The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 2i OP I • 7. .r, Y4 ;i, rt� 4•The,KairShett Woolen's -Institute TOWN HALL; LupKNow 4-41 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOV:". .QT.TrAn.10 riday, 11.3t Carruther's Orchestra — Admission. elk Lupch Counter Iloinemade Pies Age ,25' Over 25 Years Prettiest Cotton Dress' Prettiest Home Sewn Cotton Press Dress Parade•at 11.00 p.m. • ,YEARS' MARRIED 166,16,6,1661,16 LucknoW Presbyterian W.M.S. .. church member"; and was:assist., I's MoFaylaw gave the ' story frain the 'Mission. study, "They dance of 23, Mrs. M. Henderson Reach fc., Life; which told of presided at the meeting' and Mrt. .the Christian College. in Assam ',Anderson read the scriPture and XT. and Mari, Sam Swan for- merly,. of pungannon,, celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary on Monday, 'April 2. Mrs. Swan was the fermer Clara _Culbert, daughter • Of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Culbert. This highl ly-esteemed couple started mar- ried life On the farm of the late Hugh, Shields of Cransford, later moving to the chopping mill Which they purchased from Alex Mowbray and .is now ownect•bY len Hodge.. A •trafisaction from the. :farm to' the stdre of Bary,eill'releaven ed a (chopping Mill for, the: last ' The ;family pf four daughters. _children were present for the oc- casion. They are as follors: Mrs: 'Harvey Mple (Belle) of Dungan- non; Mrs. glohn S. MacDdliald (Doris). Of -Ripley; MiS, Stewart MacDonald (Winnifred) of 'Rip- IeY; Mrs. Ernest IVIerltley. of Wroxeten Mr. and Mit. Swan were presented' With an electric carne true. Mrs. Henderson read Mrs. •Cook.• Mrs. H. Agnew gave an Easter .poem entitled "So did. the Bible' study. Mrs. Henderson • announced .1 hat the Easter Thankoffering meeting 'is to be. en. Friday evening, :April 1.3th and. the guest ' speaker is to be - MS. Wilson of Port ,Elgin. The. Supply secretary arranged for making a heavy quilt' for ...the bale, • and it -Was decided. to, ans- wer roll call at the May . meet- •an inSight into the Work of' ed - 1 mg the Magazine. After sing- • the May meeting the St. Auxil- iary will entertain 'the. Mission Mason had charge df ,the to,pic I". „Miss Mary (MacLeod con - for three months, whith took the form .of a radio broadcast, with missionaries apd W.M.S., workers being' impersonated by Auxiliary, .memberS. Miss MacLeed- herself Impersonated aVIrs: 'Gould, the Glad Tidings' editor; `and gave. us ing "Jesus keep us near the Cross", 1Mrs. C. Agnew closed. the meeting..with prayer. Variety giveS" life its spice, but "What does . mean '• to be a Monotony provides the. groceries. Their youngest, daughter and marked. .their -12th wedding anni•VerAar,y,_-_on April 'Their friends ibin •exten& ing congratulations and best wishes. " 1 WEDNESDAY; APRIL 13h, 1956; Save p $100 • Frigidaire, General Electric' andi-PhPco, • ReftigOratots • - an or, Easy, Beatty and Simplicity Washers AUTOMATIC WASHERS from $259.00. 1 reer ectric Radio TAKING .COURSE LN- TORONTO Douglas Haldenby, ,who ;hag cOmpleted, his. first. year as an Don•ald's.Garage; is presently, at- tending the Previncial•,Institute of Trades in .Toronth 'for, a two months'. period.: The apprenticeship for •Mech- anicS is five years, .and. Dbug re.quired 'to go back. ,to Toronto' for more training • in this line ,during his fourth year. re Are Just Gerber's Baby ,Ceres1s, 8 oz. 'Pkg. 130 • Mazola Salad Oil, 16 oz. bottle .: 39c-. Shirriff's Lemon Pie Filling , • -FACE-ELL. TISSUE Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING Ivory . Snow large pkg. 41c ., , Thiz, large likg. 41e Cigarette Stand For .Only 99c S Cheer, large pkg. . "U . ' 26" all metal Cigarette Stand for only 99c with each $5.00 purchase Je11-0, all varieties , Wagstaffe Orange and Grapefruit _ Red & White Prepared Mustard, 6.0i. 2 for '23e, Marmalade, 24 oz. jar ' ' 29c Red & White Jelly Powders '', 3 for , 25c Royal Instant Puddings, Pkg. deal .., '2 for 20c : G.M. Krun-Chee Peanut Butter; 16 oz. jar 3'7c Canada, Brand Vinegar, white, 16 oz. jar .... 19c • Circus Brand Piire peanut Butter, 4 lb:, ' _.,. CAMPBELL'S SOUP FESTIVAL, , - • Seleated .Golden Ripe Bananas,' . . . ."., 2 lbs. 37c Vegetable - Vegetarian Vegetable .... 3 for 35c Juicy sweet Sunkist, Oranges,' 288's, doz. ,... 39c Vegetable Beef - Chicken Gumbo .... 2 for 35c Solid heads tender Iceberg. Lettuce' 2. for' 33e , • Tender vitamin-ey new green Cabbage, .1b. 9e , Easterri Canada No; 1 Potatoes, 10' lb. bag 53e KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz..tin 35c _LOOK FRO: 0:1.kCKW-RDS 'THROUGH THE SENTINEL. FILES Year, Ag° 1' years as -president of' the . Agri - At. sepond nothination meet,- cultural Society and Was suc- ing: Robert Rae qualified to fill ceedecl McQuillin: cation.. J. L. MaoMillan and. ing the f011owing students at W. Smith had qUalified follow- Paramotint school: Bertha 'Clerk- ing the firSt., meeting, • .. ' son, Annie. Pickering,. Rae Me- • Rexford Ostrander .was ap-, Diarmid, 'Jennie Towle, . Sadie . of Teeswater United Church. , ianey Ketchabaw, Harold • Ma-' Constable W. J. Douglas ten- Donald, Annetta Towle, 'William dered his resignation. ,Ketchabaw, Ada Pickering, Jack Kenzie FoSter edged. Richard Hiblben, Verna Harnilton, 'Nelson ElliOtt by two votes fer the Bruce County Wardenship: Ashfield Township ratepayers in the Western DivisiOn of the ToWnship had only two. more payments:. 'to retire the, debt ef the ill-fated:'West Shore Electric Railway. They had been paying apprOXirnately a 5 -mill levy for forty years and- on the average 100:acre faivii this amounted A° .abOut $20' a year. of the West Wawanosh Insurance Raynard, Ellen K.ethhabaW, Hel- en McDonald, Borothy.Pickering, , daman . Hamilton, Annie„ Mc- Donald,' Pearl Raynard, ' Ernest Faulkner, Harry Hibben, Annie Ketchabaw, Hazel Raynal-d, Fred Martins,: Alvin -MaCDonald.: Fifty Yeats Ago: . John 03allintyrie. was president • werity years Ag .icy , holders.. Losses -d i president of the •Agricultural Society succeeding' Jake Hunter. ored. at. a banquet in LuclinoW in recognitiOn.of having:had the grand, Championship steer at the Royal.• It sold for 75c a', poiind. Sani IVIurchisozi was master of • • Thirty Years Ago. .Electians wer6, 'fought 'in the with the following boards elect-, ed: Ashfield, Reeve John, D. Par- rish; deputy 'reeVe John Carner- on;• :Councillors Thomas 'Ander: son, Win. J. Black, Alex Hackett; Kinloss,.Reeve Jos. Tiffin; coun- West Wawariosh; Reeve Albert Johnston; Couneillors H. • PliC•ne 26 *Free Delivery cauSed by lightning: The. "Cdngrarn property" Was purchased for. ,the Site of •tbe ' new. town hall at the 'price' of. Mrs. John McDonald, formerly Alice McGuire, died at' her home •George Webster died 'in' Tor- onto in this. 23rd year. He was employed with the. T, Eaton Co. He 'was the eldest sow of .1*. West .Waviiandsh.., The. death 'occurred of" ances • Ganes, 'youngest daug 'ter • de Kinloss. Wm. Connell waS advertising • a $50 Coon coat for $39.00, ". Wheat was 16c, oats 33c, bar - ley 42c, eggs and butter 17c, . • The barn on the. farm of Wm. 'Carr, Wm,... MacPherson, William :Secipeterys liint.e.Ash,lieeld was ' destr.op, Forty Years Aso A petition circulated in Luck - now was signed .._by 91 percent Of ,those qealified to• sign same, mem to pass a prohibiliiiii-ravic 'The. enliStngent of Roy Paton, (Cecil Ailiadieton and Alex Henry raised to 22 the•nurnher -who had joined 'the 'armed forei 3c1hri McDonagh, a native of wlio carne to Canada• at the :age of 16 with his Darenti in 1834; died at "his home, Con. ,Q,4t4NNutvtlzuis, 12, AShfield, in his 92fid year: itkr soK9.0otle 411/It c,CNlaibn tloenf, t atten.d hieisitrfaodr 6' dthiererewecoG.rPsr,r1Jsam,rrieellts:Jiler.byrisifto-hil.(..,11,11Pa.sm°11es:' Purves, James, $utheriand, Mat: - T. W. Ilildredt local corriag0 maker,. moVed to St. Thomas to 4