The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 9EC. nth, 1955 P • E ESD,AY,* DEC. 7th, 1955 r.. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIO d .to:.every '4 ' . clearly. 35c• Ir. 290 • 27c.1 •R, 39cJ ..4S -complete cgs: • 11;� Theon Set.• reit��n�rrr�ni.:*1 . it office. Ori the. and . with a' . arning , Donny s. located •tivo or yce. lad more -than 'hed .in .. recent "will welcome'- iose•in huinor- Gifts . that are sure to• please anyone Christmas Shopping List.. BOOK .-- BOUDOIR LAMPS:.' KENDS • . • - Vases-=•rC-upasan - ai1C S ers -Planters ., HOSPITALITY: SNACK SETS MANY ITEMS TOO- NUMEROUS Tp MENTION • on your SANTA T �. . , COMING TO' TOWN SATURDAY •. RUST. CRAFT CHRISTMAS, CARDS' Boxed or Loose • 1 �i .UL-RoRN'EI . Bethany. Fan Forum. 'met on Monday evening at the home 'of Mr. -and, :Mrs. Morley Wall with an , attendance. of , 11. The. topic, "Why Keep Farm Accounts" was well discussed.Euchre rwas play ed. The hostess served a lovely. lunch.. The next . meeting will be at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith on December 5th. . Winter was ushered in with a bang; giving Mr:, Lorne Flecking, our efficient: snowplow . roan, , a Chance• to try • out,. his new' truck n thejob.:, Qath The, community extend''s sym- p y to' Mr,, and W Mrs. Alex 'Myr tock and family.inthe • loss: of Mr.. Whltock's Lather, the late Wm. Whytock, . , Mr. and Mrs .;Ford. Whytock. of , Beaverton, Mrs. Allan Fraser of '' Owen Sound spent a few days k' with ;Mr. •andr M s. Alex Why- 2 tock and ,attended the funeral. Of 14 William Whytock. Sir 'Phone 181 1/4 PAGE NINE iflo. HY10,4•041411.U.w0, Kincardine: i PAYING. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ' LIVE POULTRY Poultry •Culling A Specialty • in. •accordaz ce with government regulations our poultry coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected •• for your protection, 4 • -Murray Henderson and family, oh ,Satufday evening: Paramount, ..We are sorry to report that Mrs. MacPherson- underwent an operation•. last • Thursday;,, and hope for a. speedy recovery,. On' ; Saturday, December . 3rd, the Westford Bedroom .. Belles met at the . home of , Alice. . and Donna. Haldenby.' The :Meeting' opened by singing and the chub pledge. The roll call was The community extends sym- wered by nine girls. and• • the pathy to •Mr. Frank Brown in the leader, Mrs. Perry Hodgins. • The loss of his aunt, the late Annie girls made their bias binding' for Wall.• ' the ;dr .scarfs, which • Mrs. The: sympathy of the commun- Hodgins.' demonstrated' how. , to• ity is ,also extended: to Mrs..Earle make at last week's meeting. The Hodgins in the loss of her bio- next meeting will•, be held at, the. home of Mrs. Perry Hodgins.. on lPecembe.r 8th at 7 30 it , the est: ening;, Mr. and, Mrs: , Morley Walland• family visited., at the home of Everett Whitehead on Sunday, . Mrs.` Remelda 'Whithead visit GIFT W APPINGS. ther,. the late Howard Whytock,. and RIBS Teeswater QNS Mr. and, ,Mrs.. Midford Wall &• 0 'Donnie • viii epic• Sunday with . Mr...: and Mrs `Yvan Pollock and' fam-. r complete. 3 'ily, Ripley... ' Mr. .and '..mrs. Jas. Wraith vis Please feel: welcome to call in and' look over ou .selection without any obligation, AT YOUR FRIENDLY GIFT CENTRE • CHRISTMAS DRAW:TICKET. With ver'•1 ' ; .00 Purchase h ase•: 1st- -$10. Cash 2nd -Large 'Plush Elephan may corators and .GIFT' SHOP 'PHONE 218 LUCKNOW 3 'ZION ,''Mr.• and, Mrs Lorne Wall and son* visited • Thursday night with, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie. We are glad • Larry hunter is feeling better and able to be up again: .'• The: Sunday School Christmas concert '• is to be: held on Friday night in the church ' at 3.15.. Church services will • be . held. at 1.45 for the month of Deem •ber. Mrs: Mary `.McAuley of Acton is visiting with Mr.. and Mrs.; FF' Ritchie. and Anne. • • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland visited recently :'with. Mr. . .and' Mrs .:Gordon-Stobo-of- Teeswater.-- M . and ,Mia, Ken Laidlaw and :. girls of 'London spent Sunday "• . .with Mr. and Mrs."'George. ter. Mrs. Hunter went. bac k .with •ited. •Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. ed :at : the home of • Morley Wa11 l them for a few days. • Wingr9l Itri> fr0iga mit#e# rogamiae pec!tivaiss'>x emit #>steafihvit v'a 'eo itivip ,• et p ' q �I r ......:.:::...... _ .....:r%'��� .:. •:��r�i>:`•r:�r::;;iM<:�... tac_:ior�:r�;■r;:k .ate..... ,...._ kr � , 4.10(04 Corlie 1n see our wide selection of .. ST:: HELENS arid Mrs. Rice. The Janu- ary meeting is to' be held a -t .the ; ' Miss Isabelle ,:Macpherson was. home • of Mrs. Ernest Gaunt. The. 'home from.. London for the week- hostesses' are Mrs: Eldon' Miller, end.. .•: Mrs. Harold 'Gaunt • •: and :Mrs.• ' Mr:. and . Mrs. Gordon :_Miller 'Fred:,McQuitlin.. Mrs,. Ross Gam- and •Larry and Donald Taylor , of mie has .the topic London, Mr. and Mrs., Ernest. `iF.P.U.' Meeting Walker and Mr. Murray Taylor of • Wingham were visitors . with Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester. Taylor •' Mr:, and Mrs. John- Cameron and Don were recent' guests cif Mr. and Mrs. Jas.: • Douglas 'at Mitchell. J 54.49 to $7"9a 69c tn.& $4:98 69c 51,9$ to $7.91 49c, ,69c $• 4.98 $149- $:Y;9` $1,95 .., $3+95 111 Ages.- ,tionls'. 1 VA 'T'he meeting of the 'St. Helens :was' held, on . Sunday,,:ev- ening.' Anne Todd,, president,. was in. the chair for: the administra- tion; 'Lois `Miller, converter' of •Missions and World.- filbutreach, was,' in 'charge of 'theworship, ser er_uson • o George is.. spending . *the week . with her. ,sister, . Mrs.• • Chester Taylor and Mr. • Taylor. Miss Beatrice McQuillin spent aT few�days rr h Wingham Derr .. eral Hospital for • a .. Medical check-up, ,The school was closed for •the week. Make Seal 'Fund And • Hospital Donations The meeting of the 'St:: Helens Women's Institute was held on 'December 1st '. at the,.' home of Mrs.• Andrew. Gaunt. The roll call, `My favorite carol', was ans? veered by 19 mennbers :and one Visitor. There 'were '•also; three eh•ird"ren present. Donations are' .to be given to the Christmas. Seal ' Fund and to 'the . Londdn War Memorial Hospital. The fin- ancial report showed cash on her niotlwr; Mr . S. Thompson, hand :-to be ' $10,45 The _'next" tkl10 •` rt ,Mrs. 4 -allowing. a ship the hymn, `"O Little Town of Bethlehem" was sung.. After •the ser ipfure and prayer; Lois read, a short articic on "On Stu- dentn, Missiozl FaeLds ;...11a:e.—,w ship service closed with the sing - lag g of 'the hynnn,.• "'Lt ,came :upon' the Midnight Clear": Ma I•iaw- lett led in the Bible study. Anne Todd,, as leader; :and Mrs. How- lett; as' pianist, •' conducted :the sing song.The., Meeting closed With the benedicti n which was ', 'pronounced by Mr. Howlett. 1 W• vX' vri Large Selection of Mirrors L.annps • Smokers End `Tables Cushions' Air •Foam' P llo+ws' Bridge---Sets=- Card� . Tables •• Hassocks CIothes Hampers F TEN PERCENT TOFF all'.• CHROME SETS in • stock until Christmas • WHITECHURCH Mrs: Stanley Moore .and , far n- . spent' last 'week • with her bro.. Cher, Mr, and Mrs..,Perry Thomp- son -'at Calc�cic)ri and, 'alsc) visited community, night 'is' Jo be D'e Hospital .•ti!'.f.•rin .1,or) a l31"•c) Cc+r)il,)er .27th. The program corn- "11t•p is he i• ilc; rill at tat r Mottle. m i ttt,e'.consists of M.r s. W m. Put- M • l•: ' i+ :t (,t':env r o Vv.c1" 1 t.r:;ll dc)ti,114rs\'G' i , Frank 1V.i(Quillin, 411 incl to l•rl,.i c). '11() ))11:11 016 Sint Cljlarloc MagnUna1�? r`:r•�-g-h.o,444'''i 1+rcin i 1.11kIlat;rc ffori n !; 0 T nylor, Mrs.; ,I ,ors Errington and o ;,r1:11 t ma" r4. Allan' Miller. The Til".,t Nr)i+1 1•rrenL1:' it .•.�li . Alin a tiliF"a`cl; 1 t' .v.,...07;' sung. ,'j h risotto, w1 ej.i .'law ,,1�.,f) (' y. T pt. ,pp arod''• by Mr, Goi`don ' Ma('- i Mi": Eih., r 1T ncit�1 '0' returned. AiQ PIH.l':coin; rwa8 given by lt•'lrs. v,,,, •"' Ijomr+ ;'t ( "i 'Germany illy •01). SSltU1"- llUtllcl`fOz d. Mrs, Ernest Gaunt ,' clay . \Ole1 li.. ,1171~ • boon. stiltioned' .. ::es ({ at read' . g 1"T. t Mtn.:. for. flu' Past 1",("0 c a1 �" • ' E lin rJr1 .. _,. ett Irani( i r', .Alin hada bountiful iful i Mr, c,i (1 ;�7r , 14E`11 x�ctidla ?` y. of ver nope Christmas g. his' tare nts, Mr: and Mrs. ,Tariles l• 1 i'igliters of London \>i,sited with dist) a :gilts. Miss W. D. Rutherford her --•topic, "�'he Other- Wise, Man".. It was a very inspire. lag story. "Silent Night" was sting and the meeting closed with, the Queen.. There: was an cit-, Ph<ange of Christmas gifts, Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. W1+ Purdon,Mrs., Allan MVliller ha IdJaw,And1 other relatives. • Mr. and .xis CIa""MacGreR' T or, Er um, apd Cam crag of Sob •`'. rinf;vi;llct ;print, the Week—end . � House Furnlashlln� • ''`+firs. W. Lott h'.ai rrn,ted the ,, .. '1'hane. 1'81. Da:y o>� Night apartment froth' avers. Willis and N ,• ,, .,.. p intend•s Co valve. soon. ,,,,*14040.0460 iry.b le of 101/ ,futattiO4 , 1 /044/11+ 410.4041001,10 04;;1404;0 0iti lOnl, OUR LAY -AWAY PLAN Is Always A 'Service To Our . Customers Andhere's for the Children Kiddies'H: OCCASIONAL ;Tricycles, Wagons,' Doll Carriages, Doll Strollers, RS �, nclergarten Sets, Kiddie Cars, Child Rockers, CHAIRS $10.75 up Children's Larnp , Kroehler TV Chairs.' •; . v+r�uiroroe�H•r�;i•�•.��koerr�o•mw.e•�sr+Ni•,ei•r�rorJrs'�sr�vr.i�or,N�.nr�,sly.for.).,~4.9~e•:*r•.nr,Niw4 cLenTnan Furnishings with relatives ot1 e a Ambulance Service '�: • enzie: 0040(10(04 TAVIWC141 al Pl,147( 4.V4 Funeral'` Service , • f 5 . Jj :Y .1