The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-16, Page 51955. )N, Rice 97 lery i,mr,. t2.3 tted , toy y new Ago 138 EDl rDAY, N'OV. 16th,, .1955. K I IN LOSS. Blr-ANY B. kRS USE OF, :DOGS ;. Kinloss Council Met in the Township Hall, November.7, 1955, as, per. adjournment. An mem- bers present. The minutes of the regular meeting of. October •3rd as read Were :approved agd sip- 14. . The Clerk was instructed •.,to. write the Department .of Health. , re account for. insulin:. ' The Reeve was to contact the -Clerk.__of. Ripley re the: residence •of.l rs.. Roach. '.At the . request . of the Depart meet : of = Lands 'and • • !Forests'• -a *By•law-was::;prepared acid fr>a11y passed p prohibiting • , then, , use Y of dogs during the, open deer Season ' Noveinber •23rd to' 26th, 1955 both. ", days inclusive.' . . • Ari Engineer's • report on " the Wraith Municipal drain • was read, and as there . was no ser 4.1 • a 'N411VTM�-SF'1 ....WLUCKNONC'ONT1tS0� ious objection to. the report, it was • adopted by Council and the 'Clerk" to preppre the necessary' By -'law, and have the Court of Revision as soon as possible;; " " A cheque for $3,500: was issued . ostock .and Regan on account The Court of R th report on. the, Rintoul ; Munscipal. drain.in East Wawanosh. in which some Kinloss ratepayers are ' ass essed, is.to be read at the Town ship Hall on Mondayy November 28th, 1955, at 2.30 p.m. ewsion on e Kaake Drain contract.' and a 1.955 Assessment Roll• was',. held' h at which there were five' appeals. Two of them •Vve>;;e not sustained, and the' other three reduced* slightly. With these .revisions the Roll was . accepted, . and to bp' taken .: as•• a basis : of • taxation for; -the year, 1956. Council. adjourned, to dieet: again on .Monday, November;' 28, 1955; Cheques. issued': • Ernest Ackert, work On Ackert -drain, $20.0; .Harold ' Percy,; selecting' jurors, 4.00; Wnr. Scott, selecting. jurors, 4.00;` J: R. Lane,; selecting jurors, 4,00; relief, • 100.00; A. ,1Coultes' cheque for $1,840.00' was also' is- sued to ,them for thebalance of contract; this cheque to. be 'held the Clerk until final inspec- i n by the Engineer. • The: Clerk ' was. instructed to convey. a.. fetter of - thanks -to the - Toronto Daily Star; andthe 4th, •Concession' Farm *.Forum': for erecting the concession road'signs in • the 'Township: , . . , The :Clerk was. instructed' to' notify .the Village of L.ucknow that- Kinloss was willing to ac- cept their' share' of 'the e.ost of the ' auxiliary pump, ' providing and. • West ' Wawanosh Whitechurch street lights, 14:30; Gordon Hodgkinson, sheep claim,. 15.00;; ;'George Lockhart, inspect= ion above' claim, 3.50; Wm. Evans, Ashfield were also agreed. The reading of the Engineer'$ - A., • ' • n..tl,,m,t,r,41.114q41104tli4.1ry/0•1•ii410110o411.0►O41110cri,o411110.uso.41110.i,.4m.q.41..u.4.4r...osq400., • LUGKNOW'DISTRICT HIGH.:SCHOOL In Phe High SctiobI'"Auditoriirm T—' •refund' on Ackert' & River. drain; 1.45; John Bostock, on ale 4Kaake Grain contract, '34500,00; Bostock ..and 'Regan, ;balance, Kaak. drram; contract (this, cheque to ,be :held• until final inspection; 1,840.00; Ernest Ackert, .Jr.., Fst prize pub: hie speaking, 0;'00;.:Sharon O'Don• : nells2nd _prize public.speaking, 1 3.00;. Cecilia Crowston, for public • speaking, --2.00; ' Ronald 1VMDonald,` for public speaking, 2:00; Sandra TWO NIGHTS THURSDAY and FRIDAY. ,.I sur for public speaking, 2.00; g .t Ston, for public speak .1 ng, 2.00, I' eith `Maulderi,, for pub- .. 01i.s speaking, i k 'ng, 2 00.; :George Bush- ell, for public • speaking, .' 2.00;` Marion Scott; for :public • speak •` ing, 2:00, James' ••McDonald, for Public,. speaking, ' '200;'' :Barry•. Joihnston, for •.public `: speaking;, 2:00; ,Alex' Hewitt, ` for ' public speaking, 2.00; J. `R. ,Lane, post- age $5.Q0, ;unemployment stamps $3.24 = 8..24; Mrs: 3'antes Smith, cai etaking . and supplies, 19.93';;: Maurice Hodgins, refund taxes on barn. , bt rued, 67.60;''' Wm. Scott, assessor's 'salary, ' 500.00;. Walter 'Kaake & Son, .'allowances Kaake drain •.428.00• James A.Howes, engineer's;': fees; Kaake drain, 875.00'. James. A. , Howes, 'engin=` err.'s fees,: Wraith drain, :75:00. Highway cheques: Pay 'List, No: ,9, $560.25; Dominion: Road,1Vlach- � iner'y Co , repairs ;and labor,' • /Td- OUT at.`'• no E �I. ting �n. at . 8-.15 ; preceded ; by., ' . Band' Selections featuring the. Gilbert. and. Sullivan Operetta "TRIAL BY JURY" Thursday ,address by Rev,' Wm... N. Henderson,= Walkerton Friday—address.' by Mr. George'Jefferson,;Banton ' Presentation of Awards and. Scholarships. Co., VALEDICTORIAN — MAC MacDONALD•' \ Admission ` 50c—No Reserved , : Seats mery repairs & labor, 928.99;• i, .y, ter,��,r,�,;.�r �,;®,,,�.,,.,..,,. ..er,®,,�,.,,�.,,�.,,�..�,. .•. � Thoma S .:Austin, oe reerltage .wire' fence; 21.14; '.0 Er 'McTavish; oil and grease;''58'.38; Dept: of High ways,.; gas 'tax; 29.04; Wm.:1V1c, Lean, gravel, 60.00;• Morrison's Garage,, .welding, ,28.00;. Ezra . Sit ler, kulldozing, 17.50;' T.: J. Mans.: and•: lingwrn ' and wth- for • EEF' 32% salt EEF 1t. 3;,,ck TLE' tires, )rce• . all. 'best•: al if but J 'R: LANE, Clerk... Presbyterian.. V:M;S.. , The-"November.meeting .of the W.M.S. was .held, in the .•church last. Wednesday, . with Mrs: = R. Reid, lst,vice•pies;, opening with leage l `lbs.: tbs' i lbs. - The Infantryman. • 1.1 atchless"N�hg! 011: HOME..11EATE�AIS . q .. • p WITH.' E.XCLUSJVE EIEC:Ttr l•C .' 4W Q N..o matches needed!: All you do Js tur`n. th•i•dialb Electric SELF.=Lighter ' Tights your heater..' Vuo-TNE • M PE R I A,L"e. A,vailable•in.2 heating capacities Exclusive Duo Therm. fine furri ture'styling!! • More heat, cleaner heat; : from every dropof oil- with Duo -Thema exclusive Dual ,Chamber. • Burier. • Fine furniture'styling, beautiful'. mahogany ' finish.; • Forced -heat circulation aridfuel savings up':to g5%.. with 'Duo=Therm''s exclusive Automatic POWER - AIR Blower..' • 2" wideopening'.doors for radiant 'beat. 'Healthful' humidifier.'Special Waste Stopper Handy waist -high • control. Have matchless confort tbis.winter,and years to come. Plumbing, Heating, Wiring,' Eavetroughing 'Phone 50 prayer. 1Vlss, N. Malcolm, the sec- retary,- conducted ' business: The Bible study on Job was well tak- en; by '4iss ` E',, M. 'Henderson and the' missionary summary oil the life of 'Miss.. T ohinan • by, R.' Johnstone: The topic was •ably dealt, with by Mrs: M: Hender- son and -Mrs. W. Porteous ' gave a splendid review on Oet.ober . November. Glad .Tidings. Miss M. Most -:Travelled Fame !MacLeod gave highlights .of ;1 h , addres"s•given .in Brussels by,. E't'v Leslie Millen • who . hard kreer, `Inissibnary:in' China: for -1.9 ye:i! •and. was made a. pris.a.rier Chinese' -Reds. ..The • • coinnaittee. are:Mrs., A, ".t:".` aA#n,.iw, and Mrs. W. Porteous,: Mrs. yr • Douglas -gave ' the' offer o;.•w :er and Mrs: :11 •A'ndei sc.;i' clt� r:cf • • r,4 4 : the meting With prayer,' o-. $e•1-l(e)s Here's a job'for the active man who uses' his :head, likes the.' feel, of action ,and working in the gpexi air.: Todcty.'s...-lnfax try soldier.,_;xecpgnized_. as the most • important man in the Army, has the best - in train:- ing, !weapons and care. His chances for specialized training and'promotion' are almost. unlimited. • I'nfgritry • :and the other ,special, branches df the • •Arrriy offer" hundreds of gaod-payint , lifetime careers. To see. where you fat, visit yournearest recruiting. office. No obligation, of course: • lieririember, in' the Army w you teach • up' with men • and leaders ' ou canrely' on • :: rrt ht •down, the line. Ser Canadcs-and• .Y-otrr 11-•--tf- 4he-A -y The Arrny.requires ,nen of reliable charerciet and 5tirbility able to pass , „ special Army tests. To be eligible you must be 17 te•All years of age, ` skilled tradesmen desmen F p Y g to.45. When ap a ir5 ,bting_birth c,,certificate Or Other proof of alga. i , ,....-• ._. ----._ ._ . . No, 1:3° I'etsonnef Uepot,.Wallis ,House, Rideau .8, CharlotteCharlotteSts:, QtZanr,n, Ont. —. Telephone , 5.4607 • Army ,Reiruitin Station,164 We'lin ton St.; Kingston, Ont.— ie,ephone 4738 Army *kiting . station, g90' Ricnmdnd St', W. tcrouto bot. ,:-: Te; plsar+e Eir, 6 M31—local: oc21 .26 No, 7 personnel br;+ot, Wolsk Tey barr,4rks, Ozfatd g t litabeth Sts; Lofton, Pint:. -- Telephone 4 3601•;: total 135: Army RtRecruiting Station, 230 Main St'.'W., North Bay, Oct. •-•ietephon'e456 • Arfly•Recruitiog"station,, t84 King4St, East, itrir,ultcn. Ort.—Telephone.2.8708 8 o+;av+r,b . �.ti_, �.xetaa-:i.•4�7.-� �.�..�,�w.tt x.�e:.L�,:'wxf r .�.wt X ...MI Be sue ►a see '"bake: tie •. ; r " the •dxtising rtew iV t,lbr a ry Other Fi'i ay night, • •WHEN IT COMES TO TRAVELLING-- by telephone wire. c�tt'I'ton far to match the nr*e•trtniieilatr;r1 record or the five Martin sisters cif A'1'ontrc81 R'cading•from• eft' to 'right Mer` rterise Ilii '. .. !t g , . �` , )mttndc, ZrCCrctrt,, f nlcr,t�r..,. i3nd1lugtiette,. it11 work at the 13e11'Telephone Company` of Canada.;!'hcy share a mutual interest in p.rov4ging .. fast, e urtc`oirs Long.Uistattee Service tothotrsands of '...trlc}:tlio2ae ctr tornersr . Marguerite;; an aseistarct Chief. o ►Orator was the first io join•ithe cord an • 1 p y,. ten. years ..�otxtu"acr r.:.,,-7'...a..zxs..,;. �.s�`Vide.'..saz'aY.::n.xt...•'..7.'-,-,:irr.a.,,.{iT.a'i • ago. She must Have said nice things to h'cr sisters, . dhout thel.h11!e.\ouiige. 4t,.eoinl led the, quintette jtiit over a yen, ago. We like having more . than otic member of tt family .r- arirtg in telephonc.work. . •1t.:ay's ipore,torceful•ly than we Cvrr noulcl that** The Hall is a good place t•o Work,'" We tit•tik,too, tight as long as 41`e have employees Nit. the Martin sisters: you`'1l have .thekind ofteicl)bo1c rvieewerrwantyoutohave•always, THE BELL•TELEPH(ONE .COMPANY 'OF. CANAt`y.A a' ;m: ��...t,��...::��jsa:�"'x:�r.�tMx�.�:�•ti:.'ci::xrn...,.::::c.a.«a-..ade:.� 1.'err `: 01;1 i fa ,reL