The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-28, Page 6L • e PAGE S.M. • mommonrs SKELTON EMORIALS. WAIKERTON We ' are the only • maniac- tprers in: this part of Ontario c mon�iments of lilt ,' who. import. granite fromthe Old ountr. y f n the robs' by oad and proving from. the marl •• < the rough to the finished svonument. No middleman. choosing a monument ecm and "see. one of . the; lir •selections in Ontario.. Esta bushed over sixty years: or hone Walkerton 8 Write p and; reverse ; charges. SKELTON. MEMORIALS WALKERTON • ;site :THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Christ's gospel to Friday afternoon ..at 2,00 pm. :KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. alcolm Lane visited. with :Toronto relatives during the week. Mrs. Casey Jerome of Detroit is spending awhile with 'Mr:. • and Mrs. Harvey., Hodgns: and family. Mrs, Katherine Hewitt' of Kin- loss visited during the week with Mr:' a'nd Mrs. George Graham. < Mrs. , Wesley Guest spent. Tues-, day :with ° Mr. • and -Mrs, Stanley Johnston and farnily' at. London. Mr. and 1VIrs. Roy Schneller t Belleville wre. they motored o Bhe , - - attended. a .confirmation • service on Palm' Sunday. Their daughter Margaret, who is: a .student at the.Ontario School� �f r. the peal ' r there, was one of the. candidates: On Wednesday. 'afternoon the Pregbyterian W.14S. entertained Members' from the "Kinloss Unit= •.ed W,M.S.. and the W.A... and Evt ening • Guild of . the Anglican Church here. Miss Margaret Rob- ertson was •in the chair. Mrs.: John, Barr , read , the : scripture; ,also ftiie meditation on the life of Mary Magdelene. Miss Eliz- abeth Scott led in prayer. Min- ues ,and • roll • call was read by • Mrs. Alex Percy who also read from the Glad Tidings. Mrs. Ben Scott • was in charge of the. pro- gram ,which. 'began with an ad- dress by Mrs,". (Rev.)' McKinney who talked on not only .Every.one is 'welcome, • women. �'but H W I . will. Meet confided in r12 He .. ' : - � rS Thu • disciples The 5th at the o0l'►1 c of to women, In 'St. John's gospel 1 day, Aprilall,; 'revealed Himself to Mrs, Frank Maulden.. 'R where Jest 'x IdentifY the samaritan women, ,also in the your 'Sutohic eConservter aL garden to Diary where he'said payment of • fees; Ipi service you "I am 'alive for evermore".' MarY tion quiz; motto, will find the greatest,joy; repg4 was the:. first to see our Lord in of standing coMmittees; repo•rt ,o# His: risen glory: Three 'truths 're vealed to women; are:. To know the gospel in all its .fullness; Jesus said. to Mary—go; to speak and dell. others. The hymn "Jesus keep me, near the Cross". was sung. Mrs. Harold. Haldenby' fav- ored with_ a solo "The , Palms". Easter readings •s were , given by Mr's. Torn and. Mrs: man Sutton.. "Faith Colwell and .farm y, of Peace" was .the' closing hymn. Mrs. James- Hodgins and • Mrs. -Dean Hewitt thanked the after which a dainty luncheon was. served. and a. social time en- j oyed by . all. • sec.-treas.; ..election of officers,, directors, -Mrs. Morgan Johnston, Mrs.` Wm. Wall, Mrs, Morley Bushell, Mrs. Sam Farmer. 'For the month of April the Anglican ,.ser',vices will be at'11' J. • W.: Colw_ell.. accom�Pan-_ •Mrs. Mabel Campbell,. and ied` . Mr and Mrs. 'Don • McCOs e Mrs..,, Maub at h .. Hodgins. The offering was WEDNESDAY, MARCH and family. to' visit.' Sunday Currie e b Mrs Cliff , Jo1in;;ton home of Mr. and. • :M s. received Y 1 Con 2 Mrs. Donald. McEwan 'aAd , in- fant, soh' returned home on 'Tues- day . from Kincardine . Hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. George Cuyler, Kenneth and Colyne of Millar - ton visited on Friday evening with' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichol- son and' family. A Good Friday 'service` will Abe held in . the' Anglican Church on ended the Friends fromci here att funeral of the late Richard Baker on 'Friday afternoon. Mr. and. Mrs. Clayton -Nichol son, Judy, Ronnie and Bonnie of Ripley, Mr. .and Mrs. Tom Bell; Teddy, . Murray, and Johnny, Mrs. G1en Campbell and Glenna of Amberley, Mrs. ` Ed Hedley :and Helen Ruth .of Kincardine, ;visit- ed Sunday with ,Mr. and MrS.• Bert, Nicholson and family. . Messrs. • Leonard and' .Everett.. Stanley and Gordon? •McKin �: Lansing, Minh.,. visited with and Mrs. Harvey '.Hodgins. ' 8,' 1956: ti HALDENBY ELECTRIC.' MOTOR SERVICE' Armature and Field Winding, Brushes; Bearings Etc... Repairs to". Fractional and Integral Horsepower • Motors, Also Electric. Fans, •. Vacuums, liP pers,. Drilla,. Etc, .• • HALDENBY 'ELECTRIC . Kinloueh. Phone; .Ripley 111.r'-29 The gunman .walked up to a• theatre cashier, stuck a \ gun, .in her face and growled:. "The picture was terrible - give me everybody's money , 'back" ° ST." HELENS• • .Mrs. Gordon MacPherson and Mrs: Janes ;Curran • attended a' . i complimentary banquet sponsor - he, -Ontario Department of tenere ` o re"" i •Huron County, 4-11 leaders in ap preciation of .their leadership during the year, at "Clinton cently The annual ;meeting of the women's: Institute ' will be held in the .Community : Hall, .Thurs day, .April 5th at 2,30.; Rollcall„ "Suggestions for ianproving our meetings in the 'coming .year"; the reports of the year will be giv- en; hostesses, Mrs E. Gaunt, Mrs. R. Erriington; Mrs. `Ross Gammie., Mrs. ` Charles . McDonald' Is.: a patient' in Victoria:,'Hospital ' at London' for ' a' thyroid operation. Her m.any:.,friends hope for .a speedy: recovery.. Be sure "toattend the play, "Too Many Relatives" by the. A, U. of. !Belgrave in the corn- munity 'hall.,': on Thursday even- ing,. April 3rd ' at. 8.30. A dance - will follow Ladies please bring :lunch.. Lunch. committee, Mrs.' Ec `. W. Rice,; Mrs: H.: Webb; -Mrs: R. : Gammie, Mrs. E. Barrbour, Miss ' • •Mary, Murray, Mrs. J. Curran & .Mrs. W. A: • Millen Friday was Family Night • at the variety concert' held ' in the, Community'. Hall sponsored by the.Women's Institute.. Mrs.'And- rew Gaunt presided for'the very fine ,prografrr fur ~`whiC ear}k - meiirber..vias .supposed • to arrange for one number.' the; : program,. ,opened by the'singing. of 0' Can- ada, included piano solos.. by Mrs.'' Will Rcutherfford Ery'an_Gaxr mig,_ =. Terry Wilson, Carolyn Mathers, ... Eddie Gaunt, Marlene Purdon •of' Belgrave 'and Mrs. Harold . Allin of ' Lucknow; piano .duet by Mary and Russell Allin of • ' Lucknow; vocal solos Eby ° Phyllis • Barbour, Lorne Forster.,Mrs. E. W. •:Rice, Johnny . Gibb and Miss • Maiie :Campbell, of Belfast;; vocal duets 'by. Mr. and' Mrs: $ikon- de :Boer i and Gladys' McDonald and Elaine Cook of Zion; musical selections oxt the trombone 'by Don 'Cainer- onon'the mouth organ by Fred MicQuillin •and the violin by Don- ald 'Taylor; the : dancing of the • highland fling by Mary. Fisher • df Whitechurchand-...f he ° 'sword dance by Mary Allin. Miss V. D. Rutherford -contributed a reading VILLAGE: BLACKSMITH a•y • - 1 r r* op i • r•. • 1. • ° {a, r •••• , 4. 444 4r. Y, HE "The smith_a' mighty man is he • ago. .And who can say what :future' ' with large and sinewy hands .. That's :how- Long€ellov Flaw,him,... and how he was regarded by iiis RS .. OFR ' �; PR RESS. .,..:.J Y, ,C R 0 applications will be developed?` Wii la yott 'Wiltae to egt m i'te how. much' electricity will. be used • community. Today,aesn h a d�t have to be a physical giant, for the to power machinery in, say, 1975? sm�nith has a new, kind of muscle.' Ontario Hydro endeavours to do We can't describe i 'for it.'a' that every day ... look into the invisible.. A unit we know as ''a future anticipate electric "kilowatt- hour" ' muscle -power requirements. • °morrow s living as well as without an.equal. odaythe ro .-.:the--bellows.-today's. wilLmore.__and more be: _ and vibrant ring 'of the anvil are measured in kilowatt-hours, It is ' replaced by, the hum of motors and the, aim of Hydro to provide an the dull thud of the forging.: ham- adequate supply of electricity . mer: 'Electricity; ' ac omp.lishin:g :-- 'sa vital to Ontario's' farms; homes tasks thought impossible 50 years. and industries.. FAMILY ASSURES YOUR'. '"Decoration before Desperation .- The ' enjoyable evening •closed with dancing to 'an isic Supplied iby Mr: John Wraith, Roddy and Eldon, Wraith of • Lucknow, Don Cameron and Donald Taylor with Mrs. Erriekt Walker at the piano and -with Fred • McQuiiliri and , Donald ,Murray as callers -off: Everyone is invited to thr' spe We a1W 0,AzTrrttay� servi,ee `rn µ the_._ 'United Church on Friday Owen% ing at 8.00 o'clock. Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew daunt ' weree..."iii Guelph ontSt�Cnday -as guests at a special church ser.. vice 'for the graduating c:' ass o#` the O.A.; held in the War, Mem- r orial . Chapel.: Their 'son, Murray, 1 corripletes histwo.year' course on April 6th , ,. . , EL.ECTRIGAL FUTUR .0111. • T7 • A- °ger .aern, 'at( en .fec pe: Jo] Th an to ►' • 1.4 ""1; "iriktuamoiort!' ion %parr. i'..`r'cv! .>'�I�M►,li �i"Irt'.fl,�"•_"r'5��:.,: Ye:. lam: 4. 1•y S