The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 51,4TBDNESDAY, AF1R•IL. 25th,: 1956 ST. HELENS: Service in the United church will be held at -11, a.xn.. (Daylight ,saving. Vine). next Sunday, Mrs, iColin' +'McDonald is a pat - Opt in Wingham' General Hos- pital suffering from pneumonia. Lyceum Theatre WINGH:A.M' •Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m. '1'hurs:; Fri., Sat. April 26-2748' Kine•, Doug:ias, "Anthony Quinn SilvanoMangano.• • •;O ULYSSES. " The adventure story •based on limner's "Odyssey" depicting the fabulous exploits of . Ulysses,,` the fearless, mythical, "Greek war- rior. . a . Mon., Tues., Wed.,. • April 30, Max Tyrone Rower,. Maureen' O'Hara. • in "THE LONG GRAY LINE„ sed me lil r can drama about an Irish immigrant 'who �ceme to W: 'st Point and re- mained for fiftyears as a friend • of many of •the cadets. • • Owing to ' the :length: ' of 'this picture ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT= at 8:16;: • , IMPERIAL. ESSO DEALER' Esso and Esso Extra. Gasoline Marvelui e ' and Mineralubes' . MOBILOIL ATLAS ,TIRE;S Always look to Imperial for '. the hest J E. 14acDONALD Phone •3, Lucknow iff"riadigortriikmira -111111r TH 1, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO 'We hope for a speedy recovery. .Miss Donna ' Woods was a week -end .• visitor with M. and Mrs. Mei, Brown at Kitchener. Members of ' the W.M.S. were guests of the WhitechurchW,M.S: on Friday: 'eyening and enjoyed a very Att. illustrated talk on .her visit 4.to Trinidad •by Miss Caroline Wellwood of Wingham. The• May meeting of the Wo- men's Institute *ill :.be held in. the Community Ball. on Thurs- day, May 3rd. Roll call,. "What should our °Institulte. do far the community"; Motto, "An organ- ization, is like a wheelbarrow, it stands unless you pushit",•; by. Mrs ;fames`• Curran. *Mrs. A. E. +McKim of Lucknow will be the' guest speaker: Hostesses, Mrs: • Mac?herso'z , Mrs:. W. A. Miller. The -ladies; of–th i;oriYnunL y •are 'invited to'. a • Wedgewood china . demonstration. ` sponsored by the Lucknow Girl Guides on Thursday evening,: May 3rct, A meeting in the `interests of the 'Cancer. Society will be held'. in the Parish ,Hall, Dungannon, this , Friday • afternoon at 2.30. There will be a •special speaker and 'slides will 'be shown, Every-. one , is urged to attend. ` There will also be a .bake sale. ' • Carl Gibb had his: appendix re - Moved at W inghani General Hos- pital on"Sunday. Flt: -Lt. Keith Black •of ; L.a- chine,• Quebec, spent the week- end • 'with Mrs. Black and boys, lass be for six : weeks. LANGSIDE Those from this community. .taking in the W.I. ' meeting and. lunch' at '.the Brunswick: Hotel; and later viewing the TV• station in Wingham • were • • Mesdames Pharis� • .Mothers, Ed• ' McQuilln•, Ewart' MacPherson; Frank Mil- ler, . Russel Ritchie, 'Wm. Evans, Fred Tiffin, :• Russel Gaunt • and' Misses 'Janet .Gaunt: anad Lois. Ribey. • Neighbors 'in this locality were sorryto hear . about;' Mrs. Wni. •Maclntyre being satinzitted to WingharrvHospital fist 'week and Thursday ,removed• tQ St.' Jos- eph's Hospital by ambulance, Sr. ' Maclntyre accompanying her to the city.. Mr.: Maclntyre visited With . her on Sunday afternoon. /We hope for a. speedy. 'recovery. Mrs. 'IRobt. Reid of Kincardine, Mrs. Joe Helm and son Jack' of. ,loth Con., Kincardine, visited' with Mr. and Mr's. Wesl'ey. Young on Tue§day. David, Wail has' been . onZahc sick •list and missed' school 'Iast 'week. FOR BUMPER.. CROPS SOW K ♦ k k } -0001... 00 • :• n11111011111"•Rvs1•1 I:•4•1, f i i a" a t0 11. IP •• Y • SOW WITII. CONFIDENCE HARVEST' 'il o°I'H 'PRIDE ucknow District Co'o 'PHONE 71; LCC N'OW ONTARIO: PAGE Fl ELECT KAI RSHEA• O.FFICER•S• • (Mrs. Currie Colwell was hos- tess to ' the Kairshea W, I. for their. annual meeting, Mrs. D. MacKinnon . presided for th business. The scripture was rea by Mrs. A. Hughes. 14. e d.; • Twenty.ifive dollars was vote to the Bruce Co.' Cancer Societ and it was decided to have speaker from the: Society esplai to our. Institute about dressin for cancer..patients. `Millinerywas the extension course chose to be held ° in October if 'suitabl •to"°they Department,, 1DD. L. ',MacKinnon an Mrs,: •R. Martin' ..were ,appointe y gs•. e d d he--banque-t-.,•in Guelph with. Mrs. Houston ','arid Mrs, Hughes as 'alternates._ Mrs. F. Moffat was. appointed to alternate with Mrs, Colwell in attending. Hospital: Auxiliary meetings .at Wingham,. A. report. of the (Calico Ball was given and .it has been the most successful Yet. The District Director, Mrs: A. MacIntyre,; ,gave' her . report, of the .District.Directors' Meeting:. `The ,.District' Annual 'is June 4th to be• held at"Tiverton,: Kairshea is in 'Charge of the: reply to the address 'of welcome and: appoint, ed the president to do that. ° The Sunshine 'Committee 're- r*n and it. was decided to., revert, to th'e. 'former ;practice.' of sending a box' of fruit or plant to'' mem- bers and cards to ,members' fam- ilies. u' ' Time was taken, . to. •watch "M'lady" to . see the pictures of the Prize (winners ..at the Calico Ball ': • ..Miss' D. MacLeod conducted a contest to,be "answered by the name of sorneone • living ' in Lucknow :and. Mrs: H. Campbell asked . the. ladies some riddles. As our District `'President, Mrs. McCosh, was ' in attendance, she took the chair for • the election of officers arid ,installation of. the same. The Ifollowiing is the slate brought, . in by the nominating ;committee: pres.,' Mrs. D. L. Mac- Kinnon; 1st vice, Mrs. •11. -:Mar- • tin; 2nd vice, Mrs. 'C Roulston; sec.-treas.,- Mrs. D. J: Machin . non; asst. sec , . Mrs. G. Irwin; District Director,; Mrs. • A. Mac- ,Intyre; 'assistant District Direct- or, Mrs: F. Moffat;' pianist; Mrs.: Harvey .• Houston; assistant •' pian- ist, Mrs. •W. Scott;• auditors, Mrs. L.' MacDougall, Mrs.. H. Camp- bell; . directors; • Mrs.. F. ` Gilchrist, Mrs. C. Colwell, Mrs. •G. Irwin; Mrs. E.' Keith. tending—Committee .' gen ers: Agric ,i'lture and •Canadian. Industries, Mrs. Farish Moffat; Historical Research 'and Current Events, Mrs, H..Lavis and Mrs. MacIntyr_e; ublic..,R'elations_and. Community •Activities,:.Mrs. • A. Hughes- and 'Mrs.. H. Houston; Citizenship ,and Education, •l1liss Dean, MacLeod; Home E enomics. and. Health, Mrs. T.,' Collyer; 113.e- olutions, : Mrs; C. Ir vin; Feder- ated `News, '. Mrs: , H. Buckton; Sunshine `Committee, 'Mrs.: Pur- ves, Mrs.. P. Steer, • Mrs. ' G. •Wall. WHITECHURCH • Theatre Two Shows Each Night at 730 .. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 :Thursday,. Friday, Saturday,; April 26th,,27th, 28th. Starring John Beal,, in . "THE COUNTRY' PARSON" A gipping, story of Pastor Armin Ritter, one or. the most •beloved of ministers, . • Which depicts what real sacrifice aid `kindness for one's fellowmen really means. IT RUNS FOR. 'Tiirt E• NIGHTS, •I GQder ch i NOW • Wed,, Thurs , Fri, and Sat. i Paramount 'Pictures presents the greatest Vistavision • � !i • • air picture ever •filmed!: "STRATEGIC • AIR COMMAND" • , I Reviewed with raves • Iby critics everywhere, a sensational I story -film Qf' the .C,A.C. with a tremendous all star cast. ! James :Stewart June Allyson, an Stewart, y , .Fr k Lovejoy, i . y, Alex 'Nicol, • .. ! Barry Sullivan and Bruce Bennett • 1 Adult* admission prices unavoidably advanced to 60 . cents ' for this special attraction: • . I: I I Mon., ' Tues. & Weil—ONE SHOWING ONLY Each Night. 1 TWO of the screen's' greatest classics' .return iri ,the' biggest' • double .feature ever shown at. any ,theatre! • i r. • fit • • * ,,; • • • • In color with John' Wayne, Maureen O'Hara. and I , Barry Fitzgerald also • "THE. KIDNAPPERS". 0 " The .story .of two little' waifs -the story that no one forgot. ' i'. ! One ontinuous show each .night starting at 7.30 p -.m. i Coming—"Doctor At Sea", & color' with Dick sco e p Bogarde,I. 'Thursday evening; ' April. 26th at 7.00 p.m. in Wingham •Hospital.' May `2nd was .the date set for, the planning of the programs as it had to be postponed: ' last week. As Mrs. "Fisher shad ' :been to Guetph and ,had met ` Mrs. Berry of Australia ,before, she ,:asked the • ladies to ' appoint someone else in her place to Guelph ' June. Mrs. Tom Metcalfe was ap- pointed ,to . accompany Mrs. F.:. Ross to the banquett. Mrs. . C.' Shiell goes to Guelph on May ' 10. to attend the secretaries' •confer- enee..Piano• solos were ,played by Elaine Conn.' and • Mary .Fisher.. The' meeting closed with . the National Anthem, CULROSS CORNERS Congrattilations to Mr. & Mrs. .Delbert Hedle nee Jo. ce Hal- denby) who were, married ' re- cently in Lucknow.. Mr.. Tom MacFarlan' (who sold his ' farm to 'his brother Donald.) _held a very',',_successfui auctioxi sale' last 'Tuesday." Miss Helen �Schumaclaer ' . is spending sortie time .at: her houne here .;. • Mr. and Mrs. ' W m . Stanley. Kinloss, visited Sunday 'with Mr. Mrs, . Alex. Whytock 'and fan- ily.. The .. Westford Bedroom Belles, To .Ha_ve-_$load-Type__Test ,• Over sixty Institute ladies and a group of ' C.G.I.T•. girls' from • Whitechurch .meet at the Bruns- wick Hotel,. Wingh.ariz, on burs- -ay--even i -ng and---held--a ghor- meeting; had lunch • and toured the CKNX-TV studios and saw the Circle -8 .Ranch (being, televi- ed. Miss Margaret „Brophy Con - dueled ''hr tour.: . • .• Mrs, 'G l wisher : •pr.e`s1ded ' for the -meeting. The following dole- ' gates were appointed to. attend, • the Dibtr in Annual in . Tiverto'i on June 4th: Mrs.. C. Shiell, Mrs. F. Ross, Mrs. Johnston ' Conn;; Mrs. A. Coultes or Mrs. G, Far- -11.61'y ar-t ei tilnd wei1 .-1 1IT , Mr+Y.` Wrt. Evans was named' alternate in: case anyone :delegate kannot go. A musical number was asked for and 'Mrs: N '-Pickell way'- alt pointed with Mrs: G. Fisher, al •ted"nate. MrS. Victor - Emerson gave the report of the District W.X. executive held in Bervie. The blood type. test is changed from Wednesday evening to • HALDENBY' ELECTRIC . MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings;. Etc. Repairs to • • Fractional and , Integral Horsepower Motors, Also Electric ' Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, _Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Sinlough Phone Ripley 111-r-29 along with other •club girls in the -area, attended Achievement Day in Walkerton on Saturday. They displayed the articles . they hade :made and put on a skit. Each girl won' •:a• ..spoon ' which will . be mailed •to 'them later. ,Mr.. and ' Mrs:; =Ralph. Goesel & 'family, •Kincardine, spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs.: 'Tom Ste-, wart. CONSIGNMENT SALE...:........ of'' . n' .0 • 4 I w s. tal • 'i • leis" , iss6slie imarA•.Y.A'R' .rfrY*�i�l��i• 'r;,�•. . at the , LUC1NOW SALES BARN sr Cattle must 'be • consigned prior',to above date CAN HANDLE 1254IEAD For Fur her: •Information and the -Consigning of Cattle, • Con:tact:, • • ' ROBERT MaeINTOSH, Phone 62'r41, Dungannon