The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 5L io • • WSPNRISDAY, A ' '+ i l th, 95¢'• THE LVCKNOW SENTINEL, LU+CKNOW, ONTARIO FAGS FEV +r At. 1, e .... wOeer}54�►'.l1.ee. s.•r:♦ Wholesale. -Dealers ..TV SERVICE CONTRACTS ANTENNA. INSTALLATIONS, ' .TV PARTS, TUBES • • ANTENNA PARTS; . ' ROTATORS, •MASTINGS, "RADIO. PARTS, TUBES VISIT : S ---Lets us o 'Consumer Specialized TV Service ' at l pme • or at .depot ANTENNA • REPAIRS ANTENNA II4STALLATION'$ p' 1 Yearwarlanty --.: $59.00 to $129.90 90 -Day' Warranty.On ,AI:L. TV•'SERVICE..: your. problems—TV Radio y 'Edwards �uitdin PURPLE GROVE Mrs. Brindley' of Riversdale. is visiting' with her daughter, Mrs.. Frank Dore. , . Mr. and .Mrs„ Sam Emerson '&' Hilda; visited at the home of Mr. &. Mrs. John.'Emerson' last week. _ .Mrs. George -SS. Erneraon , visit mth -Ater 1 ensu i- 045 -' stock last .week. • Mr, Viand aVIrs.:. Ralph Hill and Russel Cpllins , attended the: 'fun-. neral' of :the late Toan Quigley . at London on Thursday. 'Mrs. Hill. remained ':for a few days with her sister,•Mrs.' Quigley.. A social was held: in. Purple Grove' School last week: All re- port a good time. Mr. Don .-Dore was 'home for ,the weekend.• Mrs... Storey.. of Russell, Man., is' visiting with herbrother, Mr.' Milton Stanley.. .Miss :Edna• Boyle of `.Orillla is •visiting at._the-home_r_of her ,br-.o-- ;ther,. Mr. Francis ;Boyle. . :The !unpile Grove ,.Grove Institute' meeting':was, held' `at the home of Mrs. Harvey. Thom1? son last. Wednesday rwith a' large .attend,.. il ante. • Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne Ritchie Victoria St., Wingham • Phone 966 1 e .1 1 e.'e.soeee��eH ��s�sve� ����.�+��e1eo�► visited relatives in .Listowel cently. Visitors". with .Mrs. Helen -Swan this week •were.:Miss Myrna Ir- win, :Miss Margaret' & Don Robe,. ertson.' re•- CULROSS CORNERS `emirs "Wan all,. who 'has ,been at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Schumacher for some time, has returned to her home 'at Kin- lough: Misses Beverley Wall _&: Karen •Wallspent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Joe Wall, , of Teeswater, Harold..Whytock, . Laverne . and Ray Harris spent .Thursday after- noon with: Donnie. Wall. • Doris Wallspent` a few days with lier •grandmother, 1VIrs R. White head, Teeswater. Mr. and. Mrs. Don Donaldson motored to.': Woodstock • recently andoii-the-return -trip-were .ac- companied .home. by: Mrs. Earle 'Hodgins,who had spent some time . visiting in the city. , . Mrs. ...Toe 'Wall of Teeswater spent the 'week -end .with- Jr.' & Mrs. • Frank Thompson and tam- sly... "I know what I'm talking about. No wise man or woman would be without the services of a crust, company in matters co'ncernirig their estate—Ws far tdo impoitant. 6o, take my Advice, write for the free booklet, "Iilbeprint For Your, 'Farnily." It will tell you a lot you should • .x Bobby Wall. spent Fridayaf- ternoon at Dave IreIand's• and visited -the maple' sugar 'bush. Miss . Helen .Schumacher spent last •week with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wall, :Kinlough. • • Miss ' : Elda Wall spent the wpk-ensl :w:i 3b'fi�. *bead, Teeswater, i1Vlr and Mrs. Murray Hender- son and children of Paramount` .and Mr. ' and Mrs. `'Jas. ' Wraith spent. Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Art Hodgins: United Church, W:M.S "What does Easter mean t� you?" :Was the ' .worship ` theme for the ..April . meeting ,Of the United Church W;M,S : Afternoon 'Auxiliary: In the absence. of the President and • • secretary, 1Vlrs. Wilfr ed Drennan, vice pres.. and. Mrs. ' Burt Roach presided.. The scripture .reading ' was. taken„ by -Vies Georgi - A -redrew. The theme. was taken ' in • three parts: • "Med- itation on the .Cross", •"Medita tion•' on the Resurrection" and "Easter is the Festival - of Vic- torious• Living", by Mrs. J. W Joynt,. Mrs. Ewart : Taylor an Mrs.' James,Webster. Mrs. W. L MacKenzie resided for the pro gram. .The, . guest'.' soloist '•wa Mrs: Robert Andrew of . Listo wel ' Mrs. •Harold Allin and dau ghter Mary contributed ' a 'pian -duet. ' Mrs. Ed 'Thom gave • reading • an ' ."Easter's joyou message df Hope", written - aby Mrs. • Matthews, formerly ' Eve lyn Craw, of --Peterborough. The topic --for- --study—on "M-issio Tides" was reviewed' by. Mrs. W Anderson, and -..Miss Flora Andrew.. Canada has asked to have more settlers, and -it is • part of ,our, loyalty'.: to ..our homeland. to help those who do._ corne to get over their • sense 'of' strange- ness.' Emigrating, takes ' a • vast amount, of courage. If. every Can= adian • going'overseas •' would identify themselves; with the Christian church,.what navy life and hope it would '.bring . to 'our misisonary work overseas, and to • those who ' know • not the meaning of, Easter. The Thank - offering meeting. of the W.M.S, Auxiliaries ' will;, be held in. the church Fellowship .Room at 8.00 pan. on April .12th, The :guest speaker'• will. be Mrs. W. R. Lake of Kincardine, ,formerly. of ` mis- sion in Jamaica: Bruce W.1Vl?.S.' res.y eria wi : .e in . iarton on April 17th. The program was under the cohvenership 'of 'Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie, Mrs. R. H. 'Thompson, Mrs Thom and Mrs. 'George Andrew. Refreshments: were served at the close of the meeting: • . a s 0 a s n� HEAU OFFICE The spirit of Christ Within ,our hearts • enthrone Then shall we feel, ,oun neigh-. Hold Out the helping hand • ' The measure of man's Werth Is service. to -mankind. • LANGSIDE. Sunday .Schoot starts on Sun- day, April 15th,' at 2.00 p.m. Church at 3.00. p.m,. • The pot luck supper was, a de- cided success with' a real good attendance.- Following supper a prograrn„ was enjoyed with Rev, Caswell as: chairman and which opened with: a lively • sing song conducted by Mrs. Warn. Scott. Duets were given by Donna Mof- fat and Marion • Scott, trio• b3>• Janice, Marion and David Wall; piano solo Iby 'Marion Scott.; ac-, cordian. selections : by.. Gordon, Wall and readings.by Mrs. Gor- don :Wall; Mrs. Bert .'Moffat and -Mrs`: Frank Miller. Remarks were ,,given: Iby Rev. Caswell thanking all. for the :success of the evening and the lovely •sup- per, also thanks. were ' extended: by iMrs. Lloyd Moffat.. and she also announced the Ladies Aid. were planning to. send woollens for blankets to .have thein away by May 15th. ; If anyone wishes to . send they can contact any of the Members 'of the . ladies , Aid. 'Linda. and Janette Johnson of Belgrave were Easter' week tors with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin. • Jo -Anne and , Royden Conley of Lueknow: • were Easter week visitors. with their -cousins, Lois and Mac'• Conley. .• • Cecilia Crowston spent Easter„ *ar�r r t, yrs. 'W rn Kennedy , and Mr..' 'Kennedy ' in Wingham. . The Thankoffering meeting of the--:�W.A. is ."being •held in the church on April 13th at 8.30 p.m. Slides 'Will- be shown. MORRIS IS 'PLANNING CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION' The executive 'of. the Morris i • HALDENBY - ELECTRIC MOTOR • SERVICE Armature' and Field Windin •Brushes, Bearings,, Etc. • Repairs to• 'Fractional' and Integral Horsepowe;> Motors, Also • Electric E.siis, ,Vacuums �lippex ,. Drills, Ete. • HALDENBY ELECTRIC• • . Kinlough Phone Ripley 111�r-29' IMPERIAL 'ESSO DEALER Esso and Esso Extra Gasoline Marvelube and MineralUbe' MOBi q �Ol' ATLAS TIRES Always look to• Imperial for the best s * * J. E. MacDONALD Phone 3, Luckri�ow Township. Centennial committee has ': sent .out • invitations to' old ,.•r•>r.ri.o. boys ,and. girls from the munici- I' SINGER .�. hundredth birthday anniversary • Pre-Spring on` A ist •4 ' S, __Naturally alit p. y . to come. back "for their y'a. comple • ' list of names .would ° SSP EC I AL' New zi ECONOMY' PORTABLE Round bobbin, reverse • stitch . r +tch and•' dial tension. REDUCED FROM I $119.95 to •$99.90 For This: Week • .Only �;.. else Demonstrator: Models. for Sale SINGER SEWING' I• Phone: I Goderiehi.13or W;ngh_665' not be; available and every means is 'being used ' to inform the old timer s , of the event.. . ._ Elmer Nivins, a brother of Mrs. Peter McCall. of town, who iswith the C.P.R. transport traf- fiee' department in. Calgary;• is endeavouring to arrange- for ;a special coach from the West 'to make- the trip . "back. home". • BOOSTS FOR COASTGUARD.. SERVICE ON GREAT LAKES • Mr A. E. Rabinson, :.M.P, for Bruce, •spoke in the' House last, __weel .ixi._s ppar-t-of•--:a--resolution- •that' proposed the establishment of : a coastguard service .. on the Great Lakes.. Mr. ,Robinsons 'pointed out that he ,Was particularly; interested •_in the subject as • he ''came from a district that had" approximately 300, miles of "shore line; 'which, was .extremely. attractive to sum- mer tourists. ' • - The ' number ..of ' 'yachts and power. (boats on Lake Huron. arid. Georgian Bay • is . increasing each year, and many Arnerican yachts, call at . points ' along this shore- line. As well a •go"od many., fish= ing boats ply these waters. In additidn , the,4ope'ning • of the deep waterway will. increase the need for a coastguard • service, Mr.. Robinson. emphasized: • ' • ' The Bruce member recoirni mended that , if_sie.._"°suc�h ser:-. vice was inaugurated, considers tion .be given to train Sea Scouts in connection .with the service. "It :would be ;goodtraining. for all . those boys who have the navy . in view for ;their future he said, MACHINE CO. Tooled To Repair All . Makes• •01 Trattors, 'Machines & Shop Work KINLOUGH GARAGE THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS BRANCH OFFICE Clerk: So does mine, but ghe • 1'4 Dunlop St., Barrie' doesn't realize it--tshe thinks I'm • c. • • • • 9. , PAYING HIGHEST. PRICES' FOR . In accordance with govertunent. regulations, our psinitrY for your protection. • •