The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-01, Page 9inDNESDAZ FEB. 1st,: 195¢'' •, V THE I.,UCKNOW . SENTINEL, LIZCKN0W, ONTARIO . __....._�.__•.• I?AGF, NINE •• LANGSIDE Mr: aid Mrs. Wm. Evans • visit- ed in London recently with ,Mr-. and Mrs. 'Bob Brown, and 'Gary and new granddaughter, Barbara Lorraine... • . , old neighbors in this commun., ity are sorry .to hear that Mr. Bill Brown of Lucknow iscon- fined to . bed. We hope . 4or a speedy, recovery: • • Mac Conley missed- school last _week with a touch. of .,pne*tonia ,but is feeling better. . Mrs.,.' Wan. ' Scott entertained • the neighbor . ladies to a ,demon stration on, Thursday evening; Mrs, Geo. Scott being .the dere, onstrator: We were ,all :pleased to welcome Mrs. Chester Feagan and Bryan . of Nile back to the group. for the evening: Mr. Fea- gan visited: for•,the _ evening with, Mr. Tom Moffat. . • Ladies .Aid will be •held Thugs day night at the: home of M.rs. Farish'• Moffat.., The Young 'Peo- ple's -meeting will'; bp held .Fri- . Fr.i-' 'day evening at the same home. "Mrs.: Wm. Eva'ns, 1VIrs.` Frank • Miller" and Mrs. Russel.Gaunt at ',tended the :W.I. short •course in. Whitechurch .On Wednesday On "An Ounce; of Prevention". Mr" and Mrs. Roy •Finlayson visitors with M. and Mrs:. Wm. Uaclntyre:' KINGSBRIDGE. • • Sympathy is extended to the Garvey family, upon the death •.of Thos. Garvey, Jr:, who died in. St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, January 28. The • fun- eral took place at St. Joseph's Church here on Tuesday at 10 Rev: E, ' C. Garvey of Wind- sor azid. Mr. and Mrs, ,Eugene Eugene Dalton of Detroit spent the ( week -end with relatives. The. infant .daughter of Mr. •Se Mrs. •:Jas, O'Neill' ,-was `-baptized;. Sunday afternoon, Mary' .Louise The sponsors were .Mr.: and' Mrs. Robt;. Haddon. of ,lin ' ,Ea,NLp1�L,;. 'Miss Maureen : a Vassel ' l has taken a position in• Windsor, and. motored to . Windsor .and Detroit with •her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Vassella during` the .paste week'. • The first prizefor ladies was • won 'by' iV,Irs, Cori O'Keefe and gent's : prize by Mr. Jos. O'Keefe a't the'card party' held' •in the parish hall'on-'Friday evening,: Mrs. M. McLennan , of Gerrie visited with toe •O'Neill & How ard 'families during the past' week. ' Congratulations • to •Mr. & Mrs \°.intent Austin .union the" birth .of, ug a cr-7n rc d: ich':`�hospital last week, Mr. 'and Mrs.•Don Frayrie.`and • OBITUARY • g JOHN D. CATHCART . ,• John Douglas Cathcart, a liife long resident of Ashfield Town- ship .passed away. on Saturday in Winghann •Hospital where he had been a' patient for three, weeks. Of late • he had been re sidingo.at the. Henderson Nurs, ing Home. in Lucknow;. • " He 'was a son of Alexander Cathcart' and. Catherine Douglas and ,was. born 69,. years, 'ago on the farm south of Kintail where he spent his .. lifetime, He wa of a quiet,: retiring • disposition and wi dei„ esteemed •in' the comixiun- ity. He. was . a ,rnerr berf • the o. 1 (Session of ,Ashfield. •{Presbyter ian Church, where . the• ,funeral service was • held.' on Monday. af- ternoon, conducted by :Rev. J. R. MacDonald. • Interment was- in Kintail cem- etery, the pallbearers being. Gor- don Robb,. Earl Howes, Wri. Mc•. Donald, . Hugh MacKenzie, GGor- don Drennan and W'm.. r Tohnston. Mr. ''Cathcart ' was the last member of the 'farr,ilyr He was predeceased' bytwo sisters, Jane and .Minnie,who• resided •with him and by a brother David who died in .1017. Peter _ .Mr _ _and 'Mr Gil lorayn'e spent Sunday with Mrs.' 3 erry : 'O'Connor.. and '•the John McKinnon, family ..at Wingham. kip So. • THEMARCH OF DIMES! Place your contributions in. an of the coin ,boxes in stores. and business places, in Lucknow. Giv�� • generously in aid of this worthy cause. • Y: be done to help the thousands tiipon 'thousands already • stricken Give to aid', in their rehab'ilitation,'. . M , y and . to improve the methods of treatrrwrit. Thanks -. 'to researci grits by such contributions great. You can .help to' .'turn ` thy; • � trick: _, ... r ar -Lot_ tn.e:s__eam 'jai. _n :.into _ a-a►re iaein�made �n cbmbafi h .. p - .:; tng t l o but match remains. to Victory. -over -Pilin Parade Local Gari'lpa gn: Sponsored By. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Of TheVILLAIGE OF LUCKNOW, n. Co-operation'° `With 1 ■Vl KINLOUGH We are pleased to report that Madonna, Graha. m is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs: loan Murray is spending a while .with. Mr: and Mrs. P. ; A. Murray. ' ' • Mr. J, R. Lane, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Malden and Keith . visited. in Port Elgin with Dr. and Mrs. Dick Lane, Friends here are pleased ,to know the. Doctor is making a favorable recovery`, af- ter a recent illness: - Meeting changed, from-'0faernoon:: to .evening, .8 Qo, o'clock in Holy,.: rood Hall,, With' Mrs. • Ii,aynard• Ackert hostess:. • Friends of' Mrs. William Wall are 1sorry. to: learn •that she ' is. again a patient • i:n Wingham Hos- pital. • • ; he Anglican Evening Guild met. at the home of Misses Edna• 'and'.Ma.y Boyle with Mrs Ronald Thacker presiding. Following the, opening, •1VIrs Dori.• Gillespie read a psalm for the scripture lesson; The .:med. itation: • was ` given by Mrs: Jack Hewitt. "Hope" :Was word for • the roll' call. ' A, social evening. was planned: A donation' was ' made to the• Rectory im-: proven'ient _ fund. Pra er el.' e rife, ing 7 -•and;. the rem,aiiider of the evening was,•pen,t on ap- ' pliqued quilt blocks: •Mrs.. Geo; : H:aldenby gave . the �u�sing r:e= •marks and refeshmehts-..were served: Mrs. ' Geo. Haldenby will be the, February,' hostess. Mr. and Mrs: Harvey', McQuil lin and family Of 'Lucknow-Tis ited 'on • .Tuesday with. Mr: and .Mrs. Don Gillespie: Mr. ' and : Mrs ; Edward Powell of Milliken''. visited on'.' •Wednes day with •Mr. -arid 'rs. Walter'l Breekles and Mr. arid'. Mrs.''Har old : Halderiby...• .• The Happy Hour 'Farm. Forta.n was •entertained -_,by the •Sil•ver Lake 'Forum . in Kinloss School on Monday : night when Austin Martin was guest speaker•;, Mrs. ,Wesley • Guest ` returned from `' London, Where she has been: spending . awhile with. Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Johnston and f Mrs. ;Milton Walsh, who is listingat the' Clayton` Nur:sing, .;Horne at: Tha•rnesville•`snent' the• • 'week -end .at, her:, hoine .here.. , •Mi Wesley Guest ,spent''a feiv days . With his: :berother, • :Noble' Guest,: ,at., .Iineardine; suf- Bred .a paralytic seizure recent-' 'f ,'Vfi• •• Sc--ott Walsh sper-t-1-' it week -end herd: Mr: and: Mrs. .Tom 'Bell and family of Amberlev spent'• Sat, urday evenin r:witli Mr. and -Mrs. Pert i.cholson'and family •For the 'month. of 'February: the Anglican' services will be' held at 3.30 p.m. Mr..' and . Mrs. Morley Bushell 'and family visited op Saturday with •Mr' and.. Mrs. Elson Arnold and family at ,.Bervie. The Happy. Hour '•Farrn' Forum mei on Monday evening at the' home 'of Mr. and Mrs. • Wesley. Guest. Miss May :Boyle visited during the 'week with Mrs. Mary Simp- son who is critically ill •in the South Huron' Hospital at Exeter. and- -also With other, relatives there. 4 Ati and Mi's. Don Me osh.:anr1 ,family of Purple' 'Grove: visited on Sunday with Mrs; J. W. Col- - Mrs.' Gerald Gibson and baby. daughter returned' to ''Lbnclon' after. spend.ing awhile with her parents, Mr, • and Mrs, • ' Lyman Sutton. The. Presbyterian congregatiori held their annual business meet- ing:'.on Monday afternoon. • I`he Daughters of the ,l .airshea. On Saturday .evening,•'January 21, the 17atighters of • the, i aii'- shea :n7"et--at24.1fe-lerr with tae two. leaders and eight. girls present. Johanna De •Jong presidedfor the btis'iness section of• the meeting; The, roll call' 'ultra anawered ,by `'A good quality of., a bedroom accessory'', The .girls then worked on their ,chair, pads a�dd,+Ax.z+ofr+tMd Av'�•1 .r W.1r..• A �`ar,:'ek�Wiryylra}-_.� was clnsed with ,a dainty. lunch served by the . hostess. a• .4 SIXTH AND NINTH, The Sixth Line Euchre Club met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John.. Finnigan; last Wednesday night 'with agood attendance. dance. The lady •s high score went to; Mrs. Joe Boyle, low to Mrs,' .Jas, Wilson; gent's- high 'score to Brown Smyth and low. to • Wal. .lace Wilson. Lunch :was served • and a . pleasant evening .enjoyed. by .all.. The 'next party will ,be at -the -hoirne of Mr, & Errington, • Mr. and Mrs'. John 'Cameron & .• lion, Mrs. George. .Stuart, and Mrr: and Mrs.., Cliff Murray ;dere °at . Lt.icari' on ••Saturday, .. attendi.n the funeral of their :cousin, Mrs':' Charles` McLean, the fernier He]; en Radcliffe Murray of. L'ondon: 1VIr, and Mrs: •Stanley Thomp- son of Kincardine, were recent ,visitors with Mr, and Mrs, - Jo'hn Finnigan . and boys.. ST. HELENS • Mr. Alfred ''Andr'ew of Orillia called Tuesday: night and visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk,, land and family. • • Church will be at 1.45 for the month of ,February. Next• Sun.` day is • communion. pnpi: Shoot' party 'last Monday even- ing.'.The high score winners were Mrs. Pete.. •Cook and Mr..•Bill Helm with Aila'n Ritchie•.and D. A'." Haekett winning the .consol-. ati.on awards.. •• We are glad Mrs.: MilvertReid'. is• feeling:@ better., •She- returned from. W'inghain Hospitalo Sat' urelay after' spending two r weeks there.' ' Allan Reed is -showing pictures in the school en. " February .7th. at $.30. Everyone is welcome. ,Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan and'sQn :'visited Sunday with Mr. and 'M.vs,: Henry Gardner. • Mr. ,and; Mrs. W. O. Hunter are over on :the .Boundary : at •Rob McIntosh's -While ' Mr. and Mrs. Mclntc3'-h" ai'e a���ay, to Florida.,• • • , 'LI\TESTOCK• DESTROYED. .,Fire. 'razed :a large 'bairn at- Ciiatyyw•oi•th' ort.: Sunday. rigoping c.wyned_ y•:. Jack • llarnilton. A n,ai,e. 5( pigs and 200 .chickens • that , ere destroy'ed : in the blaze belonged.. to ' Lkal: Lannan: had, just' ` recently rnoved. there from.. Ashfield: ,' • t •< ",: • • +•t • 4 • z • Tooled To • Repair All Makes'' Of. • Tractors, Machines .&Shop` %Vdrk ACETYLENE & ARC WELDING~ KINLOUGH GARAGE • W. BRE.tKLES n ' Phone • 18-r-20, Ripley :. THE HOME OF (11101Y,S:ERVIC Ind genuine JOHN OEERE.PART • • 4: IMPERIAL: ESSG DEALER • • 44 4 .41 f: Esso and Esso Extra Ga ohne ;, Marvelube, t S. :an-& Mineralube ..M0B-1-LOIL-' .,ATLAS: TIRES A1wi» s look to Irnperi,il tort the best 1k 4. ,I. E. 1VIac1)ONALD •Y .(.l.�.F.bw?{Ew"f:GG.9Y4y<w:Tna:(YMk4n4el'Y�.4PJ�XpY:,iCAGATrY%b• �hont' 3, LOcknow : 4 .4. 4 4" 4- 4 4 4• 4 i • I SI44,40'r0•II.I•X/'�•�.IJJ.I I•,/ 4440.4,0 44444' • • ..