The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 842 — vawiri • ;PAGE: BIG T,T • KINGSBRIDGE tev•Bdwin Garvey 'of Wind- sor,, qYfr, ;and Mrs. Jos.. Garvey "Of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene .Dalton and son,, and .Miss Dei - THE LUCX.NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAX� APRIL lath, 196 NES; a TIMBER. TIPS • "A" Series ,The Iblg. ,battle in Group "A" which, took place 'between' the 'Gophers and Pole Cats, saw the Gophers coming up with 4 points to.. end the Pole . Cats chances of • 'winning the silverware. Clar- ence Greer;with a.' 727 plus 48 ,for 7,75 led the .winners follow- • .ed •closely by the' Anderson •*duo .and .•M. Westlake •with , totals of over, 600, :Freda •' Buttan: ' and G. Westlake also 'scored" high. as the team scored a 3,387 ;grand total. Bog) 1Vf acIntosh with • 'a 632 total led the. Pole Cats. The Squirrels took 3 pointl. from, the short handed. Kang- aroos as Freck Button led the Winners with • a .678 total with high • singles • goixig.. to Shirley Brooks, Buster Whitby &• Marie Button.' Gladys Hamilton, Lois Crowstou and Al Hamilton with 757, 692. and 614 respectively scored best for the Kangaroos. The •Chipinunks edged • the Cubs for 3 points as; Bill Hunter turned in a 680 total' with Josie Hamilton also scoring high. Best, efiforts•.for the-. Cubs Were turn- ,ed .::hi Eby-. �'#or 'thy 'Eirrngtnn =;and Bill 'Stewart. . (Squirrels, 14, Gophers 12, Pole iC.ats . 8, Chipmunks ' 6, Kangaroos 4,, Cubs • 4. "B',. Series ' The Beavers moved Well .out in • the lead for the `4B" group as they: .'blanked' the ;Coons fox • 4 points.' Bud Thompson, 'corning up with 549 pigs in the: first two '• .frames was the big. gun for the • high flying Beavers. Arnetta Thompson. and' Fern. MacDonald 'With, totals of: 649 .and 633 ,re- spectively also scored high. Bob ,Finlay:: and . Gord 'Bailey each rolled . o.yr e . the • 600. mark The Wolverines took 3: points Enol'' the .. short-handed ' Tigers. Murray Couse and Mary Fisher.. led • the ,Wolverines, ;with' " 600 totals While . Tiger Allan Macin- tyre • scored a ."683": triple includ- ing a 322 single for a 758 night. The Zebras chalked yup a: three lmint victory :over the Lions on Ruth • Jardine's 622 ' and high singles . by Doris Boak,, Bob Reid ,and Stuart .:Jamieson,:, Mary. Er- • rington and J. : Elliott led the Lions, Beavers. .15, Zebras 10, Wolver- Ines" 9,. Coons . 7, :LL;ions. ,6,: Tigers S•a'F t ki. 1. ��'♦�x�n ins ql+ >r; ores Dalton .of Detroit spent the week end with relatives , here. ;Sympathy is extendedto the family of . the late Thos. • Quig- ley, who died suddenly in Buf- falo last week. Mr. Frank Dal- ton, Miss Delores Dalton .and Frank Sullivan were among those from this district who +motored to London on Thursday' mdrning .for' the funeral mass. at 10.0.0 .a.m. at. Blessed Sacrament church. if nterinent took place in St. Peter's, .cemetery; London. Mr. and . Mrs. J. Dietrich and. •family of Kitchener and Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Dean of Ann Arbor, Mich., spent ;the •, week -end at the home of Mr..: and. ;Mrs:.Mark ton.. , •. Mr. and • 1V1rs, Don Frayne and Peter attended the wedding on Saturday .at Kennicot of Edward Dwyer (Ibrother) • land 'Geraldine Connolly;.'Congratulations to the' .newlyweds. ; Among the guests ,from .,a dis- tance who attended the O'Brien- Sinnett wedding which took place here on• Saturday were Mr, and Mrs. Jos. O'Brien of Leban- On, NJ., the groom's parents; Mr. and Mrs.Ross Thompson of Till- sonburg; Mr. Paul Fallon, Steve McGrody, Emily Zack; Mickey ageKerrick of Dayton,' Ohio; Miss . Ann Lucy and Dona' Riceio of • Washington, D.C.;' Mr. & Mrs. Ma•cIntyre of Detroit,; Miss Mary Sokas and Chas. Bel'leheusen of • .Dayton,' Ohio; Mr. ' 'arid ,Mrs. Jas, -Sinnett- and --Mrs McLennan at'd °vii a`ft sr^x:rye'•. Mrs '-er- ry and Miss Therese Perry, Mrs,. Bernardine 'Kinney, Daniel' Gil- lespie, . Ruth Dill, '.Mr. and' Mrs. Lee Whalen, Mr, ,and Mrs. Mier weiler and. children of Detroit; Mrs, J. P. Sullivan 'and daughter of Bolton. The above friends,.', to- gether with the immediate 'seta=• tives of the bride'here. and other local friends,' making 75 guests: in all, eni,oyed a ,deliciousu .din •ner in .the parish hall .after the. tial mass, 'served by ; the ' C.W.L. Mr. and Mrs.. H - Griff in- •of Flint; Mich;, and .children, visit ed at the home . of Thds. Wallace during '' the past week du , g t ,p t The infant 'daughter week, Mr.;""& Mrs. Jos. O'Keefe : was • baptized on Sunday; "Nancy. Philomene", with. Mr ..and 'Miss Cancilla .of, Toronto, sponsors:. Miss . Yo ` Van Osch.... who has been" with the O'Keefe family for -the past 'couple of weeks, re nher me.on Sunday. tur ed :to ho o Mr. Peter Van Oach . is now working in Londoxi. l $ Are: Leaving Walkerton `, The "Tapping • Turners are: leaving Walkerton, . as the. Turn- er family' plans to move to 'Tor-. .onto Bill and Pat, the brother YOUR sto • It lot • .Brit4h. THE ECON,OMICAL WEATHER RESISTINd WOOD to Hedle Stays 'Straight Lasts for Years and Years Nes#Ie's Gr.EamFilled Cookies ul .Chocolate.. Drink,.4z. tin, Large. 16 � � 45c., cold or, hot. FEATURE . r A n Tomato Juic4 Fancy Peas Fresh Pineapples Dare's Cello SAVE 6c, lb. • 1 •- Clark's ° tall,. 48 SAVE up: to 6c,• tin. Holly Brand; large .20 .oz. SAVE 5c Large size `Each 29c. . BE WISE, • GRAB 'THESE•`BUYS!• PRONE. 1.19: • 1• 2 tins, 3 4 for Values Effective • April Speedy "Jet" Delivery LU,CKNOW and ,sister team have .d.anc'ed. in I ucknow, and Bill is. also 'well quires ' orchestra, while his bro- ther Allin is .trombonist, WEDDING-: .BELLS. MaeLENNAN—MARTYN Standards of q white snapdrag ons and. white stalks•. with can. dleabra'formed . an.' attractive background, • in' .:St.,' Andrew's United Church, .Ripley, on :Sat- urday, March 3.1st, When Rev. Douglas Brydor assisted by 1Vir. Stephen ' Oliver, Toronto .,Divin- ity Student, united marriage Miss Bernice • Adelene' daughter of Mr. •afid • Mrs. Ross Howard Martyn •Ripley,. and Mr. Rodney Fraser MacLennan; Tor- onto, :son of Mr. Emile MacLen nan, Lochalsh and: the late Mrs. Viola MacLennan. '. • The :'bride entered on; the arm of • : her father wearing a gown 'of white imported .brocade feat uring- a • bouffant skirt falling. from .an empire waistline. with inverted pleats. Her fingertip veil of silk,; illusion was caught by a 'Matching Juliet cap Mist- ed With pearls . ,andshe carried a bouquet • of. whiite •rpses. Her' : attendants, Miss Jean Schedew,itz, .Toronto, as, maid • of honer; and Miss 'Gail; MacArth-• -tir;;-Ripley; as:'brrdesmaid -were similarly g o wn e d:. in waltz length .dresses of ••coral. crystal.• satin, They wore matching •caps. and n - and carried. _ nosegays of blue white stalks. a Mr George M,acLehnan, Agin- court, ,was best 'man and :the ushers were .Mr Bill Martyr of Wialterloo, . Mr. Finlay Ma Len- nan of :Weston .and Mr: Don Ainsleq, 'Cleveland, Ohio. 11Vir. 'H. P. Heritage, Toronto, as ' soloist, rendered "The :Lord's Prayer" and "For You ` Alone'; accompanied -by_lVirs _ :H. P. -Her-: itage as organist. • A reception was held at the W i•n cls o r-' : `Hotel, ,:K,i»cardine, where Mrs..1Vlartyn received the guests gowned 'in. a'waltz length dress of grey peau de soie with matching hat, • Bink .accessories: and a corsage of pink. roses. She was assisted by Mrs: Geo: Sthith, Detroit; aunt .•of the groom, Whose' dress,: *as .of rose taffeta; with turquoise accessories and a corsage of ,'white poms.. The happy ,couple .left 'for a trip' thru the Southern States, the (bride 'travailing in a suit of • soft 'aqua boucle worsted :wool, topped with a muskrat ,•jacket, champagne straw hat & brown' accessories With gardenia or- sager-..On._•their-=return_-they_ wall reside .in. ,Weston, Ontario. ' Preferred for Hog Troughs — Stable Work -- Clothes Stands Steps —• Window Sills — Fence Posts — Barn Siding Sheathing --- Joists WE CARRY A COMPLETESTOCK WIDTHS AND LENGHTHS TO" 20 FEET. JOHN W. HENDERSON, LUMBER k'LIMITED • PHONE 150, LUCKNOW: Trinity Baptist Chtirch, Man, was the setting for a lOve- ly spring wedding when Evelyn May, Kerr exchanged marriage vows With Weir Alekander ficiated at the dOuble ring cere- • Sports and Auto • Supply= Simoniz Liquid Kleener, 16 oz. tin • ` ` • .., 89c i Simoniz. Paste Wax, 7 oz. tin 89c I Turtle .Wax 16 oz. bottle': . 2.00 1' eaner a ax ' 2 . is Carnu' (complete cl r, nd w , ), 0 oz. ;:. •, „ : , � $1.19 , .1 siye Your Car.. A NeW Spr ng:..Look --- GOOD CLEANER and. POLISH , • from' I. MPBEI.L,?1 Wool Washing. Mitt . ; 51,35 on • . Rubber Sponges 75c Chamois, 20" •air 21" : ..... —: , $2:59 :.. Mira -Chrome .(chrome .eleaner) :.,.., 49c SPECIAL THIS WEEK !' - Buy One Flexy Car Wash Brush, value $6.65:.. i .' bottle . Superior i YougetOne oz o f h �� .0 6 e a.. S or 'Pols. I regular $1.00, for i ` 75c, 'PHONE' _ 6 65 LUCKNOW ONT. • The, brick is the daughter of Sydney, 'N4S.. The. groom is the son .of Mrs. Sheane of Bervie For the 'wedding. the bride Chose a light blue; wool.snit with white accessorieS. She. Carried a and hyacinths centred with pink and yellow with black accessor- ies and carried a -nosegay of pink sweet peas centred with yellow, Donald Wilson. of . Hamilton • The 'reception was held at the home of. the groom's •aunt, Mrs. R. The groom's mother received in' a •charcoal greY .Snit with white accessdries and wore a corsage of red • oar - ter of the groom, was maid of On their return from a Wed - :honor. She wore a suit in neut. ding trip to Montreal the couple tral shade flecked with 'black' will reside in Hamilton. howitreetvoTompoimirosom vaolvtimotimiittaimuant ,sire. Aldie Red Dam. AIdie Red A Baptc by Li howe all in BRUCE BOX SI 'is siill ithe bOX Barrie, the 10 city. SI • who en .that it •• fortunt Southa a bolt. sing- sl at ,the sl 191 New Stride Wax . 1 Good Quality 5 -String Bropin; Special Ceresan 'and Formaldehyde . ..Roller Skates. and Skippini Ropes Root Destroyer. for. *Clogged Draitii 19 urditO •161. i