The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-21, Page 321st, 1965' ' :S IN THIS N-FI:..,.,_...- keg :Sentinel —the larg. the 'know - Sher it the per which years ago, were • for and, pages. lccordingly, pro -page in ered. !ALTH ° TH REE who we. be oldest, rest - '93 ,on Sun. r ` in on spent practi- in the coni. Dys ."wonder-, `erect, a tract.. :h, but after the • , hospital, to his home et . about the 'of a walker,' ' be the only "slowed hin• memory • is .sight_ sharp, • �"`t�`"�"iTr`t�flf"a��`• wader,• which the public 'lib, •He ':doesn't . njoys travel, is problem is hasn't read. s• one of . the. asterns and s known for for 'his fine hristmas but Tier bi.r•thday: nen, ' and .Elis in extending• best "w''.shes; goks for • :ale het. • 4 's, 'doz. Sae .• .'S2..79.• 10.'for 49c 25,J. 14' 2lt -• etive prier 5c ,��:. 23c ',Rr • ' A. EDN'4 AX,: DEC. 21st,: X955. -mg LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUIC•IC•,NOW, -ONTARIO UNITED CHURCH. • Minister: Rev, G, 41L. Meikle john, P.D. SUNDAY;; DECEMBER .25th 11,00 a.m..: Christmas 'Service. "Glory and 'Peace". m.• Church School. �1215F- 7,30 • p m. "The Sight -of.. Sah- 1 ' vation". :ucknow , Presbyterian Church t. Rev. Wallace McClean, Re-.c,:pen...r the, Good. • news locally is the ::an7 nouncement by Mr, A r. n.o 1 d' Gloor that he will 're -open the Lucknow Sawrrrill in the spring, The Sentinel SEVERELY ., HURT IN' CAR.CRASH .contacted 1/ r. Uoor M,rErg a�HaHospr- at his home in Mitchell thr5 week arid he, confirmed' the .re is a Patientnie'b.tinAWirtn til, •wi.th a' rokenckeleftfknee da' port, gashed right 'knee and 'hand, a Mr.loer.. _is. ,in the. market for badly bruised --face~ and po 'sully` logs. H.e was in town :last week other •facial injuries, as a result and ;plans to return again short- of •a head-on car crash at Glenn's ly to .: arrange for sbmeone ' 10- Hill, north. 'of • •Dungannon, on tally : to act as' purchasing, agent. Monday' afternoon about '1.39 • ••. for hen sawing operations 'start Dtf"ve•r`.of=the car.in.'bvhielr M,r,• 'Ackert Was a passenger was °Dan MacKay of Ripley who suffered .a broken nose and cuts, ' and leg injury, but was not hospitalized. Driver of the other :car was Jim Wilson of... Con.. 6, West ,Wawanosh, who we understand was .not injured. '•. • • • in the spring it is c Minister . � expected that • : ' `• I about a dozen men' will . he ern- cHRISTMAS SUNDAY : i ployed. • Mr. Gloor,' anexperienced snail, arl, previously operat- ed the' Lueknow mill, which he sold,' •to • W.. C,' Attridge over three years ago: Mr. Attridge closed the' mill. in the, spring' of " this year , when • the enterprise 7'.00 pact►.: '`Christmas Joy .. DECEMBER 25th 11.00 a.iri.: "God's Great Argument":, • . ' 12.15 p.m;: Sunday School, 3.00 p'.m.: Dungannon. ...i Friday, -• Dec. 23--Y.P..S. carol j singing at. Baker Hoene.•. ��� : CHRISTMAS MUSIC AT LUCKNOW 'UNITED CHURCH. Prelude Pastoral Symphony .Messiah, Handel. "He Shall IAeed His Flock"— Messiah, .Handel.:' "Behold: The • ' Larnb, Of God"'. went • mto receivership, ,anal the, industry has. orrice been idle. WEDDING,LATE .THIS MONTH Ruth and YSy1via Curran, . dao- ghters of Mr and Mrs. John H: •Cursr%n ; of ,the Crewe district in Ashfield,. will have a ' double wedding 'the: end of .this month. •—Messiah, Handel Twenty years ' ago • when Ruth : • Anthems; ' was born, she received consider- `Let• Us Go . Now Even • ,'Onto Bethlehem"—J..L., Hatton. "Noel"--Roger..Wilson. • • • Offertory, "Halleluj ah": — Mes- siab, .'Handel, • time.Today� she has only two •, Solo, "Gesu Bambino",.Miss M. her paternal* grandparents; Mr..Rae—Pietro A 'Yon and Mrs. Herb Curran. The •tat- Postlude,• "Nazareth" G•oungd.. est bereavementwas this fall' in Director of 'Praise,. Mrs the sudden'passin'g of; her. grand- .EJoynt, . Organist, L. 'Baer Um - , /nether, Mrs," Amelia • Treleaven. bach. • able publicity tfroin. 'the .fact that she had .the " rare .distinction of having. ten ' grandparents • and :great: grandparents •living• at that Messrs: `MacKay and Ackert Were enr•oute to '.Dungannon . to; •attend 'a meeting • of the • West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company, . and what was to be 1VIr bad final meeting: He had retired; a year ago as a din. ctQ £ter ot •eentualm,, s, u:arter o a ry. awry the• Company. fie was succeeded.. by Grant Mae- Diarmid, but upon Mr. •MaeDiar- mid's untimely death, Mr.; A:ck- ert agreed to • complete.:his term. . Mr..Ackert expected to have' a. cast .put an the leg on Wednes. day::He .is • also wearing a cast on his arm as a result of a prev- ious:rnishap. The l'extent of '1V4r;. Ackert's facial injuries' were::not• deterrnined and a radiologist was t& take x-rays at Wingham ,on. Wednesday in :this regard. Mr. and . Mrs. Ackert have plans made •for going to Florida/ after. the', _New." Year, and are. hopeful, that.: his . •recoVery ' will permit them. 'making the trip. • PAGE PHNOM: lter_Witarjigaugli :.. .........�...._.,t -FASHIONED E To all our friends, we- extend warm wishes ,for a Holiday that is full of rove and joy. OUR ONLY.. DAYS ♦f. GOES o `'f .capacity to handle' the -parcels. 0 9r lay:Os 0 44,4 ?boliatP,,W0 00.401i 4 'ittrD egotziU IZ 'irrrirturogo ' :In - mission are R.e .charge of the Cape' Croke,• SPECIALv: and 1VIrs. J: • L. . , Assorted Pound Ladies' and Men's ear 1,,: • :•>�Q,�4f�Y�1i,�E;�►1�,Cat4+�v7Y�Qw74t'�#i�r8i�'Q�C",1t.'4�`7r (F�41w�'i�[�1�?'�7+4��i1'i.. TOOK WHITE :.GIFTS. Cosens; forrrierly bf. Ashfield:' Circuit. ;' :, . • CAPE T�JC RO K E R Parcels of clothing and toys/ . for 106 children Of 'the corigre • At . 'the Sunday morning. Ser- gation Will ' be . made up to ,be .: presented at the, Sunday:.School concert • on Friday evening. Adult Clothing -is''kept On :hared to be distributed , as 'the', need •arises. vice in the `.United Church, the congregation. generously present- ed' "White Gifts" ,fordistribii- tion, to members :'and, adherents .of •the': United , Church . congrega tion at the ,Indian • Missi.on on Cape .Croker,, , OVER FOUR FEET The gifts were -placed, about 'the' altar' by the young children :There has .been . almost three -of the• .congregation and Rev: ''feet: of Snow so far in`.Decernber, Meiklejohn . spoke briefly .,on the the Weatherman ' informs joys of sharing with others, • inches according to his measure- On Monday, Jim Boyle, ae7 merits. 'All told the snowirfall this, S ecenPanied by Rev Meiklejohn; *season is some ,four feet, which i took the gifts to Cape Croker. bears- out the prediction there '�' They 'also •took. :gift; from "th' "would be heavy snow this win Tee,water congregation and:Jiri-r'S 'ter,. in, view .of the,light rainfall 41' station wagon was packed to during the .suinrerr and fall,ar-d there'; are those' who' are antici- pating the.. "January thaw" to' replenish'. w ells that went dry ix McFadden. Mrs MacFadden is a the fa11 and have not yet re- %, daughter of `Rev. and. Mrs. C. D. gained. their normal supply: ' SPECIAL • •J SPECIAL ! SPECIAL.! uts nceneat Box Pound Cello Maple Leaf 28 -oz:. Tin . . !lW . YEAR; �gr�n,slc.�f .2 for Vic 1 fr ti SPECIAL. ! es. AS K E 3 -Lb. '. Ring. • w • alf 2 • mx' • 2 9r $r iii 9 '9 00 ° r "If the: Sonshall make' you free, yotr sha11 be- free indeed r.. flStfliaSGreetifl9S "Thou. beep hire in perfect peace ' j 1:o's. mind• is stated, on thee". "Marvel not t S born again". 4�Q • S'. 2 "Though your 'sins as scarlet be, they shall be Xi iM .. . it u-Arters ,„'' • 40 111. For Baikets 'A44 -All:Fresh 'Ernits .and :Vegetables • • YO R „s„, ti tr:nh:les Effeetive Doeto4er..21, 22, 23 and 24' , • FOR FOOD 'THAT'S, FINE '13140NE ONE,' ONE, NINE, 0,41 white as snow". Ad WO ileo/ilanta444 "They that' wait -upon , the Lord,. the). shall, their • strength relie". •