The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-28, Page 10r- "'lip 11P.11601rW r 1 PAGE STEN LUCKNOW NEL, tTJCKNoW, QNTAATO + WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 195a • I o.416010.O' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Children's ' COAT' SETS '. Sizes' from 1 to 6x. Drop in and look these over, More than 25 coat sets at• SPECIAL. • 1?1RICE$ LADIES' SUITS 'New materials and styles;; sizes 12 to 20.. Prices range from • $24.95 to •$49,95. • '.SPECIAL 10 LADIES' SUITS: Values to $29,95 Easter Special—$19.95 dit •16 Coats .Reduced in: Price 6 Shorties at $7:95 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUITS A good selection 'of men's rack:., suits, . sized from 36 to 44. Fancy worsted; . fleck & splash weaves and plain ' shades. • Priced. from $2.9:95 to, $64.:95, TOPCOATS Tweeds, Orions,. Nylons. and.'. Gabardines: 'These coats have been ,designed by well-known ttrtera..ake.:r look • your best. $19.95 . to $4:4:95 • ®o 4s c• BOYS' SUITS Blazers and Slacks Our suits are in the latest of materials sized from 6 to 16:. TWO: PAIR ,PANTS. $16.95. to $24.95 Three Specials -$9x.95 (Sizes 4, 5,• 8) . . �'�ive Star Specials CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE. Rim n� Raggad •FEACHES _ _ 2 %r c: 2b ' oi, r- M- DOLeE FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 "oz, �.. - : I.G.A. , .STRAW BERRY JAM 24 oz. I.G.A. MARGARINE' 1.1b . 'Phone .20 Lucknow FREE DELIVERY: , LADIES' NYLONS. See the new self -length Phan tom ' Nylons: ' Self add listing to fit like magic. LADIES' COATS All . purpose, new . styles and patterns this week. $16.95 up to $32.95 4T r4 AGENT FOR- KINCARDINE CLEANERS. f`ree .Pick -Up . and Delivery Monday and Thursday. r' SPRING HATS ' NEW S '• , 'r Drop in and look them over. All. styles : including `'the`•new- est -"THE FLAT TOP,,. . . $3095 to : $9:95 Men's, Ladies', 'Children's Wear=Piece Goods and Woollens . ' . ... .. . . ®-tily.e y.1r•`.Ai.100 ^�141N1 �ti1 004.1.4®.1^►'40'A1114�.N..i..-11-1014�N'�11A-11is141-'�1�►'`1'�'�'�• , - � .s THAT Miss. Margaret MacKenzie, ' , principal of Ripley District High School, has resigned to accept -a position on; the =.Cliih ton High School staff. Miss MacKenzie went .from- .Luck= now. •to ,Ripley some ' . eight `�• ;•: .T years ago. • •' —o-- rr+ THAT ' Durham's 1956 tax rate has been struck at . 92 mills. THAT, the •Lucknow Boy Scouts are 'planning their spring paper drive, which, will be held on • Thursday afternoon of Easter Week. t r. a L' TI.1AT . Nat 'Thompson of White- church has purchased the Joe •Weiler property, lib' miles. • north of Lucknow • on the "Gravel Road", which was ret. cently sold :.by auction. • THAT Mrs. Arabelle Bushell, a member . orethe:. Mount Forest Bell Telep�li8ne staff,• �antl Mrs. Harold'. Fair,publisher of the M o ruin t Forest Confederate, leave on : Thursday by train to -spend the =Easter :week-end--in- New eek end: iNew York City.;. They will re-. turn on . Tuesday: 'THAT.the Hblyrood Teen -Club which- has operated .so success-, ' fully .throughout the winter, with parties for the young peo- ple • every second week, • wl11 hold the .final '.'do" of the seas- on the. '4irst Friday : in April.. THA•T.• in renewing her Sentinel subscription, Margaret E. Hud- ' • soh of 'Elora says sheenjoys =-� - ---the- paper—every week; even though' the names of many old friends are getting fewer , every year. 41 LIYCKNOWITES` TOGETHER FOR HOME ,TOWN CHAT. 1Vliss, • Mary• Struthers • of Tor- onto says The, :Sentinel is still enjoyed as: it keeps her inform- ed of local affairs and of news of friends near and far. :She, and: Adda Treleaven spent a recent evening with Mabelle and Bertha Aiim During the ev- ening Evan Allin, Whom she hadn't seen in fifteen years, drop- ped' in and they all had a real home . town chat: •OF. Mrs., Agnew and. family ofthe date Joseph Agnew wish toex- press their sincere thanks and .appreciation for acts of kindness. and expressions Of sympathy during the illness and at the time of the death of Mr. 'Agnew. God•Ais'our constant strength anct htiopi. th'a k, iu one .and Grant, Mar).•,and" PauT4er `ie=m" john. • • Margaret . 'Moran, wishes to thank those who remembered; het with cards • and treats While • in the , hospital, also to thank Dr, Leitch and Dr.:Jackson',and the nurses .and staff . at the hospital:' to raises their kindness: ' , .. . For . the kindness extended Air. .• Richard Bakerduring. his Illness at various times, and for' 'acts of kindness and /expressions of sympathy.' at the time of his death, we wish ` to .•express• our sincere appreciation, and to ex- tend special thanks to the 'Wing - ham Hospital staff, to Mrs.• Chas. Elliott, to Rev. G. A. Meil lejohn and the;. Johnstone Funeral Home. Mrs. Daisy, Fiske. and Family, Mrs. Sarah ' MacDonald and family.. OLD TIMER'S NOTE WILL AROUSE MEMORIES David Graham, son'of Mr.: and Mrs. Robert ' Graham, one ' of Luoknow's earliest families, sends us a change .of address to 1461 Centre Road;` Port Credit, and t $OWN the very' .mention of the :Graham AN—in Kincardine Gener- al ospitalHospital on Wednesday,,,,Mar: 14, 1956, to .Mr.. and Mrs. Donald McEwan, R. 1,. Holyrood, a 'son. BERE—to Mr. `Wand Mrs. Oriend Bere (nee Mary Horton) on Mar. 17th, 1956, at Goderich Alexan- dra Hospital, a. son, a brother for Maribelle, John, Ruth and Ger id. •. • Becoming', old is preferable to the only a1te7ative. `O ON-' #1:=AYO:NF •Ci S • Hand :pritted, size '50*50 Price $L98 LACE CLOTHS Made in. Scotland, size•'54x68 , Price. $5.95 name will start .- old-timers . rem-, •iniscing and recalling when : his father was poet iaureate Of Luck. now.• . Mr..' Graham.' says, "I will al- ways be interested in the• doings. of my old town: You are keep=. ing: up the spirit in furnishing news that animates -not, only !those• who live ,in Lucknaw;. but also • those Lucknowites who are living elsewhere and are vitally concerned in the progress that is taking place":' The abundant ' kindness and prayers of so many fine friends leave.. us deeply inde. ted ,The early diagnosis ... and attentive care given by our doc • r bright- en the . prospects. The 'mercy of Have TO JOIN WINGHAM. Miss:.Mary Ann ..Cleland has 'been 'engaged as a social studies.. and mathematic. teacher at .Wing - ham District High School, • to" commence her duties in: the fall: A graduate of: Wingham . •;High , School, Miss Cleland is now at :Fort William. She . is a daughter of Mrs. 'Mary Cleland of 'Wingham, Who is:secretary at the High ,School: Mrs:' Cleland was the tormer!Mary'.Connell of Lucknow STAFF you renewed your Sentinel?' rinFootwear Styles FOR; MEN New Styles and Patterns In Black or Brown'' PRICED FROM -- -- - ---- $6.95. -- .--- .- -- ri�ra'r .Scampers In Stock • A Complete Size Range for Men,',.Boys and C,thildren MEN'S' SIZES from • BOYS' SIZES 1-5 •_3 - YOUTHS :SIZES, 11=131/z CHILDREN'S Sizes, 8:101/z :- • thwell $5:95. 4.95.:- 3.45 FINE FOOTWEAR FOR 'ALL THE FAMILY: •,Erri-broidereilz, ILLOA LCASE- S Only $1,98 a pair . LADIES' PLISSE GOWNS Szi,,5rrmall, medium and large„,,, Reg. $2,98 for $1.19 -_ FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Size 79x90 --: Price $5.69 parr' - NYL4N W:O 1 O& Boys! sizes 9 8, 1,0 80c Men's .... .., ..,... ,..... 98c MEN'S JEANS ' Sanforized blue denim Sizes 30 . to'4 ................:....... $3.25' MEN'S JEANS Sizes 30, .32, 35 & 36 t V: ru Pc YE Tn; la' tic m( do th' pp in+ reg thi in est 1oc of iloc $71 •ed er f . ye, the ha( • $1, ,�•. t ,ter .pal - wh hal but ani to. 'shs ' 'we rat the rfau the the tho wit nec .to em sev, • '4 i we, Mai in ' •marl .•1 gav nee • lit. -bac] acid .cot; the - age St, 'hay ••quo; itv : Tha wit! .the. tvhe Coq Peal ,C. catil bep expo $2;01 $3,01 • A •bf•Ci ivs :29tH; 'em' Cc ymQS':FATHER. Assorted colors 19eSizes 22 to 32 .,., ••.•• COwboy style ;..::. ....• . 8ge .....�'tii;!►.'.�;•y.'�.ru.,ea.fre-.Wc. ..-....:yam......,