The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 3• .t'• it e • g• is y )e r- ' as o.,. WEDNESDAY, APRIL llth, 1956 THIJ ,LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, •LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO f • TOOLATE ` O CLASSIFY . PRESENT' SERVICE FARM FOR, SALE --50 acres, SH of NH of lint 79-80, Con. 1, Kin, ; BADGE, AND PIN loss Tviip,,. 40 acres under • grass, 4 acres rye, balance ;Wowed. 1301; Carripibell, LuCknow•' u . LUCKNOW ' UNITED CHURCH Minlsfsr; Rev, C A. Melklejohn, B.A., B.D, SUNDAY,' APRH. '15th 10.00 a,in.: Church Schooll 11;00• a.m. ,,Pioneering in. Faith. "• 7,00 P.m.: Pie. New.. Spirit Lucknow, Presbyterian .Church Rev. Wallace McClean, Minister, SUNDAY, APRIL 15th 11.00 a.m.:. Morning Worship. 1215 p.m Sunday School.. 3.00 p.m.: Dungannon, �•,pp fi�J�,•C. The Ladiesz Auxiliary meeting was held in the: 'Auxiliary Rooms on Tuesday, April 3rd. All menibers who wish to -take part in- the bowling •.teurnamex t to be held in Walkerton on Wed- nesday, Mary 2nd, are requested to. get in touch Frith Eva. Black not later than Saturday,' April Any ax ernbers wishing to at-' tend the convention in. London from September.24thto 27th. elusive, please .contact secretary Eunice Reid 'by. Saturday; April 7th, as ',•reservations, have to he Made made as soon : as. possible., ` • May 16th is' the date for the annfral rally,- which is being held. •in ielinten . 'It -is hoped as many members as possible will. ;attend,', Plans are underway • for the Auxiliary's Birthday Party, the date being: April 2Oth, The menu. is a pot, luck supper and the,pro- 'gram will include lots of undis, covered talent.y Preparations for the Auxil.i- ary's 24th of May dance are un-, derway. This dance. will be held On '.May .',23rd,this date -being most, ' suitable. President Anna Johnstone pr.e=, sented Past'President Sadie 'Mac= :Milian, with her past president's badge and pin. .• The meeting :closed. with ' the The :committee served 'a 'dainty. lunch which. was enjoyed ,by all. •s;.r�o�"�r.�����Ns",�i,�� i�,r�>�"w�n.�u�"�i t�r,�„�N��, i.�+F�i»;. • N Owners, .: Harborers orPossessors of . Dogs wjthin the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Lucknow. ' 1 Pursuant, to By -Law' No. 4, 1956).411 Owners;, Harborers or. Possessors of ;Any ,Dog within the -said. Municipality -shall procure from the Corporation. •. . THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE•. A TAG FOR SAME,' fee 25% cents and shall pay an annual' License. Fee of Two', Dollars for a Dog,: if ;only one and ' Four Dollars for . each !. additional Dog, ;and. Four Dollars:for a Female Dog, ' if only ` I' one, and Six Dollars for,;. each additional Female Dog owned, . 1 harbored or possessed by' him. Each License and Tagbe shall procured on or • . -.before .May 1st ` and ' shall ..expire December 31st 4., in each':year. The Corporation of the Village . of Lucknow t 0111•"111•11Ir111M1�.11fio41111111"0.`off►usti�"41!ur"4"�fi�r"�i,�r. 0, , 'd otice By -Law No. 5, 1956 A BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT DOGS RUNNING' ING' ote AT LARGE IN THE VILLAGE Or LD'CKNOW,. of WHEREAS it is provided by the Dog Tax and Sheep 'Pro - Q' ig teii;tion Act, R.S.O. 1950,. Chapter 107, `Section 6, that Conn, Bids• `f Urban Municipalities may pass' By -Laws for Prohibit- ing the running at • large of dogs. Locai General:'. Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie spent Easter week with Mr.. and Mrs. Rae Myers of 'Ottawa. Mr Bruce Craig ' of. ',W4in and 1,VIr.. J. D. Bryce of Port El- gin were recent visitors . with. Mr, and Mrs. Jack MoKendrick: ' Mrs. Winnifred• 'Nixon has ,fie turne'd home wafter spending East- er week with her nephew and niece, ''Mr. and ;Mrs. Ernest Snow- den and ,family and .With : Mr. James Snowden. 'Miss Mary Anderson, daughter Of Mr.••and IVIrs. W. B. Anderson,. spent . Easter week in; 'Florida.' ,Mary • teaches .kindergarten in Toronto. • •', ' -Mr. and Mrs. James lYlathers. moved'. last !week . tothe former W. J. Davison home. They sold their 'home. on Havelock- St. to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Crawford, • Dan Rose has Completed his 'first `'year of a ,two-year course at .the . O.A:C, . Guelph. i onria 'and,'Raney Corrin. spent Easter . week with their grandparents,..Mr. and lVirs.' Geo. Corrin .of ,Brantford.. Mr; and• Mrs. Al • Guse;'' Doug- las and Don of Peterborough were . recent visitors . with 'Mr. and Mrs, P: M. Johnston and 'on their return :were. , accom ,pani'ed with them. Mrs.' Gordon Howell and dau- ghter . Sandra ''ofChatham,:' arid. Mrs. Alex • Sinclair of Sebring - Ville were ,visitors ` with -friends here' last• week. Mr: and, Mrs.. Norman Nichol and 1m o children of Molesworth, Mr. and 'Mrs: ToniMcGarvey, of Kincardine and Mrs. Ronnie Mc= Garvey an:d 'daughter. ,of 'Cen- tralia, Mr.", and •Mrs: Geo. 'Berry, Dpugl'as, ,Georgeand Bunny of.• Wiarton • , were • recent ' visitors. with Mrs: ` Charles ''Lorenz. ,Mrs: Mary 'Sanderson; who has. spent . t -he --winter in Ottawa, . is visiting rwith her 'son, M; •L. )San derson. and Mrs..Sanderson be- fore returning .:to her home in ioderi'c!h. Mr. and 'Mrs Cliff. MacMillan and family; Mr. and Mrs, ' Jini 1VIaoMillan and family of 'St: Catharines and Miss Gail.. Mae - 'Milian of ,Montreal were recent visitors with their . parents) Mr, and WI J. L. MacMillan: The April meeting 'of Para .' I'. mount ' Women's Institute will be ! ;held at 'Mrs. 'Wm. Stanley's . on. 'April .17. Ro11 ' call, "Suggesting a` job for .a' rainy day”; election` df officers; 'program and lunch, -Mrs.: F. .Martin, Mrs. .J. Elphick. The annual meetingof the Lucknovv'.'Women's' Znsrtitute. ;will • be held in the Recreational Cen-� tre : on Friday, April 3th at '4.00 o'clock,- All standing committee reports must be in. Roll call, 'pay- ment of fees; annual report and election of. ,officers. 'A pot luck supper will. be held after: the" mbeting with the 'executive as hostesses. ZION -Mrs Tom. Hackett ' spent -Easter, week. in Toronto with. Mr.- and .Mrs: , Kefth Hackett. ,Mr : _and.. _Mrs .Frank.._ Ann hu last spent p T rsday in .Lon=' don...' ' Mr. ; and Mrs. Harvey, Ritchie. 'Visited Sunday ,with Mr & Mrs.. Haines of Win _ ham. y4. [ss THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of •the Village of Lucknow enacts as follows: Th'at t large no dog or dogs shall be permitted 'to luny at la i:' Virhin the: lindf the Corporation of the Village of Luck- n>w•.and ..:, �1 T � shall be securely tied pr closed up by the owner or owners' or harbourer. at all times utilcss on: leash ;.from Uhl" 1stday. Of, May to the 1st ' day cif ' October in the year i 1056 and 'during, the same period in "`each subsequent' year While this'By-I-aw remains'. hi force,'. , i• • • 2. Any dog found running 'at large contrary to this By= 1 Law may be -seized -and- rn:pouncl'eds a-nd- k"r-heel or seized:, kind ►rrl%d without, being . impounded by the Chief of. Police of th said Cornerati•on or , under hisorder and ,direction, 3 For the purpose of this.By Law, a'dog shall•be'deemed. :to be running ., .. g, �' g .air""urge when Pourer''in a .hii,hwa,y or o�het: `rubric• place' and not under the control of .any person. ' ) ' Signed; Sealed and finally 1passed this: 2nd day of Anvil Aad., "ao. • E. IL AGNEW. Clerk A. W. HAM.1[LTON, Reeve, OO O 440.A000.0.440.00040-'A0'0•'0'0'0'000414.Ad0lb' and Mrs. W. G. Hunter,. Marl enc and Larr • y, and Mrs, George ,Hunter spent .Saturday in London' with . Mr. and Mrs, K Laidlaw;en Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDon- agh and 'family • spent the hall - j days with/ ;Mrs .,and Mrs: Jack McDonagh. Church will be at 2,00 o'clock for 'the month: of Aprils and Sun - clay School will follow, ,at : 3.00 o'clock,. startingtlx.s Stcnday, 1 1 V PAGE THREE • ;Ladies', and Men's Wear -- Fashion Millinery 'PHONE; 85, LUCHNOW resses and Dresses Cotton ' Dacron Silk Rayon. • SIZES . ' '9 0'17, i2 to 26 36 to 52 141 to. 261/4 • Choosy. Early. From NEW S'HIP'MENTS. JEANS �- • � . ------- -wtans Pla�' i s ..and checks BLOUSE mixand match• .` • MOO • Miss Louise : Jefferson was .'a Toronto . visitor during Easter week. . . : Sgt. • and. Mrs. Herb Dainty I& sons of Kingston, visited last week . with her brother,. Mr.' and Mrs. ' Ed Robinson 'and. sons. ' Mr. ,and. Mrs. Henry Leishman, Mr. . and Mrs. Percy Barker, Mr. Fred •' Barker of •Goderich, were Sunday . 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs:. John 'R:,= Thompson and Howard. Mrs. ,Fred .. B'arker `and Seri . Teddy, who head: ;been visit Mg' here, returned . home',. with them- • ' ,I1V#. 'Jaclt'Noble was home: over the week -end.' • Mr. Rod 1VICLean of Toronto spent. the holidays :with his uncle and aunt,' Mr. and Mrs.. ' H. Jef Person and family. , KINLOUGH Honored ; On 37th Anniversary Mr,. and Mrs .,'Dan McI•nnis,,. Co 10, ,entertained at 'a family dinner on iSuihday in honor of. his parents,. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert McInnis of iCulross,' it being their 37th .wedding, '. anniversary , on Monday; April 9th,' All• n'ennbers of—theii family attended; their daughter . Mrs., Thornton with her husband and family of. Gor• rie;' their sons, William of : Cul- ross and Dan..The table was cen- tred 'with a lovely -.anniversary cake . and following the sumpt- uous dinner;, expressions of best .. .t 1$ „• Y,. r. • lWpiateb'l�eY> Vis' � .. �:- ••�-�- � ;� ere :� 'presented to the honored guests and•' a very• haFP.Y`, brought to a close. • PLAN TO SOON'. START: RETURN TRIP FROM SOUTH • Mr acid Mrs. W. A Porteous,: Who •• have -beennte ' w ring . ,:in '• . Florida,. plan • to start their 'horne- ward . trip at. • the • end of the. week. They 'will, visit enroute at Leamington with Mr.. and Mrs. Newton ,James, and: pian to .be 'back in Lucknaw 'about the 19th' or '20th, hoping; of course, that winter ,.has left us by then. It -2was-64,-,--degrees s -8'4, -degrees ' id Daytona ' the day : the note was • written,. on April' 3rd: Bill and Jennie were among" . . more than ' 6,000 persons who , overflowed ,:the Daytona Beach band shell' for ' the 'Easter morn- "; . ing sunrise .service held at 6.00, a.m. • Ail'' churches at• this .resort centre were alsofilledto over- flowing for :the regular morning'. service,'... HAD'WRONG SECONDER In the report of the West Wa- wanosh;. Council's March Meet- ing, there; was an ''error in 'the .: name of the. seconder , of . the motion to, accept... Jas. R. Cur- ran's 'application as warble.: fly in • . apector. . Councillor Lorne Durnin 'sec- onded. the. motion, but the name of COUncillor: Culbert appeared • in error) 6THE BEST BUYS I 'BUYS:114 *' RSONALIZED LABELS, 'We car, now supply you with perso.nalized'..:labela,' „I ,r .ethre j: printed in two colors, «rid. in . a- handy plastic dispenser.. You re- ceive 400 useful» heels for only Mr. • • zary We are exclusive dealers . for the 'new • TRIM. POWER MOWER Made by the Makers of Famous. Duo -Therm Heaters Duo -Trim' "vacuum cleans" your• lawn_Leav ng i,t with_" • , a .V'elvety swept up look .. no . more raking: as' ex- ' ' I ' .elusive "windtunne 1'.' do a ., action chops `grass clippings and . leaves extra ,fine .-. no more trimming chores,, 'cuts right up. to til'borders. .'..reversn ore h andle, ; no more "U" 'turns . . . . corn, Safe,,easy �g . y • s�t�artin plete with leaf mulcher:' i We 'Also Handle The . 'Well -Known Line Of Maxwell Mowers Swirlcut Jr., Swiricut Sr., 'Reel Cut Consideed `rie wof-'th'e' -Best Line oT Mo ers Made . r Ask For Information At- , vv.efiste1r i aoK�n 1.50. Use them to : scamp your . . •b;, oks, records, letters, packages, 'Plumbing; Heating ! Wiring, : Eavetrqulghiing'-. ',Phone 50 ! .• • etc, Drop, in and see a sample.'• • LUCK1 OW SENTINEL ..� ,..�t,w�r+rMrrf�H�l�wr.iro.ro. _. �..... ►y. -,:u...w,,.+...::.......,.., ..,..,,,�.:::m,.,..a..:.:1..;:.ti,.,.,,.n � ,. YkA.M.....-,.:;e....�.:�J:,,.-:•,,..::C;... a..;..t......:..::;::f.:..,.,w..,�.;:�..A...:dd.,�rn:i,..�, ..,.;;:1 l:.•...�.«.sem L.S.-,.�,...,_..r....J...,.�..:-'.:,w,,. •Y • •4' • • 4,- :ta 4 • • •