The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-22, Page 1a 4 • $2.50 A Year .In Advance ---$1.00 .Extra To IJ.S•;A,. r ; :oundl Reaches Stalemate' In KINL(1SSITE RECEIVES 45 -YEAR LO,O,F, JEWEL LUQKNQW, OISITARIO • WEDNESDAY, FEB, 22nd, 1956. App�ntmentf•,' . p ► James • Town ,ForemanMacLeod, a: Kinloss honored with they presentation tof 'Village Council Met and spec- a 45 ear membership, ewe}, in • yal session on Monday •:night,• IED• ON TUESDAY the I.O.O.F. p ` 1. b . wittl one •. of the main •issues ,the Donald' Smith, • a native The:_presentation was made .at a�ppaintment of a tOwir • forennan; ' t e of Penetangore The' mare : adjourned.. two hou HUirola; Township, died at Bake ,i1 Harrison, Kincardine,s r eI1 y of E. Harrison,, Grand, Masts, later with nothing ..accoxnplislerjvate Hospital on Tuesda lie er .(Ozi `' 'was 814,on Februaryy e I•tarso., and, a resident of 'in' this matter `SO far as -hiring Y ,14t'h,, Re4 Huron TownShi' ,: mainssaTe .gestin . at McL,ennan's Mr, MacLeod pis' a •mem+ r ` ` or firingis concerned, far,, g.be of Funeral'. Hone, Ripley, with ser- Fort: William . Lodge, in which Town.Foreman A..Havens con- /vice on Friday at 2.:00• tinues on a 'month -to -.Month Knox Churoh' condu pan, : at city he resided for many years. +basis, ss. decided' t a .Mo s etas by Rev, 'He is a . Past District ' Deputy p u J. R. M•aoDonald. Interment wilt Grand Master of the Al oma pis - meeting. be in Ripley Cemetery. tric.t Two , written applications were •received one from Goderi '' ' Mr. ,MacLeod is residin__. at h ch 1 g the e. Carruthers Home; .concession • .and'the other. from Mr. Havens.' � 6, A verbal .a hcahion Kinloss, Mr. Carruthers took him, ply was receiV- UI' 1QUE• C. H.URCH '• to ed from. Graham';Moffa�t .pf Cul- Kincardine for' this special' ross, 'Who waited on Council , SERV'i'C event st and he' was the overnight •on � R�CORp • guest of. Mr. Harrison. ' ., Monday, and offered• to take the ' • job at a 'salary of $2,800, • . a unique • recor..d of 'service . LOCAL STUDENT Nr: Havens .received $2,400 Last year. and $1,16.1 • wvsdaid out. for• :ii' AshfleTd. Presbyterian church:" an .assistant, At 82, he is one o,fahe'dwindling BEST SPEAKER um of A-t`leaststwo.,sotkex out msf tc� n sL tizhers'_-- . — bar who _ o.. p speets Tharr "SiiCessii inter M the posttibri and it was' e hunch throughout the •time. that studentst made an 'excellent. show pct- eleven resident ministers . have ing in the WOSSA, public speak- -' `'.ed' '.that an application' •would' $erved -thisKirk: �• - • a•n ' elimination have .:been received' 'from one, of g at on contest . field` in them. 'The' other. 'has s nceone •O Mr. '+MacDonald is. po Marl :Kincardine; on Thursday' night, ::p a in, competition with.. Bruce .Coon-. known.. as .Holstein 'a : • • • ed :at his:,old job at: a salary in. n, • .t con�tes • crease: Both' are experienced . ckname. he received..'r� ,.a.n Y and tants, from Port :Elgin; hrieanen •years. ago to distinguish 'him and: Kincardine "District High Monday's 'stalemate' carne. of from. the •mul+nude of 1VIacD' _ Schaels..,� , two: m '1:' ter ;alds•tha:t 'resided. on Jim.Reed,w son. of.Mr metions. had been lost. be r sided. in •that. ,typi-and Mrs, • cause they: lacked' a seconder., rally 'Seettish .community: Allan Reed, placed first. .the. Senior •boys competition, speak Councillor. Sh!twitoo l question- Mr..MacDonald,' is starting his. .in •on the• • ed the legality :_of• ,dealin. g with `.51st year as �a.• priember of the,Nation". g subject, "Canada, A a 1`Session. He „ Nation . pp zca�tiens.' which had not been . , Just recently. resign Mari i received - at the advertised -dead, ed • the.• ;1?osition. of .church trea theyn • eoioKilpatrick. • was sec s .• and in. er su girls class. She . ,line of,, February 18ti , •anl• 'would urer Which he- ' had held sihee' chose as :.not •.cm ebr'himself, h, approVing her s-ubject, "The Uri.' 1979.' He has been a trustee since iced Nations". tine . erbal a'l�plicatzon,: although:.1925, sand, :.for: over..a 'half . eon Sar • :• lie :assured' the: Board' he'.would tury' has been 'treasurer of th a Jane B.annrster was ,third . e in . the Junior ':girls ;:class., She ;not cause ..any trouble. 'Bible: '.Society; '',I spoke .on . "Alber,t .Schweitzer". ASK- BY LAW TO Counerllor: Webster moires( that • -First resident minister :o + tier . an' 'extension f Ash- i, . Jim' .will, enter the WOSSA• �± pn of ,the application :field Presbyterian Chtfrchf' wHich semi -finials' to . LIMIT IT GARAGES ' I be :'held on Friday deadline be set at March, .5th,* .to ,congregation.. ryas. established well' 7n . Elmira. allow other .prospective , appli- over a century .,ago,was• Rev. • cats .to make formal appplica Alexander •Grant who. zeins , tion: i-Iis motion. ,failed •: to re- ed :from 1865' 'to.I88 • `Su star= N'ONAGENAIfiIAN. PASSES'. 6 . cceedang. ; , ceive • 'a ;seconder;• : • • ministers' have been . Revs. Ken= -Councillor Joynt maintained neth MacDonald, • John "Roe Try deathhe of Mrs: on, Kies s , I Henry, Seconds Concession, Kins plenty ,of time `had been ' gloats. Alexander Millar, John S. Hand- loss, occurred in '.ed for the.receiving' of applied ie. ;George S. Ritchie, •Peter• M.,1• ay lasIm -Hos- ..ed. tions ; Calquh'oun, • John K. VlacG. 1i; age 'en Wednesday last' at the' Councillor Sh v i 1 age of, 9I years The funeral •se -• erwood • .: moved ray, J. 'Reynolds Esier, William •;r•,ice .,,w,as held at, •Johnstone s. that Alex :Havens: be rehired for O. Rhoad and J. ;, 1VIacDoria'Id. F' • that A1ence. of: •the •year at the ' .'Mr...MacDonaid . is still' h i ter•rel Han'. Greenhill' hlFriday' with .: same salary .as ' last' , ale. .nterment :iia' Greenhi.h Gainer year .:His and: hearty: • , ,' ' .... • ,; � er' .. --:enation--also—was--_lost.- when ` it. _ Y failed .to receive. a seconder.• :At one stage in the sproceed: Ings . 'Councillor Sherwood ex- ' claimed With, .adjectives that i,t was the worst oard_he e -'ver sat en and.' , that s he, wouldn't. be there next 'year. Finally,: ,after repeated unsuc- cessful efforts to ,reach a' .point of`action• • in the . matter, Reeve Hamilton abruptly ended: the session, and: the .ard ajourned till the regular meeting .on Mar: 5th, with a g permanent town fere-. Man appointment still up in the EI►HT PAGES. A halt is •being.' •called this Week, _,to oil drilling operations on the farm- of •'Win,Webster, •&, Son ,of West ,Wawanosh and Harold Stanley's . on' the at �Coneession. '. •Se+COnd . Natural gas Was' struck on the' Webster farm, 21 miles east' of St. Helens and 'increased in vol - mile' from 700 cubic feet to al- most 50,000 cubic ft. This figure. however is not sufficient for• economical commercial produc- tion. Neither,does its presence' necessarily indicate' oil we are. told; ""Bottom", was reached at the: Webster farm: the first of the week at the .1780 -foot level.. Only traces of •' 'oil were found. On •Tuesday work ..commenced of moving the . °drilling Jig - w, hieh farm since before Christmas. Drilling started on January 10th. MOTHER'S DEATH .: . We understand that' a •test hole will ; .be sunk, on Con. 1, Huron,: and. at . a later date • another test will, be made in West Wawa - nosh. A hole was drilled on the Bert 'Thompson farm 'in East Wawanosh last fall. Properties leased in.' the vicin- ity of Webster's 250. acres. of land. include those; Of Clarence Gib bon, George. Phillips, Lloyd Phil-' lips, Harold Gaunt; Roy. Irwin, Alex Hackett, Tom Finleon and. Sam Thompson.> • The: Felront Oil Compan :..af ; Ientueky haslbeen . Y sponsoririg• the project with the drilling'con- .. tract let: oto raiser' of Chatham. Two. '2 -Men shifts have worked round the clock ., the-, job. , Salt At Stanley's • Drilling operations' on Harold StanIey's farm were grinding to a halt this" week also. They were at 3250 feet. the first of the week with about 50 feet to go when it was exopeeted to strike gran- ite, under which there is no veg- etation': and definitely no oil, they say, - 'About - 200 feet of salt vwas 4„ struck.in three places on the,'" Stanley farm. It was planned to pull the casing at 3000 feet. SiliPPRIONAOLA DIED • IN VANCOUVER - ,MacLEOD,Passed away • in St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, on February 7.956,-.:Eunjce-s-Eth'e1 W.yr, •dearly' beloved wife of Wil- 11w/1:•Scott• •MacLeod of 3959 W• 39th Avenue, and daughter of ' the late John H. Reid, former- ly of Lucknow. She is survived ',by. one 'brother; Dr.. ...H. , of Port Rowan,Ontario' and one Reid sister Edith 1V[' Lowe of Leth' • bridge, Alberta, . Laid to rest Petr on FobruarY. lath in the Soldiers'. Park. bivision, Forest • Lawn Metnorial LES 1VICIEi`>CH PASSES. ;yleEe2t}7 erbert , Leslie occurred . in •Wiigharn Ruspital on of a4 Monday' at the age • yoars, • The funeral, service will be • 11e1d ,.at • the Johnstone • Funeral }Tonle, Lucke 7"httrsti ', ow, at 2.00'p.m, on Thursday, Februa, 2 r ssistCemet- ery, 1n hill isS ter :!f •Lucknowged .Man &iJ a�thQru_ da Funeral service for ,Mrs.: Chas, lightingthe stove . e and: • �th�at. She •Wardell, .'who was burned to : suffered a ,heart seizure froth the death in her Huron Township shock: • home, on. Sunday, morning, was • Mrs. Wardell was fornierI held at,Jane.' I�erary, Pirie, River United.church Caroline Y , daughter on Tuesday afternoon .conducted of Alex Henry and . • Margaret by. Rev. 41, C. Hutton: •Bradt y and ,wasa lifelong •r'esi Mrs, WardeII :was, a sister of dent of • Huron Townshipq The, Mr. "Johan Henry Of town; who farm home was about'.ii ro miles is , slowly convalescing from east -' of the Blue ssio r .' 'Highway prieu�monia and •was unable to. on the 4th • •Concession:. pneumonia the aendnce. ' Surviving besides her husband` d • are two sans, Leslie of Huron on. .Mrs.' Wardell ., was •in her 78th• .and Alvin of Toronto; one sister, Council assumed responsibility year 'and has lived 'alone, pre-ty Mrs. Bert• Grey of tendojn and for' three• indigent 'patients ad-• ferab:y. so, since her husband two "brothers, John• 'df• Lu _ shitted -to hospital, p The death. of Mrs. Lloyd Hun ter and her infant child,' brought Widespread. ,sorrow to this com munity., such as is not..often ex-, perienced and has left her loved ones` crushed, with 'grief: The little'. girl that:Mr. sand Mrs. Hunter : were so ;anticipating. -*as born'`'norrnal.ly, but stillborn, oe Saturday' evening about eight o'clock. The mother, 'lapsed, into a cense., 'and _failing to resp nd; to the skill • of .'two doctors pass-. ed' away little . m -ore than an. — hour , later.. • Her- , doctor, Corrin ersonall M. H. - P ygave ° a blood ' transfusion in.,as 'vain' effort. to save her. life. 1 •Mrs ' Hunter' was in her 38th r A a' special meeting of the . year. 'She was formerly,. Alma. Village Council-' en Monde ev_ Roberta. Curran, younger daugh- :ening a petition was presented; 1 ter of Mr. and ": Mrs. Herbert Curran 'ef Ashfield, where:•she • was `born • o•n •March. l9.th, ' 1918. Fifteen . years '.,ago last S.e,'•. - tem,ber'• she married Lloyd n- Hila. ter ',of• Zion, and • they.'took'. up • •far inin�g on . the • -former Peter Watson farm onConcession 1.2, West ,Wawanosh. •' A : popular • couple, .they :were seldom seen. one without •. the other. By seath:s'_.separation-• two children; Herbie, 'age Wand 1VMarvbelle, age 6, will also miss the ' care and devotion • of a loving mother. .' Alma was a; jolly, light -heart- ed +6_-`�'oceed h m Mr.: Ba:nni"ster- ed:person, who _made'_:friends____ -. who- has'been transferred to everywhere, She ::4taugh.t Sunda_ a , _:: Zurich, had been actin i• School..:at .Zion United "Church, s see- which they,' ' attended regularly,:. ularl rotary-treasurer .of the Commit- g y,, tee she �w:as• a: member of the 'Wing- • To'm' Anderson's tendert. '$540 ham Order of the EasternStar," of' ; a rnerilber of the 'St. Helens Wo - was . accepted for ''material, and , labor to lower the ceiling • in. the, :mens Institute, ,and of • the Lad= ;Furblie Library. , The. Board. . de- 1eS Auxiliary . to the, Canadian ;rides to : use painted tori-test''service Legion, ; which .held . a :memorial ceiling •ablocks, .arid authorized d 1'vce can Monday evening,, con- p:a y m e n t of the additional • ucted by' Mrs' •Joan England in 'amount for, - material, . above that. ! 'the absence of . the. president, J Ml's, Anna Johnston: • which was tendered• signed • by ,all: six garage . opera tors. in the Village, requesting Council to pass•.. and enforce ,a. by; -Taw • limiting the number of public . garage , and automobile service, stations. within the Cor poration • •Council passed a Motion auth- orizing' R. •S. : Hetherington to prepare • ,a by-law- licensing , and luz nitii g-suc}r ervz e� tations, : The resignation of J•. E. Bari r,rster•'`was received as .a 'member of the Recreational � Committeeand Murray •Couse was•, appoint- • was hospitalized at London a :and George of Ripley,' g �A y,• who is •a; . , , few week .a o; Her son Leslie patient •in. St, • Joseph's Hospital -LOCAL_ ' .who lives- adjacent_ to the moth -. London. • IGN • T--' CAMPAIGN DUE • TO' CLOSEI • er, •Tad ;gone':to the barn to do : Pallbearers ware • Bert. I.irwin, ' the. chores, ,While two of his dau- Leonard Irwin, Stuart Shi r . . ..ells, The , local cam �r n f. ' support •` ghters went'to visit their grand- Elmer •Reavie,:. Thomas .Wi l g. nio mother: They:- � the home lsan, of the Mach' of Dimes polio y Jack Seoft, fellof stroke; and 'upon --notify- .. (fund, is due to end the end ' of Walden Home Destroyed , th.is Week,: -and there can: be ing theirfather, ran for ' help •to On Monday. ; little the adjacent' farm of ,lack. Scott, a sewn d farm • idea how the drive has. hon're in .Huron was destroyed gone until the .Leslie meanwhile. ran. to the. in. little snore than twenty-four corn cans are ool� • y- r, 14oted and rostered. • •, ." home,. but could.• not enter one hours.' It: Was` the hone cif Mr. :13y the "jin le'.' in Y, g the can at door for •smote^e. A call brought and Mrs, ,lVlurisa Walden, a mile The Sentinel Office; the done= no .reply. He went to the west west .of Reids Corners, .Murray is tions have been rather light; ' butstde etstheshouse,_-smashod._ ra brother zof-,s-gien =Waksail"`;of.we: o. _aiot_:exDeet=-lis`-vrl�bethe door, and- •groped• around but Lucknow, .•• • ' : the ease an retail stores, where failed to, loeate has mother. He, Cause of the fire, which was over-the-counter sales are _being _th.en_ smashed a. • window near di eotsC ed upstairs over' ." rna.de conti . , �the kit . , _... ...riuously, --stoves a eevere{ his- -Sider; w•as' not°:-dQfmitely ••estabs:--1,..-'e-r�c--11assess--thesesesinscaiss- '1-av tl mother's body. His hand was lashed, but the, flames spread been ewer sp � so pushed aside inadwertents The infrant'.s casket„- ,, badly gashed in smash ng the rapidly little could be saved from ly, look .around for the xr as borne win•daw. With, the aid dr, Mi the crinflagi�atron. that consumed have not already, . to rf you by Tom Anderson; • Scott, they renteVed the body, the 'home..'' . fund. dataated: to the Besides her .husband, farm ``�- and parents,. 1VIr•s, ,Bunter' �, then ifs sur. so badly burned. that .'a. .l;;iple;y Fire 'Brigade• concen- then ' casket was •rned.5ary fora tratedi on r These contributions are esseii Ayzvede •by a sister• p otecting the barn . tial to, the rehabilitation ; of Anderson (Doroth 1Vla s. Tl� gee the funeral, which was close to the. house. tliousands . of Polio. victims . 'Ashfield; three .., ms for:brothers, Jack of .A , t is ttu al Mr t y = t �' w om th tt lksss . , shfzeld, Ji.m cat's eothng had caught fire in three small children..• late.' • • 'Waktrn an , of ,i London, • The remains rested at .the: Mc- Lennan - MacKenzie1Vtem oriel . Chapel with those.,o f the infant in a. tiny casket .adjacent to the mother; a touching setting froth hteh—many-sttirned: 'iii ' tears. A wealth of, floral tributes ' banked the biers. Hundreds called tend their their sympathy' and the• funeral chapel was taxed 'far be- yond -its capacity on Tuesda . -af-� fernoon. for the funeral service • conducted by her . rninister,: Rev. J'..R. Dickinson. Mrs; J. W. Joynt nt sang, "Grid Understands" with aceomp,animent by Mrs, Jessie ADM. The pallbearers were m .Pritdhard sse or,d.i-tr SC Elmo Ernest Gaunt, 'Peter Campbell.' Ross Gain/hie, Robert Lyons,: While . otherneighbors aeted.--.a:sa..