The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 9$SPAY, APRT _11th, 1956'
A '
'aterloo Assoc::
"Where BetterBulls Are Used'
We havenr
5 in service that are top individuals.
highs powered ,pedigrees.
u ,
An example is our imported
'Aldie EiaenhOwer, 346041. Imp, red.
site of sire•.
�SIre k Calrossie Adonis ,.
Aldie Jonathan• ,adonis
Red•'Dam of Sire
Pittodrie .Ruby: 5th • •
Sire of Dam '
Dam.• Calrossie Adonis:
Aldie Beauty Pride ,,
Red ' Dame" of Dam
'Beauty Faith
Aldie Jonathan'Adoriis is .also the sire •of the dam' ;of
Becton Const ructor. w'ho was recently purchased in Scotland
by Louada Manor. Farm at Peterborough at. $50,000.00,.
Calr,essie Adonis .the double Brands re of Aldie Eisen-
hower, :is a son of the famous Kirkton ••Baronet - •, .
For service to this or one .of . our other good bulls., of
all breeds,:includingboth beef and. dairy, call • collect tot
'. Clinton ICU 2-3441 --= Kincardine 4:6.0
• between: 730. 'and 10 A.M. week days
. 7:30 and 9.30 A.M. Sundays and holidays.
Cows noticed in heat later nn the day, should be in-
erainaT fpl7iaan �Y_: __.. )w
•The cost is low; Life 'membership $5.00
$5.00 per cow for. members .','•
$6.00 per cow for non-members.:
• The Bruce County Association.
is sfill active in Edmonton, and
'themembers bad a :gay :time' at
o box social in the :Social :Credit
Hall on March 10th. Mrs. W. C.
Barrie, the • president, :.opened
the meeting, and outlined a pro-
ject :for zone meetings in 'the
city. She then : lead' a letter • from
:Mr:C...J. Schucter of 'Slake" Lake,
who enclosed $3.00"ofd 'suggested
that it be toed • to .help some tip -
fortunate fguy from between
Southampton . a 'n .d .' Tobermory.
Who '.might not . be' able to' buy
a box.
The. • program consisted of a
: sing- song, with Mrs: R. Boyes
at the piano,'<. This was followed
by a game of "Musical, bats" and
a contest on Alberta ',cities.arid
towns. Mr: Shannon Seibert and
Mrs, Stella Ford 'were the -win-
ners of the contest. ' -
Mrs, Florence Chase •and
L .
The April ,meeting of the Iain
tail W,I, was the home
of Mrs. Ray Dalton with a good
attendance. The roll' call was.
answered by hifitson planting
and several good hints were •
The' . annual report.: was • We need to get busy using up
the• last of the a� les pretty
earl lie. reports � •
read and also some :oft •
from the conveners of . standing soon* First thing ' w, know rub -
committees. The members of the: barb v►ri11 be plentiful and rub-
Institute '.Were reminded of the barb plea and • rhubarb sauce
Reids Corners Institute variety will be the fruit' our' taste buds
•crave, ,.
concert which was, held 'on• April, ' :Weave ,just, got ourselves .some
6th,. Plans were made for aur honest -to -goodness. �honie - made
members to have the booth at sausages' and the family agreed'
the' Bez~vuie sales •barn on: l'rida- with " one .voice that until you
. have eaten' ` really ' .and". `truly..`
afternoon. alt � • as asked to ,•
.take th chair for :the election 'home-made sausages you just
of •,'o veers and the,following
haven't eaten 'sausages!. There, ris
Slate , ofofficers were instAdllea; no -,•letter aQcompaniment, , to
teem : than apple sauce, or
vce, Mrs, JackPres, Mrs; Fred MacGregorCollinson; 2nd ; i'st deed. to any' pork product;"pork
• by, •
vice,. Mrs; George Moncrief; sec,-. chops, • spare ribs or .a . nice roast
treas.; Mrs. Burt Alton; district with •crispy. crust are each made
director,,, Mrs. Ray Dalton; audi- more deliciousif served with
tors, :Mrs: Lorne; ,,Parrish, Mrs. apple sauce,• ho t or cold: T . made
Robert Seatt ' Branch directors a "huge saucepan full . one day,
,Mrs, David MacKenzie, Mrs,; thinking' to have enough left
Stuart MacLennan, Mrs. William. over to make an :apple sauce cake
.MacDonald and Mrs; Rpbt', Far.and an apple sauce -cheese salad..
rish; sick cards, Mrs. David Mac=-. However, I didn't have a. chance
Kenzie. The conveners of stand . John cleaned it up before
ing com nittees were as: last year he' went to bed, or needed . an
with ;one' exception. ,Mrs, Lorne
extra dessert at supper Maybe, •
Farrish 'Was nominated .to take Applesauce Cake This is an
Citizenship :and ,Education. Mrs. excellen cake 'to keep.' ' 1 ° cup
Dan Wylds offered to take the sugar; i/z cup shortening, 1 cup
_- applesauce, beaten smooth, two_
Lamb of the Cancer boc- 1,. .
iety •was ;present at .the ;meeting cloves, ;;1 tsp., nutmeg, i4 tsp.. salt.
and gave a very informatitve talk 'Cream sugar and,shortening.
on the work of that Society;, , Add applesauce : and 'beat until
We were: pleased to have the smooth.` Add' ''sifted. 'dry ; ingredi-
Di tri* president,. Mrs.' .Tait •ents 'and • beat well, ..Nuts, raisins:
Clark of the Tiger `Dunlop Insti- or' a small • package Of candied
tute.. Mrs. Clark' stressed the: ;fact fruits are, a '.tasty addition. ,•Pour
we :should encourage new merit : into a -greased` loaf•:pan; and bake
bers to join .andfor one hour in a moderate oven.
give: ail merit- ..
!hers' equal xights..She asked for •Apple Cream Roll — This is
support in the TB Clinic Which really delicious 'and different: 34
is to.. come ,up, soon in Ashfield, cup cake flour, %.. tsp. baking-.
also we • should' :support any powder, 1/4 tsp.. salt, 1 tsp; ci:n
movement to: 'care and protest .namori, 4 eggs,- 1 , cup sugar, /4:
our childrenand always give our cup • molasses,, 1/2 cup heavy,
children good books to• read:,' sugar, 1/2 cup Of
cream,'•3 tbsp.
Mrs, Robt. Scott favored' with thick strained applesauce; :1/4 cup
chopped. nutmeats, 1/4 tsp., pep-
permint . extract,. confectioner's
sugar:: Sift . threetimes, flour,'
;baling powder, salt, cinnamon.
Beat..eggs well; acid . sugar grad -
wally, beating well. Addmolass�
es Mix well: Fold in flour : mix
ture. Line shallow pan. (15 inch
by • 10) with greased'. paper. • Pour
in ' batter. Bake :in hot •oven
about 13 minutes. • Trine: •edges 4'
quickly. " Turn • out , on cloth
sprinkled w i t h confectioner's
sugar.,Remove .greased paper;
roll' quickly.Wrap • in Cloth. Cool,.
.Where. ready to serve, . whip cream
stiffly, ,,add .the ,3tbsp. sugO r :and
'remaining ingredients Unroll
cake; '. fill with 'cream . mixture,
spreading : evenly and roll ;up
Applesauce -Cheese
The following following 'congregations to ; s
date .are participating, •Goclericii, Applesauce _Z,ayer: /4 -;_cup _ of
Seibert judged the boxes, and
`awarded the prize • for . the' best
decorated box to 'Mrs. ' J. A.
:Leask:. Mr, M. E. Elves .was th'e
"auctioneer and Mr.. and Mrs.
Moffatt had charge of the
refreshments, •
It . was : decided that the an-
nual 'picnic should. 'be • held: on
June 20th.
•+Mrs. Barrie,: reminded • those
present . that an , exhi•bition, of
paintings .by the late David` B.
Milne( Whose 'home was in Bruce
County) is on display in ; the Ed-
rnonton • Museum of • Arts, from
March lOth, to 30th.:
The officers of -the Association
are: pres., .Mrs. W. C; Barrie; ist
vice pres and secretary; Miss. A.
Nelson.; ; 2nd vice. pres., Mr,' ',M.
E. Elves; treas., Mr. J. A. Leask;
:eorrespanding sec., Mrs; Stella
Ford; . welfare • committee,. Mrs.
Tom Atkinson..•
Truth has only to change' hands
a few' times to become fiction.,
With. Radio --- $1,695 ; .•.
1955 Chef." Standard Sedai, fully equipped' ,:,,.:,;.,, ,�$1,
1954 Cheer. Powerglide Deluxe Sedan $1,65,0
Two 1954 'Standard .Chev' Sedans; 'fully equipped ..,...,..$1,495
195.4 'Chew. Belair Convertible, fully equipped
1952 .PI mouth edan
1953 Pontiac. Sedan
1951 Clev. Deluxe Coach
1951 Pontiac Coach ,....:
$ 950
$ 900
$ 950.
1949 they. Cpac h .... ......... ..:,.:;,,:........$. 695
,4Pontiac Coach ..:...,,:.� :,..::, . ,,.,.,W„ ...,. $ 495
1948 Che'v. Fleetline-"-Coach .... ........:.. •$, ' 525
1940 Plymouth Sedan ,..:u. . ...... .,,.,, $ 495
1948 Pontiac ..,. ,..:,,.,$ 495•
Sedan ......................:...,,...
.1949:44,1 1?, =torr== gek4Tp--z- .
1947 Dodge2,4-Ton' Pack -up
19411 .Chen. i/2. -Ton,,. with Flat: Rack ....... •
Huron County's Foremost Used .'Car Dealers
Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evening's Until' 10
Cities Service,,,Dealer -- •Plbori1 73x, Brussels
S 450
•'. 395
while they last
r/1 ■RANGE
Complete With Installation
$210 00
• Plus: Gas
:a solo; "It's • almost' 'Tomorrow".
I., The meeting- Was :closed `by
singing; The Queen and• repeat-
ing .,the . Nfary Stewart Collect.. •A
lovely lunch . was , served by 'the
hostess, asisted by, .members. on
the 'lunch .committee,. •.
The. Rev. R. G. 'MacMillan, �/- o,f
Goderic ,. has •bee,n named' dir-
ector' of . -the: Stewardship Sector
Project.. 'for • the Presbyterian
Presbytery ' 'of . Huron-Maitlarid.
Co-director will. be the Rev: T.
McKirinP,yTeeswater. A
steering committee .comprising'
the minister and representative
elders . from., the congregations.
willing to participate was named.
-Seafor'th, Teeswater, Molesworth
and Gerrie,. The sector project
is a • •combination .of the Every
Person canvass and 'Visitation
Evangelism. Congregations which
have . used it testify, to •the ins
creased spiritual interest.
r. •
Twelve - branches' of the - Wo-
men's Institute in the, district
,have; joined together to provide
a roam at the... Wingham _ General
Hospital. Last week a cheque for
1-8110-la's--pre•sen-ted--t-o- 1ns,.--Iris-
E. Morrey by Mrs, N. T. Mc-
Laughlin, president. of -the 'Wing-
:ham W,,I,,. repr'esenting the .total
collections from the area.. •
The door of ,the' new vara will
bear a suitable. plaque, ` and the
•x-oom will be known .as the Wo-
men's' Institute 'ward.
:Contributions • Were made to-
wards the furnishing of the ward
by the'following branches of the
oinens Institute: • Holyrood,
$; `w;hea, 85y00.. _ L`k
now, $25.00y. St. Helens, $25.00;
Whitechurch, $5p.00 "Teeswater,
$85.00; .'Belmore, $75.00; Wroxet-
er;' $35.00;` Blu:evale, $60:00; Brus_
sees, $60.00; Belgrave, $100,00;
Winghan, $232.83,' Bank interest
of $2"1.7brought the total• to ,an
even $800, - Winghain AAdvance-
water,. 11 cups thick applesauce,
V package, lime -flavored - Bela -
Cheese 'Layer:1. tsps: unfl'avor-
ed 'gelatine; . 1 tbsp. cold water,.
1/4, cup . hot water, 2 ' cups seived
cottage ;cheese, " '2 eup diced cel-
ery, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 'Combine
water -and applesauce. Heat :to
boiling,, Add -lime gel4tine; stir
until ,dissolved. Cool, Pour half
of mixture, .into oiled 11/2 quart
mold. chill firm. Soften 1 Asp,
gelatine- in 1 ' tbsp. cold ,water;.
d.issolve.'in' hot 'water. 'Add re-
maining ingredients; mix thor-
oughly. Pour into mold. Chill;
add• remaining applesauce mix-
ture.our over,µ i s. p Douce
mixture: • Chill until firm . tin
mold on _lettuce.' Garnish • with
sprigs of . mint and • cherries.'
,Spiced. Apple Muf€ins-=3 •cups.
flour,' 4 tsp.,baking powder, '. two
tsp.. ''salt,, 3. 'tbsp, sugar, I cup
shortening, 2 eggs well. beaten,
11.4 cups milk, 1 cup finely chop=
ped' 'apple Sugar and, cinnamon
for .'topping. • Sift flour once;
measure add .baking.powder, salt
dnd.:..Sift .into nuking bOWl .find•
sugar. Cut in is s1ii•ortening. C;oi .
bine egg; milk .and apples. Add
to flour mixture; • mix' only en-
ough to damped flour. Turn into '
greased `muffin tins. Mix .2 tbsp
sugar and ;114 tsp. .cinriatrmon;
sprinkle, over muffin. ke in.
het oven about 25 mire.
Apple Fritters . 'with maple
pilso speciate
buys on
other ranges, ' clothes
dryers and : water
You'.,niay take advantage of
our . budget ` plan :if: desired;
Box 509, .
'Phone 790
For • stales agents in ,yottr area
contact: .. ,
'Phone , 50;' Lucknow
► x,
syrup! yummy-Yu/limy: 2 cups of
sifted flour, ;1. tbsp: baking pow
der, G; tbsp. fine 'gran. sugar, 1/2 ,
tsp. salt, two-thirds- eup milk, 2
eggs well beaten; :3 cups apples,
diced (wedges or. slices,' cored,
may be used), :I like best tochip
the quarters in the ,.batter. Fat '
for deep.. frying. Sift flour, ba'k.
-powder; salt and sugary^togeth- ,
er; Mix milk: and well beaten
eggs .together and stir into' the
dry ingredients slowly. Add diced
:apples: Heat the fat until an.inch
cube of -bread will brown err one
minute Drop the fritters care,- - -`
fully into the hot fat to prevent
spattering. Fry from 3 to 5 min.,
until a'golden •brown. Serve with •
maple syrup:., . •
• The riionotony • of a long win-
ter •was *broken fast week when '
"suddenly, it 'was 'spring Heavy
rain • 'and a "Chinook" ' breeze
during the night last Wednesday
took the snow :and' ice as' if by
magic and one could scarcely be
lieve their., ,eyes to •rsee bare-
ground on Thursday morning..
"Never, saty 'the snow disappear
so fast", was the general coma
The Nine`rMile river rose rap-'
idly from, the rains and that!
but with . a straight river course •
and .na -darns on, the-:. streans.
Lucknow's flooding hazard is of
no conseq once, and the -flood
crest dropped about as' quickly
as it; hads.risen.
t . atA�c air►
_ _.. ,. •.• .._...., _ . _ ,J,., a.�._.,r,J:._., :... .... �:.r.,�i+� i`�i., .r... .r�'�� - ^� .�irrc.. •ar.