The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 6o A amu T. N� gay A t. 4i th? 4 F'A :X xr� • i•; ?'r.: .47 :s •• v, • r SWIFT'S GOLDEN NECK , k LAVERS, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO professlonals GOLDEN 'NECK :221 GOLDEN .NECK .*23 • Canadian Approved Golden Neck Layers' are tops as high -production layers and meat iar'od er's,They're •early:maturing.. have high livabi i ty .. extra hybrid'iiig t -- sioalgew are'' high, quality , meat . birds. The GOLDEN • NECK is ' developed from , selected- strains to ,fit the. flock needs sof this region. gion. Order the ideal bird to'fit your flock, .GOLDEN, NECK 221 or GOLDEN NECK 223.... get. the Pick of the Notion' Bloodlines. rf l0 Elliott I.R. , H V . Y 'Phone Ripley 24-r-26 • ELECT HOLYROOD W.I. OFIICERS (KINLOUGH.. NEWS) _Mrs. • Frank Maulden was hots- tess to the Holyrood Women's Institute 'at her home• on Thurs- day afternoon, with Mrs. Frank Thompson presiding. Following the Ode and Mary Stewart Col- lect, communications were read. Thank you notes from sick mem- bers who •ahad received fruit or 'fiowera were read. 'A donation was made, to the Red. Cross Soc- iety. The extension course,., 4-11 achievement day and District an- tiva'1" meeting were arranged for. A public, address system : as . a summer iproject was discussed;. arid • left •over •• until. a' later date Reports • ibY the secretary and•' standing cornmittees were given. The 'cheerio committee. will re- port any • farm accidents , to the Township convener, Mr. Jack Barr, so that accurate. tabulation oan; be made of any accidents in our area.' A ;program planning evening, was . arranged for. Mrs. P. A. Murray took the chair for the election. and installation of officers for 1956-57 and heartily thanked the retiring secretary, Mrs. Wm.: Eadie and president, Mrs. Frank Thompson, for their splendid •leadership. For the roll .call each member identified her jSunshine , Sister Mrs. Morgan servation and ..also .conducted 'a quiz. Mrs.. Roy Graham read a poem on '"Hats". 'The: Queen, and Grace brought a verypleasant' meeting ' to a • close and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess and committee. Slate, of Officers, for 1956-57 are: Pres., Mrs. .Jim. Smith; 1st vice Pres., ,Mrs. Morgan., Johnstone; 2nd dice. pres., Mrs. •'•P. A. Murray; sec. treas., Mrs. Tom Hodgins; assist- ant sec;-treas., Mrs. :Baynard Ackert; pianist, Miss• Edna 'Boyle; assistant' .Pianist; • 1VIrs. Ho!w • and Harris•.press . and radio. reporter, Miss May Boyle; District direct- or, Mrs. F r -a"n k : Thompson; Branch = directors, , Mrs. William Eadie, Mrs:Lyman Lymai Sutton Mrs. Ed Thompson; Federateld , News, Mrs. Roy .Graham; auditors,: Mrs. Perry. Hodgins and.:. Mrs. 'Frank Maulden; resolutions, Mrs... Jack Hewitt; Cheerio committee, Con. 14, Mrs.: Frank Maulden; Con. '12,, Mrs.. Alex Percy.; Con. 10, Mrs. P. A. Murray Con.. 8, Mrs, Rich- and Elliott; . standing .,committee- conveners:..Agriculture.and Can--° adian Industries, Mrs. Jack Ack- ert, Mrs. Sam,` Farmer; Home .Ec-• onomics and Health, Mrs. Wesley. Guest,, Mrs.. Frank 1Vlaulden; Community Activities '.and Pub: lie- Relations, -Miss MVM -ay Boyle; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Raynard Ackert, Mrs.. Alex .Percy . Historical. Research; and Current Events, ' Mrs. Perry Hod gins --and . Mrs._ Morley :Bushell. 4 • HURON' GO...CROP REPORT , '' B G. ; W. 'Montgomery) r, Extreme- war*i weatherdur- ing._ _ the past week rapidly dim- • inished the snow, " which soractically . all disappeared .. ex= • • sept for along fences and in. the bush: Several- good runs of sap were reported : during the week, however, . maple .. syrup ., . is in short supply and is ';selling quite. rapidly at . $5.00 ..per. gallon. •Locallies . of sped for sale . supplies . a,. have Abecome exhausted and there is still a . keen demand for Rodney ` and ; 'dam oats and Brant " barley. . , Seed cleaning plant operators are . working around the ;Clock in attempt to keep. up :the orders for seed cleaning. Your child has TWO: SITTERS watching ' over her You ,never see this second sitter. Yet .'sheis just a moment away — always alert and ready for help ,- . at the other end of your telephone. Normally, should you want to make sure that every- thing is all right at home you: just call your sitter, or have her call you. . 44: But situations do arise when your sitter, or ou or ahyal a tna3� be faced" with an -•emergency--- 'hen -a te direct call to Operatorcan bring help in a hurry. She is there to serve you - to help make the tele- ._ phone_ a.:guardian-of .your.-secu...and.our. -security-and ..' P eace y Y of mind. :• ItimprosiDAY, APRIL 1Ut . 1956 R ;Here's your Springtime pick-up, dairy fresh, and brimming with nourishment.. in every glass, you get protein for the .growth and .repair. of • body tissue calcium, the tooth and' bone builder, riboflavin and vitamin A for bright eyes:andclean skin:, Brighten up! Drink three glasses of milk every dty. For delicious ways to use milk, write for Marie Fraser's new Milk Recipe Booklet: - • • 1 • a C: DAIRY FOODSSERVICE, BUREA;l1. •j DAIRY • FARMERS OF CANADA .409 Huron Street, Toronto Drink the Finest From FAIRVIEW DAIRY; Mrs. 'Clare ;.Snarling and Allan on Sunday, it being a''`birthday. dinner •for their son Harold and grandson Barry. • iss Elaine Murray returned Mrs, Arthur. Phillips of Font- hill visited there during the week with Mr: and .Mrs:' Frank Maul - den: On ;her 'return she was ac companied by 'her ' fattier, Mr. J. R. Lane, who will visit in Font- hill. •• . • , Mrs. Ardel Mason of Huron was a recent visitorwith her mother, -.. awn. _... 7. W_ Colwell. _ Mr. Ralph ,Haldenby of Clark `son .spent a few days athis home here.. • ' A • >- ' Miss,' Sheila Haldenby 'visited during the week with ,her. cous- in, Allan. Sparling at Walkerton. Mrs. Lysnanv Sutton and Jean returned—Mme from. avis tiffg atives at Tillsonburg and' Lori- . don. Mr,, . r,,' Russell Barr' returned to. Toronto to continue his studies at' the University of Toronto. Misses Irlma 'Percy and 'Bev- erley Stanley .returned to their. teaching duties. r ' Misses Mary Scott' and 'Betty Hamilton student teachers of Stratford . Teachers' College, are practice , -teaching.--,--this---,week -at- „ our school under the supervision. of Mrs. Burton Collins. . Mrs. - J. ig. lwell..'accomp an - red -Mr: --arid Mrs: Geor. ge” CoiWell and .. Jack to the home of Mr. & Mrs Walter .,'Forster .and family an Sunday. Mr', . and Mrs. George Haider -11)y entertained Mr, and ,Mrs. Harold Haldenby and family, Mr. and r . THE ®ELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA home • after visiting with her home after visiting with Larry Kraemer, Wendy and Timmy Dales.. Parents and friends joined ;thee.. 'Teen . Agers at the 'final , dance. on' Friday evening in ' Holyrood Hall and at the conclusion cd the evening • Mr. Earl Harris and Mr. and Mrs:1 Howard • Harris were presented with gifts in apprecia-- tion of theirmusical services during the winter months.. lyfiiiMary-Jackson of Komo1 a visitedduring ' the week • with Miss ' Erlma Jean: Percy. • Mr. ,Elton Emerson of Camp Borden was a recent visitor with. r. :an ;' rs. ' usse us e Bobby. . t :1 6 L.iicknow, • Lead. • Mrs: Douglas Graham hada a display of literature. A vote • • 1 of thanks Was tendered, the hos tess and all taking part by •:Mrs. Ted: Collyer, Hymn' 446 'was sung and Mrs. Maclntyre closed ,the meeting ' with . prayer:• South Kinloss W.M.S. , • . The April meeting 'combined with the Easter. Thankofferiing was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Campbell. •Mrs. Wililam Maclntyre, the "president, open- ed . the meeting with prayer, Readings ' were • given by Virg: •TeddCollyer and Mr's. , Evan The scripture..and rnedita-y tion. was ' taken by Miss Mary MacMillan. Tiie.' roll ` call was answered •' by a proverb, The CG I.T, girls sang "The Old Rug ged Cross". The, speaker for the meeting was Mrs. (Rev,) Cas - Well, meage �WhoP aye S ave a were giventer by Mrs. Thos. MacKenzie and Mrs, Herb Buckton. Current, events were • giver. by .Miss • Dean Mac-. fes../,.. �.•l�.l�•'I�..i •r.r� ..,. MONUMENTS.;' SKELTON . MORIALS ALKERFbN We:are' the . only , ' nanufac. tues 'in this part of° Ontario of high class nioiiuments who' import granite from the Old' Country in the rough'bi the carload and process from the ,rougk the ished monument. Noto middlefinman. When choosing a inonument come and see one' of the largest selections in Ontario, -Es ablished vo Write or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKCELTON MEMORIALS '{9ALKEWJ ON • • • r