The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 941147 WEDNESDAY; 'AUG: 29th,; 1956 DAVE ANDREW (Conthiued from rage '2) of Work an(' couldn't get to !eel- jpg really happy in On April 1 1929 Air. Andrew ite ty he ot Id returned to his first and favor calling. He entered the faeul of agriculture at Guelph in t Soils department. He did a. 1 of Work in the fertilizer fie and gave Short courses and le The .sEurie year he received a call frOln Alberta from the min- isior of agriculture, the EOM : George Uoadley, while on a visit .1.104i:110T wanted hitn to •Of• his brothero Jack Andre*, as' instruct/tor in animal, husbandry ant • to -the deputy minister of tion. He was to start his duties "He Temainecl at Vermilion nn - til 1933 and uPon the school be-. ing closed, temporarily in the Later, he went kaek to,Vermilion but was only there a year when the. school was turned over as headquarters for the pwAcs.', He remained •at Verntilion.dUr- ing his period agricultural re-, presentative lor the district. In- Septeinber. 1942 he began his dutie's is. secietarY of the Can- adian -Heretford Aisociatieri.. He in VerMilion until the autumn of 1944 when it, Was- moved to. Cal - When :he took Over 'as secrei- ary,, the Canadian' Herefford As-' 810. In 1955 it had, risen to .6,616. . Sone achievement, but .he gards.. it 'with understandable . work ,as Seeretary :which Di A. has torr ,do.', This- Stirrurret,' iStarting ; South equntries On be- half.. Of the "Hereford industry. Ile.Will attend the World Here- ford.•Conference in Buenos—Aires in. July. April he attended- the • :American Hereford Congress iri He lias already visited Mexico tWice the U.S once and' the • British Isles Once, in connection .1krith Hereford . business. 4e at- tended the Werld's first Here- ford Conference which was • held .. in the area of *the breed's 'origin, 'Hereford, England; in '.1951. 'Countlesi .trips arc Made, with': • hi Canada to Hereford 'sales and prominent. breeding areas: Once ,yery three Years *a tour is made of the Maritime. provinces to -1O.ok oVer, the industry there. , , Andrew was, married, at ,Kineardine,.. in 191q, to ElVa, Stanley. Hii wife 'is an Ontarie girl but had spent some time THE =mom 'srx`Y'I• ,• NEL, :LUCKN0W' ONTARIO at. Denver, Colorado, and' can ,be as a Westerner before her 'husband was. • 'The Andrew's ,havetwo daugh- ters, 'Mrs. William, Dwyer whose ,husband is an RCM officer. at Nipigon, Ontario, and •Mrs. A. C. Butts, the' wife of a commercial artist in New York City: --m- ' From the membersof the Hereford Association comes this tr' ibtite: "Dave Andrew?Well they just don't come any 'better; Dave's quiet and' careful and he knows what. he's doing.. I'd say he's: abouti the most dependable man you could, ever " find". To Build Rural School • The contract has been let to build a modern 2400m. rural school! in Colborne ` • Township, Cost of the building• will be N P PAG THE COST of an trouPs work in busiriess includes sonle money' that the :employee 010:es not get im- in addition ..cto the homily' wage, there is the money'. ., the priployer must set aside.. for vacatiOns,w#h pay, for giatuecmy holidays and for Onemtiloyffient. surance; in the case of many ..coMpanies there is also, the money requi'red for hospital and medical Care, for .penSions and Other "frit s" ° therriselves save. for their ,holidaYs and their future needs and desires. On the cither hand, peOple.who 'work in some large enterpriSes for salaries or . -wages apparently prefer to have their employer . set .aside for thein money .for .such purposes., _Fringe „benefits are. saVings for:the benefit of the employees and, a substantial ekpense, fOr 'the .em-. yloyers.. They are part of thei cost of an. hour's . and Mr.‘and elk's. Cecil Eckmier and Ronald, Ethel, were yisitors with Mrs. W. A. Andrews one ter Suzanne of Toronto Spent last Week With Mr. •apd Mrs. B. Ashfield. , On their return to Toronto, Miss Lynda, e re- ttirtred With them for a eek. Miss Pearl Caldwell, erriployed at. the Huron County Home at Clinton, is •at her horne here for, a rest. Mrs. Henry. ,Hortorr, who is making- her home .with her dau- ghter Mrs. :Orland 'Here, ori.• the 2nd Con, ,of West Wawanosh, visT: Sunday,,,among village Canadian Foreign Bible ScicietY, reports $128' *collected .this.'year frorn this area.. . Bill park (free IVIarce Ashton), who .were married Saturday. • Mr, and Mrs. Tom Park:spent Sunday visiting 'Mr., and Mrs, George Laylot, 'Auburn: ' Canon Geoghegan Of Wood- stock visited Mr.. and, Mrs. R. J. ,Durnin one day last , week, also visiting.vvere Mr. • and *Mrs. Leo • , Mrs.' Stewart Nah Frances. Crozier) spent last week' with her .brether, Clifford Croz- ier, Crewe, and visited others, in Erskine Presbyterian W.M.S. 'met at the home �t Mrs. Will Reid. MrS. Herb Stothers pre- sided, Mrs. Wallace Wilson was charge- of the devotional per- iod. Mist 'Mary MaCKenzie gave JaS.- Wilson, while at her cpar- ental halite at Kenora, visited the ,Indian School" and gave a first hand report of their pro - STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED en by the*Auxillary here•to that schoOl.. After 'the *reading "A Widening Circle" in the Study l3opk, -Mri W. McClean closed with prayer. Lunch was served Mrs: Ann King of, the Baker's Hospital, Lucknow, day with Mrs: Minnie "Jones. Miss. Laura Grady,. -Toronto, a teacher, visited a few'days with her cousin; 3/fr. Percy Horne and friend, Mrs. Nellie *Stewart, ' ..Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown attended -the funeral on Monday of his c,ousin, the late Mr. How- ard Fanson of Mitchell, age 52, who passed *away very sudd ly. Miss Kathleen Andrevv$ day after holidaying with her Miss Flora Durnin of. Mark-. 'dale ,spent the week -end with a.nd Mrs. Arthur Brown, Dianne .-and Steven of _Dundas visited his brother, Mr.. Wilbur Brown,, one day last week. 'Mr. Ken •BroWn. returned to Ottawa last week after holidays with his parents, .111-. and Mrs.. Wilbur Brown aiird-Wayne: Recent' visitors with Mrs. Mat - the* Shackleton Were Mrs. Law - daughter Barbara • Anxi, Mrs. Keith GraY and 'son Garry of TorontO; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shackleton, Donny and Bobby :of Detroit and Mrs. Ellen Shackle- ton of the Village, Mr: and Mrs. Alex' Geddes, and Alex Jr., Mrs, John- McWhinney eind'Mrs. Robt.• Reid of port Elgin. - Mrs. 3.t. Shackleton accornpan- led Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Webb of Goderich to visit their .cous- ins, Mr. .and Mrs. Orville 'Cham- bers of Woodstock and 'called on their aunt, Mrs. Theresa Corn- elius,.Huron County Home, Clin- Mr. and Mrs.' George Ha.mil- Ied Mrs. Jos. Hamilton on Sun- day. • • MIDWESTERN HAYRIDE, Dived from the' NBC-TV Network,. the ' nation's top Country and Western Show, with a fast rnavialt-varietr-o/ Mask, dancing' and comedy, Moriday and Tuesday afternoons 2 p.M.. Granilstand, Also Texas Tommy anti SharIcey the Seal. ' Children 50e Adults,•$1,00...Reserved Seats $1.50 Monday Afternoon Special - Children 25c . • INTERNATIONAL •REVII.E. -, featuring The Mariners George Harnid's scintillating revue plus Prices: , foui different and exciting, Grandstand Shows. Make your reservations ealyrhy ' writing to the Western Fair Association, Queen's Park, London, Ontario, NOW! 0,0t. Weilneiday and thursdaY Afterneons. ' „Canada's' Richest Celt Futurities' Pluft'other crass races anil light 'and heavy harness eventi. • Prices; Children 56e, Adults 51.00 Reserveci Seats $1.50 APER with Lassie, The Mighty Supertnan, Wild Bill Ccidy, Joe Phillipe and Nis 'To o ined Norse Stookey. plus other Riddles! TV faveurites- friday Prices: Children .50c, Aclults $1.00 Rese'rved Seats $1.50 Special Saturday Morning, Shim, Lon cion , •