The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-28, Page 3WgDNESDAY,: IVIA•BCH $, 1956 West • ,—"Ankva3wrzramrsimPoimatIONNIKIMIPillaVa !ma sh Boar On Warble Fly Appointment THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L JCKNOW, ONTARIO • West, WaEwanosh .Twp. Council, held their regular' 1Varcli meet ing• on March 13, 1966.. It was moved by Councillor Durnin and seconded • by Ce1un • . ciilor McPhee that the minutes • of the February meeting be ad- , opted as read. • • It 'was gnewed y ,Councillor Culbert ,and seconded by Council,. 'ler McPhee that, Twp, • Council change the insurance. -policy deal- :. with public liability •' and . ''property damage • on .. Township` '-roads' to a `.:fully convprehensive • '.policy •with .4 4100,000 limit and. also that the Tewnshio take out LUCKNOW••• '• UNITED .C'f-URCH. 1V,linl trir: Rev, (..A. MeikleJehn -I B.A.,, B.D. SUNDAY,; APRIL 1st 1• 10.00' a m.: Church School, 11.00 a.m.. The Peace' Of His.,. Piresence". Special Easter, Music.,. pkkop4siva;: af& Early Church". Luckn ow PresbyterianChurch • Rev: Wallace .McClean, 'Mi'nister , ,'.SUNDAY,'. APRIL 1st (Easter Silnday)' 11.0.0: a.m.: "Is Christ Alive?" 12.15 .p.m.: p.m.; Sunday:. Schon 1. 3.00.• p.m,: Dungannon., ° ..� 7:00'. , _� p. m . Tie -Rending- of The Veil". • • a, spray lialbility policy. Councillor Miller, moved in m aendment that the Township do -not take out a spray liability pol- icy. The original motion carried. By-law No. 4 was passed on: `expendituj lotion of Councillors Miller aid' Culbert. This rby-law provid'. for ' .the, 1956' Township roads.. Letter* Ta•The Editor Dear diitor SL•ir ucknow Sentinelentinel : Your Attention - Please! . During the last .two years or so • I have written seven articles:,' to. The Sentinel. As most of these. articles dealt in ;one way' or an- other with global thinking • the fact that there have been n o pub- lished comments, pro or con, ' about•. them indicates..a lack of interest .in the subject. There's nothing very unusual about this lack of 'interest. In. my 'opinion' On a- rrotioa.by C. nuns Culbert and Durnin, • the Roa Supt,' was •instructed to advertis for tenders .for .crushing :& haul ing -approximately 7,000 cu. yd of gravel. 'Tenders to be in b 'April. 7th next. Council decided on a rnotio by Councillors Miller and • Mc- Phee to'accept Louis' Blake's'ten- der for the warble. fly spraying of cattle in • 1956 at .the rate` of. 11c per head",Lor the'first 'spray and $4.00' Per .hour for the • 2nd spray. , Councillor the ., majority of people on the, h American continent. think :along either' local . or •national' lines. The question may well be asked "Who 'are•' capable. of. being global thinkers?" . Anyone who has the interest can be :one aridthose Who have the ..training t�. hold good. jabs," run .a business,. or. 'operate a farm,, should be es •pecially. good -global thinkers. All that is.Fneeded is; oto. see the need for being :and and taking the t'rouible•'to work 'out a system for remembering. 'important histori- cal' dates. In 'an. article not very long ago a leadin Canadian n authority at the United Nations stated "The social and Political revolutions of' the .last ten. years• .provide •.the. evidence that the ,'impoverished ,, `s ,;*. A0,r ti <nger---of-1.: .ter in silence. Since the: war the rev.dlutionary.. tide has'. spread over lands. containing .80.0,000,000 • people. • Within';the present 'gen . rs e • y n C'ounchlor '•Miller moved •tha the Township Council accept the application of 'Jas: R. Curran as warble fly insp'ect'orfor 1956 Councillor J'ulbert seconded this motion . amei ditent that +Coon rl accept John H. • Riwe.tt's application-. as warble fly. inspector : for 49:56. ,Councillor McPhee seccnde.d this 'motion. Ree.N. e Durni 1 voted for.• the motion Pf .' •arc' ,r.dmen't. ' Mr:. •Rivett will be employed at the rate of $1.00 per hour. .; t • On a • $notion. by Councillors: Miller and Culbert, it was •plan_ :ned,• to make . a: charge. of • l,5c per ,head ' per 'spray. for the .'warbl'e fly spraying of cattle. and • also' to make a charge of 1Oc per head for•• each application 'for: those.. who •ibrush. on the warbicide. In ' each.xcase, the .Township, supplies. the. warbi ' ci e d On a emotion by .. Coucillors' 'McPhee. ad/ Miller the ;following accounts '*were -ordered paid:: .Mrs. " May , Smith, relief •,allow nee,'. $23.21; 'Prov.. Treas ,.'insulin or indigent patient,. 62• Twp of Loci'IT&Genet,aIf Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Armstrong, . Charlotte, Billy, Paul and Bruce n of Pgrt. Colborne spent the :Week- end with Mr: and Mrs. W. G..: i Annstrorlg Mr, and Agnew, , d Mrs. Joe Agne.Judy and 'Pamela , remained. to spend the week -end with Mr.' and'Mrs. E.. H. Agnew. ' after .attending' the . funeral of the for�mer'.s. grand- 1 father, the .late Joseph: Agnew.. p • T 'Mr ` and 'Nits:.; -Roy Lightifootx cif- - _ • Port Elgin •attended the uneral On Thursday of Mr. Jos h now. ,Mrs Lightfoot wa inner-. 'Ag - .1y Margaret Geddes of Lucknow, -and a-. _n . -_-- o- _ _. next-door ne�ghb�r�'to Ashfield, : relief ale., 30:68;; Luck ow.Sentinel, :printing' ale.,.` 14.95 ;• Durnin: Phillips; insurance; pol-• cy on Twp.• roads, 275.67; Luck - ow Coal Co.., . relief • cowl ale., .05; H Glenn. Hays, • Q.C.;` cert-, Eying 1'955 voters'. list, .7.0'0; But- on's Meat,; Market, relief .85; Lloyd Hall, groceries. for re: ref,' 1.65; • Signal -Star, renting . `alc., 6.00';. Huron Co. reas., indigent patient,......147.00;= Nirs Elsie Smith, relief allow- ance, :95:67.; Lorne 'Durnin; ex- penses re Road: Conventien,.35.0O; Harvey Cui'hert, .expenses re ,road .convention, 35.00; 'Frank •IVIeguil- Itn-, l3ruce•11-6srr "-it speetc d • n 3 2 whom Mr. Agnew ;was always •7.80; Howard Thompson, Brucel "Uncle Joe losis inspector's fees, 13.00; Wm:. .imi11 .116111.11, N/ „r)) 0 1 114i.r11imo1/is.owmpn oa0.na••. n.ipl.as,nisiiil, r,.O Christ the 'Lord', is risen today, Christians haste your• •vows <o. • pay. • Alleluias' •1 !. 1 ATTEND ' THE CHURCH OF YOUR. CHOICE to receive the -blessing- and joy-of Resurrection Life, -.'Tani :i he resumectio't� --a-r'rd- th-e-ilfe- f tf. t-• l ellevet in nye, though he were:dead,' yet shall he 1i•ve'., saith the Lord. .! SE RVIC ES :z)--''�' • • i .c b to d 'r. .' 'O a th rri ,o •r• J Y • PAGE THREE. ers�&s • Ladies' : and Men's Wear Fashion Millinery 'PHONE 85, LUCKNOW ParadeEasterOf Values COATS -= SUITS- DRESSES JAC KETS •(Assorted materials,:. sizes and .colors):' DRESSES (Juniors''half sizes and•Misses') HATS.. (For All The Family) TROUSERS All prices, father and son • • styles Blazers and Jackets Sox, graces; Bel, is 1 :. ' • SHIRTS -'Sport, dress, .nylons, gabs, cotton, plaids, plains,, ,etc. •Color fnal' and Sanforized. Children,' Teenagers, a eis , Men. i , • BLOUSES $2.00 to •$5,,95' Dacron, sheers, crepeis, rot - tons, sleeveless. Children's. Teenagers', Women's. ' SKIRTS, BLAZER'S; JACKETS Choose •your 'mix and match 71 sets 'early. . ACCESSORIES If andbags, Jewellery,' Gloves,, Scarves, Flowers. HOSIERY SPECIAL Sox for Dad and Son, Anklets for 'Children. • • PECI;AL eration. countries'totalling .•an other 800,000,000 could undergo similar' experiences. ' If this tide is not s'stemmed . ,it may engulf four-fifths of the' world's popu- lation. At that point. what hope would remain: for the one-fifth to .live' in • relative plenty and freedom?". He•:indicates that Canada's con= tribution.' to'' under -develop e ts freedOm is at stake .we can no out that rf. each : adult contrib u ed h. to vas ue of • one cigaret every`" two . weeks in '.addition lands is very: low when he •poin rection ,So, much More than the others? Modern . weapons.• -being what they are one thing. the Zast, an. West'. do seem to be agreed upon is, that 'whiles the arms race re- :mains. equal or nearly, equal an • all o.ut:war is out of the ques tion if the human race is to sur, •wive:: This: means . that .if 'the • worst comes to. the' worst. and our Mrs. Bert. • 1V.�ofaft, presided and opened with, the .call to worship • and' prayer.. Mrs. .Lhyd Moffat d :• , • read the scripture: passage fol-: lowed +by ;the' meditation by Mrs . Farish '1VIoffat. The 'glad :Tidings prayer was giyen . by Mrs. Orr: Mrs D. R.'MacKenzie of Ash - •field Was .guest" sneaker and. ex= - plained Stewardshir : Mrs. gan Henderson of` Lucknow was also present and spoke ' briefly, Plans -were -made"-for the Easter Thankoffering whi.eh . is to be• held in the church on .April 13th, • at 8.30'' p.ni, Mrs. Charlie Tiffin. closed 'the meeting with prayer_ The Ladies Aid:'. is holdin'g a potlucksupper and variety pro gram in the Community Hall ork Thursday, April 5th at 7.00 p.m: ; Mrs.. 'Bert 'Moffat • is convener of the supper committee. , 1 • 0" • • • li • t, longer count on our armed 'might te to urn t h e trde.-- . . ' - --,Strangely-en= L: to sough then our strongest line of what we are' already ,paying our' 'contribution would.' be three tunes what it is now.. Well . the way it looks to me ' isthat if we really have 'been. failing; down in helping ` needy.countries it means that we are indirectly helping' the despicable. infiltra-• tion'' of Communism.• . There may be ;those who :shrug. their shoulders • and say "What about the .United~ States?" True,. since. World. War II the. States has ..laid out- ;fantastic sums Of money, abroad in' loans l& grants. The main reason, it seems to me,. -hata-their--grea:t-•-generosi-tY-hasn't` always• had the' results hoped for S• that '„they 'find ,ithard to iin derstand other people. When, one onsiders.` how busy. they. ,have een.`_..at :• e. . '.. how since__ their=eft-, talked of revolution of•1776 this ailing' can' Abe, more easily "un- erstood. In • all •deference to a great people I can't help ;'but' eel that 'many aspects .of that evolution F have been vasty verrated..I do .wish that they, well as ourselves, would try o !become better acquainted with e history:•of the long, bazcLcenn.__ nes that followed the Magna harta of 1215 before a parlia-. entary ' system' of', responsible overnment was finally worked tit, During the reign of George, II there was a set -back and •,the "volution' of 1776- certainly help=. I d to �c�rrect it but this •'was. ust one set -back and ;there were many. others., Why is it reason � u_1iL ��1118.�:o.r3.0�.-�U1-�*_ A 'Comimun.ity., Service 4111 be held` in. • LUCKNOW 'UNITED. CHURCH • at 1.1.00• a.m. . Giiest Preacher—Rev`. D. A. Brydon of c Andrew's tinite0 1 Church, ,Ripley, • The:...Offering will be for' the Bible. Society. P V n pKsor e d 1 � s5 iation. b r •torr A oc heL wl�ins a y t uckna .a. 40.844/4.lYnw004.6 N'"1111i1411INiallikrw1.n41.1,H4irn4rn4wnrrn4•..n•11M144601 11 14.10 1 defence, • „aiow 1beoomes :an . atti- tude towards the promotion . of 'peace' in• all we say .and. do. 'Un- less ' we 'are. °trained `to '.think on a global scale we ;are badly ,hand- icapped in this attitude. .One. thing I . feel obliged •to .point ,out is that just !because the,, writer' (mentions promotion: -of peace doesn't mean . being a pacifist having tvlice volunteered: for act- ive service. during ' the. 'last war ? scarcely` rate as one. ' ,.RANCHO. • LANGSIDE NORT, PT'RSONALIZED LABELS We car. now supply -'ou with personalized labels, -,t .:..fictively printed in two colors, a.id in a handy ,'plastic dispenser. You re- ce> ve 40O•:.usefuL lal,els : for only-- ; • .only- $1-,50. Use 'thern to • stamp your The. March :• meeting of the books, records, '.letters, packages, W1VI:S: Auxiliary was :'held'at.etc. Drop in and see a sample:, the. home of Mrs. Charlie Tiffin.' LUCKNOW SENTINEL FL 1 Have Mom' Go •Modern Wiith The NE • W McCLARY •. -puts its .BROAD side forward, for easier cooking and cleaning,' E. Good,• Brucellosis .inspector's fees,' 15.20; Allan- Miller,. Brucel- losis inspector's. fees, 3.40; Janes' !! 'Curran, . Brucellosis • inspector's." fees, 1.40. • » • l. Highway Accounts Irnperial Oil Ltd., fuel,:. $79.20;. 7.teas. of Ont:, tax.;on fuel, 44,00 • ,Durnin Phillips, grader insur- ranee, 13D7Oif; orman.icDonalci, plowing ;show, 960.00; Norman McDonald, hauling sand, 37.50; Everett : nrrngton, -welding; 8..50;; obt `grdtFiers dear .or an cut-` `ting steel, 7.10; Lerne Ivers,sal- ary, 111.75; T. W. Rice, salt, 4•.80..' Lorne Ivers, Supt.: . I On motion tof Councillors Dur -1 •ruin and Culbert, •Council ad 1. Thiscompact new range 'con serves space yet: retains many 9f. the features .of' the larger table tap : automatic oven tinier With minute : rriinder and electric clock . . •tubular' surface ele- n- ehts' : . automatic oven heat • Control and .7 -heat cooking 'ele= erltS -: -=-Ole vu" . glass . ss oven, ., door and "Broadway" '.oven size 20 • inches wide, 16 'inches high & 17U inches deep/ .:I Q 1•. • 4• '1r A Whatever your wishes • there's a • McClary Range ,that's just right' '',•, THREE_LYEA-R-'.GtJARAN-tIE, Every McClary Range i 'guaranteed against defects''rtt workmanship and rnaterial for three yei.ars froiii • date -.of. pu-r-eha•se.. --: ---- • - - e bster ]ourned to Meet on April 10th i I1nnbittg► eating,Wiring', E aveEroughiug" = 'Phone ,tp. t • J. F, FOAN, Twp. Clerka