The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 130th, 1955; school' re- penditures. used 'rural now' school tion Board 're parents, $25.00 per n property is reduced. • school tax enrollment, is required; na teacher. for public The:. Pupil. was 65c, e ddul to. Noveni-; ction word new high: 2,564.77; L the whole • .18.98. nedule was • the . high. •. minimum minimum. crement is. of $4,800, aximum at. ight, to ad- :rs and the e condition Ming qual- a total of msport 129 Area att:Zir of $25.51. of • educa-.. laintenancce; is ,$2.47. 1955 • are • Lrison, Mr. it 'that iii iss . McLean ived $2,400. itario Coll-. ts• today at "trend in•• iry ,pointed t $18,400 to.. kvrt c and high estimate is debenture. n• •$2:50 A Year In Advance --$1,00 Extra To U3. A. LUCKNe OW, ,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,` DEC. 7th, 1955.' SIXTEEN. PAGES.. • ami4on ire-EIected Rewe In :Gloss Contest .- • Alex W. Hamilton. was' re- elected.reeve of „Lucknow , on, ' Monday" with a sharply pared. majority pf, , twenty -'seven votes over ex -Reeve Stuart E. Robert-, son: ' It was., the second time in 11 months that these two gentle= mer' have .contested '.the 'reeve ship and their ',third contest in a long ' period of municipal ser- vice" that ' dates back ' over two • decades. • . ,Last January Mr: 'Hamilton swept',: into .the • reeveship with' a whopping majority,, of 204. vote, ,Monday's vote. was . compara- tively °light with ' a total . of 417 votes polled: as 'compared 'with'' last January's total of 488 votes: The results-on..Monday' by sub- divisions were as. - follow' No. 1,. Legion Hall; No, 2, Municipal • Office; No.' 3, Town Hall•: 1 2° • Hamilton, W . 63 69. 9 • -- 22 2 i erisur , 3. E",...:::. 6 50 Nomination Friday • With the reeveship . decided, there is • sti11 a' vacancy on the Council to'• be...filled., A nomina-: tion meeting • • is scheduled. forFriday evening of this week from •: 7.3.0 to 8.30. pan. • for the nomin- ation of candidates,, to obtain a successor to Councillor ,,V. • A. Mowbray who.. 'is.. retiring at! the end _of this term.. HAD EXE OPERATION. Mike Hogan underwent, .an. .eye •operation in St Joseph's tal, London last°Sa. fir the ,turday for the: removal of a cataract. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Hogan • Will spend • the -'win- ter teff in, the city.with, their ter, x . • Baugh= Miss :Irene Hogan; lieg,N BAPTIZED BY UNCLE • 'During the evening . service at Knox Presbyterian Church, 'Walk.. erton on November 27th, the Fant daughter of 'Rev.. W. A. and Mrs. Hender, on,'was christened, Clara Ellen., The:, .ordinance of baptism was conducted by Rev. R. D. 1VIacDonald of Tillsonburg, a brother of Mrs. Henderson. •' MEMORIAL TO: JAMES.. PIC.KER:I .. ` •.' The memory of the.. late Mr. James Pickering was hallowed at a dedication ceremony on . Sun- day morning in the Presbyterian Church, where .Mr: Pickering had faithfully worshipped for . many years and had given : devoted ser- vice as: Sunday School' superin- 'tendent and••as• a •member 'of' the Session The gift t of 'a 'Bible, of a Bo ok Remebrance and an'associated • pedestal, were presented to _ the congregation ,by, Miss Margaret LEAVING THE BANK' Pickering in congregation. of 'h r : • Y e pro . flier:The gifts were; dedicated by - Bob •:Nanson, who• has been a thepastor,Rev.. • Wallace, .:Mc, - `.member of the Luoknow Bank: of Clean, in an • impressive cere- Montreal' staff for upwards of a mony.. • • year 'and, a half; plans to' sever It is'ei to lanned . P , scribe' in his connections' with: the' bank at :the. Book of Remembrance,:. the the end of the month, to *nine names of those who have .con-' con - a position with the Mutual Life tributed in ' a special way, to. the, Insurance. Co ' at' Kitchener. church throughout. the years. MAILING LIST CORRECTED • The Sentinel ailing list was corr,ected last .Saturday, How does your'. label read? A- . glance - glance :at the figures on the address label, will tell, the story. • 7If it's.; in arrears don't 'let the :yearslip. away° without atten Aing,, to it. ° And , . _ . by the way, if'ouare y puzzled about what -to give,.a • new -or 'renewal' subscription "„ to the home .town paper is always appreciated: INSTALL NEW MASONIC SLATE The installation : and investi- ture of the officers of Old. Light Lodge, A.F. & ,A.M.,, for the suing year, was, conducted at the regular meeting last Thursday 'evening. The ceremony was per- formed by Sam Alton in a : cap- able manner. It was the 'first time. Mr. Alton had officiatedin this capacity, and he assumed the .task -:,in the=—absence-of, 'Ge' Ol;ge; Stuart due to ill health:, `Mr. .Stuart had conducted the install= ation for a quarter. of a century or 'so: The new slate. is as 'follows:, Harvby Webster; o' W.M.,. Edgar Watson;,SM., ,Ronald'For ster;'J..W.,..•Ted .C.ollyer; Chap., Redvers Johnson; treas., W. B. Andersen; `:sec„ Salkeld; S.D., Wallace Conn; . J.D., ' Ken-, nett' ..Cameron; 'S.S., Tom Ander- son; •J.S., Chester Campbell; Bert Irwin; °O.G., John MacDon- ald; . D of:: C., W. A. .Porteous;.. 'trustees; Sam AltonJames : Lit_ - 41e, W. A. Porteous. The . outgoing Master, Harvey Webster, . was. presented :withhis past master's apron; .Santa Claus arrived' a•:bit. early at the Web- ster household .. and it was ' ar- .ranged ' to have. theapron offic- ially presented at this .meeting: i by Secretary 'T. J. `.Salkeld Plan �a��thumpian Parade For Santa's Arrival Here Saturday . Santa. Crus is scheduled to 'ar rive in Lucknow on Saturday af- ternoon, and his visit, here will 'be heralded with a ealithum,pian parade, that promises to 'be quite a .'spectacle, Santa's visit`'. and 'a;.b g, treat for the children : is made possible 'by the Lucknow Business Men's Association, while The Clansme are, putting up;float' Prizes. $15,00,. $10.00• and $5.00, so th. Santa's visit will be somethin to ' remember, n' of at g • Several floats' are' being plan ned .and. the 'parade will start a 2.00 p:rn. sharp from the. Luck now ,District High School, heade by' the, High School Band. Th procession • will proceed ,throug Main. Street,,' and go around th south: side ,block; to: ' return, t the . Municipal' Christmas tree a the Post Office _ corner whei e__ th �.:4i a ;, 4, passed � ..ill doe ���S�d ' Free:Show Following Week., The customary: •free' show for the kiddies, will' be held the fol- lowing Saturday, December .17th, so. that all: may enjoy this week's parade. The . free show features Walt Disney's adventures of "Ichabod and Mister Toad", and has , )een specially . chosen for ."Children's Day'''. .There will be a morning show for the town children, leaving:the 'afternoon open'.' for; rural .children. Matinee Starts Late' This Week: This • Week's matinee at The Playhouse is Walt Disney's .Story of: 'Robin.' Hood. This week the` t. e h e 0 t e' • matinee will not, start. until three o`clock, so that: those' .wishing to attend, can take it in. But--:-L:rernenber, the free show s' not until a• week 'from'' `Sat - THIS. "CHRISTMAS BE FORE *O SHOP *THOME .•' •Luc+know'�� stores are packed. with attractive Christmas mer chandise,' . which far q aiity . and price invites com ai?i�o p n,:. The Sentinel is carrying•. an ufi=' usual • amount' • of advertising, with a wide selection of Christ- mas gift, suggestions and, the in- vitation to drop in' '.and look, around. • 'We believe you can't do' better • than to shop : in Lucknow. For your .convenience stores. are re- maining open , Thursday . after- noons andwill be. open evenings the week before Christmas. STORES OPEN THURSDAY With Christmas • just' around the corner,• 'business places in. • Lucknow will remain open. all day Thursday until Christmas,. JOHN DAH'M•ER 4/0.110,1 AIR FORCE John Dahmer, an army veteran of World War; ,II;' has re-enlisted -this time in the ;Air Force•. John reported for 'duty .: last• 'week; •at St. •'Johns,- Quebec, for an eight-week ''period 'of initial. training Mrs• 'Dahmer and two Children,' Michael and Patricia, are re •id- ing in the • downtown Garn nlie apartments., ' • Among John's other activit es, ; he' served as post •. office c:a •e- :' taker; and his departure leaves' this positron vacant, with a suc c.essor ` t� be nailed in the :near future,from among several pz.:rt_ -ies who are inte:tested in the les who are interested in th d x.At,"'1Witi ir# Dls #0# '#0# twig #t ►rA# :#0# '840#0#0 p #iv# Revit iv# 0 4 l #'�#• ,"##D#I###r##rtriii►z"7�rra3sr+tivoiwir t# ur ay position. • • Corning Decem Aind He Wants All The Children.From Far.And 'Here To Meet. e'ar To alithumpian, Parade -fram h Dis,trict- kleadd' Lucknoiv..Diitriat Shool'Oand ',Parade Starts ‘0.1n. ,Shari) • Patade: of "Floa.ts .Treatt. for the Childrpo AND, FUN FOli-ALL- - foe., • ott booe.0044.- 000,004,00,- --1,-.14,pbowNoturonenotigobeftoquerNwnotwtw-,040.41441,Arnbat4.47,40w;bonotoziteat;megiboo.moomocooansiocpestgoirocogo;firaYitoti ; I, ALlibba.