The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 7'W 7m pAX, APRIL. 11th;. 1958 ' lyceum Theatre: WINGHAM Matinee Saturday' 260 •P ltn. Thurs., Irl„ Sat., Apirl 12-13-14 ClarkGable . ' Jane Russell Ii,obt, Ryan in: • "THE TALL MAN" +A. 'super western with man inter eating 'and ,exciting story, thrill- ing• action sequences, and above average romantic. interest. • Mon, Ttres , -Wed. April, 16-17-18• 1,ana Turner Richard ''Burton Fred ,'MacMurray , in "THE RAINS OF RANCHIPUR" Lavish' settings with striking authentic Indian.' locale with • the realistic depiotio"n of . the havoc and destruction of • a Violent earthquake. Louis Br'omfield's novel, "The Bahia' Came". makes. an exciting motion picture.,. PROPANE: GABS and APPLIANCES s. for ... farm, home. and •industry LUCKNOW DISTRICT COOPERATIVE. INC. . Phone Lueknow 71 ROYAL : ARCH .MASONS. HELD.. LADIEoS' NIGHT BANQUET • Members, of the . Royal Arch Masons hayed boat tb their :wives .ona Friday •evening at a ladies' night banquet ' in. the Re- :creational Centre. . James .Boyle, who is: head •of•, the Chapter, presided and 'exten- ded • •a welcome to the gather=. • ing. Mr. W. B. Anderson . pro- posed a toast . to :the '.ladies and. • Mrs. J.' W. Joynt'replied. ' •` Mr. J. W. Joynt . introduced the special, guest of .,the .even- ing, .Dr ven-ing,.Dr Hay . of Listowel, •;who showed, an . interesting,' film. on 'iris trip to Mexico. Cameron' Mac Donald presented a suitable gift. —1D Dr..; and Mrs. • Hay. Allister Hughes thanked • the ladies df the L' ueknow Women's Institute who catered for.. the• banquet and Mrs.'Chas. Cook re- -+plical. . 'l.'HE LUCKN(2VW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HOUSE, FOR SALE modern, 8 room brick house on Havelock St. Oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply to Dr, T. B. Cleland, Luck now.,_ ' CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Robert ,Ritchie and Fara ily wish to most sincerely thank teriends and. ;neighbors • for the. many. kind acts and 'expressions of synvpathy during the ' illness and at the time. of the death of ai dear f husband . and father. ,Mr. and Mrs. Cyril 'Campbell wish to thank friends 'and neigh- Ibors i in the Itackett community for the lovely,' gift .presented them, . also :to thank ',those who assisted, them to:move, and those', .who. reitnem'bered thein in various ways .during the _past . winter while' "they '. were , ill. ' All' these kindnesseswere ' indeed appreci- ated. Mrs.Charles MacDonald wish- es ishes to express thanks and :appre.c- iation to all her friends for the lovely cards land' gifts arid spec- ial.:thanks to the . St°.Helen's W. A, for the lovely violet sent to her ,while she was : a' patient in Victoria Hospital., London. IN MEMORIAM KAAKE—in loving niemory of a. dear wife, and ;mother, Mrs, Wal- iter'. E. Kaake, who passed away one year ago today,.• March. 29th, •1955. . aettii4 1955._ •her, Our hearts cannot tell " what to.. say, • God alone '. knows how •we ,miss. her, f In a. home -that' is lonely --,-;Sadly ..missed by Husband and. Family; CHAIR' 'PRESENTED AS SEND-OFF GIFT ° At a social evening. in Hack- ett's JChureh'last Thursday even- ing; Mr. and sMrs. Cyril Camnp- bell were presented with a love- ly platform rocker by Hacket town folk, prior to their depar- ture . from the community where they ' had. resided 'since their marriage forty-two years ago. A :variety • program was. enjoy- ed which opened ..wvith a sing. song, and, .included solos iby Mrs. Robert, Scott, • Mrs: Peter Cook,; •violin.; selections. by Mrs,' Blake Alton with 'Elmira Alton.at• the piano, an Easter parade featur, ing a group, of ladies;,decked 'Easter finery:: with Mrs Scott at :the piano, ixistrumental;num. l5ers tby •Alex and Wayne ,Hack ett' ' and George Henry, ..piano solos .by Marilyn Carneron 'and Barbara Nelson, .humdrous read- ings by Wm. Buckingham and Mrs:' George Alton, .A :.one -act• play , "Dorothy Durnb, -Cenus, Tak- er" , vvas enjoyed by; all. Four children dressed as East- er bunnies announced' the vari- ous numbers. They were Sandra and. , Linda Cameron, Harold Menary ,and Randy Lowry... During the, evening the pres- entation was made by Elmer Al- ton wiith the following •address, read by Bert Alton.' Mr. ';Camp- made a- fitting reply of Mrs. • Wilmer HarIton respond ing on 'behalf .of her 'm'other, who was unable to .. be present.;... The evening ;closed with the singing of Auld 'Lang Syne and the : National Anthem.. • The, address w,asas. follows:. :Dear Cyril and ' Mrs. Campbell, . • Tonight in the midst of a soc- ial evening in our church, when. .all yourfriends :and neighbors, are gathered around you, we thought . it ' a • very .' opportune time to '. extend to you our best • wishes, 'on. the ' change in' your ;lives. •which' you.'. are about to make. ' Although we are sorryto have you- • leave our.' community, we know these 'changes: Come, soon- er or: later and.' what is our. loss is someone' •else's gain. •We. sincerely hope the coming years will be ' kind to you ;:and you will :. enjoy many, years to- gether in• your' new, home... • You have both' always • been willing to lend -a helping 'hand whenever the 'need arose, •whe- 4ther it was: to stranger or neigh.. bar. • Wewill miss you. from your favorite. ..pew in our ' church; where you have•. ;both. •:served faithfully in one Way or anoth- er..Mrs Campbell 'you have ser= ved . our Missionary ,Society as president .and as a faithful work,- er in, our you* were always there to .help:out. We are;'gl'ad. 'you have '.nod; decided to move too far away and we sincerely hope to often . • see ' • you aback. among us; We , ask you to; accept this gift as .a small token of our :esteem, `and with our ibest wishes.. May God's j. richest . blessing\ go with •yott to . your.. new home. • Signed on behalf, • of your• friends' and. •neighbors .of Hack ettown .Church.: Abell' .iss ` Sing Special ' 16 .x 20, Stainless . White `.i Enamel Sink with :Chrome ' Plated Crumb.Cup, Strain- er• and HLidee Clarrrping• Rima ' Regular Price ` $18:45' ,SPECIAi.f PRICE $11.95 I �. Write . Dept LS for FREE .1 Plumbing and. Heating I Catalogue. . 1 S. -V. JOHNSON . PLUMBING' SUPPLIES Streetsviile Phone 352-3–i_ Open Mont. Wed... and :Fri. evenings to 9.30 and , all day Saturday:. i Have In .Stock‘ 7 ROBERTSON-IRWIN RIBBED alva ized and Stee mg Robertson -Irwin New Pattern will r—rialth any. make of Ribbed'Roofing, gives full 32" Coverage. SIZES IN STOCK FREE DELIVERY Special' CO -op DiscOunts on Quantities. :over 5 Square. c now Distric 'PHONE 11, LUCKNOW PAGE'. SEVEN LANGSIDE ilk/figs Lois Ribey has four be- ginners at .S.Sa No. 9, Itinloss, They aro, ,Lynda Dawson, Mur - •ray Morrison, Robert 1/1a0Millan and John Adarns. 'Mrs. Wilson •Wall is ill at her home with pneumonia, Mrs. Len Conley of 'Cargill spent a few days the IfirSt of the Week at. the' parental hOrne. Tuesday evening, all the merri- Many Relatives", were 'linable to reach St. Helens. The folk who came and stayed,',,enjoyed a soc- ial- time and- -dancing to -_,the Wraith ordhestra. .It is' planned to hai;o. the play this Wednesday and 'Carol 'of Detroit were visi- tors: last week With Mr. rand,'Mrs. • °use WO 'Shows Each Nightl-at 1.39 Saturday 1VIatinee at 3.30 FRIDA and SATURDAt APRIL 13, 14 , Ann Baxley and Steve Coclirani, • • , A dramatic story of carnival life, gripp with sus- pense that centres around a high diving act.,_Youll regret if you miss this Picture, 1 f!ARK,.'.THEA cod,. • , NOW-1.-Thurs:, Fri. and. Sat. .Dotible Feature Prograni .' • Marie Blanehard; Frank Lovejoy ,and RichardiDenning Buried treasure, a suspected murderer' and a, hurried trip to • Berlin, Germany, combined in a melodramatic thrill picture, ' "THE CROOKED WEB" - Randolph Scott, Angela Lanshury and Warner Anderson, 1 A raw town in COlorado with a main street nobody dared crogs ,but the straight-shooting niarshall of Medicine Pend, /Monday, tuesday..and Wjednesday,— ,, • Jose Ferrar,. Trevor Howard and introducing ."Yana" *1 A new and outstanding attraction—a smash hit inl':London-,-: "A LAWLESS, STREET" In Technicolor 1 , Coming—"It's A Deg's Life" -r-411 scope and color 1 John 'Cameron. We: are sorry .to • report that Rtith,erforcl are. on the Sick list. Many, friends hope . for speedy recOvery;' also. for Miss Norrna Murray, 'who is a patient in Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin, and. TerrY.:'Were visitors on Sun - ,clay with. Mr. John. MCQuillin & Mr. and Mrs.. Carl jOhnston at Bluevale. Mr: McQuillin mak.- ing favorable :recovery frorn the. lin of Hamilton Were Easter vis- itors with their Mint, MiSS peO, rice 1V1cQuillin and other rela- WI: !Proposes Garbage Dump 'The. Women's, .Institute meet-' ing was 'held .on Thursday April 5th in,the community ha,11. Four-, call, which waS answered , •Was given with cash on, hand 11,7! ing $128.73. It was 'mentioned that the Short course which is to be ,Pn June 19th,:is to be on '",SaladS". 'It was deeided to have" the Play from Belmore on Thurs_ day night, 'April 12th. A Igarbage. fOr the:, CoMmunity was discuSsed and it Was decided' that we mention this to bur Council. The standing, Committee reports were given: Miss W. D. Rutherford suggested that each Member be responsible :for giv- ing the history of their oWn fam- ily for the .Tweedimuir history and also, any 'snaps of their fam- ily and -ancestors as far kack as they. can find ,wouid .be appreci-, : ated. teldie Gaunt played CouPie pietes on the piano, Weibib gave a reading. Mrs. Frank McQuillin conducted : i • contest arid Mrs. 'Andrew 9aUnt- gave a reading: The meet- -ing closed iwith the ."Queen". , dainty ',hutch was •serVed by the hostesses,; Mirs. AnclreW Gaunt, Mrs. •Ernest Gaunt, and Mrs. ito!.s: Y.P. Meeting • The meeting of the St. Helens Y.P. was held on' Sunday, April 8th: Marvin McDonald was in charge , of .the WorShip service. Following , a •call to. worship Mar: - Via led: in. prayer. After the read- ing of a 'poem the hymn "My `faith looks .up to Thee was Sung. Marvin then read. a short storY. The scripture was taken from Acts. MarVin led in prayer. The worShip service closed by sing- ing the hymn "The .Church's One foundation". Due to the absence of bOth the president and • vice president, there was only a short Administration. Mr. Howlett had. charge of the Bible study.' There was' a short siiig song. Mrs. 11.07 - lett PlaYed the piano and led the sing song. The meeting closed with Taps and -Mr. Howlett pro- nounced the, benediction. • • • • at the LUCKNO*SALES BARN aturday, a 5th Cattle must be consigned prior to above date HANDLE 125 HEAD ROBERT MacINTOSH,• PhOne 62-r-11, Dungannon