The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-01, Page 8• G 1 -..PpAG& EIGHT SPORT. • .BROOM BALL RESULTS North' .Kinloss 3, 'Specials. 0 Belfast 6, Kintail 0 :Firemen. 5, Specials 3 : :Kintail 2, Nite Hawks 0 . • • Sports Writer In Car: Strapless.* '"Hank"' Smith, ...whose "Sports :.,Parade'', ; column in the Port El'' gin. Tines ..kept the 'fat • fryingn ' . in sport' circles in • Bruce, i gat' times -.farther. afield, has: writ., en "30" to his newspapercareer; . andhas ; gone into partnership . in and autornotivebusiness in the Lake Town. TIMBER . TIPS The Cubs continued their lead this week as they rolled to a 3 point 'win over • the Gophers: Dorothiy • and ..Harold Errington with 636 and 685 respectively, 'proved 'too 'much for the. Goph- ers to match. Russ Button and Chas. Anderson rolled wellfor the . losers: , • Donald •Hami'lton's 728' total in- cluding. a 341 record single and good team bowling behind him cowered .the Pole'Cats to a four THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, FEB, lst., 1956 ' GIRL GUIDE NOTES The • Guides tried then; Camp- fire Certificate laAt Friday:even-, ing. `Examiners were 'Mrs., J. • W. Joynt • and Miss:. Ruby�'Webb.. A •few interested-ladieet w -came to: 'heir • the songs. The',examiners •vvere• ver'y''pleased with the sing- ing and awarded the certificate. The Corngany' is. making good headway on. the• Second- Class; tests: Court of Honour will be next Friday .eveningat six, aiid the regular- meeting at 7.30. ' The Brownies and- Guides held a sleighing party on • Tuesday, January 3rst. 4Y p- tit iirt) er 'Ashton and 'Ted Collyer ?scored CURRIE'S CORNERS Mr, and Mrs.' Harold Scott' John of London visited on Sat -1 uurday with .Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. Scott and, family. • Master; Donald Rae and . Jim- well for ,the . losers. • ' • `A. pair of Johns led the Wol- verines to„ a ,4"- point win •over the Tigers as Fisher :and:Banni= • ster ; rolled , 709. and :674; With Mary Fisher .scoring over 600 also: Captain Joan' Cormack Scor-. :ed high for the. •.losers. . Bob' Finlay's ,717 ' total and K. Bailey with 568 plus 96. for • 664 Pulled.: the Coons out of the cel- lar ,with a 3 point • win. over the •Lions. C. Eedy 'rolled best . for the losers. ' ;The. Kangaroos took'. , 3 points from • the• Chipmunks.' Gladys Hamilton's ' 6,$3 plus . 51 for 734 . and A. •Chin's 613 plus , 51 for the enough .to .. hold'the were • en gh 664 .. Chipmunks to one point.' Josie Hamilton's 609 .total was high'. for the. Chippers. . Freck Button's Squirrels eked cut. a 4 point win overthe Zeb- ras-as eb-ras ;as Bill Button led the;, way with. '670. plus 39 fore 709. The win pulls the Squirrels .into . a third place `tie with •' the Kang- aroos.. Doris Boak was a. high with, . their ..sister, •' Mr. Harvey .McQuillrn. 1VIr: John. O'Connor visited' on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs:' Leo Courtney.' Mr. ' and 'Mrs. Kannapin and Eileen Campbell, R.N., : of I itch ener visited:: with their.' parents over the week -end: 1Vir: and Mrs. ; Cliff Waunch & family 'visited with Mr. 8i Mrs. Bill 'Wareing. on Sunday.: • Mr:. and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie arid . family visited ' Sunday ..pan. wwrth Mr. and Mrs:' Robert .Rit- chie at, Luckhow..• e ;_ _end sand Mrs. i • • acQ=Elle Regular ROBIN - .Save 7c -- U ECIC Oat$.,` ' ',t HOOP. GRANULATED 5U Tenderflake Lard �UNp . _ • Per • ..POUND .: 2 for 33c Our Own 81end Tea:. BE WISE, GRAB THESE :BUYS!. PHONE 119 Speedy "Je a ,'S ••• 7 Values. Effective: February 2, 3, 4 Delivery ' • LUCKNOW DUNGANNO .1 • Former Resident. ,Is 92 Mrs. Carman Anderson has re- turned from an enjoyable ten days visiting. with relatives "• in Detroit and, 'Chicago,. including • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur •Ander'son' of Detro�• ' . and ' ;an uncle, 'Mr. Cblin ''Pentland 'of Chicago, Who xnarked his • 92nd.: birthday'' 'on January ;13th.. He ,is. well.:and happy. 'and";,at :his home; has. 'a hobby shop, where.: he makes toys for' ''poor children . and insti:- •tutions. ,He is a native.,' of ..Dun- ganrion. - and is a son of _the late Mrs.' Girvin, who lived in the • house• now. 'occupied • by Mr. and Mrs. . Harvey Mole. . A very instructive •talk and demonstration 'on "Artificial •Re= spiration" was'; given by Mrs. K.• K. Dawson at the January meet-: ing . of the Dungannon. -.W.1' held at the home of Mrs. Durnin Phil= lips. Mrs. R. 'Kilpatrick presid- ed. Roll call was: answered by. "If ' •I ....were. a- shut -•1n, how 'I Would ' like .to be remembered". ..An interesting . paper on .the motto ."An apple a day. keeps the do • ctor away". was given by 'Mrs.. L. HTnexhrparty is to beasty. held -he rlhc Ht„eucall-1%e - ruary 23rd, Lunch was served by the hostesses, •Mrs. R. Irvin, Mrs.: O Popp, Mrs:. ,Mary, Barr,• Mrs. Mary Errington• and Miss: Beth Miss Jean Errington of. Toron- to was home for: the week -end ..with her ..parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Victor. • Errington: Mr. :and Mrs. Ross . • • Errington and -.daughter Lorene' of St. Helens •: were vis- itors on Sunday. • . The weekly Sixth Con. euchre party'was .held Wednesday night at the home of • Mr,' and Mrs. John Finnigan. S,e v en tables were engaged ih play. Winners: were, high, Mrs. Jos, Boyle and Brawn Smyth: and', low, Mrs. Jim Wilson •and. Mr1. Jim Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown & Mr. and Mrs. Omar • Brooks - ar- id—home-1 Miami Beach Dajr'torna Beach and St. Peters- burg, Florida. The . latter: place ic' where Mrs. Brooks. Parents, Dr. 'arid Mrs,' A. ,Atkinson, are spending the winter: Their' ar- rival. 'home . on 'Saturday. even- ing made their stay away ;ex- actly 'three • weeks. :' Congratulations to Mr: & Mrs. :Wrn. Arthur Culbert,• who Wed- nesday of thisweek celebrated their 45th Wedding anniversary. A... :- s ehrr, '. as hel at the IDungannon school Friday • night. Wi riri' rc were..:Vlrs. 'Rebt. 1,Berc. and ':Y r~: He-rh F,ir,r4in,._.._�: The W.A of the United hutch i rr.et Friday evening' at the home y Of Mr:.... ;. E. r;ri"t Errir#gtri . , Mrs.1 tlia. `�r y 41.111.)n•presided: •rhe 1 *.rll'tJre 'i,a.pY}�.ithoughtsr�read by Art'. C,:nr: - L4{{ tirr Finnigan The lesson thoughts i.' .),.ere g; v'eri 14 YIr': G. Cecil l: l kr . i '7Tr.j :1= ' ai: •1+ ar,',vl(:rerrl by pay.ng ref fee'. ii;,�' 2 ; r hers. Zebra with : 630 total . We' understand there:' are some trophies ,floating •around compli- ments of the O.B.A. for last ;springs star bowlers. Teant Standings.. • Cubs 45, Pole Cats 43, :Kang- «rocs 40, Squirrels 40, Gophers. 36, ;Wolverines. 32, Chipmunks 31., 1 Zebras` 30, Coons 22, Beavers • 22, Lions 21, Tigers 20.. . + WE STOCK THE ; NEWEST WALLBOARD On The Market. The financial repot{ • '01 'showeda very. successful year.. •Mrs. Lorne Ivers reported on Christmas OM sent to shut-ins. Many thank you notes were re ceived • and read.: 'It was decided r to have • a congregational Suppe in March; Mr. K. Dawson, Mr. George :Hodges Mr. • Wilmer :Er- .rington, ,Rev. George Watt and Mr. Harvey Alton were. named. for : the program con unittee. The W,A. 'accepted an invitation from the Hereford .Associatidn',to' cater •for their banquet 'in' Novem ber. Mrs. •' Clifford Crozier gave a ;very interesting topic on "Fin gerpr-ints".. •Mrs. K: Dawson con- ducted, a ,geography quiz . Mrs. Alton thanked Mrs. Errington for o - � 41,11-' •h6'- =-be waserv- s, ed in any,Way. Lunch ed -by IViirs. K. Dawson, 'Mrs. H: 'Alton; .Mrs. R. •Stothers ,.and Mrs 'E.. Culbert:. ' ar , • As -Aver >.d, in . _�-7e'-a-Nage, February 4th Issue• • and ' . Canadian Homes and Gardens, February Issue. •IDEAL. FOR' LIVING ROOMS, RE;CREAT1ON 'ROOMS, DENSE etc: Economical Easy :to :Apply Hai A tract2ve al g+ m• FREE ESTIMATE. NO OBLIGATION OHN W. 1 rt71MIB'ERITER • PHONE 150, LCCJ NOW -:.:itkiF•sY'd.:Kiii..Jlwdw.tle....A:...iA9n!-n uau?:lciik•FX4x•.s.ka .IY.T.`-..-A r•k^�' �if9:Afhwkhh:Li4•••60•41••:Y'*••••*• :MOTORIST' MUST STOP FOR SCHOOL .BUSSES • ' Effective . on Wednesday, an amendment to the Highways Traffic ,Act, makes it ..an offence for . a ., motorist to pass a stopped school :bus. 'Motorists must stop and not proceed' until • the bus resumes motion, the driver signaals to proceed, . or' :flashing si�gia(1:5.: are no longer actuated: ed, and .and Lar: 0 ity .Bill fine spe( •M . wee but .the stra' Mrs onst to v and grot gan Mr. • L day Fari ple'� day •Mill retia Whi• "An M. • • visit )4af 'Phone: 181 Kincardine ; ii PAYING HIGHEST PRICES' FOR ' • • `LIVE. . POULTRY Poultry Culling ii: .Specialty. n accordance with government regulations our poultry coops 'are thoroughly washed and disinfected for your protection: t r.,. .nom,. ++..ems., .. .....o..�o.....�+,...oa ...n.•,...,w-,+ .1956 Chev. Belair 8-cyiiinder, fully • equipped :... Below ;List% 1955 Chev, Deluxe Sedan; fully equipped ..:.. $1,995 1954 .Chev:.:Powerglide Deluxe Coach, 1954 Ford Customline with radio 1954 Chev.' Deluxe Sedan, -.fully equipped ' Three 1954 . Chev. Sedans, fully ;equipped ' '' 53 --Ghee Belair-Sedan,--fully eq 1953 'Choi. Sedan ... ,. 1953 Pontiac 'Sedan ....,,. 1952' Plymouth , Sedan :; 1951 Chev. Powerglide Sedan • 1951 6hev,. Deluxe,. Coach 1950 'Chev . Deluxe Sedan, fully of 1949 (They. Coach .... ..... ........ ....::, .,..,.. ; ...., ..:...,F... 69�5 1948 Pontiac' Coach .. .... ........... ..:...:......+.,.:. $ 3939519.18 Plymouth 'Sedan .. ,.... • .1948 Pontiac •Sedan • ,.......'$1,095 ... ` 4,6 . .. , . $11295 ..... .. $ • 9:5(1. 900. quipped ►,: $ 850. .............. .... <., 495 TRUCK 1953 G.M.t. 1-'i'on' Pick 1p .......... ... 1.941 Dodge,4-Ton-,Pick-up• :- Brussels M�*orS+• Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, ,Trade,Terms :-•.,,F Open Evenings "Until :10 Cities Service Dealer • -._ • Phone 73a, Brussels'