The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-05, Page 4PAGE, T • 4 THE LUiGK,Now sENTINET.,, I uk9 NOW,, :ONTAAIQ. CHAR TS FOR (SALE -18' x 22 iz� fair shape..C:has: Copgram,• phone 137M. • FOUND. --black and tan ,hound. . Owner apply. at Municipal' .:Of- f iee - (LOS'T small .black spaniel .fe male dog. Fred •Martin,- • Dungan non 68-r=6. GLAD$ .FOR'•SALE --- aPPly: to Mrs Lorne Luther,, R. r3,; Luck-. now; phone 65-r-44 Dungannon. FOR RENT— ' apartment above Lucknow Print Market. Apply to ..,Mirs..Wm. .Bolt; Lucknow. MR SATE -Tetra Petkus rye, $2.15 per bus. cleaned and treat- ed, . Ross. Gammie, R. ,1, "Luck - now, 'phone 64*r-31, •149,$'T—large Scotch collie pup, abut 9 months old, black with white collar and long nose. Tom Inglis, "Phone; . 22-r-43 . FOR SALE - •50 . yearling : hens, -7-1401-g; New Hamp and. White Wyadotte,' Fisher "strain $4.50 each. R. ' B..Quance. Lucknow:• CLEARING AUCTION SALE Household Effects & Real Estate Centre Street, WINGRAM; Ont, SATURDAY, SOT. 8th' at. 1.30 porn:; Large. .list .,of •household, effects; TE IMS ASI(- Real Property' ii -room. brick, dwelling With ;3 piece. bath . and. autos iatic furniace ,•!hardrwood; floors, „mod- ern vkitehen: Terms"; °,on';• 'Real, Estate -410 percent .down ' on day Of sale, balance ' in. 15 days:' Real estate offered .subject. toa re- serve bid. Bob `Rider, ° Prop.; L: G. Bryce, Auc.. , LOST OR MISLAID .in Ex - Guides' homes, a number of Girl, Guide tett books thatbelong •to.' the 1st Lucknow Cb-mpany. An' early return,. of, these',-' would be' mum apPrec ted, So , that the. Company. May start this'' season fully- ° equipped... ARt tCl L. ,IN,SEMINATIOgi For ;. artificial insemination.. formation or 'service , frorn ,all breeds of cattle, phone the . :As- Cattle " ' Breeding e :y(�',P,�IyT�EI)—highest ' prices" aterloo . ' sociation at Clinton • HU 2=3441' paud • 4fo� •• claves. and „grass seed.. Harvey. .Ha edorn, 'hone 7144,.or Kincardine 460 -between .7 30 . g.. , F, RvP1eYr i and 9:.30 am. Wehave;.ill breeds available top quality at •.' low, FOR SALE ' OR • RENT-; I -room house in Lucknow;. 3 -piece • bath. Mrs Bruce • MacKenzie, 'phone. 157.s.0•04. Lucknow, FOR SALE-1Genesee seed,' wheat at $2.00 per 'btislel, or $2.25 " per. bushel cleaned ' and treated R..T., Kilpatrick, phone, D mgannon 77-r-2. HOUSE FOR SALE—modern 8 - ,room . brick .. house: op; Havelock. • St:. "Oil furnace, hardwood "Doors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland; Luck-' bow FOR SALE — a ' purebred roan Shorthor bull calf, 10 months :old. This is' • a choice animal priced at $150. James Forster; R :REST ROM ACCOMODATION 1, Lucknow, ` phone 43 r- •,'Accomoda�tion. a v a 1,1 a b 1 e at Carruther's Convalescent Home. FINANCING` A CARP Home -cooked meals, modern con- • B.efore • you buyask; about our. veniences,:warm.' Registered .nurs- Low : Cost Financing Service with. Mg available if reqfiired in case I complete Insurance Coverage, J of sickness. ' Apply to , Elliott Car A. McDonagi, Insurance Agent,' ruthers, R, 3, Holyrood, phone phone Dungannon. 61-5. - 27-16 .Ripley. REAL ESTATE WANTED — listingson farms, homes, ' businesses, small , hold ings, properties all descriptions. Contact ' John ' Hall, Phone ;116, Lucknow, .Ont,. agent. for W. L: 'Stevenson Real Estate, Mount•. Forest.. MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for.sale by the quarter Beef killed' under lie.' ense front .• the Department" . of Health. Choice" Hereford .year. lings. Custom butchering. a ,spec- iality. • ' RaAutrd: Ackert;` Holyrood Phone .24-30, Ripley ‘ • 1 'COMING: EVENTS 1. 'LEGION• 'AV/CILIARY BINGO Take a chance at the Bingo. to be ,'held;: in the -Legion Moons on Saturday, . Septetn�ber • 8th, 9,00 to10.30 p.m, 1.0 cents per. game.' Come,,out folks and share in the fun. -Cash prizes.. ' NOT CE SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting:of the Local Association of the Girl Guides will k e held in the Guide Rooms, on Monday, September 10th at. 8.00. o'clock; Bailey's, `Beauty ,Salon "will . be closed:: ll day ' Saturday, Septem- ber 8th , • NOTICE µ New Das 'Schedules 'Effective . ' immediately; '• morn= ing and afternoon busses will .• be leaving, Lucknow. Afternoon and evening. busses ; Will be return- ing., - For -further particulars call Cowan's Lunch. • • D: OF THANKS We wish to express our. heart- felt: thanks, and appreciation to all those who were so, very kind and sympathetic' in our' be-; reavements Special "thanks for',' the many .beautiful .floral trib- utes and the Many • other acts of . kindness. Mr. and : Mrs. Er st Gaunt, •Donald and : Karen, Mrs. . Gordon MacTavish- arid M cost.. a�ril ` .yn Married 'at Whitechurch. At : Whitechurch manse on Monday, :Augusts 27, '4956; Dori • anne Elizabeth, daughter .of • Mrs.- Luella Caesar and. .the. late Wm. Caesar .of Dungannon 'as ` Unit- ed ;in marriage to- Clarence Adams of Whitechur,ah. . 1955 Pontiac,• .fully equipped ; 1955 Standard Chev. Sedan, fully. equipped 1955 Pontiac Powerglide `Sedan, . fully, equipped 1952 Chev. Deluxe Sedan . 1952 Plymouth Sedan.. • 1952 Chev. Convertible werglide full 1951 Chev. Sedan • exp $1,9No• $1995 $2,095 $1,095 .i i$ 950 ped , x..$1,495 . 795 1950 Ford Coach i i w i • i •".1950 Plymouth Sedan ,, ,. ii. -- 1949 'Chev. Deluxe S. edan 1. • • $ 450 . $ 795' 695. :$ 495 .$ 295'. Two 1948 Pontiac Sedans{• . •44.411:11.4•0.••',-• 0.411 •.i i...ir. Yii iii i.. 1947 Dodge .Sedan ..i .... .......i....a4ii.444, 4 :.ala.... •C...i,iii.46443 TRUCKS • A .Number Of Stake Trpcbs. in -1947 and 1948 .Models. 1952. International I -ton Stake with racks i i1i.i.i., .;,.. $ 895 1949 Chev. a/ -ton .Pick -Up i . ..,iii,•.i ..........$ 300 Bruse1s Motors Huron - County's. #Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade, Terries . open Evenings Until 10 (Cities Service, Dealer Phone'.'h3ri, I russels WHITECHURCH•.. Congratulations to the newly weds,, Mr. and Mrs.':Clarence• Adams, who 'were :married last 'week. We ..welcome • Mrs. Adams to. the :community and wish their? much •happiness; Mrs. John F.. MacLean return- ed home oto Wroxeter 'after vis iting last week with Mrs Gib."I -Son Gillespie and her many, friends in ; Whitechurch.. - JVIr. • Allan Reed took a' bus load from here and Wingham to. Toronto Ex -en Tuesday• • of last week. • • . Rev. and Mrs.' Graydon Cox;_ Donna ''Marie -and Ruth. • Anne, re- turned- from the. beach atSun- Bridge on • Friday. and visited -withMrs. - Rosi. andOlive . until •Monday:: They returned -to Font- hill on ,Monday; Mrs. Alan Turner. spenit, -the week=end :.with Mr. " 'and Mrs. 'Murray: 'Henderson. ' and other. friends• 'in Lucknow. Mr:' and 'Mrs.- .Walter 'James, Roy and Leonard ' visited with . their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Arm thur Moore-• on . Sunday. .Mir. and Mrs Groskorth, Kar en and Paul,. returned home • •on Sunday ' after : • their • two weeks' holiday through the,: States. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and Cathy. Lee are .Visiting with her .parents,. 41VIr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman, . i 1Vi* and Mrs.' Hayes of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr •& Mrs. Victor Emerson.' , Mt-. and ;Mrs. Jack Gillespie & family ' spent the' Week -end with 'their -parents. here. • . Mr. and • ,Mrs. Archie Watt and children spent the week -end I i.. : CO-OP AUTO `. _..•t,.:NSIJ• RANC E , 'Can Now Accept . TOWN • RESIDENTS &.-COME( C1'ALLTRUCKS•'- as well .as. the fan* . business. Far .information. consult: T. A. C • -AMMRON, LUCKNOW,. ('hone Dungannon 70-r-14 SOFT MCMUIRCHIE, Ru LEZ Phone • 26-r-23 WEDNE:' ?AX, SEPT. 5th, 1956 y-13.rUce. Market Campign or, Hogs '. al For the, Week August 20th: •to 24th Shippers'. who did not .deliver as directed: • Harold' 'Anstett ,., Cargill. . J H. Maxwell ..,......Chessley J. G. -Benninger, Formosa J. Morrison , Walkerton; R. Kann Chesley D. D. A. A. Nuttall>z1�T8rPt. Elgin Brugce.. Roy Collins Tara Ted Deitz ' Mildmay" A. Sprung , Tara Wm. Elliott, Kincardine 'K,. Thompson .,.Dobbinton W. Barris Ramey. lObt- r -Wittig;: --,-.;.Kincardine Na P V Knapp :..a..........Chesley , Robt, Wight ,, Chesley i 77,6%a or 3,502' . hogs were delivered to the three °peri 1' markets, at ' Toronto, Kitchener and Barrie. Tangible -results gg of the directional •,,prograin. to .- the. open. '. Market,. when on fast :Wednesday: *the agency rr'anager had sufficient hogs to raise the.' price:to .$29.00. This. .despite strong' . resistance from the \large .packers; . 2.2.4% or 1,010 hogs. were delivered to 7 pacnk ng plants namely; Canada' Packers, Swift, J. 1V1. Schneider; .Burns, Fearman, Essex and W'hyte's. ; JAMES' DOYLE, Presldent, Bruce County. Hog Pr&tueers b• 1.09', ACRE,FARNI • Withextra large- barn, eement house adth= fi*rtauee, .hydro, . hot and ' sold : water and other cianveuiettesildrilled,Well, i pletiaent• shed, pit pen, - hen - ,house .Tlri>s_ faaiytn fl+:_:In_ exeellefit ::state of •eultivation, Iodated, at Con: ;]:0,' Lot 25, Cniross.: • All enquiries should be addressed lo • DRYDEN ; GREEN, ,R,R, No.. 1, HOLYROOD, ONTARIO (This Advertisement Published Free . b ALLIED FARM SERVICES, 243% "Dundas Street; London, Ontario:: 'with' their parents,'• .Rev. and Mrs. Watt. Mrs. Walter Lott has :returned" to .the .village . after 'spending sev- eral weeks in ;(Calgary with her son• -- Bob andifarxrily;. and also ;iii• • Toronto with Kra.. Browning. and . Ernest.:...: Mr. Bill Willis returned home from Strathroy on Sunday after spending, the holidays ' with ."'his aunt, and.. uncle` there. '• • BLENDED. TO: a. . o! ,NOT TO. set a Prjce Lucknow .'Mone 71