The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-21, Page 144.14 14 A9 PAGE TWELVE THE LTICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO It i tilt 111lo-lwlill!'-tZ,11!-''itaid i t 1 AT S.S. CONCERT - it hearts are ., filled with the waratest wishes, for. 'the merriest • Christmas y, Qui' ever enjoyed. Mc ri 's Drug Store �i�i�iE.+�'�►�Er�i,O�i�'idrfK:�l�A;t7�t�i�f;�1,�'i�CFi,z�Q�i�« Q�1`$�i'�i��i; . a WEDNESDAY, DEQ; ;21st, 195 i0' 0+si' l `ire!itirea aP i 'io'iaf oketr a!s, a ar !a e 1' " At ' the . Presbyterian Church I Sunday School concert, on Friday evening the. children gave as. well as received. During the opening; chorus the children of the Sun- day School .paraded ,to the. front. to ' present their "White Gifts". These,, as 1V Ir, S.' E. • Robertson later .explained, go to the• super- intendent' of the •Children's._ .Aid' Society at Walkerton, who .a.* ,ranges their distribution among. families throughout. the " County 'where . there " is ' need : and where - ,t13.0 Society is de oting its efforts towards keeping' the. family 'td- gather.. The -offering was • also. do- nated to the C.A.S. 4 ., • • 'After- - ' the opening choruses, t Elizabeth Anne Finlayson._ read '' the scripture and Rev. Wallace II McClean' gave the chairman's ad- dress. • d -dress.. . Recitations were given by Don na Forster, Beverley Taylor, Joan MacKenzie, Arletta Pollock, Rod- dy' MacSween, Jimmie MaeDon- old -and ,Bobby . Mullin. "Away in a" Manger was presented by Mrs. Jack Fisher's and Mrs. Mor- gan Henderson's classes. Piano. F.o1os: were played by ' Eileen Baker, . Karen Wasney, Wendy MacKenzie and Jahet Finlayson. Numbers were given by .. Mrs. class, Mr. V. A, Mowbray's class, Mrs. MacS%vveen's class: A . duet was sung by Dianne and' Wayne Jamieson. • • !- t' • rirry c '!t • , • We extend Sincere wishes t0 S all our'friends and neighbors for a Christmas that is full 3 of `all, good things, and a;heart : S., that is full of happiness.: Henry's' Fruit Market gr t" .�!tvi1t", ;itiv' oivor erit>r4t i ar RwAirgtwou Awao'n oitroit,r✓ t4erk:^a , $ •.y • fir • 1° » .o"' May this :11 010 •' :, Christmas seasons bring you all the gifts of Happiss, Peace andFriendshij,. Maclntyre and Irwin 1�w�y� ]� ,,yy ..�y1 y,..�y.�y yy wy.. y�e�yyyry 413..tai O wi �ia tis of +A 0 4sy 147,1 a 00,0000^ t at l cw at% C, i ttot a /.� . itot .. 4,7 1' 6 Aes • 'i�nc,y,) gt Christmas carols in story and song were the concluding feature .of the program , with -The story of . the Carols, interspersed ,by the singing of it, in solos, 'choruses and. congregational singing. Pat • Welsh was the first reader• followed by: Mrs. ` Fisher's class, singing, "0 .Corns. All Ye .Faith '. fill", -and :prayer . by .. ;Rev.: Mc-: Clean; reader; .'Anne. •Pedersenp, solo, Dale Haldenby,'_ "It • Came Tpro-Th-e-lVli-dn ht-el-ear",,read-- er, Wilda Reid.; chorus, Mr. Mac-: Sween's class, "While • Shepherds Watched"; reader, . Mabel Stan- ley hymn, congregation, • ``Hark. the:. Herald Angels .Sing';; read er,"Tat:Welsh; chorus, Mrs. Fish- er's class; -,"I ,Heard the.. Bells";, reader, :. Mabel Stanley; •hymn,. .congregation,. "0 Little Town'of Bethlehem"; reader, Wilda Reid; s 1'• o;, Tom Wesney, "Silent' Night"; chorus,' Young People's Society; "We'll Sing in the Morn_ ing"; reader, Anne • Pedersen; chorus, Young 'People's Society, "Joy To The World". Mrs.. MoClean (was ' pianist. for :the evening. Mr.. and . Mrs. Cram eron MacDonald and: Dr James Little. supplied music .'prior to the prograrn,, and while ; treats.. were being served. The 'crowning 'event 'of the; ev- ening Was the arrival of Santa Claus• with gifts and treats for. ,the children. CURR:IE'S CORNERS Mr. and 'Mrs' Wilfred Farrish visited. on' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farrish. • �.lhat very.ltzecial time:o"• year is .here• • to all our friends and patrons —we want• to; say: may Santa shower. you with •v rything your hearts: desirs. ucknow • „ ' d3r :thf>s vats~ ►t aei'+ ,anO oo'Oivszs evszno Q'ry0 i* dv:Ri'it smsirsososasoot i s` i "_ io ,ro(tL". +►i.^fnvo • ar • ✓p. • . x ' 111 :11 . E.1H.ACNEV. fora i VERY' -MERRY. CHRISTMAS -and-a. . HAPPY NEW YEAR Mr..and Mrs. hector Cooke of Goderich with ,her daughter, Mr Kitchener visited over, the week= Cordon 'Walters. • Mr.: and . Mrs. Ross . •Errngto and Rene visited with Mr. an Mrs.. James Little on Sunday, - Mr. Lloyd Gollan, who . ha been sailing the past summer,. i n y•' Mrs. Lorne• Farrish ` visited : in Fsstaarryiisghwith Mr. and Mrs, Ale` • end with . Mr, and Mrs. Keith 'Johnston and family. Mr:..and Mrs. :Andrew Ritchie' and . family, . visited on Sunday !with Mr. and ,Mrs. Bill' Wareing and ;famil• ETI All•eANAD►AN NEAVWIE CHAMP -0N Hi err 1V"ay the joyful, hours of Christmas!. overflowwith good fellowship and: good sheer for all our. friends. OMA , ar(dR:#r'w�Vd%abmat%...:.,ail i 'F�...._._ .... _ 414r4`"4440Ari 441;74.41:004,::;/404,P4 04%414/4 4.�r4 r�ri/44,4,ef. J40000 a« •