The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 5s .r . N�►wlif+ Into Poor Forint zit ?.. 9 , ;ecretwi Set rz ►our' nearest silk of MoAtreal manager, sb9ut: ,a )Farm InTr - : r ,• .P einem �t.00sn.� ../ Lucknow Blanch: 06144/44 94‘e1 XLTON RA NER; Manager .. W•rk1M0 ,wI `Co110d. _ til,. over,. weft: ,aft 1?!• Oai,• 1117 Y . cUt.ROSS .CORNERS • Bob Wall spent last 'week with David Shewfelt, Kincardine, Elda and';Bev ley' Wall. spent some time with ..Miss' Corabelle and -Bernice Thonipsan. . Miss ; Ellen Maride of. Erin - dale and Mr.Dick McBride of Lucknow spent 'Tuesday; 'evening with Mr.:and Mrs. Jack Schu imacher•. Mr.. and' :Mrs.Joe Wall Iti.uck- now, visited Saturday with . +1VIid I Wall. , ford wait. ` • .. . ' Mr.:Ed MOOallum and Clam' A .pedestrian is a ence • and : Mrs. May ' Jackson. doe fellow �' who •WroXeter. Y of sn't ...know knov� where. .his - next spent 'Sunda with Mr automobile ' is. coining from. land Mrs. Frank Brow test in, Teeswater.. • Sunday• visitors' with- Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher ,'were Mr. and/Mrs. Jas..Stanley ' and ,Cecil and. Miss Kay Middleton and ;Al- lan Wall' of Kincardine. ' . Sunday visitors"' with Mr. ' and: Mrs. Alex 'Whytock were: Mr. & Mrs. Wes 'Whytock of Teeswater,. •Lleyd;'Whytock :and Miss Roberta" Helm. Billy . and John:, Zettler spent Monday' afternoon -with Doe n .and Reg. 'Congratulations: to )Miss Elaine Meyer : on passing her sy�;i j Scales' never did. .seem to add T; OVENS NEWS) .. Marjorie Ann Ceron 20 . year-old. ' daughter . of.. Mr,f an" .. d Mrs. Gtxr-don •Cameron of BIaeke, Alberta, has been Selected it university Of Alberta as y the 'change (student with an ex- necticut Teachers College at +Con.,. Britain,' Conn.' eW r Caixt ' a crooks a ,fanner. res . dent • of the •'St, Helens district;. and Mr "John Cameron ;. is an uncle of •Marjorie .Arlo., 1950 Miss Cameron won'. the Governor;General award for they Foothills Sehoo District..rn. 1954' she : won • the .$500 Hotelmen's A's sociation . award and an honor Sc1ho1`00huip Of $50 ' •She attended: her first year of onivHerstterald y`' seat Calgary and ` won the sh;ip in English of $50. She took her second year, at Edmonton and, 'after her., seri- ester in Connecticut will :be, tak- ing her fourth year in, Edmonton again in education., The corrirmunity was deeply shocked • arid.. saddened -by the, tragic,: accident that ' took the lives. of Donald 'Mael'avish., and. Eddie Gaunt Tho deepest' sym- pathy 'of everyone goes, out to the • sorrowing.,families,: :and Mrs. Newton- -Jaynes of Point Pelee were guests of Mr and Mrs. Wallace Miller. and other ;relatives Wast week +Miss. Anna ,Stuart of Toronto agent the week -end with, Mr. .and Mrs George; Stuart an and Stuart. d Mr, Joe Miss Eiieen Sparkes of Wing ham 4 -Hospital, staff. �sPent ;the. Week -end with 4.r. and Mrs. Fred McQuillan The September meeting of the Women's Institute • will' be held at the home ` of Mrs. T. J. Todd on Thursday, September 6:th at. 2.30. Roll. • call, '. Whitt: makes .a good 'farmer's wife; 'motto,, rad - int. the future on a farm . takes e' and a strong right axon, rs. Lorne . Woods Mrs, G•or., Kirkland and. Mrs.'. ` Mier fnini j courag ng couch weight to ,a, fish story. b'. M •• don 1VIcChai les will be. • guest, speak ers on• leat.hereraf't and metal; work,' .All• the ladies are urged_ - 9., The delightful,` Mellow weather. of: late stimmer•:and early. f art `makes for pleasant .travelling: And this is an ideal pime for, that adventurous sightseeing trip to interesting, t0,ces in Canada °and:the United States. A wider choi e" • of occonintodgtion 'is available when the mid-season hubbub is..over: Now is • the time to travel ; by• train 'Canadian National Railways suggest Where to go., Picturesque Muskoka, Lake of Bays; Georgia, Boy Bracing, Onterto'Highlands " 4 � • Bastin uish ed..i.Glltentalt,.l2.eS4. �S--•-_,Y,....�. Glamorous Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle Scenic• Jasper Notional.Pci& Fascinating California* Historic Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa*. Exciting New York City, Atlantic City Bustling Detroit, Chicago Maple leaf Podage tours kvaifabite to these paints. Ask tot d&Ytrsp• Live !Booklet,. Economical .Family tare plan.available to t'arifiz Coast point's, travel Wise people agree the fraifr way is the tumitsrtabke, relaxing way.to travel, ' Give'yourself a -trent. , and go by trout,. -.go o rC IO • Cotiract Your CANADIAN NATIONAL • r' o,, • to birng ;a pie . for the ,pumpkin.. pie contest and the ladies aro) reminded to bring their entries for the, Lucknow Fair. 'comped,:. tion. ;Hostesses,, Mrs. John Cam- Bron. arid.' Mrs. Frank McQuillan,. PURPLE GROVE A' number of, the girls of .Grove Walkerton d achievement Grove attended on Tuseday, _- Mr. arid Mrs. Victor Gaw and. Velma, Marierie 'and Gla were visitors of 'the Misses.Let and Ada '.Gawley of Ripley: Sunday; Mr. "McLean Jamieson, M Andrew ''Jamieson, M•rs. J:oli 13e11 • of • "Woodst ock, Mrs. Let f.Triles and .Tack Trites' of 'Petrol the day Iey Glad tie an s. ie n Lett vis; ed at the borne of 'Mr; 'an M. George S:. Emerson;las Week.. • Miss • Katherine Bushell ., pen a few days ;at Mr. Tom McDon aid's: ; ' Mrs. John . rrierson visited at the home ofrs. Wilson " Irwin 'on Wednesday' s., Hector Knight of M'r Picton, •Mr. 'Robert Mc(CoSh, `Mrs. ;Beg Moore, Mrs: Ernie •Pollock of Rip ley, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Webster, Yn • noir. k -ravideff, Mr. and • Mrs: Ardiil Mason. Mrs. George Colwell and Jack, ;Mr. and Mrs, ?rank Colwell, ,Mrs. John Colwell;.lVlr.atid Mrs. 'Wal- ter Forster were visitors atthe home of Mr. and • Mrs. Donald: McCash: . •Miss. Mary Anne MoCosh visit ed, at th home of 1tr, and Mrs., George Colwell last week.' Mr olid Mrs. Prank Currie are atioslmg:, Toronto e rhibit ors.. WEDDING' BELL >ErASTMAN N.CEBE. ,T At a . double, ring ceremony which' tookplace in the .Burl- ington • Baptist . Church, Burling- ton, Ont.; on August lath, Mr. Arid Mrs, .Phillip Clifford' East- man 'were ' united in marriage by • with McCL • Eepnonticaill Guarasitee • • Automatic!. Compact! • Clean! Attractive; Quickly Leaded!. Effiieient�t Effective! • • Quiet! Enjoy `greateyr heating of ficiency : eonibbled with • coin pact,' attractive 1eiign- with ' a , Ci'y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 T.0 • ..1 s Pl bing, Heating, Whin g, . EaFetrougbing . • 'PHONE 50, LVCKNOYp mnews INSURAN(E Agenc Ontario Member of o Irnsurance Agents -;Association. GENERAL INSURANCE Estabtished Over Thirty, Years • Y ars A.go •. • 'elehones: CWARD AGNEW llietli e 39. Residence` .13 ressure for DEEP and SHALLOW WELL WATER SYSTEMS : .:. ,;. Ftutimaiteffi Oil Burners Pbone' •. O1- r43, Dwaigannon the Rev L. V. cul nini- ster of the'. church. The :bride is the only • daugh"ter of ..Mr. and Mrs. H. G:' Hiabbert, Aldershot, .and the groom is. the sen of Mr..' and Mrs. C. E. •Eastrrian, Eur)--� ington. The bride, • who was given away.,. t by herr father, wore a •f oor length dress of white net over satin with Iace•r bodice. Her 'tulle veil of fingertip length, was •held to a beaded cornet. She Carried .a 'boa i•quet of red, roses and White baby •mnums. The ,matron of .honor, Mrs. Wm. • Christiansen, $conte,. Ont., wore a.. blue 'ballerina dress of"net The two bridesmaids who _were_Lconsins_oL,theLbride,_also,,W, wore• lbltze net ballerina dresses. They were •Misses Dorothy Arn- aid, Hamilton, 'and• Barrie er, ° Aran • Arbor, Mich. All 'three wore identical • headdresses. of •blue half hats, with flower trim and carred wicker ' baskets : of baby mums . Mr. George `Torrance, Burling-. ton.. acted as best man. The utsln- ers 'were ,Messrs. Colin Enuner- sori, ,Burlington and ROSS DatarS Harnilton.- "Miss --Dorothy . Pourell 'Hamilton, ,presided at the_ organ and Mrs.' W. O. Hines sang "0 Perfect Love" and 'The. Wed-.. ding Prayer#5. • At the reception for seventy` guests in the 'chUreh. ierr Mrs. Hu:btiert received wearing a ear- sage of .'pink and white carnet-- lions' on her de1ph iniion blue • a R. 3 .Gucknow, Ont. • IMPERIAL Esso; DEALER Esso: and Esso Extra Gasoline Marvelube . and Mine�ralub MoBILOIL • 7 \TLA . TIRES Always look to �,fiitn - for� the best iteriat *** Modern . L011- jiie . Fo ,. WlieeI AIigninerit and Wheel Balancin J.' E. MacDONALD Phone 31, 1410610W hadof silk She dr with lace trim. • d white accessories •• to com- plete the costume. 'rhe 'groom's. mother. assisted her wearing a -taupe' silk dress .with lace trim.. She had 'White ..and :brown ac- cessories and a corsage of talis- man roses. • dor her .honeyrnotn to the Kawartha .Lake • district, the bride were a two , piece dress of pink brocaded taffeta with mat chins accessories,