The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 4l' r• f to !'AGE, Fota. i r. THE LUCKNOW SEN'1'NEL,,t'ICKNOW, ONTARIO ROY N. BENTLEY• PUBLIC .ACCOUNTANT . Monthly Accounts Business and -Farm Tax Returns . Box 4'i8 TeL 1011 • CODERICH,: QNT '' . : ,• ' COMING' EVENTS �. PLAY' AT BLARES • Q Zion Dramatic Society Will • present a 3—act comedy, , "Uncle alfalfa red clover. WAN�TFD•--• domestic help. Dr. FOR, "t;�+A�LE-- ► 11,'.Corrin, ,Box ,209,' Lucknow. and timothy seed. Alex Hackett, R. ?; Lucknow, . phone 67-r42,: : FOR SALE. --= quantity of 'oats.' Dungannon; ` WIDE ,SECTION •of tipholster ed furniture at 3Vlildmay Furni ture 'showrooms;; also. Wallpaper •and ,congoleum, medium'.,price'd bedrpoin suites and mattresses: •Free.. deliivtery. Godfrey Schuett', Mildmay. . . SEED .' ,FOR SALE --eve • carry a Mull line of,'•clovers, grasses and FOR .SALE—new wooden hand- tmoth' seeds. We have pasture made crib & °Nordhemer piano, mixturyes for every 'type of soil. Apply to Mrs, ' N. Bushell or"Harvey Hagedorn, phone 71-.24, • 'Kenneth Cameson' • Garner Stanley ,;• R .3, Lucknow; . .;HOUSE WAN°I1ED-Pwish to '•rent dnedium : size 'house i.. Lucknow. AD'ply to Box 127, • .Lucknow: WANTED TO RENT --2-3 bed- xoom cottage; August, 18 Septem, fiber Ist.'• Wm. C. Barrett,. 19 : Me-: donte ,Avenue, Toronto , 16. FOR:SALE. - two !girl's spring coats,. size '2,, rose velvet and a wine corduroy.: Mrs. Geo: A:Web- ster,' phone 44-r-31, Lucknow. FOR SALE York hog 1. year Old and 12. chunks. of pigs. Eldon ;1Vlilier, phone .64-r-1:1. •' FOR SALE -- Clare -Jewel cook stove in good condition 'Harold Lucknow. HAY FOR SALE—choice mixed tray, • timothy, alfalfa , and • red clover; square bales. Grant Far=. rill, R. 3, Lucknow, phone 68 r-4 , Dungarinon. FOR SALE _ purebred .York hog; .8 inontths' old, bacon. type, • :a guaranteed right.:Apply to How- ard..Bobinson, phone 231-w Luck- now.` • FOR SALE quantity of • ,good mixed loose hay; few bushels of thriethy seed:: D. A. Hacks ;' R. 3,T Lucknow; :phone Dungannon 69-16.' • . ' .. . Josh Perkins . in Blake's Com- munity Hall on Thursday, April 12th, at 8.30' p.m.. Adults 50c, 'children 25c. Sponsored by'Blakes • W,M.S. CBAGE FRID Therei11 be. a men' : party in•Legion . H 1' evening, April 1.3 Everyone welcome. , DAFFODIL ATEA' : „ The Ladies' Court Of .' the C.O.F.areholding a :"bake. sale, and iazaar 'in the. Legion Rooms,' Saturday, April '28th at 2.30 p.m. Children's. sun dresses, sun suits, aprons, etc. Tea,,,.will be served. Everyone welcome. cribbage n Friday t 8 .o'clock. • N HILL REPORT .�S.1 LETHERIN 'TON., ' Q.C. .. Barrister, Etc. Wingham and. Lucknow • IN' LUGKNOW., Each Monday and Wednesday Located ixl.the Mi nicipal Office 'Phone Wingham TV SERVICECENTRE n dY Ripley. ' ARabinson, Federal mem- Off!Ce 48 Residence 9.7 ber of Parliament for Bruce; will •, ;, offers used TV' eornpletely re= built . ,new TV • warranty. 10 in., 'give his fifth report ' from Parl lament Hill of 'this 'third session • J O H NSTO N E'S 12=in., 14 -in , 17 -in., 21.1n., $.69 00 of the 22nd ' Parliament ' over `E up. All in .popular' name:. table.. • . Station CKNX on Sunday,: . FU NERAL I'IO • Raolio• , TV.. Highlight special -1.7" 'table 15t at 10.15. a.m. and :over � model warranty. aoriginally ur • n COS Owen Sound on Tues day • •Ambulance , Service HOME $279,price• Aprilh,d 'Phone 76 rra t Antennas . $89. Full twa n Y ' stalled. Areas delivered to God - the 17th at. 7;00 p.m. • Day or Night g ht; • FOR SALE -4 -roomed house, all conveniences,' newly painted, :ap-• • , proximately an acre of land, double ';garage: .Orville •.Jones,. Lucknow; ;Shone 268: _• • FOR. SALE boy's check coat "set, size 2, navy trim and= a girl's • .check' coat set, size, 4, navy 'trim. Mrs.' -Norman MacDonald, phone 44-r-14, Lucknow. ,rich to Exeter, Orangeville• to . • NOTICE' (Q v a III- -SQun�, Southampton: r . VSE.. OF FUNERAL .1 'l"-i'�'- �'ji�l Ci��c•�'°"'•'"° , .., _�7 toric;. St., 'Wingham; or •phone•Lucknow didistrict. swill, ~,old a Moderate .Prices'': Meeting';in the Johnstone Rooms,, •. Trite 1 V Service :T(ie rt WE ED SDAY, ABR 11th, 1956 ' Insure With The. CU LROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. -. for Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory, settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent • R.R. 3, . Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 ,F T ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • •FO R''AP.POINTMEN'.T • 'Phone: 1100 For Appointment .or Information ' See Wm., .A.• Schmid, 'Phone 1.37-w, Lucknow 966: Luc: now, on on Es a e • f rtance to all k Monday April 16th t Established' 1894 at 8.30.' "Special- speakers: This meeting., .iso importance AUCTION SALE /Clearingauction, sale' .of 'stock, implements} hay, ;'and • ' grain at •Lot 19, Con. 12, • Kinloss Town- ship two miles east 'of Kinlough On Tuesday, April 17th at ' 2.00 p:m...See.bills for list and terms. Thomas `:McFarlan, Prop.; Don- ald B. Blue, Aue. FISHERMEN ATTENTION! A •'large • stock 'Of •• travellers samples 'including everything for .the .fisherman, ',will. ,go on ':sale ,at he Hartley Smoke Shop -corn- mencing April 18th: They . will be- offered at :the amazingly law prices. PROPERTY FOR SALE ,- :con- sisting' of corner lot, with nine room hoose,.. ;hardwood floors. throughout, m'o• d e tn conveni-• einces, barn ' and garage: Apply to Mts. 'N. E. Bushell or:. Kenneth -!Cameron. FARM .FOR . SALE — 60 acres, house with..hydro, hen pen, col- ony house, - two • • Wells, 'watt* runs throiigh. farce, • suitable for grass farm. John -S. Hutchison, R.R. 1, .Lucknow: BARLEY CONTRACTS ' • Barley . contracts • now attail- able 'Improved price :from last year. Elliott's Seed House, phone 1544 -Luckirow. F4R ' SALE --Dodge coupe ' with ' large trunk, extra leaves ' lir spiings for heavy loads, rebuilt engine, very easy on oil., W: L. MacKenzie,' phone 193. '• TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher required for S.S. 17 Cedar V 11 Township' School Area. Apply stating •qualifications and salary. e ectad-notTater tha t April 21 1956. 'Duties to commence in Sep- tember. . R.. T. Kilpatrick, Secretary, RJR. • 7, Lucknow, Ontario...' hog' producers who are .urged to • • the in • attendance.• A:. M. HARPER • NOTICE I have 'Moved • to the residence. of the late, Mrs Teinple Clark, and Will conduct business' from my. office Which' will be;: `located. there .. • •• STANLEY' J.: PYMN1. BABY CHICKS', -Kitcl-m-ner Big -4 Chicks. Per 'haps you ''/bought.' earlier chicks ' -maybe you want more, having *sized up, the good future mar- kets -,-then they should be Big - 4. From a Canadian Approved Hatchery.. of long and • wide ex- perience in chick breeding. They ,have mixed chicks -= cockerels, broilers, and pullets, dayold and started. ;Tell. me the market you: want to 'catch, . let me quote on the right chicks; Big -4 of course. Agent LUCKNOW CO-OPERATIVE • 1V}OTICE. TO' CREDITORS •. • • MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for, 'sale by ' : the' quarter: Beef killed under lic- ense • •from, .the Department' of Health. 'Choice Hereford year- lings, front quarters 27c, hind, quarters '36c.: •Custom. butchering a speciality.. ' Baynard Ackert Holyrood' Phone :24-30, . Ripley •• ARTIFICIAL .INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. ' "Where Better Bu . Are ;Used' - Bulls , Artificial insemination' service for all breeds of cattle. For ser.: IN *THE MATTER ;of :the Estate. of DONALD_ :SI UTIL •late: "of thie. Village of Lucknow, in, the County , of , . Bruce, - Retired Farmer, 'deceased, • Chartered Accountant '. • West Street GODERICH,' ONTARIO, Telephones343J= STATE FARM MUTUAL. AUTOMOBILE :1NSURANCE Investigate. Before 'Investing _REUBEht WILSON •R.IL 3,. Goderich Phone 30-r-8 Dungannon r INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE' AND ; LIFE' : To Protect Your 'Jack, ' • 'Insure With '.Tack ,Today. TICIVWDO R.R. :3, Lucknow, Oitt. 'Phone 61-5;,, Dungannon NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that 'all persons '. having any' claimsor demands .against the. Estate of. Donald Smith, afore vice or ,information phone Clin- said, 'who died 'on or about :the, ton ' 515 collect, between 7:30 and Twenty -.first • day: . of February, n D. '•1956, are, required to file 10:00 a.m. on week days . proof of ./help~ claims.. duly. ver!- and 9:30 ,a.m. on Sundays and and 7:30 f A.ed with the undersigned ere - Holidays, •tutors on or ';before' the Four- teenth day of May, A.D. 1956. AND NOTICE is further given' that afterr' the said date -the un- dersigned executors will pro- teed to 'distribute the assets . of, the .6a -1W -eft -ate among those 'en-: titled thereto and .will not be liable for the said assiets or any REST HOME' ACCOMODATON t or, es w, REST HOME accomodation fo -Ashfield: elderly people ' available in com e a Y,Portable'• borne, good , surround ings; home cooked meals, reason able_rates..:Apply, Mrs..: Char!. Elliott, Stauffer `St., Lucknow phone 231M. - ;; t• r'r . A • TEACHER WANTED • Lady, teacher for Grades 1 arid 2 of the Lucknow -Public School. Apply stating 'qualifications and salary 'expected: a , ' • • Lucknow" Public School Board,, 'Donald Henderson, Secretary, • Acconioda..ion a v.a i 1 a b 1 ern at part Y ny •one. of 'whose thereof to a +received notice: all not then have Carruth,~ storrca}escenfi -Home: ms Y. Home -cooked meals, modern con Dated at Ripley:, :Ontario, this veniences, warm. Registered nurs- ing Seventh day of .April,. 1956. •available if required . in case , of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car- John ' Smith, R.R, 4, ' Ripley, Ont. ' • • •John. Willocks, .lipley, Ont. Executors. • • • • riathers, R 3; IHolyrood, phone 27-16.:Ripley. ' TEACHER' WANTED '• .Protestant teacher for School' • Section No. 2., .by West Wawa- nosh • Tow'nship ' School Area. - .Duties:.. to_.LL ,corns enc, :Septet :bel .. 1956.Apply stating :salary an. qualifit:ations not'later, than .Apr,. 14th, 1956.,,W. A. Stewart, sec-. retary-treasurer, Dungannon., SURGE MILKERS More farmers 'switch to Surge milkers. Low ' down payments,' easy terms, ,satisfaction and 'ser- ;vice guaranteed. :Contact Lovell McGuire, Surge dealer, phone ' 593, Wingham. SEED FOR ' SALE: Grade 1 Grimm alfalfa $1800 bus.;' Ontario alfalfa or" certified. Ranger alfalfa $20,00 bus.; Eng- lish red clover $18.00 bus.; Ont - .arid --_red ,:love, Q.9Q :busy,.. AXE sike, $18.00. 'bus.; sweet clover $7.00 bus.; timothy $5.75 ' bus.; commercial Rodney oats $1.75 'bus:,,_ Beaver or ,Ajax,_ oats..,:$1,$5.: bus,: Montealm or Galore barley' $1.85 bus., We carry a complete stock of grasses for all hayand pasture seedings,, also do grain cleaning and• treating'.: R. 'GRAMM,. Pinkerton, .Phone dargill..b8rl3Y• C0 -:OP 'AUTO . INSURANCE -ran` N.ay-Accept-. `.,._.. TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL' TRUCKS -as :wen ,as—the—farm -business.:: For information consult T. "A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon '10-r-10 JOHN'McMVRCHiE, RIPLEY, Phone 26-r-23 AGNEWS' AGENCY' MEMBER- OF Ontario Insurance Agents' Association GENER L 'INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago • Telephones: ..• .Business 39' Residence ' 138 McLENNAN and. .MacKENZIE FUNERAL^ SERVICE Services conducted accord ing 't to -your wishes at your. Home, your • Church, or " at our . Memorial--Chap,!.—at-•O. additional charge.' • AMBULANCE SERVICE • Phone 181, • Lucknow, Day or ?tight r .. .:.w....-''�•i'��;:, ��•�r'w•-.•,,,i .r :, 1. • R. W, . ANDREW :.. Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTAr1O `IN LUCKNOW" 4, Every , • Wednesday . and: Saturd Afternoon • ' Telephone . Office ;iri, the- Joynt Block Office' 135 Residence '31-3.. G. ALAN WILLIAMS OptoMetrist . • Office on Patrick St., just off the Main'' St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination' , • Optical Services • Evenings by 'appointment. 'Phone: Office 770; Res. '291 .. Kenneth J. MacKenzie, R.O. TED COLLYER :ltegistereci. 'Master Electrician y=E1 ECTRICAfifi'CON'I t tiOR- Specializing in Electrical Wiring and Repairs AGENT FOR . SPARTON TV and �. All Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r-:25, Lucknow • Optometrist •. LISTOWEL; 'ONT. . at the former Wrona:Jewelery `store. Ripley, 1'0 a.m. •to.:9. p.m., • WEDNESDAY; ,APRIL 25th and .every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment. ..'phone. Roy Ma9Kenkie, 96-r-24, Ripley. WINGHAM, A MEMORIAL .SHOP We - Have :Been Memorial =.. . Craftsmen for Thirty=Seven Years, Always Using • THE BEST'GRANITES; , Along With Expert Designinrand. Workmanship.. . • Prices Most • Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R.''A SPOTTON 'Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario I•N INSURANCE Po -Operative Life Insurance -:.Go-O .at ve-.. �.Automnotikl .- ;- Insurance Mercantile• & Farm Tire Insurance • Economical a•;lrid , Reliable. See ., T.A CAMERON LUCI{NOW • • 'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon