding Livestock .Show, Salesman for trade-in evaluation.. 0-H. Club Show, Bands, farness m Races, 'Vaudeville. iYush seats f 0c.• .:., fret' Sohuett 1Viildxnay. FOR RENT :- • apartment• above .- ^- > Luckriow Fruit Market. Apply to . • LADIES:; • Mrs, .Wm. Bolt, ,Lucknow. l '`Now is 'the time to • earn.; good lucerne selling . •Avon., , Women: wanted ,for Whitechurch and district and 'Dungannon and . dis FOR SALE - Ithaca lightweight 12 gauge , p rnP shotguin first, pu�P ' class . Keith'Collyer, trict. Write Mrs: "Stock, '78 Duch- Popular television Show with • phone 245 Lucknow. • less •Ave:., Kitchener. I.Cliff McKay and Monique,Clad ieux; 2• -,hour . stage• show; dancing: SEEb WANTED _highest prices. REST- HOi tg ACCOMODA .'IObt_ :. til • 1:30 a.m ,' eight gnus pians Accomodation a v a 11•.a b l e at i�i admission $1.25; .lohildren under' Carruther's Conva escent :Home.' 12, 00c: Hone -cooked reach modern • con,' veniences, warm. Registered •nurs- ing ' available ir required in case; 'of sickness.. Apply to.:Elliott Car- • ruthers, . R. 3; Holyrood, .phone. 27-16. Ripley.'• 1;000 reserved: 'seats; for grand stand show, 1.5c.. Send cheque :or 'money 'order ' oto Melvin • Rome, sec., •Teeswater. . In the. Arena,. Oct. 30d, 8.30 .p,m.. Holiday Ranch, 'Canada's Most .paid .for ;clover; and grass ;,seed. Harvey Hagedorn,. , phone.71-24, Ripley. • .HOUSE (FOR SALE—modern- 8= room brick house on Havelock St. Oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland; Luck - now. • °FINANCING ACAR7 NOTICE meeting Before: you buy : ask: about, our.1 The' open ineetirig scheduled l.cost_Fibanc'ing-Serviced for Am • erle <. Oran a Hall at ;i .which the' . Grand Preceptor of complete Insurance Coverage. J:PAPER DRIVE. . $ritish America was' due ,to be .. A. 112ctiDonag'h; Insurance Agent, • I Keep in mind the•' Boy Scout the guest ;speaker will not be phone Dungannon 61-5. Paper'" Driveto be held in the held . on September 28th 'abut at very near future: Save all. your . MEAT' FOR SALE • a later •date: > ' paper forthe:Scouts: Good 'beef'tor; sane: '`by, they ,OLD 'OLD -HORSES - .i.. quarter.. Ref killed.:, :under 'lid- SES WANTED PIANOS -new and used at 'r1Vlild= FOR SALE. •Tetra,' Pekus Fall rye, , 4 215. per bus.,.' Cleaned and treated. Ross• Ganunie,:.R.. R.. 1, 'Lucknow;' phone: 64-r-31... ' FOR m1:4-1947. Chev;:. sedan, new, .:rings, pins, spark . plugs and battery,•.'a good sound car. N. w. 'Winterstein. Old horses :.wanted.. at. 31c per lb.; dead cattle : at value. If dead, phone at once to Gilbert . Bros: Mink Ranch, phone collect God- erich 1483J4 or 148331. -ease' from. ' the Departfl ent of Health: ' Choice Hereford . year- lings. Custom butchering a'spec- iality.; Rayiiard Ackert, Holyrood. Phone 24-30, Ripley NOTICE Window peekers, gas stealers and • persons trespassing on our preperty in• daylight ' when my husband is ay. — working, after dark Will be 'prosecuted. Millicent and Ernest Carter, R. R. 5, Lukknow. _ ARTIFICIAL .INSEMINATION. For artificial insemination in- formation or service from.. all breeds of cattle, .. phone the Waterloo 'Cattle Breeding . As- sociation , at: Clinton HU 2-3441' or -'°Kincardine • 460 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.in.,'We have all breeds available top quality at; low, cost. 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 • 1955 Pontiac, fully equipped 51,950 1955 Standard Chev. Sedan, fully equipped $1,895 1955 Pontiae Fowerglide Sedan, fully equipped 52,095 1954 Chev. Powerglide :•Coach, fully equipped 51;495 1952 Chev. Deluxe Sedan • ' • ' • 51,095 1952 Chev. Convertible, powerglide, fully .equipped ... ,51,495 1950 Plymouth Sedan$ 795. Two 1948 Pontiac Sedans •�..•.....Y.,... ,.•.:.;•Y $ 495 1949 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 5 695 1947 Dodge Sedan $ 295. TRUCKS .. A, Number of Stake Trucks in 1947 and 1948 Models. 1949 Chev: i/2 -Ton Pick -Up • Y •, YY•v495 1949 Chev. ' 3% -ton • .....YYY.Y,Y.J :. YYY....YY..,:.YY...9 300 Brussels Motois Huron Couinty's' • Foremost Used Car Dealers • Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer 'Phone 13X, Brussels may Furniture Show rooins...Also furniture, appliances, . Carpets. Easy. terms. Free delivery, God - trek Scrhuett, Mildhriay. CUSTOM CAR PAINTING A nice riew paint . job is: money. well .spent, single or two tone, hot spray method; `also body and fender. work, • N. W.. WINTERSTEIN • FARM HELP WANTED An excellentis Oben for • a. married man. on• a.•` dairy !farm in Wellington County. Top l wages, good house, hydro and all facilities and moving ' expenses paid. If interested see S. B. 1 Stothers, phone •224, 'L'ucknow. CARD OF THANKS The=relatives--of-the late -Wins Lockhart would like to express' their appreciation. for floral tri- butes and expressions of sym- pathy, extended`- at the time of his recent `death: . Relatives and. friends •' of the late . !Bora 'MacDonald would, like: to thank all (those . who were so thoughtful and, kind during her sickness and at the 'tithe -of her. recent death: • ;Mrs...- MacLean • and Charlie Wish to: thank • neighbors ...and friends fro Ashfield . • for the very generous gifts they received and also..fOr•. the aid in 'helping REAL,ESTATE ' WANTED' listings on farms, r' homes, businesses, small hold- ings, properties all :descriptions.' Contact John' Hall, Phone 116,• . Lucknow, Ont., agent for W. 11,, Stevenson Real Estate; Mount Forest" Prevent CHIMNEY FIRES Use -Fire:- ire Chief TCheMical chimney; :cleaners. To elim- inate soot •and scale from your stove and_. pipes The smaller the flame, the more soot: and °carbon, For use • in oil, coal and wood• fired units; For sale at' Lucknow District Co-op. , Miller's Store, St. Hem • Colwe11's Store, ilioss • at 1.30 P.m., the, following: 3 -piece 'chesterfield suite? 2 -tone, like new; .Parlour 'table.; window fern • table,' walnut spool •whatnot;.. 3 walnut end tables. floor , lamp; cane . fern stand; oak hall stand with mir- 'ror; Guelph organ with stool; 2. square parlour tables; oak ashstabd-bald-timeche5tar bed; antique ,cushion n chair; very old model sewing, machine; 3 bedsteads with. springs; vanity table and chair; 2 dressers; antique log • irons for fire place cane flower 'stand; drop leaf kitchen table with , six chairs; combination coal' and wood range; kitchen cab inet; • antique 'cupboard; metal stool; ' antique mohair love seat; ':upholstered love couch; oak bedstead with dresser and washstand ,.to match; clothes chest; two electric hot plates; floor polisher;, few other articles. ' Also. on same date, same to e, will be sold an 81.room ,frame• house, with J:M. shingled sidling,. hydro and. .town Y:. ft. . water, with 2 lots -consisting .oi 66 ft. frotn#age and. deep which will make a total frontage of . 132 .ft., being Lot • No. W.H. 445, 446; Ward No. 3 .on Willoughby St in the' Town of Lucknow: This; property is in fair state of repair,, an ideal Xocation for the elderly or retired. • TRIMS ON HOUSE'S'OLD F ECIIi-CASH. Terms & conditions on property will be shade Icnown on day of sale. Auctioneer: WELL. HENDERSON, Lucknow. Ronald Treleaven,' Mrs.. _ Vernon • Hunter; . Executors, of Estate of Mrs. Amelia Treleaven.: : . 2.9 ►,I�i�o�RO�ii+*►;�tr�u�H�oMw�!��oN�o �_ . sr��rtewru��u�n�i,�►o�o.� ��.� i�o>��� ,�M�i!alb,�!rN�►oMl►o�SN-o�!l�M,�+e�iK��or�or,i�+�r•------ NAUCTION. SALE.* �CONSIGN�ME , T , ... • of. .at the LUCKNOW SALES BARN 'at: 1.30 _p.m. Cattle must be consigned prior to . above date CAN HANDLE 200 HEAD For Further Information, and . the Consigning of . Cattle . Contact: BERT' MacINTOSH ' Phone .82-r-41, Dungannon • Guaranteed free-flowing at application .tame. * ' Lees than one-half as .much. moisture as regular fertilizers. • Sero -granular texture atregular price. Mart economical per''unt of plant food. . Plant food nutrients readily' available. CO-OP FERTILIZER 0404 To -Do 41406 itilloi-To Moot. ucknow District price Como •