The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-07-18, Page 411! a. ,x ,i. i¢,4m r t• r Kit•R<^h}w PAGE 1�`OUR • THE , I1TCI'I(AW' .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CAR FOR -SALE - . 1939 Chev coach, in good running order and god tires. Gordon Wall, phone Lucknow 208-r-31.. :Slimmer Clearance Sale of Brand .New SINGER SEWING MACHINES Easy terms Portables: $94.50 for $7.9.958 $1.1..949.5 for $99.90. 'FOR, SALE 20 eight-week old, ,Featherweight. $169.50 for $159,5,. Ala , fully -reconditioned used machines.; The •'Singer guarantee on all machines, SINGER SEWING ;CENTRE . FOR•SALE-77-room liouse,..mod- ' . ern conveniences. Sacriifice• for,.Khlegrdine• "Phone,°255 quick sale..Box 72, Lucknow, BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—a. Sunshine .range# in good condition, Phvne Du gannon pigs. Garnet Eskritt,. H , 7, 'Lucky now (across from -WM. Ware- ' •iris's). �, 0 FOR, RENT apartment above Lucknow Fruit Market.; Apply to 1VIrs. Wm. Bolt, Lucknow. Iii USE TO RENT ' — four -room house with •.three piece bath. Ap- ply .to Mrs. ' Bruce ..MacKenzie,' •• phone 157-w, Lucknow., ' • DayoId, started. Prompt ship- ment, including Ames. In -Cross (more eggs, less 'feed).. Mixed chicks. Broilers . for *.Sept. -Oct. should be on order. Full ,partic- ulars. particu1a'' Agent= day. August 6th. Write McDonald diLeion Kin phone 91 . cardine, for ;application forms; . tC0M1 tF EVENTS. SPARE RIBS KRAUT • Every. Friday and Saturday Night. at the Commercial Hotel, Formosa. • 4%,NDREW-LANE PICNIC The Andrew -Lane picnic will. be .held at the Ashfield . Park on Saturday 'afternoon; July 21st. Basket lunch. A '} turnout is desired. RECEPTION AND DANCE will be held fro. 'Mr: -.and Mrs. Bill, Stewart (nee •Marie Camp ' hells in the' • Agricultural g '.Hall, Dun annon,• on • Friday, '•July 20, Carkuthers' . orchestra. Everyone W elcoiie. FIDDLERS- CONTEST Lake'Huron and ,Georgian Bay fiddlers' contest, square dance competition, followed by dance, Kincardine,; Civic Holiday, Mon.:. D ° Jt FINLAYSON Lucknow, l Branch, • Cana an g ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION • • - DANCE •MOUSEi FOR •SALE -modern 8-' f .loom . brick house on. Havelock. b St. Oily. furnace, hardwood floors. y to Dr.T. B. Cleland, Luek- s ' P1 .now. artificial -insemination in -In the �Comarirunity .Memorial For a art 1 ormation or, service from all Hall. Whitechurch, on Friday, reeds of , cattle,' phone the July- 20th. 1Vlusic by Joe Tiffin's Waterloo Cattle. Breeding As-. 3 -piece orchestra, Admission'50c. ociation at: Clinton IBJ 2=3441 Lunch counter:Every'body` 'wet- ogrne . _ - • FOR BALER ',& ,BINDER .TWTNE -at the lowest pricesand top quality• conie :to.'Elton NtcLeiland and •Soni at •.Berve--gone of On- tario's largest 'twine` dealers. CUSTOM CAR:' PAINTING; A• nice new paint; job is ' money well spent, :;single or :two-tone, hot, -bY ' sod pray.. method'; also fender and - ' ,.~work.:_ N.• W. WINTERSTEIN ,FINANCING A. .CAR? . .,Before : you buy._asli% about Our J,ow Cost Financing. Service with complete Insurance :Coverage. J. A. 'McDonagh, Insurance. •Agent, phone Duigannon• 6175. .REST HOME ACCOMODATION Aecoroodation ;a v•a i i a b 1 e: at Carruther's Convalescent Home: [for one furnace (coal' or oil) to Koine -cooked meals, modern con heat 'the ttwo-roof'. Dungannon ,veniences,' warm. Registered nurs- ing available if required in case of.sickness. Apply to Elliott .Car ruthers, R., • 3, Holyrood, phone 27,16' Ripley. -1 Mnc zC ne- -460: betweex --30-: and .'9.30. a.m. We have all, breeds tributed. amongst' theparties en-. available' t p. quality at low.titled thereto' having regard. only CARD OF THANKS hick the executers, cost: / to . claims of w The famiily, of the elate • Mrs• shall then 'have • notice • yy • 'VV1>aUN�VSMX`, JW,.�X 18th, 1956: • NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In the Estate of� Robert 'Ritchie, deceased,. • . All persons having :c 1 a i m s against the estate of.Robert Rit- •chie, rate of the Village' of Luck - now, ,in the- County of . Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or. about .;the .29th day of March 1956, are hereby notified to send in• t eir claims duly veri t. h fied to 'the undersigned Solicitor for the: Exeeutori of the estate, on or before the 25th .day of. July 1956, as • after the said date, ,the estate . will be :distributed, among those ' .entieled, tb.ereto,. regard only to +fauns . of having. g which 'the said Executors ,,sl all then have notice. Dated'. at .Lucknow, '. Ontario, this 30th day, of June;.'19'56.... R. W. Andre`w,' Listowel, Ontario, • . Solicitor for the Executors. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS EXECUTOR'S; SALE . . OF LAND► The Executrix •of• the Estate of the late Gharle0 Stewart will offer by Public ,Action at the ' late residence of Charles. Stewart, at Lot 13, Concession 41, Western • Division, Ashfield Township, on, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 30th • 1958, at 7 p.m, -the following par- ; cels of land: ' (1) Part of .Lot 13, 'Concession 1.1, • Western Division, ,Township of ' ,Ei,;si' fteld,: County •,Qf Huron, consisting of 56, acres land • ::, • 'more or fess, on. which. there i$ situate, 'a ;barn approximately 60 feet:�by 70 .feet..•and a 'residence • in good repair 'approximately 20 feet by. 24 feet;' and, supply of (2) The East Halt 'of Lot 11, ' ' Concession 11, Western Division,. • Township , of Ashfield, , County_;of I-luron,' consisting • of 100 •acre, of land more or less of which,. ALf• pER5+ON;S having claims 65:. acres is in grass and tillable against the estate of • , ROBERT d the balance in a splen,.. g land ran p JOHN BUTTON, late of the,.Vi11_ did stand of' timber 'and ,wood, age of I:ucknow in., �th e County beech, ma' 1eJ basswood and ash. of Bruce, Farmer, ,who ' died on . excels' wi l i�1'- or about the 28th day ' of :May The above e p ki .. 1 c , . are notified . to. send fered separately and each sub- ject. A.D. 1956, ject. to a reserve bid and .condi- , to. the undersigned .ori or .before don's of sale which will be read the 28th.day, of July, 1956,,full 'S t eprop'erties are aec= . particulars of :;th.eir : claims in before h: tinned: t I writing. Immediately after the• +s•aid 28th.'da - of July:the assetsTERMS. 20% Cash and the . ' .- - . ._ - cane within 61� ,da s Of the' said, testattit will be dis y <. ,_ The Purchaser. to have tinned- • iatepossession: TENDERS WANTED Tenders wi11,be reecived .by, the undersigned until ,July 25, 1956, for for painting the interiors of Ashfield ' Township . Schools in SS. .1...and S:.S..9. with two coats. of , good quality paint. Work to Grace Lockhart wish ` to ' thank theirfriends and relatives' , for. their kind expressions ` of -syni- pathy at the. time of the ,;loss of their . dear ..mother We esper- ially thank the Rev. W. McClean, the ‘ manager arid helpers of, . the be completed �by-Alxgust 18•th, Carruthers,,' ,Cont/ esCe-f osrie, Lowest •or ' any tender ' not Y 1955:, Y Dr: Osie Lockhart,'.; Dr.' Lane, necessarily .accepted: hospital. doctors and nursing teff ' R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.',. , • of Hamilton General Hospital fol As'hfiel�d; Twp. School Area, their loving care .and' interest' in RJR: 7;.. Lucknow, .Ontario Phone Dungannon 77 -r -2: -- .DATED; this seventh': day..' of July,. A.D. ':1956, • ,Crawford & . Hetherington Win�ghaih, Ontario Solicitors for they Executors: • • LADIES! •' ' A fevv-=hours--each—da can- bring• you' good incorne selling For further particulars apply to Avon Products. • Woman needed.Donald Blue, Esq:, Auctioneer••of for LucknOw District : and. Dun- Ripley, Ontario, or R C; 'Hays, - annon. Write` Mrs. M. Stock, 78', Solicitor.: for the Estate' at god= g. her :while a patient there. Duchess "Ave., Kitchener . ' erich, ,Ontar'ia: • At the same` time there will be ; • sgld some 'Chattels consisting of !" Large IP1atform Seales; ' Fanning Mill; : 5 Foot Mower; Wagon Wheels; Log Boat; :Stock Rack; :L. umber; • approximately: . 150 , .bushels of Yellow :Clover Seed : and some, Household Ef., tfe'cts'� TENDERS: WANTED .' • Tenders will be,received by, the undersigned until' July 25, 1956; MEAT FOR SALE ; Good beef ` for sale by the. quarter. Beef 'killed. under ..lic- ense from the . Department of; ,health Choice ,Hereford• year- lings: Custom butchering a spec iality. r , Raynard Acirt, Holyrood Phone 24-30, . Ripley • • AUCTION' SALE Auction sale of household of-' rfects . and ' house of , the estate of .the late Richard Baker '.will 'be held at the residence, Stauffer St:; Luekr}ow, on. Saturday,: July 21st . at 2.30 'p.m. House ; is a two story Cement veneer • with gar- • School, U:SS. ..8, to be installed before September 1, 1956. • '.Lowest or'any , tender not nec-, es'sarily :accepted; R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec., Ashfield Twp. School Area IRR: 7, Lucknow, Ontario • Phoney. Dungannon 77-r-2: NOTICE, TA. CREDITORS -ALL ERS.ONS....HAVING claims against , the, estate of DUNCAN, MacRAE, late of the Township of Huron. in the' ` County: of. Bruce, Retired Lumber Dealer, who. died: on or abut the' 27th' day of May,. A.D. 1956, are. notified to send to the Undersigned on or before the i 28th day of July A.I . 1956, full l partictilars' of • their claims •in writing.. .lmimediately afterfthe said: 28th day • of July . A.D: 1956 the. assets of the said intestate e will ibe distributed _amongst the. • 'age and bathroom, and' is efered subject, to, a reserve, bid. House- parties , entitled thereto, ..having hold items • include. Finlay cook regard only to' claims of which stove .equipped with oil burner the administratoro shall then have and 200 gallon oil tank. Many notice. other: articles too numerous to • DA'LId) - this. - seventh day of mention. Cliff Johnston, exe- July; A.D. 1956. • • tutor; Well Henderson, 'aux. • Crawford Se Hetherington, • .4 4 • 4 I. TENDERS' WANTED led-er3der's=vi11-1b@-recei ed for the construction of a small cement, block building "at the Lucknow District High School. Tenders to be received by Sat- urday, Jily. 21st. , 'For specifica- tinnsr and' furtherparticulars, see W. R. Howey, Lucknow District High School Board; TENDERS WANTED . ' 'The West Wawanosh Town= ship School Area, Board wants .-''t"encl rs for-the-traitspOrtation Of, pupils :of SS. No. 14, Concession 12, West` Wawanosh, to Fordyce, S t3. N -o. 1'2; ---about 8 pupils -and a distance• of about` a3/ ',miles; for the scho61 year, Sept. 4th, 1956, to June 30th, 1957. Tenders to • • be in • the hafids of :;the Secretary •:. , not later- than July 31st, 1956. The lowest or any . tender not • necessarily accepted. • Stewart; Secretary, Dungannon, nrairo."—:w • Wingham; - Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. let- III •` r T /1 /4111 10 del{t ' `t it - Through'out the sickness of our Paul, and our bereavement' we• have been 'blessed with great kindness from' many 'Wonderful. frierids, ' with . devoted efforts; on, the part` of doctors' and nurses - and with rnuch e icouragemen,t in our Christian Faith. We inay fail .to tlian:k you all, individual- ly, but • we want. ,you to. know that we deeply.. trea.sirre; `your love: It has been a 'great help.' i.VIarj and Grant Meikle.john. like to expr4s his' appreciation and grateful thanks to the St. United Churth for their beautiful floral .bouquet and to all those who visited him, re- meMbered him with cards, flow-• ers and treats on his ninetieth • etrgeratars eep FreezerS istrict Commoi)erative Phone 71, tucknow, Ontano .40444044404410444' " •