The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-11, Page 1$2.56 A Year In Advance $1,00 Extra To' U.S.A
p Governing Sports Board.
t Well • Attended 1Mpetinj
The Sepoy Community Sports;
ssociation • came •into; being; at
n enthusiastic and well • .attend-
ed' meeting in the Town Hall,on
Monday evening. .
Bob 1ViacIntosh was elected'
president of .the, new 'organiza
.tion;;: Rae : Watson, vice' president
and Iden . Cameron, secrefary,'
treasurer. Committee heads
were • narn.ed to the executive,
with Harold Greer director ' of
hockey; Lloyd Ashton, director of
•`ball.' and Art '• Breckles, director
of other sports: ' The executive
will decide . on a director of fin=
There was a surprisingly large
turnout with over 25 in atten-
dance; and' unanimity of . opinion
that an overall associatio was
necessary for planned program
Y ape dpogram
of, sports activity' and; 'promotion.
The, meeting..was presided ove
by Reeve . A. - W: •Hamilt5on with
._�:�.�,gneww-za�ctixvg =a s�secr-etary.
a l otr innecl Cite ' pur-
• pose of the meeting, and in, order
to•;o'btain the views for or against
• such a set-up, he called on • each
person present. to speak/
'kThe . general trend of the • re-
marks:: favored. a return to strict-
ly amateur, in playing . the
gamefor , the fun 'Of it; . a well
planned sports program,, so that
the ''best and 'fullest use might
be made of the arena and flood
lighted ball 'park,. with , particu:-`
lar attention to ,the promotion,
of minor sport.
In this regard there. were sug-
••. gestions that the• Association
r-.--,•- :should- not make -the-- mist-ake-of
having, the youth regard sport
as /a "handout; but ' that they be
•responsible for. at least; some of
their equipment: ;In this respect
the Bantam team, sponsored this
year by the .Fire Company, had
to '.buy : their own , sticks, a 'par-
tial return to the "good • old
If sport was . wisely . Prompted.
in this. regard . it was felt that
4 the ,financing of the. various
teams :would prove: no great
problem, and that, if not immed--
iately, such a program, would
eventually pay dividends: •
After the election the new of,
:£leers,. :took- charge with— Presi-
dent Maclntosh • expressing a
willingness to assume. the office
if . he 'could count On co opera=
There ' will; Still
.• l .be _numerous
details , to the worked. out,. but
the consensus . of opinion was
that . the Sepoy town, and com-
munity was on the :right, track
in rejuvenating,. sport . en' a • sotind
basis. /
Among those present called on
to speak were Chas. 'Webster,
Ken Carnmeron, ' b "'Madintosh,
n -
ar et �.Hender
son, Done Thompson, Rae• Wat-
• son, Gordon] Fisher, Otto' Peter-.
• sen, , Murray Couse, Bill. ' John-
Stone, . Neil 1VIOCall . W: 0 Web-
ster, 'Harvey Webster,' Vernon
Hunter, S ,E; Robertson, • Oliver
, Cf t Breckles,`.L. C. Thomp-
son arence G'reer,, William
chrnrd, Omar .Brooks, Bud ,Ham-
ilton, Mike Sanderson and E. •H.
}log. marketing, which has
ibeen a controversial subject 'for
several . months will be ' u.. for
discussion at . a� meetingof •
oar -s -of -{Fre`-"L•izcltnow . dls-•
tact, , Which has been set for
next Mcanday night,' April 16th.
'lt will convene at 8.30 •in ° the
hnstone Block a stair. :
Ip s) ••
Special speakers wi
• crit to 11 be pies
enlighten the audience on
the subject, and it '
'• that . a. anticipated
large turnout of hog pro-
ducers. will be on hand to obtain
some first° hand information,
Tom McFarl'a•n• of the Kinlough
district ' has sold... his farni on
Concession 12, • Kinloss, to' `his'
brother. Donald,, •and•boldingY
an 'auction sale, next Tuesday. •: ,
The; farm has '!been in the: Mc
Farlari'name . fox many :'years..
Tom bought it 28 years ago from
his "uncle; Mr. •Archie' McFarlan:
Friday of this week the thir
teerth—is Calico Ball night, •a.
popular event staged, annually
Eby the Kairshea Women's 'Insti—
tute. ' .•'
There, are eight ''prizes offered"
in, two age groups .for the' pret-
tiest cotton' dress and, the pret-
t. Home sewn cotton
The :dress • parade is at eleven
o'clock, gad f.t's in ..the Town
John Carruthers.. Named Manager At '
Sarnia, Started • Banking Career Here
,John Carruthers,: son of Ml's. of Lucknow 'branch,
John Carruthers of Lucknow, Since then he •has served at
and the • late Mr, Carruthers, has branches ,in Hanover, Mildmay,
(been appointed manager of. the Guelph,, -Brampton, London, Ay1
Bank of Montreal's new branch ,mer and at .Delhi. John has been,
at Sarnia, He ' will . assume ,the on the Delhi staff far some `time
•.duties of his•manageriaa appoint"- from Where, he is'..tbeing trans
,:ment. in about: a ' week. Peri ed, to Sarnia' to assume his
'John is •ln his 40th year, hav- first position as ' Managen.; •
ing been Horn in Kinloss 'Town- ,iMr, and Mrs 'Carruthers have
Ship -in •June.••1916..•'He attended tWo '•daughters; Gail. and' Ann. „'.
public school at the Sixth Con- The family" will . probably remain
cession; and high .school in Luck- in Delhi until the close of the
now• before starting in • the bank school term>
at the age •of IT,' as a member
Allan Cooper, who: is • associat-
ed with the local office of 'the
Bruce County Health ' Unit, is
' ,back' ,on the job again after a
three •weeks vacation, during
Mr. Murray Couse, manager• of ;which he and a friend, Don Mor.:
the: Lucknow branch • of the Bank row ` of Midland, motored to Coal-
of.:Montreal, bas been notified of ifornia. / •
his pending, transfer '.as manager
kla .1 =; t i lean•-
burg. , •
• ' Mr. Couse. expects totake over
.The Clansmen • Clu+b has re-
eeived donations of $80.00 to-
wards. the cost of the television
Set, which has been purchased
for the • use of Marie ' Cupskey,
who has 'been -completely - paral
yzed ,for snore: than; six •years. by
the ravages. of 'poliomyelitis:
The TV ' 'set was .installed lri
Marie's room in Wfnghain Gen-
eral Hospital immediately' .after
its' purchase. was.authorized' •by
the 'Club If/ was the • first time
that .Marie had 'seen' television.,
and -needless• 'to: say it 'is.,bring
ing her much pleasure and en_
tertaininer t
Donations received up to . the
first of the. week were ',as fol-,
lows; Ralph ;Pagan $5.00,,• Albert.
Chin $5.00, :Duncan's Restaurant
..$3.00, Jas. Carneron :$1:00,4: Harry
Nixon '$I.00, Wm. ': Ketchabaw
$2.00, Russ : Middleton' $1.00, J.
W. Henderson and Sons $15,00,
St Helen's • • Women's Institute
$5.00, Jack Irwin $2.00, Lucknow
Fire Co: $10..00, John W, Hanna,
$5.00, 'District ',Broorritball League
There:' never was, a. time • of.
greater • opportunity f or t h e
spread of the Word. of God, stat
ed Rev. G. P. Parson, at, a Sun='
day, evening meeting in the.
United Church, sponsored by the
Lpcknow Ministerial Association:.
The 'offering, was in aid :of the
Bible Society's work:
Rev. Parson is district secret-•
ary of the British and Foreign.
Bible Society, and he spoke on
the work 'being done, prior. to
shoWing a sound 'filmthat was
a revelation. in. how our Bible
came, to us, down through . the
ages, as a result . of --long years
of translating and -re -translating,..
of • laborious labor and study by
-the—greatest—scholars' of their
times, and not without persecu,-
tion even to the poiit of being•
burned at' the. stake.
Today the (Bible is printed in`
more :than' a thousand of some
2,130 '. languages in the world;
The' Bible Society has published
820 languages, • but with the
spread of ,literacy there is.
growing demand for Bibles, that
the steadily rolling B.. and 1'"
presses cannot° fill in sufficient
t ` ttti
Plan. Local Canvass
Since Rev. Parson's visit it has
been decided to -appeal in the
local' ch'urahes'' for `volUntecr carr
vassers toconduct the 1956 cam-
paign in aid of the Bible Soc
iety. It is planned to hold : a
meeting ,.of those Who volunteer
on Thursday of next week, April
hisnew post in about ten days,
Mrs:. Couse:..and their.''bwo child-
ren, Paul, and Lyn; . Will, remain
here 'until the close of the ;school
term. n-.
Mr.. Louse's. successor will ',be
Mr.' Milton Rayner of Highgate•
It. was over three years ago
in December of .1952 that Mr.
.Cousewas appointed to the '.Luck -
now, managerial duties, succeed-
ing Mr.• .Charles L. Smith, who
was transferred.,to Blenheim. Foo..
Murray had previously • spent
Tit we t..�. ,._:
then west through •'Texas, New
Mexica and Arizona to ' reach
California, andon their..• •return
they motored north to San Fran-
cisco and then- suit eastward'
through the Central States::
• The, trip, totallig some .7,000
miles, *as made in . 'Allan's,
Volkeswagon• sedan and he aver-
aged •:46 :miles'; to the gallon.
They :took a week ' both going
and' returning and spent a week
in California, chiefly taking.. in
the • sights -in and about,'Holly
The • Lucknow District High,
School :Board. advertising •for
a teacher fill a vacancy on ;
the staff resulting ',from the re.
s,gnation of Mr. :Walter Coult-
hard, d, who joined .the. nine -mem-
ber staff •a ,year ago `as teacher
of English, social .studies and'.
three ,years ;in Toronto in. the
assistant general managers a-,
part•ment. '
• Mr.' Couse was raised it St:
Thomas where he 'started his
banking. career'. in 1924; He sub
sequently served •at branches in
Sarnia, London,: Windsor, Leam-
eam-ington' and •Simcoe.
On Wednesday ;of last week
Ken Jones, 12 -year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs.: Orville Jones of
town, was one of thirty-two Lon-
don' Free Press carrier - boys who
enjoyed a day's outing an London
-with the -compliments of the -Free
Press: Ken won the trip by ob-
taining four new subscriptions
for the paper.
The day in London - included
visits '__'.to ` _the ._.:_ -
General.— Motors
Diesel 'Plant,: Fanshaw. Dam, ' the
Post Office, the Free Press Print-
ing .Plant,; and the Police Station.
Besides this the group was treat=
ed to two meals, . a .movie,, and
to climax the evening the wrest-
ling match, . featuring Pat O'Con-
nor and "Hard Boiled" Haggerty.
Somethingto sell?. Something
to buy? Phone 35, Lucknow. The
classified ad section, is result-
getting and is economical too.
At the request. of the Pastoral.
Relations committee • of Lucknow
United IChuteh, Rev G. A. Meik-
lejohn' has' expressed` his "will-
ingness �to continue as pastor,
.swbject to the endorsation ' of a
congregational • Meeting. R e v
Meiklejohn announced his �,decis4.
ion on Sunday; •if • tfie congrega-
tion so wished. ;
Rev and' ,Mrs: Meikleiohn are••
facing . a'. very ,difficult period"
due to the illness •of tli'eir young
son Paul, who. is; suffe n' g.. from'
leukemia a='blood--disc s --whic
j e, h
has as , yet • baffled medical'
science. :
,Paul's condition h a s b .e a n•
growing more serious and devel-.
_opments.'--:last Thursday night
. g.
made it imperative to rush the,
little dad .'back to the children's
hospital in • London where he re-
beived blood transfusions:
• After 'five years at . Fordyce
School, Mr. Ross. Errington _ will
teach next -term at the Township
Hall School in West. Wawanosh,
while Don Cameron •will succeed
Miss Beatrice McQuillan• at St:
;Lucknow Bowlin C1u1 -
,• g . b re-
ceived` a ' very .pleasant surprise
last week •zrr • ;the form : of a
cheque . from Dr.' W. V. Johnston
'who read in The Sentinel of the%
ibu'rning• of the 'bowling Club-.
'house and forwarded a generous
donation in aid•'of • their rebuild-
ing fund..Needless to say.' it was
greatly appreciated as'no cam-
paign, had been opened..
The ' Clutb is faced with' •build
ing a new'club house, 'plus the,
replacement of valuable' equip--.
ment and, lighting repairs. ' : •
Memibers of the club met re-
cently to discuss the'; rebuilding -
program, with initial information' ,
indicating that the replacement
cost Might Ibe somewhat .lpigher. •
thank. was hoped . and in excess
of their insurance coverage.
A • 'building , commiittee was
named, comprised of ' Harvey
'Webster, Garnet Henderson,' Wm:
Schmid, and .Gordon. MacPher-
son. Their plan of procedure
awaits ; clearance from the Fire
Marshall's Department,
4,5QQ;:.In. Bruce: J� Ric&ve; Salk
Vaccination,Start .
Here . Monday
Plans have
been completed for children ' attend'. romPtlyat/ the
the adanfnistration of Salk Vac- designated . hour of 'Fre clinic
cine . to all" children 'attending
• elementary schools throughout
MUST PROCURE. • . Bruce County; •commencing in
4ICENSE AND TAGLuckri16thw next Monday, ; April
Notice is served elsewhere in
this issue that in compliance
with By, -law. No. 4,,1956, 011 own,
ers, harborers or possessors of
dogs in the Village:. of 'Lucknow
are. required' to..obtain a license
and' dog tag for' each and every:
animal by May 1st, ,.These are
obtainable at the "Municipal Of-:
fice, •
Associated' with the licensing
By-law, is the 'ordinance prohib-
itin _ _ •._,_
.r �g 'dogs" f roan �runnin•,g--0t-•�larg-e
for . a five Months period coin -
mencing May 1st,
Objection Being .'Voiced
Some- lberng 'voiced
to this new regulation, and it
is reported that ,a petition is • lee
All. school children, who ;did
not receive the vaccine last year,
will be given' their first dose in
the April series of; Clinics; One
month.. later these .pupils will re-
ceive their second Close. Those
'that receiived. 'two • inoculations
last year will ibe t given their.
third dose at this. thine.
Commencing Mon'day, April
leth, Immunization . Clinics are
scheduled to be held throughout
4he'- C aunt - to- serve i -
mentary schools. This .program
will' 'be set 'up at twenty centres
and will. be. of two weeks dura -
ti o n'ro,.P Parents o . Poi cots of children will be
notified as to the.plaee and time
,their children,' are to attend, It
ing ' circulated . and a deputation is, unnecessary and undesirable
organized to lodge .a protest at that parents attend' with their
the next ses,§ien 'of the Village children but it is asked that 0r -
19th. Council, rangements be made to have the
Approximately '4,500 children
will be attending the first series
of clinics and 71300 the second
series in May, '
_epee ing • pen• - t 1£val
aibshty of supplies of Va—naccine; rio
definite plans for the :pre-school •
children' have: (been made. Ho`w•»
ever, if vaccine' is available; this
group will be.given a single• in-'
ovulation in June.
The vaccination'' program ing.:
Bruce will Occupy abo'nt a "two-
week period, and as a result the
child health clinic which is held
here periodically will be cancell-,
ed this month.,It would orcin,_•
oily have 1.en held nef 'rues -
The children to be vaccinated
here will include krntier.garten
t-and-Gr.ades T' 5, 1; "7 and 0 ti lls
p p ,
and those ~pupils •of Grades 2, 3
and . 4, who through.illness or
refusal did• not receive the first
'vaccination a� `year a'go, whet
they were.: in Grades, 1, '2 and 3.
' fM.
• 1'