The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 104,4 t{. 1,1 pip t:: { { { ji • ,PAGE :TEN Outstanding- for style.. . quality and value • Easy to launder ,In the. new Pal collar • and three .other. . sty\les 'r 4. Single or double cuffs, .. . , Price $4.95 "No one ever regretted buying quality" REG'D. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUGK.TQW, ONTARIO. THE _ . . .. ,..... 1SEE • BY THE .SENTINEL:.: THAT last week's winners , at Henry's 'Fruit . Market were Grant Farrish .'and Earl Swan. Eacli receive a : prize ` of $5,00 dna merchandise in. this; weekly Draw. -;Apt. . THAT a number l'of .:girl friends. gathered. at the . home of Shir- ley Moore,, daughter ' of iNIr. and Mrs. -Eddy., 1Vloore, for a surprise parcy on the occasion of her 14th •Pirthday .on •Thurs- • day. , _o— . THAT Mrs: Charles 'Lorenz, ,ob- served her :81st •'birthday. on Monday,iwhen friend's called to extend congratulations and Joest wishes. She {received Hurn.. Brous ;'cards arid gifts.. Men's Ladies', Children's. Wear TTAPIr'' following last week's' tor - M nado 'which caused .gredt darn= age and ; death • in the Grand Rapids : area, Mrs., Margaret Sproule hf town was relieved. , to 'receive. Word from her sis= .ter, .who resides. there, inform= :Mg her that she was unharm- --ro— THAT J. .M. Greer entered St. • Joseph's Hospital London,: the latterpartsof the week to un.,. dergo an eye:+operation. for the. removal. of a cataract which' has been affecting his sight. " He expected to ibe'hospitali;ed • for • a couple .of Weeks. —o— . THAT Harvey McQuillin has re- joined the• .crew • of the S.S. • Collingwood which' tied up .at. KingatOn for the. winter. Har - eight years and .is second mate on ' the Collingwood, which a package freighter. She sail- ed for . the head of : the lakes on her first trip. THAT Mr, and Mrs. Harold Con ,gram have moved from. Con. Kinloss to the farm of her. father Mr. W. G. Irwin on. the Second '.Concession. THAT Mrs, , Eldon Lowrey of Lurgan ` (formerly Alrna Car- ruthers) underwent a major operation in St. Joseph's . Hos- pital, .London, on. Friday., . • .— • 'THAT Dr. 1VI;, H, Corrin received. word • on Tuesday of thee"death of his grandmother, Mrs. An-, 'nie Uden of Brantford, Mrs. Uden was. 89. • —o-- THAT. Mr. and Mrs, Cyril .CaTnP-, 'bell have ' moved from .their • Ashfield farm, which they .oc ' 'cup/ed `since, a their marriage, forty-two•years ago. They.have. taken 'up temporary residence on the ' former Kenneth •.Cam- 'eron farrn, . now owned by Me' MaolUillan Bros. ' • THAT TV viewers who watched the gripping air drama on the General. Motors show on. Tues'_. day of last week, may, recall. that the chap • who played' the part of the control .. tower op- erator 'was ;named .Martin Tre-- leaven'. How he. got the .screen. 4 WEDNESDAY,'AFRIL 11th, 195q 1 i s 1 1 isrnan Work .Shoes NOW IN STOCK A Complete Range of S sz' ian T iorobilt ` Work Shoes. • Choose from Leather or Composition Solei. Tanned 'twice for. P'rotection against .. Barnyard' Acids'.. Flexible Goodyear •Construction. The. Play. Shoe For . All The Family SI MAN SCAMPERS For Men, Boys, Youths 1•� RSon FINE FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE . FAMILY $S name is interesting. The auth- or • of the play is . a neighbor of Allan' Treleaven of Toronto. • and formerly . of . Lucknow, ' An- • other of the. .author's, neighbors bears". the. parne of Martin,• sa he. combined 'the two to give phis "character • his name., I.GA. TOMATO JUICE. .20 .oz... .;............, TG A:.AP1 LE SAUCE .20 oz.. . .... .,..,. • :....: i, AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES 20; oz. Libby's Deep Brown BEANS , 20 oz. rAYLMER: TOMATOES 28 oz. 4 LIBBY'S, KERNEL. CORN 14 oz. Aylmer .Choice CREAM CORN 15 oz.' Brea sat --C ub--RASPBERRY-JAM 24 oz. HUNT'S' .TOMATO CATSUP. 13 'oz. •• BORN' WiILK�lTNS-=in Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, 'April ist, 1956, . to Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Wil_ kips,. 'RIR. 1, Chesley, a 'son: O'KEEFIE-at St. Joseph's Hos .pital, London, on. March .27th, 1956, (to ,Mir. arid. Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe',' Kintail, a daughter, Nancy Philomene. • 'YVrcQUILLIN,to, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQuillin (nee . Isabel. Scott), ,Lucknow;.; a son, in God erich Hospital on Thursday, ;1VIar. 29th,' 1956, abrother for Ricky • and Brenda. .• • • • 4; sV "e - in. oron o on 'I e. •nesday, April 4th, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Peter Thomson, a son. £or. $. 5 for for 5• 4 for. for. 9 for 3 -:for -for I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER 16'' oz. I.G.A.' MARGARINE 1 lb ,, !. HEINZ TOMATO. SOUP 10 oz.,. HEINZ.: SPAGHETTI 15 oz. . • 3 ,for $1.. 4 f°r $1. 9 for $1. 7 for $1. .8 Heinz Beans and Tomato SAUCE;: 15 oz. r. GERB-ER1S-43-ABY-FOOD 5oz: Bettir Crocker CAKE MIXES White, Honey; Spice or Marble ' WAXED ,PAPER: 100 feet , '• TOILET ,TISSUE Interlake> WESTINGHOUSE BULBS •.' 25, 40, 60 Watt ;• • I.G.A. CHOICE -PEAS 15 oz. -for for for.; for f for z I • c '1 ' N 5 .47 • CHAS SHORT; Prop. M 'Phone 20, • Lucknow FREE DELIVERY". ' . `FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. Pink or >blie border, size 70x90, air BLEACHED . SHEETING 81 .inches wide, yard $1.00 Unbleaehed, Factory Cotton width about 39 inches. . •Yard ./....Y,....,/.Y..YY........ 39c' & •49c HOUSEDRESSES ' Guaranteed fast .,, to washing,., sizes • 14 fo 20 CinTy BML oilT PENS Reg. 25c. YY...Y.,.Y......... . 4. for $89c Retractable Bali Point Pen ;Reg. 35c 3 for 89c, lien's BROADCLOTH EYJ'AMAS Sanforized, assorted_ colorrflil e "strip. . atterrs arzes p . p , . •ASE � $3.x.3... MEN'S ,WORK` ENS I MBL• Sanforized ' Work Slilrts, live green, sizes 141/2 to: 17 Sanforized Work Pants, olive ' green drill, ,sizes' 32' to 36.:. $4.50 BOYS'JEANS _ ...,........�.`.�...;9...-Vzr:2�lble•-`d en�iJ.�`w::: Sizes .840' years $2.75 1 • • WORX Sox 'Wool and rayon rncture with ryy - tori reinforced ,heel 8i toe :... 49c ••�!• ♦ • • �•�=��, .�'. 16 • .1