The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-07, Page 5VfrEDNF$DAY, .,MARC, •• ,, 1956 w H•ALDENB Y ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE. Amature' ..and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, :M. Repairs to • Fractional' and Integra). Horsepower Motors, Also Electric Fans, .Vacuums, Clippers,, Drills,: Etc. ©ILIiENBif ELECTRIC Kinlougb Phone Ripley 111-r-29 kozonvaNT8 SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON We are the • only .manufae-' firers in this, part of• Ontario of , high class' . monuments who import granite from .the Old.Country in the rough by. the carload and'processfrom the rough,. to the finished monument: N+ middleman. ,b When. choosing a`Monument_ come : and see one of ; the largest selections, in Ontario. Established over sixty.. years.: Write or, phone. Walkerton '8 , and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIAL.. • R S WALKERTON Ha"; a you renewed your'. Sen tinel .subscription? 1 Tooled To Repair AH Makes Of Tractors,' Machines '& Shop Work' ACETYLENE & ARC. WELDING KIN`LOUGH GARAGE ;, W. BIZECKLES Phone 18=r-20; Ritpey NE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS ! IMPEFtlAl. ESSO DEALER Esso and Esso Extra Gasoline Marvelube •.and Mineralube.,.� .MOBILOIL, ATLAS . Always look to Imperial. .for .the best * *; * �. E. 1VIacDOr1ALD Phone 3 Luckinow ...a_....tisz•wro9xaav;s4t4(,4,i,;o. 9 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIO 'NOME' TOCREDYTORS AHr ,Ter—sows ixg cis -a tins against the estate • of'. Wellington McCoy, late of the Village of Lucknow, . in : the County of truce, Painter,,. deceased;, . w•ho died • on •or about the 2nd day D of ecember, 1955, are notified, to •send to the .undersigned, 'on or before . the 17t4 day of March, 1956, full particulars of . their claims in writing, Immediately after the 'said 17th day of March the assets•. .of the. said Intestate will be distributed, amongst •the parties entitled ••thereto, having regard only to . debris, of which the Administrator . sha11 then ,have notice.. • ' • 'DATED this' ,Twenty thir: d da ` ofFebrua ry., A.D. 1956.. Crawford & Hetherington, !A Wingha'mk Ontario;. • Solicitors for the Administrat- or: NOTICE TO CREDITORS • All persons having claim s against t'he. estate of Roderick `Ross, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of -Bruce, . !Retired Farmer, deceased, who •died on or about the 22nd day .of December, .1.955, are not- ified • to 'send to the undersigned,, on , or, before .the 17th day of March, 1956, full particulars of their •cl'ai`ms•, in writing. Immed iately after the. said '17th day of March;_ the•_assets_ of --the said= I• n Vic` "a amongst 'the parties entitle thereto, haying •regard only t claims of :which the Trustee sha then have. notice.' ' DATED, this Twenty/third. da of February, .A.D. 1956. :