The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 14PAGE FOUR1N THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO. CIIRISTMAS THEME. AT • "'What Child. Is This?" was the "theme introduced in. scripture, prayer and carols at. the Decem- ber meeting of the Afternoon. W. , M.' S. Auxiliary of the United Church.. The president, .Mrs.- Neil MacKenzie. ^led the prayer -.of "General Thanksgiving and the roll Call Was answered by, "llhoughts. ;ori Christmas", The secretaries reported on Christian : Stetsrardship,. Community Friend- ship, Supply and Associate mem >bers.• Mrs. Grant ' MacDiarmidr presided for the' '•program: The Bible ' 'readings ' given ,by Mrs. Russell ',Robertson and' Mrs. John, Kilpatrick; : carried the glorious. •.aipessages of Christxnas.wThese•.we. cannot keep to ourselves, we must do our .part lin helping fulfill: the promise. of; "Peace on earth. and good willto men", not alone in anada of . i a eros seas. Thea study boots! chapter Was: read by Mrs. Ewart Taylor„ It • gave us an insight of a Christ mas church service on a Can-: adien Indian Mission Field where. Cree and English -intermingle. In a communion service' the miss- ionary . is -assisted ,by • the Chief who .reads the • lesson and' inter- prets the message in. Cree, • Tn Manitoba more than 1000 Indian children are on . the . mission in this conference. A reading by Mrs.: P. W. Hoag; a solo' by Mrs. Art 'Breckles and a 'duet • by..M,rs.: John Hall and .Mrs,' J. W. Joynt 'conveyed the Message of Christ-. mas. ,The program and lunch •were •.under.the convenership of • "Mrs.' 1VIacDiarinid, ,Mrs. $oy° Al-; ton,. Mrs. J.,°Henderson . and Mrs. Burns:• "O sing a song of, Bethlehem, INCHES;OVER smogiv QF -.SNOW.. OVEMBE&_.,, - INDIA '1bE.ADS WDDND.S+UAY; DEC:. 7th, .1955 WIDELY KNOWN, 'MVN, 01 ES wEL • . C' 1LI�IGTON "PELT" McCOY Late 'Friday ;afternoon in Wing. han Hospital, death came to linilrton McCoy,.4.0 native Wel,' he Sepoy Town and a familia : fi tg. ure in the Village,widely and ely . known among; Western Ontario, sportsmen. • --",Pelt; as he wasnickname in bas� ;boyhood, and d • everyone. 'called flim, was 69 years of age, He:'.had been in failing ,health for many rnonths: but 'had ibeen how pitalized only. a .-couple of ',weeks prior .to.' his :death: • • "pelt"_was a .son of Tames Coy and• Susan Hackett , •• ark. *as, born in • lLucknow,, where his father came as one of the Vilh age's early settlers to pursue his' trade as- carpenter and barn ,framer. •His handiwork entered into the construction of many of Lucknow's earliest buildings and Believe it or not, total snow- fall in 'November amounted to 16% inches,, official records show. There was, as.. well,, 3.04 inches of rain. • Low for the month, was 3, de- grees: above zero with a high, of 59 degrees. The' month was very. dull and 'cloudy , with , Old Sol' putting in few and fleeting ap- pearances. . Of shepherds watching . there =And -of -the -news --that came .to. therm From' angels .in the. air; • • The light that ahone'''on Bethle • hem. Fills all -the today; world . y; •. .Of Jesus' birth and. peaceon earth. `The angels sing alway". • The constitution of the new Indian Republic stipulates that prohibition.. shall come into ef- fect. A' committee ,was. set . up last yaar to determine • when and where Its .• report, .if accepted :by the government, will outlaw liq-. uor in 21 years -except for for- eigners drinking in private. Some . of its recommendations: .--That. all .liquor advertising be banned after April i, 1956; —That an, immediateban be placed on serving liquor in bars, hotels, restaurants, clubs and sec ialatheri igs; • —That the plan ibe completely ushered in by April '1958,° after. which . time no ' aIndians would have access • to ' liquor, . It is noteworthy that of the .29 States'. 'in India, 13 are already dry.—Advt. ' I anr i mss r rs ort can t oitrargoa maaga> a mil es o. egoo arot . . s.: „5R a a r rrt I' ?:: « ' LA PETITE WORLD'S TINIEST 23 JEWEL WATCH FASHIONED IN DIAMONDS 2 diamonds, Unbreakable mainspring, $5950 A• K ti t• • r lull rntni lilll:i'i`(Iilllulls -. �U1.Iiltdll.lei!Ifllllllfllllllllll•Illlllllllllfllll I ,.....�.?�...,. _ Christmas Special The Famous SHELLEY Fine Bone ceuncuaxom r'." ^ -.�4y.•"`! ` A'li��i 13CEirt Regular $5.95 For-_.. 1)6WIA2'l in 11012,1t s Diglia-1020 a!11/004!e0,00014 , „• G Christmas ' Special: ENGAGEMENT DIAMOND RINGS '25%: Discount Make an °'evening appointment to choose - your/ ring in privacy. Ali"Q�'7o @ail ibmia mai ,V4,4 DINNERWARE We carry. the Largest stock and_. selection of dinnerware in 'Western Ontario ... 65 patterns, to choose from .:..: su SPODE ROYAL DOULTON WEDGWOOD CROWN DERBY • ROYAL WORCESTER.... TUSCAN ROYAL ALBERT and many others =l0 a:rzaeib s tr 1 oe.mti to it aipiropOatteve ti} a[vD n aav VALERIE 17 jewels, unbreakable-mkinspring,. • expansion bracelet • $4575. MISS AMERICA 17. jewels, • unbreakable mainspring; ••ansion bracelet 15 ' • Y No finer gift than a watch .'..: no finer watch than a B ULOVA! J, • AIR QUEEN '17 Ieweis; uabreakab a mainspring, expansion bracelet $4950- district •barns. • Wellington; one of .a family of. seven, grew .to manhood here arid was. employed at the Lucknow: Table Company, prior to going to gtrathrey in: ' 101.0, where. he • - worked in. 'a furniture factory •. and played hockey until enlist, ing ..in World' War .1 with the 48th 'Highlanders. .He was .in 'a good deal oil , combat action in . e he ams-- naent,. ..and .escaped. with only a Couple of•'minor, wwounds;.... • •' He went' back ,to Strathroy for. a time after - the ,war but in 1922 returned:' to Lucknow ' ,where ;he; had since resided: He . operated a ' pool room here )for several years' and then 'took tappainting:: which', trade ,he,. ;followed while ' his health permitted: • Lacrosse, .'baseball., hockey and` bowling were sports ,which he engaged . in' and: was. associated .' With , all his life. •He played •hard, to win,:'• but was always ,a `good loser. ' . Of late_.,:years .` `Pelt_' .'va beu known for his .activitrc5 in ho,:: - r . ` key .and }Dowling When • ` Fnthc, ' [Time"' forced . himto lay aside. the hockey. gear, . • ht' toot' up ° coaching, . and 'headed• m i nr:i ,nn intermediate. teams' that tni Ere .: '.province -wide attention. Dir t'r 2r'. •village 'He 'coacher!' tlug when the'Chin :boys\� c"c .at RI tlic peak, and',. later. he •'wa; 'at 1l.:• ▪ helm when the •Intc'rnietl,intc SC goys won the Free • Pr es > 'trophy A• • for three successive years. , "Pelt" was li� arena anagvi Y for ▪ several seasons; and d �t as also 11., �01[1' 3 charge of the bowling :green for 4 many seasons..' As • the 1;!(1. went r-7-arid=the-g-e4.s=turned gran; P'clt' simply switched his seasonal in - •Community Platy —= 'New South Seas Pattern teres•ts.. He• vvas a ,good howler. }LS 1847 Rogers New Flare :Pattern We Still Have ..A Few FLARE' MYSTERY PACKAGES Values` from $2.00. to $6.00 for only 1.00 tttomb* a> a a oroatoa a to n,rbiviic tIvrr ii ncwUei+i e • 3 -Piece SILVER CREAM and SUGAR•SETS • • and competed in mane 'tote ria ments through'out,. Westetn Oil :.tar40, bowling_.;..w.as,....' u.t • •fir. ,more ed. •1 way 26th tat, 1 ing l Mr ttf.at 'non Caths born, was home Jami, •idenc §ecce and. post' to-- th cion; . farms Prest. they Al only summer interest. isle as an. . ardent horticulturist, and . spent much time in his flower ,ga,rdert which he -prided.. The •.funeral service ‘,0,.as: held. ' at the Johnstone Funeral Home on' Monday afternoon . c.onditeted by 'Rev, G. A. Meikl.ejohn, of •the • Lticknow United 'Church. -Intel~= ' ment was in the family Plot.. • 'South Kinloss Cemetery, the pall- bearers being Lloyd .Hall, , Chas. Webster,. 'Gordon • MacPher•Son; Isaac 1V1iller, Wallace Miller and Wm. Stirnsan, At the ,graveside. .the Last 'Post was sounded by Bugler Jim Reed The:. -youngest brotheiT: >srZ._ (Joe), who had 'lived with Pelt for many .years, is the last` sur- viving '"brother of the family. A sister, Rebecca, live's in the Un- ited States. .Wellington •was predeceased by a sister Mae: who operates; 7 bu�i mess college in London and by three brothers,. James, J.1e and. . a.. 0 RRegular $5.95, for , • $4.50. i Regular $5.50., for, _ ..._.--- ,$4:25 i i...„,...a......i6............i.,„„,....,,. / GIFTS TO •THRILL HIM AR 'HER •: F > l oizeitgo ltr timber ooluver boturot pttan area err lit . And Many Other Makes of Fine • WATCHS and cLOCIS Including _.__ _... __Sunbeam •Mixmaster Sunbeam Electric Razor , Philishave Costume . jewellery. :Pen and Pencils' Sets Crystal' -.77- Figurines. 'F.irger Rip.gs Watch', Bands Etc.,. Etc., Etc. . • 1 t_nsobb•er• COME 1ANDL00Kl, OsD _.... rt • OMEGA - LONGINE•—•� FON'I'AINE No Obligation � .. �. it s .00 '" err, aipar bi enevot; poi r!a,pD a% %►uttowo?obi✓t;gooag. ...f4 :b b to.Wit teViimeottiv alts. 00b; rev,e e:Y eex 40;040 • JEWELLER --= LUCKNOW , :4)A c.4 .-0P--"-PtVeCtiVelteiretiget ` = Johnston ...w.:.w,•....,.''w..W..wo-....i•++-t.•.A..r.-....A:.I.:d�,a...4.5:IJ,:.::,..ed.•w...wa:.Jr.«.&k4-Emc .. ., .....a � - ,., .'.. .. �� ....... N0T10E _. _ RE. FIRST'.AID COO ESE . Lucknuty"'Tire ` Brigade fr11( sponsor a '7 week St. John's Ain `k ulnr tm ....first- did.cotirsu com- mencing in. the. new °yeasr, if a worthwhile i'egistration" . 1,: ob- tained. Cost of, the coil:.e i4 w3.00. instruction in Lucknowftro+,:4 'd hours, one night a week, Those interested leave' name itlr 11i1C rl:t� Sok'.�FhMid}Ci�bw.4,....lin.,1.J._. it..�..•�h'i�l'w'1r,#� i'!{Yx 1