The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 5• WIFD TY, rat .24th, 19546' T LucKNOW SENTINEL, IUCKNOW, 4 ONTARIO PAGE FIVE , ' • mss --end •finer : Vve- not a evestlze ed-ses-neee sity this' -Branch ` us - meetings were not so well at- ually supplied the sweets as., a . tended. As the war work .slowed service for the children. up: the attendance at the meet- Ln July 1952 the Institute lad'- ings • did likewise, ;so the homes ; ies . decided to:take a bus trip' in. were tried; ,out again. place of a picnic; This trip was in 1947 Mrs. •G•, MacPherson taken to the. Tpronto Exhibition, became . president again. due to The idea met with such a fine the 'passing of Mrs. Aitchison; 1st approval that. Mr. Allan. Reed of vice, Mrs. Elwood -Barbour; .2nd; Dungannon has taken the 'ladies Mrs. Stanley Todd;: 'sec, -tress., on several trips since. One that, Mrs.; E.' W; !Rice, Mrs. .T. J. Todd preyed -educational. as well as haying , served her six year term enjoyable was the Institute hot- of office. ' iday held in Guelph at the 0.;4.C, on July 16th, 1953; In September* it ' was moved that , we as a• Branch see if " it • were possible to procure signs . to• be placed• at the four corners, Belfast, High way.. 86, Fordyce corner and .one: large,sign :in the* village; After a' timthese signs • were erected :by the Council and this. Branch h.ad the St. Helens sign in the .village 'made and placed_ on ..the corner of' the Institute Hall lot.. At the golden jubilee anniver- sary celebration o!f St. • Helene Women's I nstitute, held'this fall,. a very interesting historical re vievte, was given• by Mrs. E. W.. Rice, .We publish. the article,/ as it waa'given at. that: time. I am Sorry to say that the first �:ininutes 'books 'of ,the 'inception .of this Branch:••have been 'lost ; '.and se. our records do not 'begin until. the -year 1930. We have had 'great .difficulty trying AO find ' the. names f °t•he Presidents and Secr taries • up to this date, 'brit Miss Edith Coll ins, ,who was with, `,. the Department, ' .very' kindly • looked up the' past' records and they are' as'follows : •' , • Our 'first'minute book states it was organized " in 1905 but • the ,Department couldn't account:for two years, previous, We do know that it was organized the second time in the year 1907. • Before 'proceeding oceeding • with the past history, I would like to pay. ..tribute to our former members (.beginning 1960) who have'pass- ed on: They. are as follows: Mrs. Ed Parvis; Miss - Mary Ru-ther- ford;'Mrs. rc-hie I l o arson; • ®•rs: George Webb, Mrs. -Archie Aitch- ison, Mrs. • R. ' E. 'Miller, ,Mrs.' R. J. Woods,'. Mrs.,John•. ' McQuillin, Mrs. :George ' :1VIoRoberts, Mrs,; Dan Martin; Mrs. Wm: Ball, Mrs, Jas. Gaunt, Mrs. Jas,' Lyons, Mrs, T. B..Taylor, ,.Mrs.' . ' (Rev.)' T. C. �ilkin on . Mrs. James `•Durni ;•. w s ,.. n,. Mrs: Jaynes Lavis, Miss Mary Jane Irwin : 14re. Rintoul , and y Mrs Wm. McQuillin. The list of,presidents •front 1907. to 1936 is..as, follows: •• 1907-08-•Mi•ss Minnie Ram•age. • 1908 -09= -Miss Mary ' Rutherford 1909 -10• -Miss. M. Ramage • 1910 -12 --Mrs. Archie•:' Anderson 1912=13-aMrs.. Ed Thom 1913-2.4-iMr.s. Archie Anderson ' 1924-26---Mr•.s. George Webb 1926-287Mas:, Durnin . Phillips' .1928 -36 -:Mrs. John Miller; Mrs.: R K. (Millers Was secrets • ary during -this. . period ,except ire 1909 -10, -when. Miss M.,; C, Ruth- erford held 'the office. Beginning .. the :year 1930; May lst,' we read that Mrs. John ''Mil-' ler. was • re-elected for a second term, lst• vice, Miss •'Annie .Me Kenzie; '2nd vice,,' Mrs. Ed Thom; sec,; Mrs. Ile: K. Miller. Names of. others who. held "office- at this .time were: auditors, Mrs. D; Todd_' and' Mrs.' •W, I. ,:Miller;. pianist, Mrs. W. A. Miller; ': representa- tives, • Mrs;, . Archie Anderson, 'Nfiss •Mary .Rutherford' and Miss. Gretta Webb. The meetings were held in the '• homed and at each meeting a, Paper, or an, address was given, also ore or two special numbers. The . district president 'at . that time was Mrs._ Davidson.. of Dun- gannon'. She ' Visited us that. Year and complimented the women of St, Helens on the splendid work . they were doing.: • • :We. notice b ' Mr y the minutes that James Levis ;received $5' for ,cutting weeds in the St. • Helens cemetery. *This was done' .once each, year and 'financed .by. . the Institute: randmothers Day was always, a 'special', meeting' an this yeah .they were well represented:with aprons• and dust caps, Roll call was old '�photbs and. they were used. as a�'guessing' contest.' We hid School Fairs ' . these ._years.--and-a:-booth - weealways sponsored by the W.I. this be- ing one source of raising. funds. The at, Helens Branch was noted then• es well. as' Trow for giving donations to all organ=' iza tz ons,Canned.. fruit was the: us donation' tv=-Wfr _ Toon -Hns • pita!, T`.hiisle year a bale had 'been sent North. and .a note Thiswas laced, in it. " placed, and acknowledged. . s:0:-$ ,00 "there' Was sent to thr wine territory. In these tunes .a stated subject Was set and a paper was .given `ori it, Picnics Were an annual af- fair and usually held .at Godes+ ich.. One "At Horne" k year for . ei•nem.be r3 asree ten ofe ntortainment: In 132' Mrs. Bissett of Gorier- 'Ball Mrs. - rd Go on .MacPherson ich was District President and and Miss. Mary Murray and after made her visit to , the branch. much* discussion Mrs *Wm, 'Ruth - , Special .Summer meetings were • erford became acting 'president; held with Department • speak'ers sec., Mrs, Earl .Durnin. Red' Cross. and other .branches as guests:• We, 'and refugee Werk was begun in n • had numerous health talks. and 1940'This branch af!fsliated them-. demonstrations each=,year' usually selves with Lucknow`` Red 'Cross given by. Mrs.:'George :Stuart. •; and ''took . a very active ..art. in Duringthe, 'ap y quilt was. the wgrl�c. In ;May. •Qf 'this year' made with .Mrs, Jas..; Gaunt do the District Annual of West Hur-' ng most of . the work. Tickets nn was.held in St. Helens: During were sold on it. It •Was, custom-. the car one of h . customs, , , , , y � the.: hg�llights. ary in"these times tor' the mem-' was a talk on the San Francisco bers; to make quilts for .bales, as World's.. Fair by Miss W. D. Ruth-' well '• as needy . families, in ' the erford. ,' We had a iRed. Cross` re- pot at every' meeting given: by the .convener, Mrs, W. A, Miller, whoacted in. this 'capacity during the 'war -years.- In years.-In 1941 Mrs. Gordon MacPher- son was elected .president with Miss •Mary Murray,•Mrs: Ball and Mrs. D. Phillips,' assistants; secs Mrs. Allan ' Durnin. , The Red Cross work was in great demand and we met every two weeks for giilting. A ten -cent tea was ser- ved and . each, lady. brought Vera lunch sandwiches. and cookies, Taylor; Marro; Mrs -:fester Ta . + ,:• r, •gig sitar,'` rs. R1ce. First' Ghee" Club ''In . May 1936'-1937: Mrs. John Swan •'took '• over the presidency' which' Mrs,. Johne Miller held for eight years sec:, ;Mrs_. E,,. W. Rice. Many new members.. have. 'joined, the In t'i. s tute and progress was seen 'in . many" ways; This .year saw the formation of the first Junior .Girls' .Club in the district.. This' was begun in the -community. The attendance at this time ranged from 20 to, over 45. ' In. 1935 Mrs.: John Miller was re-elected assisted by'four vice presidents, each .one . to take charge fors three •months.• They were as, • follows: Mrs ' Lorne lDurnin; '!Mrs. D. Phillips, Mrs. W. A. (Miller and *s.. ' James. Gaunt' All ,meetings were' favor- ed • with a' special number but one that was news to the ,writer consisted •of 'a -trio; violin; V a :raise: money ' any,. way, possible so tickets were sold at meetings on . articles. that .members, donat ed such as : aprons, knitting bags, towels,.,, ete., We .even sold tick-' ets on a hamper . of : apples. which was' donated by the ' late: Mr.' Kenneth .: Cameron. Besides all the Red • Cross' 'work • at home 'each 'soldier received a box. at'. Christmas arid, ,a gift when' they returned.hom'e. - . March a new project for the . Girls'' Clue . • was `announced ' ` The : Instittte always • retained b „ '; • its :interest in :,the local, Fall Fair. Clothes •Closets' Up-to-date and it ,was decided• two leaders,,'Mrs, .anih a display was' usually put T J.: Salkeld. and' Miss Laurine up :.by the: branch and was -al:., . ways -in the-prize-nion-ey--Tn Miller be ..responsible` • for form- •' Trig: a' Junior: Girls' Club This .September of, 1941 we had .a.taik was`, th ' beginning of .a. Girls' by`'Dr. Johnston of Lucknow on' health and: foods:and, now;. 'as: Club �n.:this• branch and Projects . v< , have .been carried :on till,:lastell as -then. this; is` one of our Year foremost interests. One new ven- ture these t.imes'we wee fortunate tur'e . of raising money in these: ire." hav ng a poetess in our I'nsti_ times was by having . "Victory. trite , in the person of Mrs.. Eliza- Nights". ' Each ,member '.was • re - beth. 13a11. .•,She alviays, brought sponsible; for; some form of en- beth ray of aunehin,e to ,the meetings; tertainment.. Some had card :part - with .her poems. : O;ne that str.e:..'es and invited: ,their friends and; neighbors. I remember having . a. "Badminton• 'Party" here in the hall and.so_ in. this way our funds grew, In May 'of .:1.942 the officers were the' same with the.`exception of Mrs. Charles' McDonald who, Mildred McQuillin. The .president tdok .Mrs. D. shill ps'.place, sec:; and.'secz:etary acted from 19,37'.to tress, *Mrs.'T. J. Todd: Mrs,: Todd me. took over in Aug: of. 1941. Each 'In October 1937 We named con-' Year --we usually had the ; school 'veners under ' -headings Which childr,.,n responsible• for a pro - were 'much the sane as' at the -gram in• July. The program this present time. This was the . be-• .years was, held in 'the ' hall, with hfad prepared andYread at this. time was entitled "New Year's' Reverie". In. the ' year 1937 Mrs. W. Miller was made .presidents vice silent Alun •Durnin; 'sec.-treas., Miss ginning.. of a program set. by the Departrnent. • • In * these years. "At '-Homes.'.' were: held frequently to raise •money. • In 1938 we .decided to 'change the, place of the picnic from God-. erich to the Maitland bridge. The meetings now were growing, in• attendance, so had to be: held in the hall, with ..the hostess being responsible for 'cleaning• up the: hall after each , meeting. In March 1939 we notice that two minutes, silence .was obsery in :memory of Mrs. R. Mil- ler, who was a faithful member, evening anmany or us: remern- ranch for 28 ears; and ber how we did .enjoy these pic- o f the b Y, S • understand never .•missed a nies along the/ creekand being. meeting: In those years „officers within reach of all . members didn't have 'any ."'meant time.' .eant a good attendance. . e Aitchison A.rchi _'. From -1934 to -40, :pres-president was •Tn . •• 1944 Mressr . rs. W. A. Miller; vice presidents, becaQpresident. with.' 'all of - Mrs, ',Ewart M " art MacPherson, Mrs. ricers.me the, sante: ,Red Cross work Allan Dlirniif9' and'', Mrs. Wm. still continued and 'the " W, ,L utherford; sec. Miss Mildred didn't spare' themselves,•by ways McQuillin, Mary interesting and, 'means / to. work and' raise papers, current events a n d courses-• eeress-ee :-W Were also privileged by having 'many ,outs side speakers. Our district pres- ident at this timie.was Mrs Osler the following taking part: solos, Barry and Ivan ' McQuill'in, I2on-: aid `..Murray , and • Murray ':Gaunt; instrumental; Doris- Taylor; read- ings, Verna, McDonald and Mar- garet MacPherson duet, Margar- et MacPherson,: Yvonne. ' Magof- itatio 'Dori Cameron, fin; rec n, In 1943 the officers'werei pres. Mrs. Gordon'-" MacPherson; vice. presidents, 'Mrs. ,Harold ''Gaunt; Mrs. Archie Aitchison • and Mrs.. Ball; sec., Mrs. T. 1. Todd. We had • a picnic 'in. August of this year .-at:. Morton's' Grove •in the money. :r.. , -1 = f•fieors-•were thes-Sam zn 1945 = with Mrs.' Gordon MeePher- son taking the office of. 3rd vice. In the spring ofthis year we of-`131y'tlr`anrl -she ' visited 11.5. -iii held, a six week-e-111greirtg---eflur-se 'May and conducted the election in the hall. This was condilcted by the following nurses: Mrs. George Stuart, . Mrs. Frank Mc- Quill%n, Mrs. James Wilson, and Mrs. (Rev.) Ward, assisted by local doctors. . • . In 1946 the ioffieers were' the Baine " ee t`Fis Mrs': ,EletrO `BATIAStir- Of officers. The 'executive then acted asa program committee. We also. had a flower committee along with other conveners. Red ' Cross Activities' a we cad tlYat, c : k the vice preen • ci ;,s were rs.. • In May .1947' we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the forming of .The" Women's Institute in. On- tario. One of .our oldest and .con- scientious workers, t'hp • late 'Mrs, Archie, Anderson, was privileged to blow gut ..the icaridles on': the cake. Arog ram ' and. 'dance at p this time 'brought a / delightful evening' to a close,• As the war work decreased our Institute. work gained mom- entum 'again and ,from -1947 on our- meetings were ' very 'inter- esting. We entertained numerous branches and also entered -,into courses given by the: Department and with numerous "At : Homes" our finances grew also. The ,officers for 1948 were re- elected. . The "Girls Club" was formed again, The Spring class leaders • were Mrs. Wm. Ruther- ford; assista_nt,._Mr e_NOrman__Mc-. .RktalekirmS1 Mrs.•. Gordon MacPherson and Mrs. James Curran', and in,' this year Our. donation of prize money to *the Lucknow Fair was label- led for •1Funior Girls Club 'work. ' In the • Fall of. 1948. • a small group, . of Institute ladies decid- ed they Would- try and' .put on a 'play "'Uncle. Cy Hite; A New 'High". which had •been prepared some previous yearsbut was never presented. So a . cast of 13 :was formed under the auspices of 'the Institute. and was present- ed in January of 1949 to an over- f'lowieg,.hall and it proved:. so successful- t=w-as ret eated -in-the surrounding communities four- teen 'times. ti- of interest 'was a talk *by .Rev. 1.949• new officers were in- stalled.resa Mrs.`.'E. 'Barbour,' Jennings . of Lucknow Anglican : r with..asss tants, Mrs. Todd 'an'd church on . the .Indians 'of . the Mrs. 'Charles McDonald. In Jun Northwest• Territories,' he being pf this -year the Branch was, hos stationed there., for :'a time: The -tees for the West Huron District Girls C 'lib was• still progressing Mrs: Gordon MacPherson • • and. annual, when. over one • hundred Mrs:, James Curran having been. leaders' of the group for five -con-•. Ixr the winter of ..1950 it w•as secutive .years. Iii Novereber a 'In January. 1953 the Institute . decided -they Would• like. to make' improverrients on the hall and have more control over it if ' at .all possible. At this meeting the President . Mrs., Barbour, Mrs. Andrew ,Gaunt and Mrs..., Fred McQuillin Were named a .com- miittee to interview named. Council. to see (what cduld be_ done. Mr. W. I. Miller. .had assumed re_ sponsibility' of: thehall the_paa' , be ,relieved of it. We read where' Mr. Mallei interviewed the Council and they asked the clerk of. the Council; tsi look 'into the,, ,matter, : concerning the deed and. report at the next meeting. In 1953 ,the president ,arid vice president were re -.elected with. Mrs.. Andrew Gaunt as' 2nd • vice president; •Mrs. Fred McQuillan succeeding ''Mrs. E. W. •Mee who cornpleted her' 6 -year terra of of - five• ars secretary,. A special feat;* .lure of. one 'of the meetings of • this year were colored pictures . • of England,: •, Ireland, Holland, . ' ainesand-3t 1- - - - e _- p a y -being szl�un. b: y Miss Helen: Salkeld who visited these countries. Another meeting• interesting to note thatthe win: - ter' in-ter''months ' were very stormy and .ev ,ry social that was plan- ned for never materialized and i a:A'pointed to bring: in estimates: in. April our ,annual . meeting had This .was done and in .Marchof to be ;postponed_ tw•q -weeksedue 1954 the Ball : was wired.. The, - to •bad.roads and then *the • at- ;wising ' was paid . for by . :pub'lic tendance 'was ` only • t• welve'. Th:e 'officers were all returned . this year This':year a move yeas.. on At the December., meeting a re to clean up the St Helens cam port was 'brought, in: from the . etery and- after a lengthy period -Council .regaarding •the hail: This of time, the weeds `were sprayed .in ormation ,stated that the; deed •' but it, waS agreed that a fund had been located in, Goderich, 'It should be:'raised so as.' to kee Was issued in 1929 with Messrs.- it in a respectable condition. The`' F. G. Todd, Hugh Rutherford and t. Helens W.I:: ha e 1 Jas: Ramage as, trustees It was S v , a Ways , been • noted for their gifts away from. • also made,• known':; that . the. Conn- • home but this year $5.00. was do- cif did not *wish to. have anything nated to each. school in the sec- to ,do with" •the hail. 'A lengthy tion to purchase a ,picture `ar, any discussion took place .regarding other article they .wished. At= this the -.Instutute taking over, This time the Institute was instrumeri- was finally put ''to .a ':vote and tai in ha inlg all the .schools sup- passed, unanimously. that' the' ' St. .lied with books • from the Huron Helens Wo'men's Institute. stake p County' travelling library; over' the hall and', that a standing Mrs. Barbour was' re-elected debt'." be paid to Mr. W. I: ;Miller, president in' 1951 with Mrs.: Jas. It was . also made,„mention that Curran 'and Mrs: C. McDonald.. 'the Institute did 'not want the as vice prem • ents. n t e spring • lid' on vlrhie es -the monument ”' . Miss W. D. Rutherford, attended the •Historical. Research. Confer- ence in Guelph, and gaveus a splendid report of this meeting. We were also visited by our Dis- trict Presidents -Mrs, Scrimgeour of Blyth; .Mrs.' Morgan Hender- son of Lucknow was present at our November' meeting and ,gave us an interesting talk on 'her trip through Europe. s Inu2-1y9•52•e=the-:_eftieeresses roserese elected,. Mrs.. Jas. Curran only: acting vice president. We had an interesting, 1..611 -call at" our an- rntial-rineeting wl cern-••eaeh-ane was responsible for a short • history of their home. This was to be entered • into our. "Tweedsniuir thread and• then - ,make. a :Suit of Book". •We note that - 5'5: was do-. clothes• out of this woven thread.: • . ' . All"this wag done b hand, rioted to organizations in : 1952. � �" Since the ' School Area had been formed, each year they held• a• y"' move was agitated -to see. about wiring : the: hall. Mrs. Fred Mc_ Quillin ,•and. Mrs.'••Barbour' were subscription and the Institute. stands. At.. the May meeting • .we. . were privileged in having Mr. Baker, our • agricultural' repre- sentative; 'give ' a talk and 'show • pictures on a . trip he • had taken to the : West, Indies. In .'June we entertained trie grandmothers. •A large group was present and they related rnanv initerestine exper- iences of olden times They told of how' they washed the quilts ins_ on'thrail :: • e fence, cured the pork then seared it. in the granary;;- It was a custom then to wash and • • eard_s_tne:' • sol._.anri. Make_...the yarn.' 'Soiree evert had' to help shear th,e sheep,weave the In March .of 1955 a new slate of officers was brought.. in, pies:, -..'"ontiite- ori mag i-..,..,. ... �t. 1 4 • re 4, • M. ja • VIE • • • .1. ,3>