The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 12MissWinnie Percy, R.N. of Woodstock, spent a few days, with her• mother, Mrs. Wm. Percy, and other relatives, .. Air, and Mrs: Perry. Hodgins and Sharon visitedkwith Mr. and ld MacKenzie Donna day night With 'Mrs. Ronald -Thad er-PreRdurcg. -T -yhyrnn ° Master let me'walk with Thee' and prayer opened the meeting. Miss Edna Boyle read the Christ- Inas story for the scripture. Each member answered the roll call with • the ward "remember". This being ,the annual business meet- ing the .following officers were. appointed.. for 1956: pres., Mrs, Bomiald Thacker; lst vice, . Mis"s' May Boyle;. sec.-treas.,. Mrs. Har- old Haldenby; convener of pro- grams, ,Mrs. ,Bert Nicolson,;. sup- ply: conveners, .Mrs, ' Wni, Walt, Miss. Ma Mrs.Bert Nicholson, Y Boyle: Mrs; -Tom Hodgins ' thank ed the • officers'. for' their •leader- 'ship : and success, the: Guild had,. throughout the "•year..Mrs. . How and •Thompson • gave the . closin'g• remarks and `the n`ieeting.:.closed with prayer and dainty refresh- ments were served by the ;hostess and her daughter Sheila. We welcome the newlyweds •to our midst. Mr: and Mrs. H. Kragt who have taken up residence in, the .former. Statters residence.' Mr. ••Kragt' is' employed rby Wm, S. Eadie. Slated, For TV Appearance • Mrs. Harold. Haldenby .was to have •made' here first appearance Mrs. Dona _ and John of Dungannon:. Mrs. Jack Thomson of Kick- • Land Lake is here with Glen and Kenneth. Hodgins. Attend. Accident Victim's. Funeral Mr.. and Mrs: Lorne Kraemer and Larry' of Toronto visited at. -. • - P, ,_A.. Murray s _ during•• the week and "attended the funeral' of the for'e?s father, the late: Alex' Kramer of Riversdale who pass:- • ed' •away' in Victoria Hospital, x r• n London,, followi ' an .linjury" which' he suf feregin a fall while • picking apples at: the Mgrray farm. 'Sympathy is extended to the . bereaved. • rFlev,. J: Prest; .Mrs. Prest, Peter :and Harry will move from this parish, to Lucan where they -will reside and have Holy ' Trinity CChurch in Lueari and ..St. Jaynes' Chu ' Clandeboye. The. ' .be'st.. wishes of all •go'•with the Prest family to their new appointment. �, The Presbyterian ladies were entertained at • the' home of • Miss Margaret 'Robertson .•on Tuesday afternoon • when : they made up :the programs ' for the. 1955 WMS. Nanc , N`eedha m_ an • Wilma King, student eac ers from Stratford ' Teachers' College were at our school last week tea- •chi•ng under ' the su`pe'rvision of ; Mrs. Burton 'Collins.'. On .Wednes day, Mr... Hampton of i Stratford paid an orfficial visit., Mrs. 3acob Eckenswiller, who. has been ; at Seaforth with ` Mr. and Mrs. Levi •Eckenswiller. re- ;turned to the home of Mr. and Mrs Ftxkenswiller :where She will 'spend awhile. This grand Old lady :celebrated her . 93rd birthday :on. November 20th.' Mr: and ,Mrs. Jack':Hewitt.: and family visited over the week -end with her father. Mr. Wallace 'Mason . at Waterford: , • , , To ' 'Have. Float: In Parade : ' The H.W.I. met on Thursday at the hall with Mrs. 'Sam Farm- er and: ' Mrs.: Ernest Ackert con- veners....Mrs.: Torn Hodgins was °. in the '•;chai:r. Following the -op- ening exercises plans were 'made to .enter a .float ' iii. the Lucknow Santa Claus, parade. Plans. far • carne ' were left in: charge pf, rs: '.� A. Murray and Mrs.• P. Hod gins.', A : euchre party was dis- cussed' and decided • to leave . over until after the' New Year, Mrs. S. Farmer' gave : a splendid paper. ", telling=that it w grown: in Victoria, B.C., as well as other milder. climate places and it realry wouldn't be Christ-' auras • Without a sprig- of holly .and, a, bit of -mistletoe.--Mrs. P-•-.: ._._ todgins' 40-Mts. A. Percy were judges ' +for the Christmas card contest and prizes were awarded. to. Edna .and May ,Boyle. Mrs. P. A. Murray gave a ver fine . mot- to: Blessed are . thepeacemakers, pointing; ;out the way to . have. real happiness 'does riot • 'come from material accumulation, but adeep inner feeling . of • peace with - our fellowman.. She told the story' of a mighty giant . whose heart Was changed by Young lad and the way to'+ave. inner .. peaoe . is in, sharing and giving t� others.',, Miss• Edna ,Boyle played ,.Star of the East. Elaine Murray) said --a: -cute•---r-eeitation-wand--littie- Jackie 'Johnston delighted .. _ "Open ever y .one with her solo; • urb` your heart ' and let the sunshine -.in", • Mrs. Farmer' conducted . a Christ- hx' rias contest. For the roll ,call Y . T each ineir;,her visited -a prettily r; .decorated and lighted. Christmas tree and,enjoyed a gift exchange. Mm's; R. Ackert read a Christmas.. poem .which brought out:' the thoug'h°t of Santa Claus scolding a reckless driver and this was very fitting for the safety drive campaign now underway .Mrs. 'Jack Hewitt -favored with a:• solo "Little Jesus Boy". Mrs. k'ar'mei gave fie` Closing remarks a.nd dainty refreshments were served . and a pleasant afternoon brought'. to 'a ,close. r• ' Name Evening • Guild: Officers Mrs: Harold Haldenby was hostess to' the Anglican' Evening •ttiild= al• -her cine-xnon@di1 s-,: ;r• ut �f. • d45 • •f; 48 4 if • J•- THE , L1JCKNOW SENTINEL, WaNOW,. 'ONTARIO V. on CKNX-TV•' on Tidisday of* �er�ioa- difficulties : the many eager watchers were disappointed. when the program Milady didn't appear. Better luck next, time, Madeline. We are all pulling • for. you .,and wish • you the best. Christmas concerts . are plan- ned in our community: Kinlough Presbyterian S.S.; December 13th;. Kinlough Public School at Holy'- rood Hall,;December 15th; West- ford Public School .at Holyrood. Halg 'December .20th; S.S. • No. 3, at Holyrood Hall, December 21; Kinleugh Anglican SS.; Decern =heir 23rd. Mrs. J, W Colwell, • Mr... arid• ilVIrs. Currie Colwell and family visited ' on' Sunciay with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster 'and family. Last Member of Family, Passes Y' The death occurred of . the last mer'riber of . a Huron Township pioneer family in ,,the person of the late Annie Wall, who has .been" cared dor at the 'home of her cousin, Mrs. • Gertrude Walsh. Sympathy is extended to •the be= reeved :relatives: Friends . from here , attended • the funeral • . on' Monday afternoon. , p • Heartiest. ' congratulations are extended to Mr. ''James Hodgins • 'WEDNESDAY, DEC, 7thq 1955 • ' HALDEN4BY. TOR E«cTalc •-�►o SERVICE Armature °and Field. Winding, gushes,, •BearinwEtc. • .. ,Repairs' to Fractional'. and -Integral., Horsepower Motors; Also .Electric' Fans, ' Vacuums,. r Clippers, Drills, Et9. 8'ALDEN.BY' ELECTRIC Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r-29 who will celebrate -his 81st birth- day on Friday. • He enjoys • good' 'health and'. is able to attend ,to his, farm duties. • , Mr. and. Mrs. George Graham visited" on .Friday with Mr. and Tooled To Repair All. Makes Of Tractors, Machines & Shop Work ACETYLENE; '& ARC H'ELDING. KI NLOUGH GABA •. .•'1W'.'BRECKLES • � � Phone' 18'-e-20, Ripley ' THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JONN DEERE PARTS • Mrs.' Joe Cassidy and family.• Mr. ' and Mrs.' George Haldenby and Mrs,. Wm: ' Haldenby visited : on Sunday with their sister, Mrs, M. Dudley, .who, is a patient in Wingham Hospital. : ••.• • /You re sure, to- have .guests., They're sure to want Coke. Better havelent ..almost' P �' everyone appreciatesthe. best! • :4d?••:•//—*anof ... bbottlecarton .•, I�dNI.Jad r.��rr ►N, IK.°rlirDabwli . et 3E'xtra.u'oke ori The H�Jil/aj's fluiiioris d'fioiitet of Coen-Cola+derciiiitr'aitwitirCoca-CGala • JAMES . A. B I.SSET, Ontario F ¶dine ' 48g • • chip • .Sat • fat, chi(, -TCao1 cool dick ery,; mu leni lot pro Coni • grei