The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-01, Page 10;it& a .o a 9, . ro PAGE' TEN :• E :T-' f �. ENTINE TARIQ '_ ,MEN'S: STANFIELD UNSHRINKABLE n wear WEDNESDAY, FM. • 1 t: 1956 -- CANADA'S NATIONAL~COMFORT SHOE Pt - -- oIIers : � • BY SANDLER OF BOSTON Combinations, 'Drawers and Shirts SPECIAL DISCOUNT,. THIS WEE p� 4 Com having • shPped our. order 'Dne, � tto•the •. he second tine, , we have decided'ist Discount r this 'Underwear this week at • Spm l . , than 'return the :extra stems•' BOTH . BLUE and. RED LABEL. BUY NOW, . YOU WILL S VE !: • ,SEE BY. THE ' SENTINELY �.4. THAT the *inners at the Holy,- rood' ,Shoot ..party ' held • last: , week, were'. Mrs. T. J. Mans- !field • and Donald: MacPherson. `Low lady was'Mrs, .Jim Smith and Lorne Culbert -was low man. . THAT Mr. and Mrs.' John, Kil- patrick and Marilyn, attended the capping : ceremony : of. Gladys 'Ann. Kilpatrick Tues- day at Victoria School of Nurs- ing, London 'Gladys returned home with them to spend a week's holidays. ' : •• —o-- • .THAT in, renewing their Sentinel. subscription,. Mr. and Mrs•. Geo. Rogers of 1Vlazenod, Sask.; send greetings to their Uncle . Joe t, , .i -- spatient at; Baker's . Private Hospital, and regards to all their relatives and • friends. –o-- THAT' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mac- Intosh ' left on Sunday on , a motor. trip to Florida. ,They, expect to be gone about three weeks. AGENT FOR KINCARDINE: •CLEANERS Free rick-Vp and Delivery Monday and Thursday. Mens, Ladies',.. Children's W ear Piece Moods • and Woolle i Popular. Shades --• Widths AAAA • IfanL d-asted and ,S • - From . Soft One -Piece UpperLeather No. Obligation Ask To .See Them We wish' to .acknowledge with sincere thanks and ap ppreciation the generous patronage and pleas- ant ant associations we have enjoyed .:since opeg our Sports and . Auto Supply Store in Lucknpw: We have sold the business to Mr. Bob' :Campbell ,and bespeak for him a continuance' of your patron- age and • goodwill. Sincerely,. 1r 110,14 OBITUARY MRS. TEMPLE CLARK • ---o-- THAT • Laurin McNain, daugh- ter of Mr:' and Mrs: Jaynes Me- Nain • of Amberley, ' recently received her nurse's cap at the capping ceremony at' St Mich- ALLAN-MacINTYRE AL. IR'V�Il' • 1Canadian. Legion,,'. and the' Order held a ' :memorial service ' on I Monday evening, in charge of Auxiliary, president, ,.Mrs. 'Clare Johnston; Mrs. Clark i survived by one son,' Douglas Of, Ottawa, a bro. ther,, W :J:.Douglas of •Lucknow and a, sister, Miss Jean Douglas, Mrs. seremPle Clark, meiriber ,families, 'and. whose life. was . :marked by active 'participation in ' away early Sunday. morning in .who. is a ipatient Wingham •Wingham Hospital • where she ,Hospital. ' She was predeceased had been • a• patient for :the. past . y o two brothers, George and bert and by two sisters,, Miss '1.._ weeks with' /To hape held Isabel Douglas ansl• . Mrs. Ann for her recovery. sie Dorothy . Douglas, daughter age Her father Pioneered in the • woollen mill business in Luck - Haigh. She was one of a. family '1 . Mr. 'Clark PredeceaSed his . wife. in . August '195/ With the exc'eption of .about sii years at Goderich, al) their married life $2.50 athW ell & Son FINE FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY Gel's Hospital, Toronto. THAT Elmer Webster of Stan- ley _. . 'llownship, W and a former THAT :there were sixteen ,tables resident of this comMunity, at the ,euchre party in. the. • has. been ' elected' president srt , Orange Hall at Arnberley on `South Huron Agricultural Sor ride vening, Prize winners iety which meat recently in • were -WM. " `engusori an , -P ears .-- Donald Courtney, with:.:,Mrs. ---=• Reuben; 'Wilton. winning' the ' lucky chair •''prize.• Asi confr ancia hospi Thi ally 'meet from aniotl the P wing Hosp' Th. .other days Gode five, . As�l • chror Wing Boys *ill be boys,; but. girls these days are runningthem a, clothes ,second, • THAT Al Irwin and Don Thorp son -left by motor .on Wednes • day, morning:: for Florida. They will ibe gone .a couple of weeks. Mr.', and Mrs. .Ed Thorn, ac- companied . them to Detroit where' they , will ;-visit Abe* daughter, Mrs. Al Martin ' and • M'r. Martin. RECEPTION A reception will be held; •in Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Friday, February . 3rd,:. ,in honor of Pte: • and ' Mrs.:. George. Irwin,. newlyweds.• Everyone 'welcome, Good music. �iiiiiii ii . i���iiiiiiii�=iiiii•✓iiiiiiiiii,%iii%�iiiiiiiiiii-�i�i BLANKETS 'Esmond Sunny Spun Blank- ets, rayon and nylon, ' size .'2. x-' 84. Price ...... :....... $5.98. RAYON BEDSPREADS Rose, green, blue, yellow, size 80xi00 $2.50 • INDIAN. BLANKETS ,•Sorted colors. arid' .pattertis, size, 54x72. Special $3.41 SHEETS "WabasSo sheets,. :Subs, 81x100, PILLOW ,SLIPS ' . , '. Wabasso�: 'Pillow : Slips, 42: in., pair , $1:29 SWEAT SHIRTS Grey flannel doeskin, assort- ed patterns and -.colors. Sizes 6 to 14 years • • $1:98 • on Friday, •January '.27t , and Mrs. .Jack Ackert,. Holyrood, price 0,4 Mrs. Clark was one of the, ig bekall Lodge, and served in var- iotts offices including ,that of Noble Grand. She -was instru- mental in ,organizing the: lodge upon ; .coming from, Goderich where she had been a Member, She *was .lecretary • of the Wool cardigans, V-neck style and button front. Sizes 36 ,to 43rown suede leather, zipper front $16.00 'BOYS' SHIRTS Flannel doeSkiii, assorted pat: - erns and ',colors; Sizes 6 tck 14 • ' LADIES HATS Group of ladies' Fall , an Winter Hats. .40,27 • 41, a quarter of a century, and also . served as president. of the local .,,branch. and as district president In St Peter's Anglican Church, she acted as choir. leader for many years, and was also an a.ctiv,e member of the Wornen's Guild. She. was a mernber • of the Lady Bowlers, and enjoYed the sport as she did a social. even- ing and friendly game of bridge. Mrs. Clark lived life to•qhe fulli and 'as she once iaid, `.4-erilOyed .every minute, of it Sri*. i5c MR CATSUP 1), oz. bottles Save Oc ft, Westinghouse LIGHT BULBS Save 8C, e COHOE.SALMONtf. C-lialleng.er, 73/4' Oz. tins Fancy APi'LE 0 The remains rested., at the , Stokely s. .oz, 014 'service was held in St: Peter's 'ReV. H. .L. Jennings. Internient .was in south-K.inioss ce.TKetery, Aitchison, Doug Aitchison, Bert \Mrs,. Ciar15 Was Member of fhb Ladies' .A„,uxtiary Save 16c 5 for $1.90 MARGARINE I. lb. cartons Save 22c , 6 foi $1.00 CREAM STYLE CORN ,A.yliner„Choic_ci 15 oz. tins Save 5c . WHITE CAKE. MIX . 3 pkgs. CLOO Save 16c TOMATO JUICE 4 for11.0 48.oz. tins I1G.A. BEANS wit -11 POR 3 for $1.00 4 for $1.00 9 f°r $1 00 • 11 ICI. for $1 00 Mo aske' ward that puce All ..total: As} an'y' quest 1953, "simil' ma 'No 7Mond sonic de • take Th_ ,prese day �� As Th God,e, $4,10: The when meet: Waw reek; and sista Is ba rived We Wing been Sig ense hin SON'- DAUB L. been was ago, ed. 'r the. ghter win;'' pini♦ ;cher • 1 '-' to hr 1Kr ward seas, *r1 ;.Cepa' 'chair iV •tin years ively comolrp fermi De; Win ". ,jOys n_- ]oys Dred tele fuia at th Mr his .f o�ss :er, Phone 20 tit _now 'TREE'VELIVE aisiiimralkAk