The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-09, Page 101• Fk!IMq • • PAGE TEN , Vrenao.00ri,r►t t.trrna►ltioloelowo�iswoopasiroo41.,!U!fmmity'gMl000m:i1abtlsr,!+rtaie��� THE LUCKNOW° SENTINEL, LUCID OVV, ON'T Ifl WEDNESDAY, WiF.D ' • .... AY, NOV. 9th,: 19$5; • ltemenitbrance pay has become .a symboh'•gf hope. of a; time when wars: will, be:. ao More .. .when • .nations will: live together in harmony • arid peace;, .E V .1LL, ,REMEMBER .h It '.mss fitting that on' November filth,,, we sahi e those, who have given • their lives. to' hasten that ' day`. .'.. ' and 'to breathe a prayer that their sacrifice has nqt ' been 4 in vain. Wear. A Poppy . In. Remembrance! • JOHN' / ENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED L' Jx low Phone '150 ' Ontario tt ;i. PON We area sorry , to;. hear Larry iunter '.has ' rheumatic fever. and 'Mrs. George Hunter and ' Mr, ' • and Mrs. 'Torn ;' Hacltett spent : ' Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs: Eldon Bradley, it being Mr. • ah'd Mrs. Jack Bradie 's 35th • wedding: anniversary Mr: and 'Mrs.. . Donald Murray. and : daughter,. Mr. arid Mrs. Cliff -Murray and 'Norma visited last, Tuesday ; evening with. Mr. and Mrs: Nelson Raynard. Mr and ' Mrs 'George Hackett: •iof Cochrane are visiting Mr.. and •Mr.s Peter Cook:;. • • Mr. and Mrs.' JIM. Smith '• and family of • Molesworth visited on Sunday with: -Mr. and Mrs Will Ritchie: ` Church:•will be' at .1'1• "for the month of ,November, this' Sunday being communion. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie & Anne visited Sunday with: Mr: and : Mrs. Bill Ross. of Lochalsh. DONNYBROOK .. This .community was 'shocked to learn of the sudden passing on Sunday. Morning of .1Vlrs Bert TThompson. • ` • . Mr. and Mrs, Joe Thompson. of • Goderich were un • ay • v�isi • rs at the harne : of his, brother,. Mr: '. John R. "Thompson. . Mr. and Mrs. Elwin ,Chamney `and daughters, Dorothy and, Mar- ilyn oft Wugliarrt, were Sunday' N isitors with his parents, Mr. & Mrs a •R. Chamney. ' •. . , . OBITUARY MRS. ' ALEXANDER . BOYD • Mrs: Sarah (Nina).J Boyd, age 80 : of : Virginia, . Minnesota,: died elate:' Tuesday' evening, No Vember . lst, at the Virginia Mun- icipal •Hospital, ' where she had. been admitted the • previous ' Wed- nesday. She had been in •failing health; for several' years,'. and con- fined' to cher : home for the. ;last 'Mrs. Boyd :was; born June 14, .1875 'at " Kintail, „ in Ashfield. Township: She`went to Minne- sota •. in 190x7 ,,and ' in. 1910 'moved to Virginia. `Herr husband, Alex-' ander. A:.' Boyd,. died•:in 1911.. Un- til her retirement : in 1942, Mrs,,. Boyd was librarian at'•the, North - Side •;Branch library She was a member of the First Methodist Church and a charter member of :the Woman's ..Society of Christian Service of that :church: She. was ' also ., a charter member of the,.W.C.T.U. of Vir- ginia.. . • Surviving " ar'e ' ; a ' ;brother,. A. 'Grant Carrick •of :Portland, Ore.; ,two :sisters, Miss Christine Car- rick of Lucknow and Mrs. Miry C. Johnson of Virginia; several 'Bees ar nephews. The funeral ' service. was held at ' First Methodist Church' on Friday ` afternoon, 'coii'ducted.. 'by Dr:- .-Carl Cr Clar-ke --,Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery, Vir- ginia. •• • • --: TIMBER TIPS. Bill Hunter led his. Chipmunks to .a 4-0 win over the Coons this week at the alleys. Josie •Harnil-, ton • broke ..:tbe women's single with a 269 flat. Jack McDonagh Was high man dor the losers, TheCtdbs and the Zebras split their points with ea ;i team tak-' ing two. The Cubs had, one big ` game of 1010 flat to. take the' . eXittia, a point. Jack Caesar, with. 606 : flat was the, high man for his ' team. Stuart .Jamieson• was` . high: for . the • L ebras . '<wit .'616-- . flat. ,' Charlie Webster's. Pole Cats' clung"'•to the top. rung this „meek by •taking '3 , pointsfrom,. the t Brines. Mike Sanderson rolled 639 'flat for the winners. " George Wes.,.tlake 'bowled' 602 flat..for the Gophers as they went on , to ►,win,' 3 +•points from• the Tigers: The. haplegs . Beavers ' lost four points this week •as the Squirrels romped over them to victory. Gladys Hamilton and Bob Nan- son' led the. Kangaroos to; a434. win over the, Lions, Tolling 615 and • 663 ' respctively.•• • • Teain Standings Pole 'Cats 16,: Cu''s''.15,: Kang- .' aroos.14, • Zebras .14, Chipmunks 13, Squirrels .:13•, Gophers".11, Lions 11, '.Wolverines- 10, •'Coons 9, Tigers • 9, Beavers .7. .DISTRI,CT.TAL.ENT AT •FALL. FESTIVAL. °(KINGSBRIDGE: NEWS) Mr: and: ..Mrs: • Cyril, Austin, newl ' eds' '+ retur.ned to' their. home here•, on. Thursday. .. -• Miss Patricia . Sinnot, ' Shannon' Sinnott, Jimmy • Sinnott," Joseph O'Brien,. WM; Armstrong, and .J: Smith of , Detroit :have been vis- iting. at . their: home; here during the . past "week. '. ,Infant Baptized'.'' 'Rev. H. Van . Vynckt baptized. the 'infant' son of :Mr.. and Mrs Edwin Meyer on; Sunday after- noon .(Gregory' D.ennis) . Mr. and Mrs. Lya1 Lannon •were sponsors; Mr. arid Mrs; John 'Hussey .of Colborne„. visited 'with Mr's, .Jer ry O'connor; ;recently.'. Mr..; and Mrs. :Eugene •Dalton of Detroit, • Mr..,. Walter• -Dalton : of Detroit,.. Mrs. Jack Kinney • and. -friends of Detroit, ,Miss . Mary Sheridan,: Mr. Jahr 'O'Neill,•,Jos. Reid, Douglas Frayne of '.Toronto,; Miss Mary Therese Martin and" friend Miss --;Griffin of Hamilton: were. among • week -end visitors' ere.. ' Thomas. Wallace • returned 'to Flint,' Mrch Agan," on Sunday with his niece,` -Mrs. Veronica . Griffin and' family to spend the '. winter �months�-there�y�� - . Mrs. 'Jas. Wallace is visiting l�riice� Slashed 1955 Chet: Dela r'..Pow rglidef Y-8 fully : ettulpped „ $3, 95 ; 1954 :Chev. 'Belaire Coach, 4.Powerglide, fully'equippe,.$1795 Two 1954:Chev: Deluxe` Sedans, Lally. equipped ;