The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-21, Page 5105,5- YS $.5,5 - WFPNF""�''. ".UAY,. DEC. 21st, ' 1955 THE • IU+CKl\TQW SENTINEL, LUCK+NOW, ONTARIO 60.4442., ►,,0!Wt,w'►ia4414,04 0,840404 @' t> r tOGORV. until firm. If desired, serve with a garnish of whipped 'cream.. - think--you're-angas-, al- 3 • our friends and net'ghbsrr, *tried: end 'true. We wish yon plenty. of Chrirtmas.Cheer, and 'fortune's nod through the coning year! Brussels Motors 4 batter, Add prunes arid raisins, which have been --washed ...".a . , drierT " �lVir lightly. Turn into greased and • .sugared 1-quart- mald, • Cover closely and' steam 11/2 • hours.. At serving time dip sugar cubes: in -orange or lemon' extract and place around the hot pudding. Light the cubes just be- fore bringing, in, the dessert. Some ,people just can't take' plum pudding or minced pie after a big dinner .of fowl and its ,ac- companiments, ac-cornpaniments, They may prefer l simple parfait pie; or a • gela- 'tine dessert, such as .this Christ- Inas Snow: •1 enveletie unflavored gelatin; 1 `cup 'cold. water, % boiling water, s/, cup: sugar, r/4' tsp, salt, y4 .cup. lemon juice, 1 tsp.. grated 41emon ; rind,. 2 egg whites, '/z 'cup -maraschino. cher- ries Softer•» eiatin in cold water Add ::boiling. `water,' sugar and salt and stir until dissolved.. Md. lemon juice and rind. Chill until: the mixture is of the consistence of unbeaten egg white. Whip un- til light. beat egg . whites 'until, stiff; _ add . gelatin mixture' Place the 'bowl in ice water; continue to • beat until mixture holds its. shape. Turn .one-half of • mixture into •a 6 cup mold; Chill until almost firm.' Stir .a few • drops of ,red coloring into remaining half; then mix in .cherries. Turn, onto stiffened first ,layer; chill int !io.'l i It !l !t1 'l tld',pigagn ta# � itro ph p#i. 6 M. ;JVlay the ancient gleam 'of the Eastern: Star'. brighten_;your_heart,on-Y:_:_ Christmas 'Day. a f • that continues to ` draw' a great leg oY '• o" •x idiom the 'green tablecloth . that •covers' the dining table, •If you have•more damask , cloths than - he;! -in- ng- ;es 4 060 4 ki by: HURON CO.• - CROP RE1' ORT Fifteen '‘app'lications, have gone' you are likely* towearl 'out' 'in .in, ffom Huron County ,for the ROSEMARYTHYME - a• Winter short c'ourSes at O,A.C. • ,. this era of 'plastic .,table mats, Fall . meetings and banquets . of • • etc., do, try dying one Choose a Last minute, ideas for' Christ - nice dark'. green, and you'll find farm organizations have /been sets •off your whole' room beau tifully: I chose one with an all- over • ivy. pattern :arid ' the .leaf 'effect, shows up Much better than When .v,r ire . :Equally nice .m summer or g , begins • Inas? At this time . yours' are p dayincan ff "t birds . to Northern ,Ontario.: are •: remei'nberecl .. only at this time.' of year.' . One` .thing 1. ala ••forget . to tell „ ( °:'1' 1.y-,. )n1es" toostiff at. to t A . tip :fc)9':11 . l}C}Utl} .pattie$ rtil'• 'ia4. ri ;bt,ut` Lernon Cc ccinut Cream:: one tbsp butter,..., 3.1 cup evapot ated milk,'2 cues gran, sugar, s sp, .. gratetl lemon; rind, 1' tbsp,, lemon jr.iic'e,•,. 'scup finely ...cut. shred deed; •coconut. ,Melt .thebutter in heavy saucepan.,Add milk and .,u.gar Stir, to blend.. Cook over rriediiim` •}7t,a.t . to soft ball otage, :stirring const•ahtly,'Rernotae from heat and'•cdol•. Stir in lemon rend, ;juice" and Coconut. Beat' until cry:'stalline. Turn at.•.once ' into k'uttered pan. •'Mark•, in• •. squares. • ,`wo• farm management . associ- .ations, one in' each of ;North and South • Huron,, were' organized during ..tlie week' with twenty and :. twenty. -three . ' members :respect-. r•velt ofrom.a tlopirt" ogoo Mill Phone' 181. 'PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY . • Poultry Culling A Specialty 1' accordance -with -government- regulations- our poultry coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected for • your protection.. 'Kincardine • Gr ec rt Punch Use sweetened powddieci lige drink a§.a ,base,. adding '. carbonated water, ' pine- apple ',juice,: and what, other juices.,,. you might choose.; For extra interest' make' .a . ting of frozen .orange . juice and cherries. Pour a • shallow layer of -orang0 juice 'in 'a ring' mord the right. size for your' punch. bowl; as it begins,,ttc set set cherries, in :.it, niacin:; , ttiem evenly. Freeze hard, then pour orange juice to top of mold and freeze. Unmold. on a.'.plate; 'and slide it into your punch fowl; . add "punch, acid serve at .once; The'. mold.. may be taken fi.Oen frig in ordei to thaw. slightly before serving time. • Here is a sirn le steamed ped- in tl}xt Wray k e made • at last • -Merry -Cliristitas FISHER'S. ;d g minute, ' and will .:se`fve eight: 1 .Q..L ? conked prunes, 34 cup rais- ti ins (1 reit ii}ay be useztl',: 2 eggs; 1' cup . brown sugar, packed, one- third curt melted shortening, 1 cup srftedr all` -purpose frour, 1 en SA( a.,2 P—CitTna2t pni--Ser.V4-. FRIENDLY'GREETINGS AT TI -HS HOLIDAY SEASON We thankjou sincerely -for -your -patronage, friendship and goodwill and extend our best wishes for Chvistrnas and FROM THE STAFF OF with hard sauce; •dut the prunes from pit,s into large pieces, Beat 6 eggs until light and gradually i ing Sift flour with sotta: *alt . - Ile ow add sugar, Beat.. Stir in shorten - a. 1 :Nraing •st. lit tort— 19111.1111! 41110, 4;11.4.L;iitr. • •