The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-01, Page 4• A GE•-F4IFw •I . vQ ONTAIU9 TBE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, , . . FOR RENT--5-room apartment with bath. ,Apply to Mrs, Well. .. Henderson.. FOR, S -tractor seed drill, likewLF.Condition: Apply at new d - Sentinel; Office, • • t . NOTICE The ',.,annual; meeting ,of . the Wingha..n Genera/ Hospital AS - socia tion'will be held. on Mon- d'ay February sixth (6) at 8,00 ,pm; in' the Recreatipn Room of the Nurses'- Residence, at; Wing r oom ham — six R SALE..'' O ...SEF St, modern - All matters..., of -business per - house' ori. Havelock ,to ' JIM " ' • ; to, the Win:gham Hosp� .conveniences....A:p P 1•Y .., • taming _ - Mathers, Luc$inow: tail ` Association including the el. - . l • of d ection of directors' and other FOR :,SALE-- ?luantity. riffcers sand consideration. of the mixed grain, . will. .deliver any tby-laws 'orf the ITgspital will be quantity. Melvin Coiling; .ph�?ne ransacted.� q. ty t 1-16 Ripley. • In order to. ,cast a ballot;in HELP WANTED lady with ' the election of directors a per- nursing experience and lady for. 'son must be a member''., of the practical ' help. Baker's Private Association. • One year member- • Hospital, Lucknow. - ships • may , be • .obtained for ' the sum of . One' Dollar ($1;00) • froth' FOR •SALE-_abo,ut 25 tons loose: the Wingham Hospital, the Sec hay and: 200 bushels' of feed bar- rotary, the Treasurer, or a 'mem- ley. Gordon ...Drennan, IL R 3, ''ber' of the Board of Directors.. Goderich �%; Everybody welooine. laid suit H, C. MacLean, President. FOR SALE--4Lindsay • `p size 16, .and brown shot taffeta new. Mrs. Allan 'Hackett, Luck -1 Good 'beef ' . for sale' by the And April thirteen's dYawing; now: COMING EVENTS EUCHRE TARTY • The Altar'. Society. of.St. Mary's Church, Lucknow, will ` hold a euchre\party in the Recreational Centre, Tuesday, February 7th at 8.15.. Lunch serx-ed• Everyone welcome. • , • • 4 W,EDNESDAY,, FE$. .1st, 1956. SHOOT. PARTY : Kinross), are sponsoring `a The Milli fr� Farm Forurn-(4th Con., , Shoot -party at Holyr Hall; ,'hursday,: •February 9th at 8:30. Lunch to be served, ' Admission 50e. • •Everybody, welcome;. ; VARIETY CONCERT A Variety. Concert hill i be presented in St. Helens dem- Triunity Hall, on Friday; Febru- ary 10th at :8.30 by . Teeswater Jr, . Farriers. and Jr.. Institute. Dance after to:Bruce's Orchestr Auspices Women's Institute., DANCE , In •the Town Hall, Lucknow, Wednesday,` February 29th, un- der auspices of ' the 'Lady For esters:. Hard -time, Sadie Hawk ins dance.Two prizes • for best costumes . Carruthers orchestra. Lunch .counter. John Strong, Secretary. CALICO BALL .. t a - u -SALE' e s the days` are flying by; La quarter Choice ' light Hereford • nigh: steers Beet.killed under. license So plan your dress for the .+ from the Department of, .Health. ` : •,Calico Ball Raynard• Ackert, 1lolyrood' •` 1 To suit your figure, short or Phone: 24-30; Ripley. HOUSE FOR SALE—modern \8 - room brick house •on 'Havelock; St. 'Oil furnace, hardwood.' floors:. ' • ,Apply. to Dr. T. B. Clelai i, Luek- now • :AUCTION SALE ••�-• .unlimited ' The school house and wood quantity of, baled or loose hay HAY,- WANTED shed atS.S: No. 6, Kinloss (Grey wanted.. Apply to Jack ',Mighton, Ox)'will �ba os old b y public u R.R. 1, • Clifford,' phone ' collect "tion at the schoolhouse• on Fri - 314 -T-8, , ri-314-T-8,, or see . Toms Anderson, day, .February 3rd at' 2.00: p.m. Lucknow. • ' Solid brick school • is 28x48, with 'woodshed 14x1$: George Lockhart, Sec. FOR ALE -•+this• week's prices on grasses __Orchard • $30, Broin $24, : Meadow Fescue I26, -Reed: Canary $40, ' Ladina • $83,, White •.: Sweet • Clover 12c, , Timothy llc lb. All grade 1. R. Cramm, Pink- erton, phone Cargill. 68w3. SALES HELP 'WANTED WANTED:. Man for steady 'travel among ; .consumers in Bruce County. Permanent :.connection .with • , large • rnarinfacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write' Rawleigh's Dept. B-271-131; Nton- • treal, P.Q. 4 7 t " FEMALE HELP WANTED :. Secretary .capable of '.handling ,complete setof books for' a large • 'or-gaiiazatio . nowled e of. typing. Shorthand 'desirable. Full • erriployee benefits:. Reply . in own handwriting stating .age, educa- •• titin,' experience and salary de= sired to, Box 10,: Lucknow. a PREVENT` CHIMNEY FIRES, Use Fire Chief Chemical .Chim- ney, Cleaner.. to eliminate: soot and 'sca•1'e • •' from your stovepipes and chimney ° No need to remove stovepipes, • no . fuss, no muss no .. 'odor. For use on coal wood, gas or • oil fired '. units; On sale;at, at, •• • Lneknow , District(' Co-op • and Miller's. Store, St.' Helens SALESMAN: WANTED toil to represent Singer . Sew- ing Machine. Co .in,•• Lucknow • area. Two week training, period. Salary arid commission; hospital= ization and Company benefits. Steady employment with promo- tion for aggressive man. Car nec- essary, Apply: W. G. Henderson, Singer • Sewing Machine' .Com- pany, Goderic i, phone 9135 •or Wingham 665. • VARIETY : PROGRAM • •The. Johnston -Houston Group of the United. Church'W.A. will present a variety, program and =slides by Baynard. Ackert in the .church basement oi Friday, Feb- ruary' 3rd att:8. p.m .Lunch .serv- ed. Adults.. • 50c; children 25c. Everyone. welcome.: ARTIFICIAL--INSEinmATION l_ Waterloo•,Cattlle Breeding �. :,Association "Where Better: Bulls Are Used" Artificial insemination service for all breeds of •cattle. For ser vice or information phone Clin- ton 515 collect,between 7:3,0 and 10:00 a.m.• on week days and 7.30' and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays 'and Holidays.' • .TENDERS ., TErT,IYER5: will be. received .• by I. thejundersigned. up to and' in- eluding February 18th,' 1956 for material and labor for renovat= -loweritng ' ceiling-) n the•. Lucknow Public 'Library. Specifications ' and ' list of materials May ,be obtained from :Mr..' Sam Sherwood, Chairman of Property -committee., E..11. Agnew, Clerk, Village' • of Lucknow,. �s. • CO=Op .AUTO • INSURANCE.. Can Now Accept TOWN •RESIDENTS:.: & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the farm business. • <: For :information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN • McMURCHIE, . RIPLEY, Phone. 20,-r-23 . . •� ROY N.. .BENTLEY.. PVBLIC ACCOUNTANT • .. , Month'ly Accounts .• , .. Business and Farm 'raw.' • .Returns Box 478. Tel.. 10114 GODERICH,', ONT. " • R., S :I3ETHER1NGTON,. • R.C. is to r •E tc •.Bair r Wii}gham and :Luc}cnow • IN' LUCKNOW. . Each.Monday... 0 and Wednesday, Located' in• the Municipal Office yPlione Wingham Office 48 Residence .97 JOHNSTONE'S. FUNERAL ::HOME • Phone 76 • Day or Night. Ambulance Service/ tiss— At' NO. Extra' Cost Moderate „prices • 'Established 1894 A. M HARPER. Chartered' Accountant West .Street GO>ERICH; ONTARIO i WOOD: TENDERS . WANTED. Tenders will, be • received ,by, the undersigned. until Monday, February 6th , for: 30 cords of green' beech , or elm wood, •.16' inches, long, not :less than six inches, nor more than 12 'inches in ,diameter, to be delivered and piled. it. the: Town Hall, Luck now, • by . July. lot, 1956, • • Lowest or any, tender not necessarily' accepted: ' E. H. Agnenw, Clerk -Treasurer; Village of . Lucknow. BABY CHI Pullets,; mixed,' •• cockerels. All breeds. From ' an approved hat- chery. nee delivery of all ord- ers, Your agent for Monkton Poultry Farms: STANLEY J. Mc- GR:ATTENi R. R. 6, Goderich, phone 3008 Carlow APPLICATIONS. WANTED Applications will be• received by the undersigned for the posi- tion .of town foreman for the Village of Ltickno*. • Duties to --include- general'town -work, Pub.- ]ic Utilities 'maintenance, • meter reading and police duties: _ rth.e info natibn,_regard ng slat et-•inay be -di t -a neo- at the - Municipal Office..Applicants to state' qualifications and - salary expected.. Marked applications will be received : p to and ineluding February' 18;" 1056. • 1, • H. Agnew, Clerk, Village` WI NG.HA 1 Insure Wilk, 'The..• CULROSS: MUTUAL •FIRE INSURANCE CO. for Reasonable rates; sound pro tection & prompt, .satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater • 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-411 F.:T. ARMSTRONG: OPTOMETRIST'•' I . GODER,CH • FOR APPOINTMENT ' 'Phone • f 100. ;, For _ . Appointment or Information See Wim. A. Schmid,' 'Phone 147-w, Lu, ckpow Telephones 3433 343W STATE' FARM MUTUAL AUTMOB'I LE NSU RANC:E nvestigate Before. Investing REUBEN.'WILSON. .' R.R. 3, Goderich Phone 80•r.-8 Dungannon.. MEMORIAL: SHOP AGNEWS'" AGENCY We Have Been Memorial ,Craftsmen for Thirty Seven - T ears:, Always zUsing . ; THE BEST GRANITES. Along With, Expert Designing and. Howard • Agnew _ •Jos Agnew MEMBER' OF. ' • Ontario Insurance Agents' Association INSURANCE FIRE,, WIND, CA.S1JALTY AUTOMOBILh , • ,AND ; LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With, .Tack Today. J. A.. lAcDONAGH R.R. , :31Lucknow, .Ont. 'Phone. 6175, .Daugannon` R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO' IN LUCKNOW .: • Every ' Wednesday. and. ,Saturday •'Afternoon 0 Officein the.. Joynt Bleck Telephone Office 135 • .Residence 314 G.:ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick 'St, just off 'the.• Main St. in WINGHAM Pro• fessional Eye Examination. • • 'Optical Services• . • •Evening s •by''appointment. .. 'Phone:,Office 770; Res. 291..' Workmanship. GENERAL INSURANCE. • Prices :Most; Rieasonable • Established 'Over 30 Years Ago Cemetery Lettering a Specialty Telephones: R. A. SPOTTON Business' •39 • Residence 138,. 'Phone 256, Wingham; : Ontario • '.BABY CHICKS • •Chick buyers; --it will pay you. good dividends ' to get February hick -and.:started chicks ' 1f ..you_ get' Kitchener Big 4 there's a special discount. These. •Chicks Canadian Approved — are "top ao o—heri Tr,a_ty"has` t`s Own complete breeding program arid'cari supply all standard •vagi= eties and .crosses, and special strains Tike Pilch White Rocks, for brolers,.. Ames In -Cross, etc. We're agent and can supply• full information. ® . M CKNOW.004.OP TI INSUR•ANCE Apo -Operative' Life Insurance Co -Operative Auto 'mobile ," Insurance. ••• reattile & Fa' "Fire . Insurance ' Economical and 'Reliable. • See •, . T.. A; 'CAMERON. • LUCKNOW • ' 'Phone ` 70'-r-10 Dungannon anti i aiarai iali rciKlcYtl:L'rih1.'naiii;skaaRw4tai%'1>+,' . T� ic1.LENNAN' and. ' MacKENZIE 1' 'UNERA, SEJYICF •. 'Servic'es conducted. _accord-__ Home, .your . Church,• or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. •''AMBULANCE SERVICE • Phone 181; Lueknow, Day or Night Kenneth J. MacKenzie, • R,.O.' • ' Optometrist L-ISTOWEL—ONT.T- at the former Wrona Jeweler), store. Ripley,' 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15th' and every. Second .Wednesday. Eyes . examined GdAsses fitted • For appointment .'phone Roy ' McKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley.. , D reg' •Cot eat •, he K�a>t afu.$ Ctou ertc ,the:: ser' fo that tiret era] Val con Mel Min Pati and .:A• F• ki; Gill Iia •Kiri A •letter From Your Coro p Manager Dear Members and Patrons: • 'Your Co-operative.; in Ltiekriew owns a large fertilizer , plant, where a high grade fertilizer is manufactured. - The • ••Board of Directors' recent y' sanctioned the install-ation oi` a' new, fertilizer mixer and' other new equipanent,� making this very modern and efficiently operated. Your Co-operativei• .'s endeavouring .to accomplish. 'two. things:- :._ 1. ... To sell fertilizer, directly to. the farmer members 'at' a dealer cost. •• 2, To increase' the tonnage. of fertilizer, in the business. which ' you as members o*n; • tf this, saving was evaluated into dollars, it probaliay• would: represent a - direct ` sav'i gs of ' $50-,00 to the faint er Y : in''tlis area, ' Stour ea operative is the "strongest farm organization wliiailni;:ha:ye, . o fiaitain.,ibe-se.lout prices we n.ekd 3. .business and `support. ' ' Order your- fertilizer from the Co-op in: Lucknow today. ,ucknow Dis