The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-14, Page 121 PAGE TW. AVE THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCICNOW, ON-TARIO WEDNESDAY', DEC.` 14th, 1055 V16460009110.10091104.0110"014010104,0~1~~11090410 by the LucknoW Diftritt High School Band. • in. the p High Scka Auditort • Lukfow ._..:...111ECEMBER , • 1� • "at ",3.00P pin. , ne•Hour "Program . Featuring^ A turas Pageant Yulde, Band Selections, Vocal Solos, Duets and Trios Soloists -- Mrs. Jaek Hewitt, .Miss. Ann Todd , SIL`VER COLLECTION' • FREE BUS SERVICE Anyone in the Village wishing to attend ' this',Musicale, Phone 40, Lucknow, and arrangengtents will be made • • for free transportation to and from the school. rAwki it tai nt+lat+f,al; +f imanwi Qr i vioup Geouvr ti • 'Phone " 41, ILucknow Ready for Christmas? •Get You' , CHICKEN, TURKEY, :{ : COOS DUCK or ROAST . From Us .Quality and Service .Guaranteed., ; FREE ! : FRE•!. LUCKY'' DRAW for .TENDERIZED HAM .,PibenoirF44116,4*!amaiwaanficant.s/00014044iiihratia$A140.4011-4. THAT : J.',Kenney ' of Kinloss the local branch' of the Bank is spending . the .*inter at the of .Montreal, 'home •of • M'r. ' and Mrs. J. L. ' =o - :- 1 114 4 1 11 4 0s" MacMillan. Mr. Kenny will,. be 82 on• December 28th. THAT words of farewell' •were. expressed .to 'Rev. . John Prest when the South Bruce Minis- terial Association 'met recently. Rev: Prest goes: •to L.ucan ' at been. rector of the Bervie-Kin- •i Lough=Kingarf parish since his ordination. His parents, , Mr. and Mrs.,V. N. Prest were ,for - 'mor 'residents of Lucknbw' when. his late father was manager of;. r orr 1 • THAT Mr. and Mrs: • Newton James of :Leamington leave this week on their annual' trip to • Florida Where. . they : will spend • ,the `winter.: THAT • Burton • .Stanley;. deputy • reeve of the. town of Clinton,. as. elected to the .reeveship of - that town, defeating this year's reeve, Melvin ' Crich, by 35 votes.' Burton .is a • son of Mrs. . James ' Stanley of this tom- , w. m 1i ttY— an.� a�nsilive of tthea Paramount. district. • THAT the Chester family . and • Jack Henderson are moving in from the farm to re -occupy the old-honrie-vacated-by-the Gar- • net, Henderson ,family, .who are moving to South K"i n 1 o ss Manse which they purchased. 'Ken Chester is, at present einem. •. played ,in . Toronto; ' Y1 THAT. the public is 'cordially in- vited to the Christmas.. dant ing program ;" of . • the Lueknow • dancing school in the Recrea- tional ;Centre' on Saturday, •De- 'cember• •1'7th• at. 2.3Q. • THAT Harvey Hodgins of Kin-' lough,,:.who is suffering from a; painful hip ailment)" was brought byambulance on Sung day, to Wingham•.Hospital from Victoria Hospital,. London THAT Bill • . Robinson Roddy t rai n : , , perry • ray aw were amok ;the Free Press. Barrier boys ' who enjoyeda; tour • of •points of 'interest • .in. London Flast week as a reward for securing new subscribers to the paper THAT,, amon' twenty-eight , Per- • sons , recently receiving'. ,their, naturalization papers at, God erich . were Gerrit Logtenberg, RR. 1, Dungannon, and Jp-. hanna Maria.: Van Osch, R.R. 3, - Lucknow • .-0-- THAT 0-- THAT ..this • is theseason of Cb istrnas .conc_erts , and 'Ilk Sentinel will be pleased . tore- ceive reports of these, "doings", but please. send -them . ,in early. It is important that the names of. those taking part, be listed, • but for the .. sake, of brevity, please .omit the titles of what they sang, read. or recited. , THAT a • late model • English car ,.owned by James •;Ramon ,.oT Torr° onto, was , destroyed by. • fire late on night last: week. The fire was reported to have do, curred about: a‘ mile .south of Highway 86 .on the •St Helens ' Boad o iR# # 1 #a ,1 l otano rs erearso «tisarlarliT,00wi4+aI z Do Not Forget The . FREE SHOW FOR THE CHILDREN Saturday; lr ;leu iso!► a ellottogeor t rwoloroi tourtoPio p l ate Oxo Ai JEWEL' SHORTENING .1. SO(..O' MAtGARINE.. 7c 6. FRUIT, CAKE MIX Monarch, ',free baking' tin: 91.E. . a 6 SALADA .TEA BAGS 4.. 69's _ ___ 73C 6 CLOVER LEAF TUNA %.oz 33e SANTA'S MAIL BOXis still: at your local IG:A. 6 ... please write. your name and address. clearly.' it r 3 iettooto to'f;sto oliovi ilrof a flr 'PHONE 20, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Open All Day Thursday Until Christmas OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS WEEK. t> # b g#r oilaoma oberittoitutitoolisilioirwitigsti4vto.vbogoilevmpti.e,. Cpen Evenings . •• Places . of Business ' in' Lucknow will be. Open. Evenings ilsIxt 'Week:.' • THAT Roy Lightfoot has been electedto..the :Port Elgin Coun- cil. Roy is a member'. of the Stevens=Hepner• ` firm of. that• town,�..and_at:-one.''time. was. on .the. staff., of:' the , Lucknow• FREE MATINEES THIS SATURDAY ' i 10' a.m. '' town children-- 2 p.m., rural children. LUCKNOW BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOC 6 R. F. Batton, Pres. R. C. MacKenzie, Sec.' raliVe1 I>i i2D D I " nerd'.; t tiVDa%i1erttegir iy00t;4MtiVi ILIPV,V112V)y, Branch of ,the Bank ' pf Com- merce., Mrs. Lightfoot . is, the. ;former Margaret Geddes of Lucknow ' THAT Miss'' Edna ,:Reid is . holi- daying at the home' of . her par- ents, „ 14r,' and Mrs. Manson Reid, Edna recently passed her registered' nurse' exaim' • JUST TEN DAYS AWAY! It's hard 'to''realize but Christ- imas'mis -just ten day's--ariv y, -B -et ter get that Christmas` shopping . done soon, and your Mailing at once. • In fact ., the `mailing. deadlines • recommended• by the postal •de partinertt to assure. Christmas !de livery 'are_ past in. most .instances.' • Ontario., and Quebec • mailing date is suggested '.oil or..before Deceinb er ,15Th and for local de- eryy. eceri� ' er oily: mailing . enables postal stath •to :clear incoming ..andoutgoing mail so that it .will be delivered, before Christmas. There be ►,u • ,nail delivery :