The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-19, Page 5gpNESDAY, SFS,; 19th, 1.950, a.0 __._. Tooled 14se. Repair'. All Makes Of • Tractors, Machines & Shop Work. ACETYLENE &. ARTWELDING '.KIN•LO►UGH. GARAGE • __-___�_ W BRECKLES Phone .18'-r-20, Ripley . IRE NOME Of QUALITY SERVICE ;; nd Genuine BONN DEERE PARTS Kenneth J..MacKenzie,, R.O. OOp�tometrist LISTOWEL, ONT,. y at' the fonnier..i'rona Jewelery store. Ripley, .10 a.m. to 9. p.m., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26th and every :':S,eeond •,Wednesday. - Eyes=t�examined.. :Glasses --fitted- For. appointment 'phone' Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24,Ripley, . MCLENN-AN`: and MadEENZIE F.0 ERAL SERVICE • Services ' conducted accord ing . to your wishes; . at your Home, '. your " 'Church;or at o-'Memorial-Chapel=at, -no-- additionai charge AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone'' 181; Lucknow, I: Dal or •Night TED 'COLI YER `Registered . Master w,Eleetrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Specializing in : Electrical{Wiring and Repairs AGENT :FOR ' SPARTON TV. and All -Electrical Appliances, Phohe- 46-r-25, 'Lucknow , ALAN WI'LLIAMS Optometrist Office 'on' Patrick St., just off the-Main-St.in WINGH{i .M Professional, Eye. Examination Optical Services • Phone.. T78, ` Winghaea It S. HET :. ERINGTON, .Q -C. • • Ba islet•, Etc. Wingh and Luckne IN LUCKNOW ' ' _..._Each ...Monday and Wednesday Located, in ties Municipal. Office 'Phone Wingham Office 48 , Residence 97 JOHNSTONE'S: FUNERAL ..HOME 'Phone' 76 Day, or ,Night • - - Artibuiance--Serviee USE OF FUNERAL HONE' At• No Extra Cost. gederfite Fr#ceii `h.4 iAti4hed' } • r011if 4,44 LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . . I�OIzN YOUNG PEOPLE B.A:RGER_ j*Ki neardt t .ne Ifospx� tal on Monday, September 17th, to Alan and Marie Barger. of Arm t erley, a daughter --stillborn. ANNA --at .Winghani General, Hospital, on Monday, September 10th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Hanna, R..1, Holyrood, a son. WINGHAM. MEMORIAL .SHOP We/ Have Been ' Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven. Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES. Along With Expert Designing and. Workmanship. • Prides Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R A. sPOTTON 'Phone 256,. Winghatn, Ontarlo Insure With .The: CULROSS MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO.' .. . for ' Reasonable rates, sorind pro-: tection & prompt, satisfactory, . settlement of claims. . • PARISH MOFFAT -,-.-Your Local -Agent-' • R.R. .3, Teeswater. 'Phone 'Teeswater 57-4-41 F ' T. ARMSTRONG ':OPTOMETRIST ` GODERIC.H FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 For Appointment :or` Information See Wm. A. 'Schmid; 'Phone 117-w, Lucknow INSURANCE..' FIRE, +a rrN'b, CASISALTY ' • , ACTOMOBIL '' AND' LIFE, To Protect Your Jack, Insure. With .lack Today. J. A.:McDONAGH Rat: 3, buckinow, :Ont. :'Phone 61-5,' Dun°gannon R. W. ANDREW: Barrister and Solicitor LiS:TOWn, . ONTARIO • IN 'LUCKNOW PRESENT .BIBLE: • (WHITECHURCH NEWS) At the Young Peoples .meeting and social in the United Church on Wednesday evening,' Miss Marjory Coultes' was presented with a beautiful. revised version of the Bible with her name en- graved. Marjory very graciously thanked :the Society for the gift, Marjory will be -missed in the ge,4as she . leaves this Wed- nesday ifor Guelph General 'Hos- pita,l to train for the nursing Profession. d Mr... . Angus MacKay of Jansi, India, visited in the village . last A large crowd attended the •re ception in Memorial Hall on Fri .'day etrening for, :Mr. , and . Mrs. Bill Purdon. ' Tiffin ., orchestra 'provided •music for . dancing. At the lunch hourthey were 'pre- sented with a purse of 'money and a tri -light • lamp. and TV lamp by the neighbors and Line in their district. Bill. thanked the large crowd for their generous gifts.. Mr. and Mrs. Wes" Tiffin, ,Mr.' Tom; Purdon and Mrs. Wm. Daw- son left for the Canadian, West on Saturday, going asfar as Ed- monton., Mr. and Mrs: Wren, Mc- Allister. are i•n -charge. at the faun. Mr. and Mrs.' Clark' McGregor, g . Cameron and Bruce visited: with Mrs. Ross, anl_ O1ive._at_the week- `Next .. Sunday. ' will be ;Rally Sunday in the United.. ' Church and .services .will' be .in the ..after- noon at 2.30 p.m. Mr.' and Mrs ;''Jinn Ross and •Mrs, Neil MacKay of . Toronto called on Mrs.', Boss and Olive an'dalso: other. -•friends• 'in the village • on Saturday. Mr.' and •Mrs. ' •Vic for Emerson visited with her. mother' and -Mr, grid -Mr§. • Charlie Tiffin on Sun- day. • 'Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Sandra's and.. Doris spent Satur- day in London • attending the Mr. and Mrs Ross Smith •'and bay ' returned to Toronto Mon- day after spending•.their holidays. .with Mr.' and Mrs. Chapman` & Mr. and Mrs. Smith, ,,Turnberry. Mrs.,Willis, . Bill, ' Garry and John isited ' . with Go,wanstown relatives .on ' Sunday; OBITUARY HARRY F. • MCMULLEN SYNOD PY,P,S. MEETS AT WINGHAM THANKSGIVING: Thanksgiving, week -end' marks t the fourth annual Fall . Rally to be held by the young people of the preSbyterian Church within,: the Synod of Hamilton and LonLon-,don. It, will include young • peo- ple from all southwestern On- tario including•Lucknow and dis- trict. ,A heavy registration is ex- pected cted- from. -the Counties of Huron and Bruce. . Theme. addresses 'will be given by Rev. •W. A. Smith of ,i amil-- *ton..On Sunday morning a spec- ial communion service ' will be held,. On Sunday afternoon dele- gates :will hear Dr. • Sir, Francis Ibiam tell--of•-the• work -of -the church` in; 'hi"s'. own country,, Nigeria. •, OBITUARY •• 'JOHN R. MOORE Ther. epassed in ' Mason; . Mich.. jon Monday, September 17, John R Moore in his 87th year. A nat.. 'ive of Kinloss, he went West in 1894 and has • since ' made his home iri •North Dakota. In. 1907 • he married Ruby. Bar- box; of Mason and she • predeceas- ed him 'a short time ' ago,, He leaves to ' mourn ' five of a family, three boys and two girls, Stuart Bar+bor, Robert, Maud and `Gustina, •also twenty-two grand- children ' and. on great grand- child, an of ,North Dakota. Also surviving are • two brothers, 'Thomas of .Whitechurch and, :Ar:;. thur 'of R..1, Lucknow. Interment .was made . in ' Lang- denn, North . Dakota. ' 1 P'AR:AMOUNT. Miss 'Irene' Elphick of London spent the week -end with her. 'par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.J. 'Elphick:.. Miss Viola' Cooke, R. N., Tor-' onto,' spent a few days with her lather,_Albert- Cooke.•. M. r George' Richards went to Guelph to start, a course at 'OAC. Mr. L.. Hamilton, who spent the summer months " in. Uranium, City, Sask., :returned homer Mr. 'and • Mrs. ' R ' Hamilton motored .• to' Toronto .en Sunday accompanied' by . Mrs. J. Mac- Donald of . Lucknow and • Louie Hamilton, who commences work PAGE FIVE .. L.yceurn Theatr WINGHAM First ' how at '7.10 Thurs., 'Fri., Sat., Sept. 20.21- Paul Douglas Jody Laurence- in THE LEATHER SAI. NT'' A .good melodrama of a • young minister 'who. secretly becomes a.,, professional' boxer to .raise funds` f, orthe care of sick children in parish. • . • Mon., Tues., Wed. Sept. 24:25-26.:... Ava Gardiner, Stewart Granger` in . "BHOWANI . JUNCTION'. • . Adult Entertainment The story , is abut the;' turinoill created by CommunistrinsPifeat rioting in Pakistan to .the 1944N,ar imonsiosimminummoimo STATE FARM' MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE: • N'SURANEE' Investigate `- Before laves hip • . REUBEN: WILSON • R.R. 3,. Goderich •' Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon at the King' and. Garfatt cut-up ch icken store..:. Miss Susie and George Gibson received word their ---sister Webb ?'{Kate) of •Aggassiz, ' .B.•. . ed awa : , Her , pass Y husband:. predeceased .her : about 'a ' mom ago. , ' , ,: Mrs. Jas 1VIapDoriald and '1� Il. Haixiilton: visited with Mr. Mrs.* . L Ensign. ,„ •Mr..and ;Mrs • R. MacIntosh Mr. and Mrs ..Don Hamilton spentt, a, day at ',London Fair: • 14,. ' Harry r . McMullen tdiftd!on September ,13th in. 'Wingham Hospital after being hospitalized for :about a week...ie was. ninety years of .age and was a 'former. Ripley. businessman, having ' op- erated a :: lumber and building supply establishment. •.'For 'the past, • several ' years ' since ' •the death of, his ; wife, Mr McMuIlen i .had resided with 'Kelso. `MaaNay Every in , - Ashfield 'Township.' Wednesday and Saturday 4r.' McMullen was a member 1,, Afternoon . - I of, the Royal' Black Knights who • had ' charge • of the last . rites •at. Office in the Joy.nt Block R .rg ,• , the McLennan. Funeral,'. Home. in• Ripley on' Saturday at 2.30.,. In- terment' was ' in Kincardine 'Cem- etery ' :with 'Rev. - D.” A. 'Brydon conducting the • services. Surviving are a' sister, Mrs. Jessie ' Morrison, and 'a brother, Fred •McMullen of Toronto.' . • • Telephone: Office •135 'Residence •31-J A M. ,HARPER • Chartered Accountant • West .Street ...G.O.1)ERK W. ONTARIO Telephone§ 3434 . - 343W ,INSURANCE Co -Operative Life, Insurance Co -Operative ,Autoniobil4 '' Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire .. Insurance • F;lonornical and l eCiahls'r See . . T AH CAMERON LtjCKNOW 'Phone 70.r40 Dunfannee • OLI.VET • ' Mrs. Emma Hamilton of Chilli wack,` B.C. and Mrs: 'Pat Baird of Toronto •are visitin ith Mr. and; .Mrs.. Geonge Scott. Mrs. Alex MacTavish. is back ih Kincardine. Hospital. We all wish. her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stewart abd Mr., and Mrs. John McChar- les • spent a day at Western Fair. 'Donald •McCha'rles, son • of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles spent a da•y at• London attending the '.judging', competition • at the Wes- tern Fair. He got a score of 22 -Mtd€-25--po%nts - = Mr. and. Mrs.. Walter Dexter spent a day Jh London at the Fair, ` Miss .Marion MacTivish of Shaw's •Business College, '.Toron to spent the week. -end at :hen:' Fioizie. here;.. - .111913016 •w iii `•. -.. 'itl.. w} {r r Friday. and . Saturday, September 21st and 22nd Fernando Lamas, 'Arlene' "Dahl, Patricia :Medina, • "SANGAREE" ;A.• ..'romantic' adventure 'in spectacular colour.. The Following Business Places. Brown's 'Fruit Marker - BA. '.Service :Station Crawford's Feed Store McLennan & MacKenzie • .Henry's'. Fruit Market . Montgomery's Garage Greer Radio &, Electric Ashton's Sentinel ' Office Are Backing '':The ''Playhouse: )Robert Campbell ; • . James E. Little Welsh Meat Market: J. E: MacDonald Garage Chin's Restaurant Finlay Decorators Hall's Economy Grocery :• Button's Butcher Shop 4. ATRE Gixlerich First Showing' 7.30 — Second Showing. 920 ' Now—"Come Next Spring" -in technicolor with Ann . Sheridan.. MONDA-y, T.I�ESDAY : & -WEDNESDAY ▪ Please Note': Owning to'the length of this Special Attraction • there, :will be one showing .each night . starting at 8 , o'clock. . Doors' open' at. 7.15 pant "A, STAR .1S BORN" • in Cinemascope and Technicolor • Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson, Charles. Bickford A Warner Bros. I31ue' Ribbon Winner directed by Geo. Cukor:. THURSDA+ii, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ' __ r is �✓an oren and IyioneL-Ha' fl ,aou._ ,.._. • Take, us out tinder 'prairie stars for a' two-fisted tale of the wide-open, West, .�:. ``STAR I-IY THE -. UST" In Techniedilor y=,,,wl�t�iw:►w'rK:+1�ir1�t��HMiiM�+hM�i.�1�t`NrK .. _ . 1 • • w. • .11 '4,. 1i