The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-15, Page 10•WrialeaPPWARSPWRAIECP ......... .. ,Lr'K.NOWS1NTI>tTlr LUCKNOW,: .ONTAir' WAPN AX,, .;TtarUST 10, ,1.956. I. SEEYTHE :SENTINEL:.._ 1 CU RQ$S CORNERS Donnie Wall : spent Wednesday i with Freddie ''Morgan; Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs.'James ' Wraith .spent ; Tuesday `afternoon` with. Mme• Mary. Gaunt , and Joe Gaunt. and 'Mr..• and ,Mrs:.. Walter Baylif f boys & Mrs: Kenneth Chari - of ga°milton `•spent' Tuesday . Mr: andrt f°dg ns•. Misses Elda and Beverley Wall. returned home after' holidaying hit. Mr.. and :,Mrs. Elmer Wall:•: , Mr. and Mrs.:. James Wraith ri. _visited Sundaywith Mrs. George:' Bell, who is .a patient in Kincar dine ' Hospitat. • Mr. and Mrs. Morley. Wall and family spent' Sunday evening ,.at Brown's .avid -Ste ewfelt of )incardine David. spent a ' 'few' days at 1Vloxley Wall's. Misses. Elda and Beverley Wall visited during the week with Mr. and „Mrs. `.Bert Shewfelt, Kinear•- • Mr.. and Mrs, Frank Thompson. and family, Mr. and: Mrs. 'Elmer Wall, 8th Con:; Mr, ,& Mrs. Grant Wall and family and Mr and Mrs. Morley Wall and family at- tended a family picnic ' at Poplar Beach oh Sunday Miss Helen Schumacher Don Robertson of .London, Miss Lois Haidenby of Winghana . and Mr. Edgar Guest, Victoria, B,C., spent Sunday :with Mr, and, Mrs. John., Schumacher. $US TO MAKE LAST TRIP THURSII,AYY TO: TEESWATER Thursday is • the :last • day this season that .Allan iReed's- bus will make : the. "trip to the Teeswater Pool with .local members of the swim classes. • On Monday • next, those who have qualified to take the : tests in the `various .classes, "wifF be tested. Those 'qualifying will • be notified on Thursday, and other transportation arrangements will have to 'be made for next Mon- day. On • that day Allan is taking locate Girt: Guides -to v: Gude ' camp at Doe Lake at Sprucedale, under. the direction of. thein leader, Mrs. A. E. McKim.. Guides who. have been taking swimming lessons at Teeswater, :may be tested at the Guide Camp :if• they so 'desire. THAI Bert 'Ward made ;his an- nual pilgrimage :this month to 'Greenhill Cemetery to. place . a• floral tribute on the grave • of the late Dr. A. G. Elliott, The Doctor :died 'ori the 2nd of 414- • • ust 1923 'and°:Bert has annually paid tribute to:his memory in • t stoic• the riskof being locked out of your car or home . if you lose your keys: 1. • We have installed' a new key cutting machine and a good stock of blank keys for . all cars, tractors and locks,; Bring in your keys and have -son extra -ones made while you wait. t r'a�CaS:e hi tft 4' M'PBELL ports and Auto Supp "t p; • Phone 65, Lucknow, Ont, THAT approximately •eighty de-. scendants of David Errington, Sr.,atliered at . Harbor Park, Goderich on , Sunday. ,for a' family :reunion,' coming • from Kincardine,.Lucknow, Auburn,I Grand Bend, Clinton, Goderch, ' Brussels ,Bluevale, -Dungannon and Comber. After spending: a sociable' afternoon 'visite all en- :.3oyed , a pot 'luck - 'supper to gether, i, THAT Bill 1Vfathers of 'the •Can.- •adian.Navy at Halifax is:spend- spend- ing two weeks leave with his parents, Mr. and :Mrs.. James. Mathers. Bill' drove his car. down from the east coast ac- companied by twoother sailors - zhe will spend .leave with . their farnilies lo_ THAT Mr. and .Mrs. Wm.. Griffin' have moved from the farm. in. Kinloss to an apartment -in , the ,Henderson Brock. Mr -s. ' Grin • has . been employed for some time at . Baker's Private • Hospi - ,. tal. Bill ` is currently working` • in the tobacco country and Leonard is sailing . this season.. AT -Mr. -R B.- Quance recently -.attended • the . funeral of his . 'sister-in-law, M. r s . Morris Quance, age 60, who died sud- denly from. a heart attack at. • her- home in Exeter -Last-week- Mr. Quance was at Grand Bend attending the ;'funeral 'of his. brother -m -law, ` Wm. • J. Beer: lis. death occurred . at the age of 70 from a ;heart'' condition.: • MAPLE.L'EA'F CANNED HAM 1 / lb, SALAD DRESSING .Miracle Whip, 16 .oz, STRAINED:BABY FOODS Gerbers, 5 N KLEENEX . Regular: or Chubb} _ ____ VARIETY ASSORTED C McCormick's; 1 ib, pkg. _; __ ___�_�_ Values ,Effegtjve August .16, •17, 18 1 _..'..nor Phone 20 --- Lucknow know Market FREE •" DELIVERY this way. When Bert came to Canada, • he was employed, briefly, at the: Stewart --fawn Con. 2, Huron. Township, ' and - then for' seven 'years worked .then and Mrs. Wilson , �ain- 1VI . ilton, Mrs.. Hamilton's• death oc- curred last :•week, ' and;:. Bert's tribute was that she had been a real mother. to him. He ' came to' Lucknow from' the`Hamilton farm; and was employed • 'by • Dr. Elliott until his•. death, _.TIIA.Z_Gordon .Fisher '• is having_ a bout with the shingles, which doesn't.: make ° barbering any the easier:: these .days, THAT Dr. J. K. M: Gonion .of Ottawa, .arid . a native' : of St. Helens, observed his 87th birth- 11.S. i th- H S: GRADE X 1 H day in ; July. • •In renewing ;his . • Sentinel subscription he sends :EXAM RESU RESULTS .` "' , : greetings to "any old friends h Beverley Ashton'- Eng.. Comp. III, Eng.: Lit: C, French Comp. C; Aig..I, Geom. 'C.. ' ' Percy Barr' Eng. Lit. C, Fr. Authors t, Ting. C,: `:,Chem. C. Charles Grin Eng. Comp. c French 'Authors C French Comp. 'C, Phys., C, thein. L. • • Dale Haldenby _'Eng.. Comp. C, French' Authors . C, Fr. Comp. C, Geom. ',.C, Chem. 'C, Zool.: C. John. Helm.-= •Chem..C. Beverly MacKenzie - Eng.!' Comp: III;_ Eng. Lit. 'III; Lat. Au. IIT; Lat Comp. ,C, Alg.''I, Geom. 1I, Zool III, Hist. IL . Ken MacNay Eng. Comp. III, Eng. Lit. • French • Authors' 'C, French . Comp; C, Alg. II, Geom.; C, Phys. C, Chem.. Norma; Murray '-, Eng.'. Comp. 7QI,' Eng. 'Lit.` in, Zool. Ce • Carman •Nixon Eng. ,Conrlp. III, Geom. C,' Trig. M George, Richards = Eng.. Comp.. II, Eng. Lit, II, Latin Authors ill, Lat. Comp. +C; Alg'' III, Geom.. C, Phys. C, Chem. • C. • 'Grade XII Ann, Crawford, Hist. I Marilyn. Kilpatrick, Hist 1; ..Marvin. MacDonald, Hist. C Archie McQuillan, Hist: I 1100),. Trig. I; James ' Reed, Hist.. 11; Ruth. Treleaven, hist. I; ' Inge Suter Hist. I. ' Suter, Trig. I; RodwellWraith, 'Trig. • C, Phy.s. C. who may still' remember,' Jim • Gordon .of the 'days' of long, ago". THAT . the. ,.. Lucknow ' Bowling Club's Joynt;trophy tournament • was rained• otit last Thursday ' evening •;It has been' difficult' • to', work in a.. date . for re -stag.;: ng 'the event, and it will likely • be postponed . until after the Club's big Labor- Day tourney. THAT tenders have . been called' for :the construction of a new • post office at Tee•swater.• THAT `Mr. and Mrs. `J.': W. Joynt returned the first JA .the. week:': from an . ' overseas, trip. . that started'Iin' late May. They 'were • met at Toronto en Monday by. their son George.' '• • THAT` Cph ''T. D. Clark of the. Royal, Canadian. IVIounted Police . las been transferred.'to Regina ffrom. Ottawa, •'where he , had: been stationed for over •three Years. Doug and. Mrs. •Hami1- ton ; •and three children,' Ann,. Tom and' Patricia have been visiting. here with her parents,•. Mr. and M.rs., A. ' W. Hamilton and ' other relatives prior to leaving on Wednesday by motor for the :Nest: STOCK 'TEEN-AGER 'FLATTIES in Black and Brown Leather and Black Patent • at. $3:95 and. $4.95 • W0IVIEN' DRESS.: PUMPS from - -----�-� . ---------�� DRESS OXFORDS . or Men and Senior Boys, from 5.95 $7.95 Itathwefl e !,oi •�1V1 A,LL THS FAMILY . . , REAL, GOOD BT)YS m.. P L`Sly LINED' TEA TOWELS _ : Priced ..•..• :3 for $1.00 • • astel Cotton Hand Towels Priced ........ .......' 5 for $.00 • KIDDIES' COT'T'ON T SHIRTS' Each .:.. ...:.,..4,..: 29 GIRLS' CO I fON VESTS g ,to 14; each , ` _ '25c • COTTON' BLANKETS. • Single bed size, .each. t • 51.00: Just arrived.. New ' shipment 'of FALX. VELVET HATS Be sure to ,.see them.: WORK smB.Ts ' •-aanforrzed, . 141/2 to 11% .. ., ..f,,...,., $2.85 Olive' Green Drill, sizes 15 to. 161/4 ..... .....,:.... ... $2.95 . Bl -de' Covert' Cloth, sizes 141' to 17 .............. ....... .................... $2.79 Blue , Chambray, sizes 141k to 4 .. MEWS BRIEFS & TOPS M .and L each ..•... 59.! • BOYS' BRIEFS M and L, each ..,. w..w:...:. >.....39r SPORT SHIRTS • Seersucker) short 'sleeves, wine, navy, beige, blue and white $1..80,