The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-15, Page 6THE MICKNOW SEN'IINEL,. louCKNOW, ONZ LOCAL CADET i oTURED 4TtliANEIF 1 r.. { 4. 4e - 401 ST; yySS ��yy iY4: k.1:l!Yri3O r: 2 q�vTr i2+i•r rK J, r. ti .44 'r. r Pictured . above are . three Can-' median -.Army. -Cadets from'. the: National, cadet .scamp who lave :been undergoin gthree weeks summer . ' training at . the • resort enre The Banff Cadet Camp is MELD' ,OLIVETS. S., IPICNIC AT ASHFIELD PARK 0 •The' crowd : was large and' the time was a `happy one atr Ash-, ;if.eld. Public Park when the Oli- ±vet congregation held their. �u. The results of the races .were follows:..children 5 and under, Sandra:11VIoCharles, ..1Vlarie Brooks;, ,girls •.8 and under, Paul Uamiltoh, •Billy Black; . girls 8: to 10, Helen bite; boys 8 to 10,, John'A Mc Frles; •girls• 11. to 14, Marilyn Wnlayso' , Carob /.tiggr; boys. 11. to :14, • Ronald Charles, Peter G'uikema;.young ladies, race, Bar - tiara: Anger, Mary Roulston ioung men's, race, Don Mc an "Aiward `camp for/ the best cadets in Canada chosen from the. five Canadian Army: Coanmands." Left' to right. are, Cadet Major. .Gerald • Lafont , of North Bay, Cadet Lt..' Arnold Hartford of Charles, Ted White; married lad- ies, Lorraine McGuire;'. Blanche Hamilton;'; married men, Sandy McCharles, Jack McGuire lad= ies kick the, slipper, Marilyn Pin: layson, :Mary Roulston.;. carrying an • orange :race, Blanche Ham-. Ilton and .Bert Eaton, Marion Mc - Charles and ' :Icon McOharles stepping' on• .plate .• , race, Noreen SVIcC•liarles. and:.Nellie Hoecclunan; Marion McCharles and 'Don Mc-• Charles; :Making g an apron from paper, '.fancy, Minerva. Stewart,. Nellie Hoechman; practical, Mary Black, Alice•Osborne; person hav- ing the :, birthday nearest picnic:. date,' Aon Conry. Mrs. Daisy •. Mc - Charles: was the oldest member present , .while Ronnie McGuire 0 . oL IVET The , Av;gius .: t eeting of the. . xn. . W.M.S. was held at the .home, of: Mrs,. Guike Bandhme emberswere and Baby. present with their leaders, Mrs. Robt. OsVorne and Mrs, Mel. Coil- ing. After the 'children repeated the Baby Band prayer, Mrs: 'John 1VIoCharles told them. ,a story. The pre-school children who had. attended vacation school in Rip.. ley, • sang several songs, led by Mrs, Robt. Osborne. Mrs, Sandy MoCharles . read a story Which had been written by Rev'. Me- Dowell• • of Kincardine. Mrs, Mel Coiling : presented • a : 'certificate and bouquet, of .flowers to the following !children, Who .were pro- motel,°xf rom :Baby . Band to . Mis- sion ,Band,.. Patsy °'and,.Mary K. Mecharlesj ; Sandra McCharles, David Black and ' Lynn Clayton,' The: oldest grandmother; Mrs. Daisy,'•MoCharles, , was presented • with a . gift and corsage, AS was Mrs.. Guikema, t h e • youngest eturned from. Toronto Where she grandmother. .Gifts were present- r ed to the youngest :baby, Steven visited with Mr. and Mrs. :Hart - Henry and 'Ruth White and David ley McTavish. •' '• WCIPONEr41414 AUGUST 'A, OK read the :story{ .0i the Prodigal Son' from; Luke's gospel and Phyllis Clayton led in prayer. A poem 'was' read by Mary 'White. .Mrs. Oliver 1VIcCharles and. 'tidy Nicholson read Stories. 1Vliss. Mary Roulston thanked' the hostess and group, The meeting closed. with . the the W,M$. benediction. A dainty "- lunch' was servedand a social time spent. Lucknow and Cadet Major Nick Hall of Oshawa. Arnold-. left-#or=:Banff--on-.-July.; 12th after two .weeks of refresher training at .Campr'ipperwash ''' was the , youngest. Mrs. Harvey. Several members horn.. Olivet. United Church attended services. at Clark United Church on Sun- day. • The Rev. ltouiston of Lucan was, the guest minister. Mr. ' and ' Mr,'s. „Clarke: Coiling and family were week -end Vests_ at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. John. Colling. Mr. Ronnie,MeCharlea is sRend4 • ing a week at. the Brydon :'cot cage at, iCoipdy's Bay, • ,- •Mr, and Mrs,' Oliver; McCharles• and, family 'spent • 'the-• ..holid'ay .. week -end at Foote's. Bay • in the Muskoka district. ' • ,,Mrs. George M illivf'.ay . has, Black; who celebrated birthdays • ' Linda Wylds returned . home closest to that -of the president's. from St. /Marys where she has • Mrs. Robt. Osborne,:. whose birth- day was closest . to the. day pf the meeting. The ,Mission • Band portion of the meeting was .,led by 'Mrs. Robt, Osborne, After the singing of a children''s hymn the. _Mission Band ` purpose was ' re- peated in unison. John McCharles' Brooks and Mrs. Raymond Ham - %i ilton tied ' for having brought the .largest car load. 1E 0i?R RIVER YOU`.HAVE` Tt11Srl=AUC .101 Bad judgment in passing' . is one of the' most obvious faults oaf a bad driver. Never pull out to pass another vehicle unless you can ;see a clear road ahead. OBITUARY ., • JOHN A. ROBINSON Mr. John A. Robinson died : in Vancouver, B.C., after a very brief illness on July 19th. He was familiarly known : as • jack .to a large:• host of , /friends in' Oyer - son 'United.Church, in A O.'r.s. circles, among Rotarians, and • by his.-'mnany, business associates:. Burn ' in Lueknow aboutt' 66 years ago, he :was connected. with: railroading in the West until he moved 'to •Vancouver about 'thirty. years ago. He' carried, on a busi- ness . as an importer, : and packer. When . the AOTS •(As One That Serves)' movement was founded in. Vancouver in the twenties, Mr. Robinson became one of its.,• most ardent supporters. He was pres- ident of the original club at••iRyer- son. Later he succeeded to the �. presidency of 'the 'original AOTS• • District Council. During the marl he took an active part in iormnirig. a.. National Council » ,and ..vias its first president.: At • the present time, due a good deal to his act= ivities, there ' are, about. a thous- and clubs in the Association. `At the time of his death, Mr. Rob- inson . was honorary president . of the Association He ' was -very active in his church . and; in other orraniza- tions including Rotary, Homes for Pioneer. Citizens,, and many others. He . was largely •respons- ible , for the outstanding success: of , the Narramata Christian Training School of which •Rev: Bob McLaren "is 'Principal He ' was always present at all conventions of ACTS; in the four Western . Provinces and in • On- : tario. He also attended all AOTS Summer. Roundups held firstly at. ean-PPark-•: nd- latter3ly-at-Nar-- amata. ° On the occasion of the funeral from 'hiS beloved church- there was a capacity audience of men and women who had felt his ini- fluence and had admired his ''in- defatigable energy; and unselfish devotion to every worth while cause. He is survived by his wife./In- stead of sending' floral tributes,' :Mrs. Robinson suggested that no flowers be sent but that remit- tances be sent instead yo the Naramata ' Christian aining ,School at Nararin:ata,•',B.0 been `holidaying with her grand- parents,''Mr4i and tars. A. Stone. It: is :reported' the V.S. govern- `meat is having a hard time loz eating -many taxpayers, entitled ' to a refund. Have they tried': the, poorhouse?:. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS? • / DEPARTM' N r OrF-HGHWAYS—.:ONTARIO TRACTOR'? ..Ysst• r ',' • ,'y • -.fit .L.+J� :.%%•'>,/,. it you need a new' tractor on your farm, but haven't the ready cash to buyone ... FIL may be the answer to your need. A B of M Farm -Improvement Loan can put you at the wheel of the latest model very quickly. And there's nothing that saves money, time and work on a.farm quite so much as a modern tractor. If your' propositionis sound, you can • get a IS of M /arm Improvement Loan for any type of equipment you need on your farm. Why not talk to your nearest B ;of. M L\ manager? He'11 gladly show how a taek toolY • . , FK 1114 Sx•r ... his full name it It,rm ;Improve - went Loan. Give him' a chance to belts fix up yore- farm ... he's eco• nomical, convey lent,. versatile. H. can 'do almost anything in malt. Ing your farm. a ovementioan_._.;t N - betiEr fairm.• 11 11 : can help you in your A11. •. operations. ,.. andhow• roNUM/OMGN'AO/ANS .• Bofm little it costs. BANIC..... OF MONTREAi 4 1 V Lucknow Branch MILTON RAYNBR3 Manager Barrister: Do you suggest that he is.•.•.•a thief but, Rastus:if:1 1was•coula dn't sayn that, stikl,' v►e,Ilti 4 WITH CANADIANS IN EVEIII.' WA Ur 0? MI $lN$1""1$? chicke1'd sure 'roost high. f