The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-23, Page 3nto. • 'ith . the her t'm& has ' ter,' of ick pus- ee. field ev- ely ,ckt ang. 9ns• any (ley an- ahn. :. of, ere. film tev.. , in ckt, een spa • hen ' ' ere; Ary iris( '.'Of• ital ran, - end. and. • .,4 u..iptr ishi, • '... _t YI = 7 Beed,• WEDNESDAY, NOV'. 22nd, 1955 i.UCKNO�W UNITED C H'U RCH Minister.: . R (►: 'G. A.:111e1klejo4n B.A.,, I'M. • ' SUNDAY,SJ pTEMBER. 27th. 11.00 a.m. Sacrament. of .'Holy Snptisari. . "The Temple of coon., 12.15: p.m Church •: School. 7.30 p.m.: Young: , Feople' •Service.• Lucknow Presbyterian Church'. i . Rev. Wallace McClean,. 1 •Minister . SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27th 11.00 a.m.:, Morning Worship; ' 12.15 p.m.: •Sunday . Scho i 3.00 p.m.: 'Dungannon: .7.00 • p.m.: ;Evening Service., i Local '&',' General, Betty .blathers, daughter of i1'Ir, .arid ' Mrs. • Jim Mathers, is conval- • `escing from pneumonia.. : Miss ;Belle'; .Cunningham of Owen Sound: is the guest of;her; cousins,:. Miss Jean . Lyons. ' andMrs. Stanley.'Mallough. /Bob ' Mac�Callum . of • Dearborn, Mich., has beenamongthe deer • 'hunters.' visiting the :community • this week. '-'77-••••-•,1 • . Mrs. .John Walker. of, ' Owen Sound •has••been visiting at Holy rood at the horxre ;of her .son,. Jack. Ackert- and -Mrs. Ackert. • Mr. :.Dave Andrew .. of Calgary, who had come East. t� attend ;the Royal Winter. Fair, .was '.;a week- end visitor, here and. ,atKincai dine.. Mrs. R.. 1' . Douglas and Miss Tena MacDonald' visited for .a :few days in Wingham• with Mr., 'and Mrs: George Fowler and Mr. -and - ••Mrs. Gordon Davidson. 'On Sunday .evening,. November :27th, the Young .People's, .Union: will be in; charge of the 7.30' p.m: service in the • Lucknow: United, Church. An interesting : film will be shown W�-lrrier,-Havey, wh�has-•fieen- confined 'to bed ' .for , six' weeks 'with' a 'heart' condition, is pro gressingslowly but steadily and is:'now able to be tip 'for brief TICKETS' SOLD OUT° As we gor to press on Wed- nesda'y, . the,. Committee tin.- corms us that there ha's been • • a complete sell-out of tickets • 'for. hie 441 banquet on Fri-' No,• day night. , more , actomo; :dation ,is available. 7. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW,, ONTAR140.- t' HAD BIG WEEK ,A week-long , round of 'activity, that far surpassed their expecta- tions, . was enjoyed ' 1„ast week by .Barry McQuillan and David Kirk- land in recognition of their, suc- cess in winning the Ontario 4.1-1 beef judging championship.which qualified them to compete-in/the. Dominion competitions whish were held on ' Monday of last( meek. . •' • Provincial champions in all branches o. f•r_agriculto'r• e• took - part in .this.Notional 4• -Ii Club Week, which certainly prove to be what it wa ntendet a . d •ucation1, enjoyable ' .and .rnspir- ing. , :••Headquarters'for the:group Was the Royal•. York Hotel where they checked in on Saturday. • Church in 'the `morning, a bus. • tour of Toronto .in the afternoon and a buffet supper at ' the hotel .was -on Sunday's, :agenda. On Monday : the national com- Petitions • were ,.,held . with beef, dairy; swine and poultry classes, competing at the . O.A.C.• Dinner at the Royal York and a friend- ship party, concluded Monday's doings. Tuesday rnorning ''th ey were addressed 'b'y O. M. Barr, Princi- pal • of Kemptville Agricultur=al • 'School at Hart House; University of Toronto. After the 'nooi •lur ch - 'eon. they •. went, .by bus• to the Royal • Winter,. Fair,: and': that '.ev-' ening were uest of thea 'Fair Association ;at the horse .show:'. • Wednesday 'they : were offby bus'•for Niagara Falls.•with a•. ban= 'quet l at Hamilton: • on , their re- 'turn, andthen back to the Maple Leaf: Gardens for the Canadiens- Maple Leafs garmie,: • They. had an agricultural um On, Thursday rnorning."at the hotel,, with the afternoon left free to attend the ;Queen's Guineas' feature, or do as they wished:, The _ ..25th.,. 'annual ..banquet .Of : the Caradian:'Council•of 4 -11 -clubs. was held -that.. evening at Royal York. 'George Kenn'edy,` local .: club"' reader ` and Fred Mc-. Quillip;• were • guests at the .ban- quet.,Tom: Todd.' was ;tapable to. be present. That '`night the .boys'' boarded sleeping car's for Ottawa, and up- on, arrival Friday mornng „h•a:d breakfast at' the Chateau,Laurie. A' tour of the city •followed, ;then a tquf of the': Parliament Build ings 7Phe boys had • time for . a dip in the hOteti pool .before •din: ner at the Chateau,. after which-. they boarded' the train again 'for the re -to n—to=•-Toion-to:-•Satu-rda night the :boys' arrived • back,'at, their home :statioia,' where a civic reception awaited ' them.• -On ,Monday . night David ' and Barry-.were-�•on Ki�IK TW as -then • publicity whirl' continued: ' DONNYBROOK The •W M S. and W.A.: et oil Tuesday •' afternoon • at thehome of Mrs, Gordon' Naylor.. There were 11 :members. and 7 child- ren present Mrs. Tom Armstrong was in charge of the• meeting and THE MOST .CQNVEN:IENT WA' TO • SIMPLIFY YOUR, hristmas Shoppin This .Year. Give . 1 ' cafes. Eor.-Any--Amount You 'W%..isb. To- A Miniature` . Dutch Shoe with Every Certificate Rothwell /4 Son Aline Footwear , For Mi The' Faniilyx b 'vias -"assisted in; the devotionall ex- ercises by Mrs. N. 'Thompson and Mrs. H. Jefferson. Mrs.W. Hardy gave a report of the sectional meeting at blmesville and Mrs. Sam Thom ' on read the chapter in the. stud bodk: The minutes: of the last meeting were approv- ed as read and the • treasurers: report given. Thank, .you • cards, were •received : from Mrs, J: R. Thompson and. ' Mrs. It Chain; ney. The Decerrirber meeting will. be held one week earlier, Dec. 6th, . at the,home of Mrs. 'Mark. Arnnstrpng; Members -.are asked -to bring • their ; ;Hite boxes, Lunch was served by the hostess 'assist- ed by 'Mts.: Wm, Hardy ' and. Mrs, R:*•.Chainney, •" : During the church service- on. Sunday morning a` baptismal ser- vice was held :for Susan Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Sam •• Thorirpson, and • Barbara Anne, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Stuart iCharnney; Mr. ' Wes Jefferson returned from the West last week • • Mr. and Mrs, R. 'Chaney were Sunday visitor's with • Mr.:' and Mrs. Elliott Sandy, Luckr}ow. , Miss G race Thompson :of :Sim- coe was home ,for Remembrance .Day week -end Mr and'' Mrs ,Norman Thor p - son have purchased a 'home on Diagonal Road, Wingharn—an in tend ',• moving ° there in :the near future. Mr. Stuart : Chanine'y. `spenit ' a day at the Royal Winter Fair.' • LEST 'WE FORGET 1955 The following poem was com- posed by Win. 'Buckingham' for use at a recent 'meeting of one of the groups of the Women's ,As- •sociation: ' `We •'p use . � this 'Remembrance. . D•ay • T'n memory . of our ' gallant men, We stand around the cenotaph',' In reverent silence,' once again. • They .••are not dead,. those valiant The ,bugle calls. them ` now . no RAGA:TiREE' • Lad es' and •Mien's. Wear • . .Fashion Millinery.• • 'PHONE, 85, LUCKNOW • y.. for: Men am 0 Boyo by WEST ,.:KLTCHENS :: Q'THERHOOD, CARI AR 'T All'sanforized and fullsize mange. Coveralls, j Overalls; Smocks,. .Jean's; • CHILDREN'S STREAM LINERS BY KITCHEN Lined Pants and Jeans for the Family WORK .SHIRTS Plaid, Flette,Denim, Woollette Sport Shirts, All Wool Plaids • SOX 100% °Nylon, ,Wool ansa.. Part Wool, Sort •Savers, Sox Knitting Wool ,• Work Caps, Belts, Hand erchiefs, Braces, 'Housecoats, Dress Shirts, Trousers, JACKETS Melton, Broadcloth, Fleece, Twill,' Suede SHOP EARLY!' Tse Our': Christmas 'Lay -Away Service souls, They havesoared far above. ' all strife; Like ..Stars they. shine •for -ever- more, Their citation -Eternal Life: Hallowed:be their` glorious'. names On Heaven's cenotaph on high, • more; No'battlefields,, where ,brave men So we would leave thein •with • their Gbd , And ;in His .loving keeping care p g :, Remembrance is •a• golden link, Love's last' gift ---'4 prayer. MURRAY `'GAUNT RECEIVES COVETED QuENts GUINEAS (Murray Gaunt; 20=year-old son. of Mr, 'and 'Mrs, Andre' v Gaunt of West Wawanosh, is shown here in the. most thrilling Moment ,of his 'eight years In. 441• Club work. 11e is receipting the $250: Queen's •uin'easaward at• the Rdya1 Win tel.; Fair from Lieti.tenant-Goy- ernor Breit:1144 t; As if he was Well aware, of the momentous mcri\ent, Murray's well , trained 1 yirthorn calf, "Silver Star'; diet • ,., .r *' •Q'� tlif''OkiY'i�: llit ;Allik t/v'Y'ttu�lr.e �i ,'de.triS'. LYu.l �x+ s � tact �711•,iolrl�'.i(�d';� + �:. `�'11d` "y: �`_ `.1�'"�'�:. • , hayed beautifully when the pies- entation was ,being made as he- '• ,had throughout the tense mom- ents- „of the judging. 7 x:e.S.�41 ,1 •