The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-07, Page 8PAQE EIGHT' • THE LTJ'cicwoW, SENTIN I�, L JCKNQW, ONTARIO 41. fH ft • rs t1 • A np _ 0 pg the...Chi munks wY-16-_; have been 'chalking up points, took 4 FINAL STANDING more on Wednesday night as they met the Squirrels. For the Chipmunks' Lorne Hamilton, An- na Johnston and Bill Hunter all roiled over the 600 mark. If' it hadn't been for a record low single .of 49. pins, one of these two gents would have chalked upa near. record triple. • • The Beavers tool three close games - f rom the. Tigersto win 4 points. It was team effort for both teams.with Beaver M, Coll yer arid• Tigers Dick 'Abel arid Rena ' ,McNab contributing the most to their teams. There. was ,.'only a 153- point difference in ;he ' grand :totals to . give.,sorne idea• how, close these games'. were.. Claxeiice Greer with . 706 .plus. 57 for 763' led. . the 'Gophers a 3 point victory: over the Wol- verines ` on Thursday night. Freda Button also scored well -for the Gophers, while Edna Couse turned' in the best effort for the -short-handed Wolverines.' Mike Sanderson with 736 plus 15 for , 751 led the Pole Cats to a 3 point victory over the Lions: The Pole -Cats all chalked up good scores as Anne'.'Sanderson and• Bob ,:MVntosh also rolled over the' 600 mark. Irvine Eedy With' 616 plus 45 for 661 and Harold Elliott with a ' 639 total, were best ;for the ',Lions;' who also turned in good scores tgourling got scattered. over sev- week, . • .remember, ,only players' • ' eral nights. The 'Cubs and Kan- who ,have . counted. in three or igaroos met Monday night -with more,frights' play .during" the the Kangaroos taking 3' points, season:may score. Teams may ,a1- 'Lois .�Crowston chalked' up a 713 ternate players. , by declaring record `triple: which with , handi- each before the game starts. ,.. cap totalled 782: We believe this There will ,be 'a • meeting of is the ':highest ladies' flat .triple Captains ` during the coming week rolled since the league ., started' o conplete, ' plans for the' 'ban some five. years .ago. Larry' Sal duet: and` dance. ' r : • keld . and Marie Barger also icor ed Over .600. . Dorothy Errington 't . • .with :G43" plus' 69 for a 712. total turned' in a - very good /effort for :;the •Culbs.: '•• ..The Zebras ''took 3 points from the Coons .on Tuesday night. ' Al-. though Zebra y -Bob Read --`and CoonGerd . Baile Were :the only The • Queen Charlotte` News of bowlers to ; total over 600; both British Columbia prints birth learns ,rolled their a?verage and notices :under the heading, "In- . the • games were close.. come Tax, Deductio•ns": Team ,W L. T Pts. Belfast ,:.,..'4 1 2 10 Kintail ,.,,.,.:, ,...;, 4. 2 1 9 North Kinloss .,,,. 4 2 1 9 Firemen . 4 2 1 9 Nite Hawks 4 3 0' ..8 Specials 2 4.. 1 5 South. Kinloss, ,,,,,, 1, • 5 1 3 Paramount' ,... , . 0' . `4 a 3 BROOM BALL RESULTS.� • Frid* ,' Mardi 2nd. Specials 1,' , Paramount, 0., • Kintail 1, South. Kinloss 0 Monday .'(Playoffs). (losing ' teen ."eliminated)'. 'Nite : Hawks 3, .;Belfast •2 (owertin;ie) Kintail 1, Specials 0 • • (overtime) Banged •In '7 Goals i l , Wingham Juveni_es � rain wild. , on Mondayy night trouncing Hes peler; 20-6 to win .'the 0.M,—I.A. ,•"B" semi-final, series and qual-' : ify to meet Bowmanville' for the Ontario :. title. Eugene Gardner of. Lucknowpaced the Wingham attack by scoring. no less then ;.goals. TIMBER TIPS a Team Standings Kangaroos 57,- !Cubs 54, . Pole. Cats 53, Squirrels 49, 'Chipmunks. 46, . Gophers 46, Zebras , 40, ,'Wol- verines 38, :Beavers 36, Tigers 31, :Coons 27, L.ions. 26. • ., • Are' YCU'PIafl,fliflgHQ.fl Any New; •. BUiliiig'sl THIS 'YEAR? • .44 • • FREE . PLANS .AVAILABLE - FOR .'THE •FOLLOWING � Machinery Shed and Workshop Hog -House Garage Brooder House Cattle Shelter Poultry I>douse Plans l3ive Step By Step Instructions • WE.DNI± SDAY, MARCH .7,. 1956. ' - WJ ruit Market oz •, , NATURE'S BEST • or MARTIN'S . 9c e Juice Tall '4s .__,, A Y � tin •. COTTAGE BRAND6 rolls 39c '* .flet "issue' SAVE 1 - 4 �. � •y• • � LP,.TOP 20 oz, tin Y:, . T 2.-foie ens E6 _ _Q�rk �& Be . ' • ���•�.SAv� Peanut .•eut e r e HO RN E'S HOMOGENIZED 9 oz. jar, SAVE 1lc 2 for39c• • n•OtaliO �1 Spy AppI$ Domstic 3 bus.5• B vISE, CRAB THESE BUYS! Values EffectiveMarch8' 9 14 '. . • • • • "Jet" De • •Ii:q eYy .' ., LUCKNOW PHONE 119 Speedy . i g L'04 Sit.4ATATI AGENT, PASSES • .Sticcuinbing to.' ,a heart attack Which •seized him:• while he was attending a 'hockey game •, at the Port Elgin :arena, Orral•'_Angus Martin passed away suddenly on Thursday, February' 23. He waO' in his. 68th year.. • ,Deceased who ,, ,was born,. in • Drayton,. had been employed by . aYs � ' 'the : Canadian NandhalRailways, .chiefly . in Western Ontario," for nearly 50 years, He had resided. : in • Port Elgin.. since his retire- ment from the .position of station agent at • Harriston shine 6 -'ears ago. He had also served .,as agent at. Lucknow and Exeter... Familarily -known to ' older res-, idents as ' "011ie", ' Mr.. Martin was Grank Trunk agent at: Luck- now for several years, and was succeeded. by A. W. Hamilton on July 8th, "1918.' _ ' .' . • The late Mr. Martin: was : pro; mifient in Masonic circles, hay- ing; occupied the chair aswor- shipful master 'of -St: Lawrence Lodge, Southampton, during ..1929 :and 1930;. His ' mother , lodge • was Lucknow and be .later affiliated with lodges • at Harriston and Port Elgin. He was 'a widower, his. --Wile;, the: former Lucy Olive Mercer, predeceasing him in' De- cember 1951. There are no child-, ren and the. sole' survivors are a sister, Madge. Agnes, .who 're - Sided._:, with •_him, and a fibro ther,' Joseph Earl; ',who is em- ployed with the Canadian Nat- ional, Railways at Massey, Ont. • The funeral• servicewas held at Port Elgin on February 27th with. • • Interment in Sanctuary `Park. • WAWANOSH NATIVE `DIES ,Funeral service for John. Webb `of East. Waw'anosh' Township Was 'held at. the, Currie, Funeral Home, Wingham, on, Tuesday af- :terrioon' conducted •by Rev: H. L. Parker.Burial was .in Wingham Cemetery, '• He. was born .on. Con: 1,2, West • on Modern bus transportation and • ENGAGEMENTS '. • _____G, ., _.....:....-: - 1 Awa : a ,P. ni: . •i'�.. nderfiul o ortunity'to'. �db.tain [Huron Township, ' announce the • ho wo Pp a good education The group en-' engagement of their- ' daughter 1 'Margaret Bro p �'s pro -s Evelyn Adeline to Mr, Harry. S' joyed 'Marg• . , . Pl#Y y gram, "Milady" on, television.. The . National Anthem and Insti- tute grace closed , the meeting after• which lunch' was served. • place the . early• ',part of March. ' Ay The dtrict president, Mrs, - 1 Tait Clark .will. he ;the guest; Palmerston. Theatre • Closes, ha, .John. Coiling, eldest son : of Mr. ' in and Mrs: 1Wlelvin Colling, Huron mE township, the: marriage; to . take for • speaker at the April •meeting. • i The ' Horgan theatre in Pal - HE,' "' CANAAA TEMPER -n ... wi This lavt . was, •passed ;by the. ,venue was not sufficient to meet : on Federal Government in 1876 ' to i int h ._, _.. • :tel T ANCE merston, a :$63;00'0 gift from Geo: : '•- ; ACT Norgan, a : native' of Palmerston,' sa; has closed its , doors because re, ne la Governments to the. ordinary. -operating_' -expenses. .assist Provincial 1 The people of this railway. town control theiquor traffic I't is - •have'' several other reasons" for a idounty Local .' Option law ' W which can be 'carried onlanientirig, - because in. •. :recent Maj- ority vote,'Huron County voted it in by a rnajority`'of 2,608 in' 1914 • The law is very restrictive. No legal outlets for liquor sale, 'such as Beverage Rooms, . Lounges„ Cocktail Bars may be; licensed by the `Government' in C.T.A. Coun'- ties. • Twice the law 'has been 'test ed,- in the • higher courts: - Both. .the Supreme 'Count ,Of Canada and the'Privy Council in Eng=. land rejected the appeal to. have it •declared invalid. It was 'de-' Glared " cod law".: It is just' as g� . enforcable as any other. law ythat forbids sale' if the integrity and g Y efficiency of the enforcing: pow- ers are . assured. • Those who have lived all; their lives ‚under the. C'.T.A.. find it difficult to'believe it . preferable to the; Liquor 'Control Act. Not, so; 'many others, . who' have 'reev- ed into Huron 'from L.A.C.'coun- ties; ".You just don't see drunks on. our streets", declared :one, 1i ing: '•now in a- Huron town.. Ari- other, who -had lived more than ten years' jh another Huron town, . has' found conditions much - worse in the little five-legal-liq-: •uor-outlet. town to which be a. months_,:na less than' four 'retail ., an establishments have one • 'out ' of , .h g , '' on business, including • a . grocery; iii dry goods, variety store and`" F • a shoe shop. • - United Church Mission Band • Ge The .Mi,ssion 'Band , meeting. on. . Brei Monday opened by singing the . Mission Band .hymn, and the re( hymn • "Jesus Bids, us Shine": th Rev. ,Meiklejohn showed slides ' , of df Burma which were. rriuch en- joyed..'Mrs. 'B. McKenzie .read •a. . , Iii. C �� a' e a Co COuse 1 . �L ' nn "us d 'prayer.Y ..P Y Plano .solo _followed bY a pgen r. ' . by• Marguerite McKenzie. • JohnFr ,, Pritchard :played :a piano soln,• .. ,fel Mar y Allin read ..the scripture:, • .in The study book was .taken , by , 1 the leader, Mrs.. Eileen ,White. 1io . "awanos , a • --'-ha armed lithe district .all his life. He is. survived by •a daughter Elsie- 'at -home r' three -•b:rothers William .of Saskatchewan, Geo. A; of St. ,. Helens and Fred of Lucknow, and by. two sisters, ..Mrs. Frank Grain. and Mrs. deo. Anderson 'of. Manitoba,, THAT ANYONE -CAN. • FOLIO Free Estimates Given Na OW atibrt OI�IN J HE DE Obi' LIJIWIBER LIMITED • ,PHONE 150, LUCKNOW kintaii W T was ' Yield at the home of Mrs, Ray' Dalton with a 'good attendance. $5,00 was v-oted--• sent -- to help defray the xpenses o, our e ega e o •ion, ey- Mrs. Russel Bisset took the topic, ''Citizenship and .Educa- tion" She pointed' out that the children of ' today flare the Citi- zeas of tomorrow and as par- ents wehavean important tusk KINTAIL WI'. MEETING ING - We in Huron are fortunate. Letus' think twice before we make a change.—Advt. WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES Our new : sam'ple album of per- sonalized accessories for parties, • anniversaries, weddings, a n d vis every occasion : is now. on hand. • •wi New ' designs, new colors, new • • ' lar• items in .personalized serviettes;: : A' •phone ' call will bring , these ' ; Pati samples to your door, or drop in and' see, them at The' Sentinel, ' • • • BACHELOR'S ,CONCLUSION the In barber shop one day - gir • Mr, tlmibacli chanced to say, an r • -he, Baehelors' Club-Mus—t---r-ea - ,a • • ize That . freedom is the- enterprise. • r'" It's Leap' Year now, it's '56 GIRL GJ1DE NOTES. At • the Court of Honour last Frida evening the...P_afrot.,L.eadh ers planned t` re: Guide program for Marchi At the Meeting later Miss': .lane :Johnstone' outlined the -duties of - d... citizen a't on°re, • in the community and among friends.. Next week .the .Patrol Leaders 1 will conduct a' test oil' this 'in their :Patrol Cdrners. After- pat- rol 'work the ' leaders ' left and the remaining ' Guides Played .Ie S� n..�:1 o�gr3�.:1�tiT�••ps,�,.�:, The ' 1Vlarch. meeting ',of • the 4,41.iro...fi4oYiminiii►airllnil.64ne,. if41ru n+.►rrirrriir,rlriN, ,rirr rn�i.(4nMr041..rwt4.4 to train. their' aright, With the g _. When ladies 'try. all kinds Of ' tricks, There's sure to -be a new' technique- ' " ' To sweep a bach•elor off ,his fc�e''t. '; ' Tl e barber•. gri�nn.ed whild Ili" • 'likes healed a Bead; 1`ot -ecall the►af>kv. t. kill, ...:i Your "hair IS. gene,.You're " ;1yale.l • • ' n , You_ 're a married Hiatti tltrri , i 4e .sec. ,. .oj 1.6.1!M►•jt1•i'lA.`.. • • S ltobertson is second vi.cr, We're sure to' get some good an- 'v'ice ' No 'bachelrrr must come; to h;.0 i t Like "victims of a maiden's' Charm,. j .. r :�.;Glub�„M• "t.�'m�..:�,a3'Ga.rd�.�_�; , ..� : • i