The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 131955 WED*..'".:.'.AY; AEC,'" 7th, 1955 • • 'Ithit —th-all by ROSEMARY ' THYME ' _ R • . 1 have been rounding up some no •chicken .stretching ideas,' or that • might use the leftovers frorr. Of` ..slunday dinner•: Work ?Crusty' Chicken Pie:, r/a cup of )INC fat, •'/4 cup• enriched flour, 1 •• cup. tchicken broth, '2 cups diced ,cooked= -chicken,.- .1_ -.cup ..drained-. • cooked or canned peas, 1/i cup. ;: diced,: cooked ands drained cel ' • ery, '/ cup : canned broiled sliced. muuh•"roorns;' , 1/2' ' tsp.' salt, ' 1 tip,: lemon juice;` 'Melt `.fat, blend in lour. Graduallystir in milk and . broth;` Cook till thick, stirring constantly, . Add remaining in- ' •gredients; • heat. Plate ' in • 11/x qt. enby • lifted• MONUMENTS, -it in SI(ELTON MEMORIALS. . WAL•IKERTON We are the only manufae •turers in •this part of Ontario of high.;.class . monuments wile import granite from the' Old Country in the rough by the carload and process from the rough to 'the finished. ' monument.. No. middleman; When, choosing a monument • • come •and . see one of the' largest selections in Ontario., ' ...Established over/ years. Write or pilo ee.. Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. • • • SKELTON MEMORIALS LUOKNow SEN 'INEL, LuCKNOW,, ONTARIO PAGE TiiRTEEI casserole. Top- hot. fillin • with` -etre a rscurts ie dou gakgh frgm 2 ' ,cu s packaged mix, pat into rectale 1/a inch thick. Sprinkle' with 1 cupgrated cheese,. Roll as jelly roll, cutin 1/4 inch slices. Bake in phot oven about 20 min- utes. Makes 6 servings. Broiled 'Chicken . Sandwiches: 4 slices bread,. Butter or merger- ene, 2 ,cups. Cooked chicken,. cup chopped celery, 1/4 crap chop- ped green pepper, 1 tbsp. chop- ped ' onion, 2., tsp,, lemon juice, one-third cup mayonnaise, 1/2 tsp; salt, dash pepper, 3/4 cup grated Cheese., Toast bread on• one' side. Butter 'untoasted side. Blend re- maining ingredients , e xc e p t cheese; spread on -.bread. Spriin-kle with•: cheese, Broil. 4' ;inches from heat until cheese is hot and bub- bly, about. '3- thiriutes, 1Vlakes 4 'Chicken Puff: , '/4 `cup ' butter or. margarene,, 1/4 . cup enriched flour, 1 cup milk, 3'4 tsp. basil, 1/2 tsp. ,salt, dash pepper," dash. red pepper, 3 *well -beaten egg yolks, a tsp: finely' chopped' par-, sley, .1- tbsp. chopped • •pim.ento,, 112 : cups ;chopped cooked chick,en, 3_ stiffly . beaten egg whites.. Melt butter; • blend • in *flour. '.Stir in milk, gradually. . Add seasoning and 'cook until • thick, stirring' constantly. Remove; •from ' heat. Stir In: yolks, , parsley, .pimento, chicken. iCool to lukewarm. Fold in --egg whites. --Pour: c ssero'I,e `Ba1,e in m erste oven 35 to 40. min. Makes 6 • servings... Chicken 'Squares with Mush morn ;Sauce:„3' cups .diced cooked chicken, 1 cup:cooked rice, 2ocups soft bread crumbs, one-third, dic- ed celery; ':1/4 cup chopped Pim- ento, 4 beaten *eggs, *2 tspr. •Salt, 1/4 tsps• poultry seasoning, 2 cups chicken 'broth.Combine chicken,. rice, bread crumbs, celery and pimento...To the beaten eggs, add salt,. poul'tiy seasoning and' broth;' mix thoroughly.'.: Stir into chicken •mixture..Bake ` in greas-• ed batting dish in moderate oven for :one' hour: OA in squares, and. serve with Mushroom Saone: add cne-third cup. milk to 1 can con- densed mushroom. soup.. ' Heat thoroughly. ; And since it is cranberry time, and cranberries.are •so nutritious,. some: cranberry /recipes. WALKERTON. •:Cranberry and Orange Upside; Down Cake' .2 c•ups .fresh 'crap- . - ' ''.:• '. ' a♦••• roi!:: 'Z•i•'' :X41.0i'%�.: ii -x . iii!".:: ��i?.::•i! : :d�i';;,,' v � 4•>.."n„ s•i..:.':0i..:: jw.%:., w i. moi..?: - Waterloo '(a tie Breedin::Assoc; !.! "Where Better Bulls Are .Used" N • QUESTION „A„,."11 W4 -1-offsPri-n-g of the . bulls used • in an Auction? - t ANSWER . ''l .In September, George G.. Musselman of •Floradale dis A ._.. . t...erse,.. his • ... _...stete.Holstein herd nearly. all sired by.. Unit. ;N t•, paged kitregister d . bulls. The• top price was'$400 ;00 for a daughter .of Macdonald .y Supr'eine Ajax, V.G., sold to Delton Shantz of Elmira: There V v 1y$ were .several others over '$300:00: In November,, Eli B. Martin dispersed his herd with the f•; majority .sired by. Unit . bulls: Ed i' Bell' of Blyth purchased %' • i4' 'the/top cow at $510,00, a tl.ti'o year old daughter • of Glen . 1 afton Milestone V.' G. 'There -ere many others, sold,• between A the"Unit sell well at • ., *z+ $300.00 and $500.00, • . , • ' . '•. . , On ' Novemb:er 29th, Herbert S. Feick of Kitchener .'dis :. X erred his 'herd most} by Unit. bulls. A�, V,G. daughter of _, �� p . y.. ►. •E tmcroft,iMopogram Duke, V.G...and Extra, with a two�yeark • ! old record of 12,267 milk, 463 fat,. 3 77`'i, •'topped the sale at . $800.00, selling 'to Mr, ;Dodson of Brampton. There were many !. • othei 'prices approachirg ' the abot e ' • o ,, A Jersey cow pr odtiei.�d ' from artificial breeding by ;. ' Merino Shantz of Ayr, classified.:eccellr.'nt, WaS sold in, the ;i;6 • W }ale of Stars for $1400,611 and -IN:• ?i-t--dtxc` --t:`as--R.• erg e_ -- • Gt•and 'Champion at that ,great shot. • ' •e These are only a f,('•tt examples •wili('h could be sited and , '. e hc'i'ds tneritioned are sirnplt, good dfarnner' breeders, nit, first ►! A, �•� two eases did got use t}n( lx�lrriit.. of tc.tri.t f(rr• production ,4> >..li , ind (11S1\ in€; 2ftrr is -07 - ... _ S!",. •,•55.egardle•s5 of v5 hip 1� bret,(1: ci 1(it (`t', .4. t r(tre'.ir((1, 'you(,.,:t1 t! ►� 1, .rtc:fit t)'a rtYa;. oui• ,.;(i eic•(�: it Yi)tr :1:. •11()t ,1°11F y(y. rlot,�c ) ,< ,• IA • . •$5.00 lfe MSmbcrsiti',tp k, Jb..e(((1 I.1 44 $�.00 pci' ('(1l�" for non-nt('17t}l(1 ; . i'�;v. 4 sc'•i'vice', are r\:('.1.1 •t`itheut vs t1 `1 (b 11'ge 't'.. n.('c'.:led " yA '''+ .Von ser'Vice nr more information . Phone 'Collect ,oto : CLI NTON 51 r ' Between: 7.30 and 10 a,nt, on WW`eek days 1.3o and 9.30 a.m. an Sundays and ilolidays • ; Cows .noticed in , heat later than thr time. mentioned ed f;4. ` should be bred the following day. , ' . `�k T , 'aa:G�a ..;::e.'�et'dir�`a'wifi�Z,r'�` �., e. •kW + ..an • `�x.�r.�.•�ir° ..:r�.:: � �a••: r: C water, ;2 tbsp• butter or merger- ine, 1 cuporange segments, cut . in half, 1. paokage yellow or white „cake mix.,Whipped cream for togging if desired, , Cook cranberries with• sugar, water &: butter until skin pops, about .5, minutes. Add orange . segments and pour into greased pan (9 inch square). Prepare wake mix according . to directions; ' . pour ►batter over cranberries, filling, pan half full ((bake any extra batter as eupcakes)'. Bake in a moderate oven 45, min., or till done.. ;Rerr`iove from oven, and . let. sac 10. Minutes before: turning out on ', servin'g platted•. Serv'e�' warm. • • ..erailiberry' Spree Cake:- 1 cu fresh.. cranberries, % • cupsugar,, 3 'cup ' water, 1/2 cup margarene, 3/4 • cup .sugar,. 2 beaten eggs, 2 cups sifted flour, 1 tsp. soda,, 1 tsp. cinnarnon; iii tsp.. salt, 1/2 tsp, cloves,, 1/z'.. cup , seedless rais- ins, • 1/2 . cup 'chopped • walnuts. Cook cranberries • with •% 'cup sugar and'' water .until the skirls po'p,` about '5 minutes. Thorough ly cream together miargarene, sugar: until light.. Add eggs. Mix well. Sift . together. dry ` ingredi- ents and stir in raisins and nuts:, add alternately with cranberry sauce to the creamed mixture. asirmoav,msoartm stow= CHRISTMAS in ,the RECREATION HALL LUCKNOW at 8.30 pin, • nder'aus ices of the L ickno ''ran pa �► w$Bt ..)lr of Canadian Legion GET YOUR CHRISTMAS FOWL from the• choice selection 'of turkeys and chickens being given away at these bingos. • ” :� •. ' See .You At The. Rec. Hall Saturday!. ��w.'�` usi. r ia>..mAtrar►'.t.' `'rimO ^': •.�i t r4.. x: •., i ::.:tze<=*m ramisp t,, Husband to wife, as they take . '. their four little monsters on a visit: "Th.ey're, suchnice people;' it seems • like a dirty, trick to ac- cept their . invitation". Pour' into lightly : greased pan. Bake in moderate oven 30 or 35 min,' ,Cool:. (Cut iii .squares and serve with whipped cream' if • de- sired. • : looking for something different give an Extension 'telephone all wrapped up .and ready for ; the Christmas tree • • • ••4 • „i. ID* :... This Clir,'istmas,'.why. not give sonietltingdiflerent yet strictly, practical- the:time and' step -saving convenience of an extension .teleph'one•?"Imagine the surprise of such an original gift on Christmas day and . the months of pleasure and cornioruhis service will' give., •*. Yes, theactual tolephone•itself,.attractivety:: „ wrappedand read% to gc 'under the Christmas tree,, canbe•ordered from any Bell 'Business *' \' a iv til a'i'ranga^to •conniet t at your ero`nveniie .' $c You ;nay pay •fpr i,t nois. or we will bill iunatth be Month, �}e A gift you Can bus to suit your pocket book' ('€' a gest one year's setVice'a5 an ideal gift.) * You can ptcl, up'y ur.ift-wrapped telephone at oui $usinese Office or. we will be pleased to deliver• it Col. you: * gift te.lepltortes arc available at the Siandard•rate of $1.OU a.t:n:ontl.t.in..tli.e,.,srnaller.:.centres-.and$1:.25....in the'lar;er,.pltis-tlic usual .$2.00 i'ristallation charge. • * Inquire about 'coloured telephones. No. ir.av+ailablc in Ivory Beige Green, and .Red. , at an additional.c•tiluur Ch r re. • ....and so .easy. to order.:... j.usf give ,us a'call • • • • • • •.. •: • • s. • • • • • • i .,y • FOR GRANDMA'S BEDROOM .. FOR 'MOTHER'S KITCHEN • OR HIS ORHERROOM FOR FATHER'S WORKSHOP, 1, •TME BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA r4 • e •