The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 4• • s• ;r ►w i! • • rr iia PAGE FOUR. • ----THE -tiumoicriv- FARM WANTED -good . 100.-acr e grass, farm wanted • by Gordon Valad, • R. `1,r Dungannon, phone Dungannon 14-r-4. , FARM FOR SALE--100"acres, -90 acres 'iworkable, Lot 20,. on.. 3, Kinloss Township.- Apply •.toKen Ciester. • • FOR .SALE 10 tons` of good mixed . baled: bay, will deliver.. Jack Curran.,. ' R..1, • Dungannon, phone 78-r-3. • FOR SALE Singer electric'"portables $49.50, also reconditioned; Singer droP- head'• treadles 'from. `'$15.00 up. Ne�y Singer ` iachines at 15 per- cent' off. •Machines used as' dem onstrators' but fully guaranteed. For aSShome demonstration phone 403. or write, 306, Hanover MEAT, FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the. quarter. Beef killed under- 'lic- ense Froin the Department of Health.' Choice iquarHereford ers f r , liar nice young sow, . FOSR SALE to far-• Dings, carrying third litter, • due quarters •36c, Custom butchering • TARIO trin L1UCCI(NQW _ ON COMING .EVENTS .1 "JUST IMAGINE" "Just imagine" ,is the naine of the play to • be presented by Group To. 3 in Lucknow • United. Church schoolroom on Friday, March 2Yid at 8.00 o'clock. Splen did. variety program being pre- pared. , pared.. Keep: this date reserved. Admission,: adults- 40c, children 25c, Everyone ' welcome.•: • CALICO• BALL •. Have. you -thought of your dress for the Calico' Ball Your :Calico Dress maybe finest, of all '"• ' Then •,proud; Cinderella' You .. sure ly will be, ' • So lady„ get. busy' arid plancare fully! : •PAR,LIAMENT HILL REPORT Andy. Robinson; Federal • Mem- • b of Parliament for Bruce, and .Ackert, Holyrood ,will give his 3rd. 'report Residence. °97. ane 24-30, -Ripl P 1' ent Hill of 'this' session Office 48 • roSw April '1st; always had big a speciality er � from litters Apply to Jas. • Forster.... . Rayn ' a • • Lucknow, :phone' 44-31. PIGS FOR ; ,E--20 chunks' of pigs. George . Webster,. R. R. 2,, FOR .SALE --6` 'weanling pigs and 8 chunks., Gerrit Logtenberg, R. s 1, Dungannon, phone ` 78-r-2. ', 2 _FOR -SALE • registered Rodney ROY H. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Monthly Accounts Business and Farm Tax Returns" Tel. 1011 Bos. 478 • • GODERICH, ONT... .• R. S•. �HETHERINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29th, 1956 , Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located in the Municipal 'Office 'Phone ' Wingham • ph• AUCTION SALE Of " real estate and . ,household effects of the late John A. Situp on, at : the preinises in White- hurch, Saturday, March 3rd at .00 pan.. Property including brick, house, small garage and. e • ar lam I. over CKNX on.. Sunday, Niarch 4t1i, at • 10.15 a.m. and also over CFOS Owen Sound on March 6, at' 7.00 p.mri. .� -; • s sls d -� : _ ;firs •tffered--sub- oa s,':G5 l?ehc . bu 7 e for other 'varieties.' Harold ject to • a .reserved `bid• ire.., Mrs A. •1i. J. ourtney, phone. 5a 16 Ripley • MacLennan;. A,uc: . , • Robert Simpson, . Km • - tail tail • Executors. ' ` • , VALUABLE FARM PROPERTt HOUSE FOR SALE--seven-room house on Havelock:St., modern. conveniences. Apply to Jim Mat'hers, Lucknow.. FOR SALE in Lucknow, 7 room •'.house, all. "conveniences,. garage and garden, Phone .142 R. FOR; SALE '' in ' Ripley, Ontario, attractive:: home,- five years,.old, ,on ' acre of ground. J. Powers, Kincardine; phone 383. • VARIETY CONCERT' A variety: concert: will • be .pre- sented at ' SA. ' No. 10, Ashfield, _Thu da- arch_•_1st..at 8:30 pan. ea ., of ,� '. - g�. i 'Co ,Farmer and Institute play •. Out, Of It , Bagpipe' music and other entertainments, Adults; ;25c, children ,15c. io NSTOt E'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 Day or Night Ambulance ' Service Insure With The C'U LROSS MUT.UAL • FIRE INSURANCE , CO, for Reasonable.' rates, sotund pro- ' tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of . claims. FARISH MOFFAT': , Your Local Agent, R.R. `3, ' Teeawater • 'Phone Teeawater 57-r-41 ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST , GODERICH '. FDIC APPOINTMENT 'Phone. 1100 • .' •, For Appointment. or .Information .; See Wm. A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w, LucknoW INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CA•SLTALTY AUTOMOBILN • • AND LIFE ° To Protect Your Jack, tisffre JVith: `•,Tack._ Toda ' "'. J. A. McDONNAGH R.R. 3, Lucknow, •Ont.. 'Phone 61-5, .Dungannon • FOR' SALE :I. "`SALES HELPWANTED . Lot 30, Con.: 5, . Huron Tiwp•,: ' ;R.awleigh business now open in loam soil 11/4, Bruce 'County; Trade well estab- • 'storey fraYrie o acres, h house; hydro and. lished..• Excellent .:opportunity.. - t bath... Bank' 'barn with water Full time.: Write}t89 nce Rea bowls, drive. shed, h yr'o leigh s DePt. B, 271 , . throughout, , artesian. well. All PSI; • in, • good : repair: Carl Runsten; . R. R. 4, Ripley, phone 19-r-16, Exe- : cuter ` Estate of . Thomas Cornish. • BARLEY CONTRACTS •Bary 1e contracts now avail- able. Improved;.. price . from last.. • year. Elliott's Seed. House, phone ..: 1544' Lucknow. ' . • HOUSE FOR SALE -modern' '8- room brick house on . Havelock St Oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply' to Dr. T. B.••Cleland, Luck= now. • , BABY CHICKS • Pullets, mixed, cockerels. All. greeds. From an . approved 'hat •chery. Free.' delivery' of • . all ord- ers. 'Your °agent ' for ' Monkton' Poultry Farms. STANLEY' J. Mcg GRATTEN, R. R. 6, Goderich; phone 3008 Carlow.' ,' • • • . AUCTION, SALE' Of Dungannon United Church - shed .at Church=shed..at. the premises at,' 2.00 pm. on Thursday, March 15th. •Shed 70x48 good'• timber frame..- with• cod roof ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding .. Association • , "Where'; Better ' Bulls'. Are ' Used". Artificial insemination service for: all breeds' of cattle For seer - vice or information phone. C1in- Ston 515 collect, between' 7:30 7.30d 10:00 a.m. on week days and • and : 9:30" a.m. .on . Sundays. and Holidays. , AGENTS, to, sell high quality products ' at low ,prices in:•Luck-. now,- Chepstow, Chesley, ;Mild- may. Good commission. Specials each: m , nn...th.. Do not • miss this excellent' money -making . propo- sition. FAMILEX, Dept " 4,' Box F Station • C, Montreal . Wand '. dou+•ble boarded frame HOSE •ACCOMODATION sides; To. be removed from prop; Accorr odation.:' available atf erty. Terms 25%cash, Jbalance in Carruther's Convalescent• Home. 30. days: Subject to. reserve Abid. Home -cooked meats, modern con Donald Blue, Auc.' _ I veniences, warm. Registered nurs,-• , AUCTION SALE ing available if required in :case Auction Sale of real estate and of'sickness. Apply to Elliott Car-. chattels of the Estate of: the hate ruthers, R 3, . Holyrood, phone John D. Cathcart will, be held 27-16 Ripley • at Lot 12, Con. 11, Ashfield Twp., 2 miles north of Kintail on • Tues- day, March 20th, 'at 1.30. • 137 acres, large bank ,barn: Farm offered subject to reserve bid. or prior ' sale. Chattels -dash: `Emile MacLennan, Auc;; W. 3. McDon- ald, 'Donald M. Simpson, execu- tors. ' • Bruce -County • •SEED FAIR & BACON SHOW FORMOSA - IFARCH 6th "LION'S HEAD• SEED FAIR' '• MARCH 5th NORTH •PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney . Cleaner to eliminate. soot and scare from .your stovepipes and chi ciney.- No need to remove stovepipes,- no Muss, ri•„9 mtiss, no odor. For• use on Boal, wood, .;gas or •oil, filed . units. 'On: sale at, Lucknow District Co=op • • and Miller's Store, ' St. 'Helens ADDITIONAL •CLASSIFIED on Page 9 ' .• LIMITED invite you to attend a meeting to discuss SOIL MA:N.A,CE sponsored by. LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO.OP, INC: RECREATION HALL, LUCINOW « RIDAY =MARCH=bird. at 8.00 p.m. F1lnis an .s x s es: *Ill e sown * 000R PRIZE AND REFRESHMENTS. B ' •SPONSSOR' • 'USE .OF FUNERAL`110ME.,,: . At No•'Extra Cost: Moderate Prices , • Established 1894 • „ HARPER Chartered Accountant: WesWestStree! ,: GODERICII, ONTARIO • � �..A.kka"".�.iw �b••"Y.s�:::xCiL �itlC'.`..,.t�'CSA:2„N-..,°.;., �.a.S'�TS.:.l.::X.�.tt'h...�i:•. -..: `.i.....,.ir w.,S:.i..':. •' (K..:K.u.....w...-•;.rJ� f �. Telephones' 3433 - '�343W''. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE iNsti.RANcE. nvestigate Before : Investing REUBEN WILSON R.R. - 3,. Goderich. . Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon: AGNEWS' AGENCY; Howard Agnew -- Jos: 4Agnew • MEMBER OF • Ontario Insurance • Agents' 'Association' GENERAL '.INSURANCE Established Over' 30 Years Ago. Telephones: Business 39 ' Residence. 138 41,44 SE a vi w of tb8 St lv� th leo• th' •D� tv th .tr R. *. ANDREW Barrister :and Solicitor "'LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • .. Every Wednesday and - Saturday Afternoon.. Office' in the, Joynt Block 'Telephone:• Office 135 ' .: Residence 31-J IA MS ALANWILL° . Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just 00 the Main' St. in WINGIHAM Professional " Eye • Examination' Optical Services Evenings by appointment.' •'Phone: Office: .770;. 'Res. '291 Kenneth •J..1VIacKenzie,' R.O. „ Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT.• %at the' fernier Wrona Jewelery store. Ripley, .10 a.m•• to 9. p.m.' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th and every Second • Wednesday. 'Eyes examined ,- Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone' Roy MacKenzie, 96rr-24, Ripley. • McLgNNAN' and ' MacKENZIE FUNERAL. SERVICE Services : conducted .accord- r- wishes -at -your; -- Home, your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at• .. no• additional charge.' , AMBULANCE KSERVICE. 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or. Night TED COLLY Registered Master *Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR peciaT[zing in Electricai Wiring tricai and, Repairs AGENT 'FORS SPARTON T and All Electrical Appliances Phone-41.4325-4arelcm�w WI NGHAM MEMORIALrSHOP We Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years; Always Using THE BET ITES Along With Expert Designing and. • Workmanship. • Prices Most Reasonable emetery` Letteriitg...a-Specialty_. R A.: SPOTTON • 'Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative, Automobile ' Insurance:' • `1Vtercantil ` &-Farm--fir Insurance Economical. and Reliable. See ;*. T A. CAMERON' Lt;CKNOW ' io is M D . Ja to :19 19 19 19 19 19 19 - 19 •19 ars 19 is lei tel Kc se oil till an Mi Gr ' •ho pa akj tin ga. an St, th •i �•iv� .,cud eat 4 ai thf ap ' wa us( ti spt no gig iza ti wt ser it. ser, sal 'Iva con fai icy the