The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-26, Page 3R• ..t.;' ner ham' ping was ly, soft? with ?gor, the New vis= Mr; their Rus Mrs. li • of on'. been •• care Rtes- " past, - had pital' 1955;„ bons er. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26th, 1955 ,.. 11... `ti .Ina' Tet,,Iras •n • THE; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,014TARI0 UNITED CHURCH Minister; . Rev. G. A. " Meikle john,, B.A. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th MOO a.m.; "Faith and Its - .Fruits". 12.15 ,p.fri, Churcna School. t110 . p.m, '"The Disciple ' �o�4�►u�g�P,�i1P�u�,Pr1 " Lucknow. Presbyterian. Church Rev. Wallace McClean, • Minister • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 11.00 a°m.: Morning Worship. 1 12.15 pan.; -Sunday' School. 3.00, 'p.m.: • Erskine, Dungan- non.' ungan-non.• 7.00 p.m.: Evening . Worship; 1.114/.00.:311.04111111.0;11•11411111110111111.1114' .11 0.:si/4111111.., 11iP1111111011�1111.1IN�1n BARN WALTERS ,•.in Goderich •Hospita] 'on.' October 19th; to •Mr.: and Mrs. Gordon Walters (nee Winnifred Farrish), a daughter. - OMEN TEACHERS. ET IN K I N L,OS'S • I.. On Wednesday evening, Oct- .00ber 10th, the. <Kin•cardine Unit .of Women Teachers' Federation. niet at S.S. No' 3, Kinloss, with 26 members present. The first vice pres., .Miss Helen Thomp- son of .Lucknow, was in the chair and conducted the business part of: the meeting. • Mrs. Joyce McEwan . was elect- ed ai, •the accredited delegate for the Fall Conference at, Southamp- ton on October• 291th Recommen. dations: rnadeeat t ' ._.._.�- .�-� _ he arir4,ual�on� Terence ii0 ronte. were, read:.. by Y the president. ' After a fine program present- ed by. the committee, Mrs. Mar;. :garet'Ruttlee:reported on:.Dr. Leal. cock's address •given at Hanover to .the Home'' and School Organ •iza'tion.. , 'ilhehighlights of, the 'Chicago trip were presented by Miss K. Urquhart, while Mrs. Katherine Gol'lns reported• for those 'who. attended' the, Convention at Dir- Mrs. Margaret ' Ruttle, from this Unit, received an invitation to attend the Ontario Association Of Curriculum. Developnent to be held • in Torontd on • "November 10, 1.1'and 12. ' ' •A•t . the • cclose of ,the meeting a social - tiire • was enjoyed .•by the- members . while • the •hostess,. .Mrs Q oyce ltllcEwan: and 'her comrnit- tee served a delicious • lunch. '• ' 4iexpYP11iilPHio4uin41woskikP.t?.#nemuill4.6q.1.,iaim.P/ipmumPrtuioa*n4Em144.14, Exciting ' new beauty is yours with a 'coiffure • de- signed..especially, for you. Discover' the thrill of a. • "just for you" hair style: • GET "SET". NOW TO LOOK YOUR LOVELIEST Make : Appointments Early and Please Keep .Them On Time! aley Beauty. Salon::.. Phone 115,' 'Lucknow, Ontario . F • • i Rece]ving at the :.St. Charles;' 1. PAGE' THREE: Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Cockwell and son Roy, Mrs. Roy ' Cringle, Mrs. Al Martin .and Neddy .of Detroit were.. Weekend visitors.' with relatives. You can buy Christmas Cards. with your names printed. on from Don. Thompson for as, little. as 5c each. r• Joe Conley returned on Mon- day day after ' spending More; than two months•; in Western. Canada, r • • .Mr . andi,Mir wark'_;Jamiieson visited "recently in Port• ' Huron and..presd.en. In Dresden •':they visited wttli;, Mr• and, Mrs: Aaron FLEW TO BERMUDA ON WEDDING•, -TRIP CHIN -LEE The • wedding ' of Mary Lee,, daughter of. = Mrs. Mai .Y. 'Lee' and the late Mr. Mai Y. Lee of Toronto, to Mr.' "William Chin, son of •Mrs. Charles Chin, form- erly. of Lucknow, and the late Mr. 'Charles Chin, ' was. solemniz= •ed at .Knox Presbyterion ''Church, Toronto,, by Rev. Fitch, before a• setting' of fall 'flowers,: on Sat- urday,. October 15th, ' 1955..: ;Given'. in. marriage by her, -brother-in-w, Mr. Stanley Chin, the, bride chose a floor length gown' of white' nylon tulle Over a' pink underskirt:, the 'moulded bodiceof chantilly lace ' featured • in. a •boat neckline and ''long sleeves. A pearl.'. studded head dress, held, her fingertip . veil in. place and she 'carried a • cascade •of orchids and red roses. Miss Cuely : Lee, maid :Of honour for her sistar arid Lynne' Wong;' 'a niece, wore floor 'length :gowns of .pink nylon featured in ':the, 'low.). "V neckline.'' • The Maid of :honour .carried. a cascade of - red roses .and white. mums ° and the flower. girl .car - lied' carried' pink 'roses. Miss; Margaret Chin, :Misses Marina. and Nancy. Lee,' 'her. other attendants•; chose. similar gowns of blue nylon, matching 'hats• .and cascades . Of. roses and mums completed their'' gown. '• - Mr: Harry :,Chin,".brother of the groom was •. best man . and the ushers •were• Gibson Lee, Morley and Sam. Chin.. . �i1r II�11 ka..". IrOiMlOr1/�dlir, / qMf, O�iP�1P /l�O�o�tl�/t._ ,_f•t. .. Mrs.. Lee ' wore a dress of. trans parent ,fuslhia nylon :over taffeta with' matching- accessories and orchid and: roses. corsage. Mrs.. Chin wore a' full navy: taffeta cklin and a pastel ' feather picture hat. She also , wore• an orchid and rose ' .411�J1 IP�PI O�O�l1 IP�lli,t�!1�g.�1/�111II�U�U�f, Ii�O�1/�D�0 1.;.. rnnnr2fl it I 3c 7C 1c. :9c .9c. 7c' ac 9c !9c 19c' I9c 17c 13c 3c 3c 3c lc Congratulations and Best' Wishes to Wm. A. Schmid." on the Opening of his' New Store in Lucknow. It is indeed a:. credit to the . Conuinunity' and 1 an asse to the modernizing of the Business Section Town. :. 1. S . on of the-Sepoy� . p utton's Meatarket corsage. Organ., music was , played • by Mr. -Wilfred -Black' of Lucknow, at the St. Charles. Mr. A. E. Mc- Kim of Lucknow, toasted . the groom's mother. ' The• ' couple left on a° wedding trip, by .plane , to . New ' York 'and Bermuda. . They ' will , reside ` .in A Toronto. PURPLE GROVE • Ladies' and Men's Wear'' -- Fashion ,Millinery 'PHONE 85 LUCKNOW SHIRTS for Men and Teens . , All wool, woollettes, flette, for sport, leisure or work, .. warm and comfortable as. a ,jacket „or shirt': . • ptaids, checks, plains, stripes, 14% "to `171%2. . w,asha •abl,a.'and durable.. • AU colors, priced from, .......,.;. i,. b.......... $2.95 to $11.9$' ',PYJAMAS flet. - - - .ton • ., • NDERWEAR' ' New, shipment includes;.con>ubinations, knee sand,• ankle. "t°ength k?ENMAN'S '.71 'and ,95, •combinations• and • -'; separates •STANFIELDS,; shu7 s drawers,:- cornbin- • ations .. Arrow, broadcloth boaxers, all sizes. ' b TOP COATS .: Gabardines, zip -in: or .plain, all purpose, . fully' lined for cold .days '... grey, tan, 'blue, all sizes and prices. Hats and Caps by Biltmore and Stetson Gloves,, Scarves, Belts; Braces SPECIALS Ml'SSES PURSES 1'RSES . $2.00 HAT CLEARANCE, for women $2.50 FABRIC GLOVES $1.00 ' • KINGSBRIDGE. 1. '''hos,- Drennatn, 1Vlr, and' Mrs, T: J, 'Drennan; Miss Duke, of Goderich, Mr. and "Mrs. Ni.ch-. olas' Perry and. Theresa, Perky of. Detroit' .were Sunday visitors at the hor ire `of Mr. and ' Mrs Earl. Drennan. an Mr. Thos; Drennan .re turned to Detroit with the Perry, family, for a' ' lengthy visit :them. . Mr.,. • and Mrs. Jos. Garvey of Toronto :and Mrs: ',Delores Dal-' ton of Detroit spent .the week- end eek-end.with relatives there. Mr.. Leo Spriet andtwo dau- ghters. Simone.. and' ` Lizette of Longton. were guests at the Rec tory.. •ori Sunday. • Mrs. Arthur 'OConnor and two sons' Dennis and. Terrence; Pick.- ering, spent . the week -end. with relatives ,' here. . Mrs. D. Moore .and Mrs.. Jack Kinney of Datroit, Mr. and Mrs.: 'Jas. Sinnott and Mrs, .M.:McLen- nan .of Corrie, spent the week- end here after attending the Austin -Fitzpatrick wedding Shower -for New Bride • Con,gratulatiors to the •newly.; weds, Mr. and Mrs.''Cyril Austin, •wlhose wedding. took place in St.. Joseph's Church . on Saturday", October::22nd. Over 40' iguests' at tended the. wedding dinner in • the parish hall, and the . C,W.L. were hig ly,'complimented on their first' verirture in, catering for : wedding dinners. On Tuesday prier ,to the "wed ding a miscellaneous, shower for the;"bridewas sponsored •by the C.W.L.'. with over. '60' guests pre - :s The eveni • sentng was spent in playing progressive euchre with. first prize going 'to Mrs. O'Neill; consolation to Mrs:,, Van • Diepen.' . :lovely- lunch -was-served:: Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dalton, John 'S. Dalton and iFrank Sullivan' zniitored to Stratford. on Friday • ...Lucknow \ Phone' 54, � t •.� 11P.1P�u.�r_u�alaial�n�l�Pt�1Pa�..�1.6. r�,Ptina�llll�f.�l1�1I�M1i♦1151.11rV 1�1/�11�11�,ri,11�.11�,f �►IIt1r11�1r�1tirt/�/� OPEN .ANTIFREEZE; 'HART BATTERIES (1;;2 year warranty) ALL•QDAY', THURSDAY • permanent type, , gal. .13 -Plate, ...., 15 -Plate. 1'7 -Plate Ford Car. 17 -Plate Ford Truck 17 -Plate G,M; Cars $2.50 .$ 8.40.': 12.45 1. 15.60 15.85 ! 16.50 '•1 witli old battery) .1 29.05 _:- - r...-$2.3 95�, Goodrich' •Snow T�ir-e�eg�- �" , . Bonded Brake' Shoes, set 2 wheels' • $4.98 Mufflers c Pines Thermastat5 • LIGHT` UIRS.� SHOT dU$ SHELLS.• HacINTYRE' and. I:RWIN. 'PHONE 65, LUCKN.OW P.'PM •rim.,�1,�P�1/�1�t1�1►�O�ii�11�n1��1�1r.1��1�. {N'1�.1�1'1�'0�11 • Mt4iPw.:lakffiGah•G:.:,.ssti•;..X.6:.:Y..:-,.M.-::4.H.ditiS,::G:,i:.t ;P:,,..L.ua...u�:�S..,:,1 k't.. ...:;:,_ ;.:;::-.: ,. Sympathy is extended to• the relatives a. the, late ' Mr... Clair. Stanley' woo passed away in Kin- cardine Hospital on Friday. morn- ing..• ' .: • The AiCinlough W.lt.S. met at thhe hpme of :Mrs. Ben. Scott with -a.good�.-•:attendance - .TI e._guest:. speaker was Mrs. McAuley 'of Ripley.. • • • • Mr. and Mrs Goldie Huston visited at the home of 'Mr, Dori ald and Margaret' Robertson. • Miss Olive Orr of Arthur, Mr. and. Mrs..Ilryden and family, Mr. 'and Mins.. Walter Forster and family visited ate the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McCort recent- ly. .Mr°. and Mrs. Alpert. Trowse of i vezVon -IV]`r •8i Mrss: 13ert`•B wrt and Linda, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Helwig of Tiverton were visitors at ,the hone of Mr. and Mrs ,Vic•- Stu-Gaw1ey-.-•on'-Sunday.. evening : to. ' attend. the Christo- plier' •Lyndh concert there, ,Spon- cored. by ' the Kinkora C.W.L. Held . Memorial Service On Sunday , afternoon, t h e• Members of the "eongl 'ation un et.. der the direction of the pastor, ` Rev.H. Van. Vynckt; held their annual : Commemoration Service ' for :the departed at the Calvary. monuniefit in the ' cemetery : at .3;00 p.m. 'Father Van .'Vynckt : iii 'preaching .ashort' sermon, 're- minded ' those present that dur Ing the past year,' there had been thirteen .burials in the : cemetery_ • Miss Anne 1VIcKrnnon, John' McKinnon, Miss .Haines' and M. Sproul were,- recent visitors'' at 'the` home .of Mrs. Jerry ^• O'Con- • Mr. and Mrs. family attended ,MTs; W:' Lam law) ' 'at.. Walker LParnbertus. and the funeral of b us (sister -in n on . Friday. MOVE: TO SARNIA .and Mrs:.. Athol ,Pardon have e . moved. .from Wingham' to Sarnia where '_Athol .'is -engaged i. tri' the'" construction business. He ` • is: continuing' to carry on his dry- goods ry-goods;business ' . in. Wingham in the meantime Athol is the; ,son: .. of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy •'Purdon of town; and was in the. bakery'• usiness here' at .o.ne time. after '. purchasing .the business from the late Edgar: H`o11yrnan. • Prior ;to their departure Mrs. Purdon• was guest of . honor at a surprise : party 'at the home 'of, Mrs. Charles Hodgins when she was ` presented. with a TV table, matching lamp. .and a. cup and saucer. : 'Atho1's • brother, -Hector, is • in the rreal --estate- �busrness-at--Sar- nia .Is Your. Subscription Paid?. astic FOR `WET, SLOPPY DAYS AI-IEA.D Women's Flat or Heels . Misses'Flat . _. ... . MEN'S' RUBBER BOOTS, RED SOLES, (imported)... Men's Short-_ Men's Knee Length A • minister proposing .a "wed- ding toast reminded the groom that a wedding ', ring is like a tourniquet,. "it /Stops your cir- culation", . $3,05 ` $4,95 CHILDREN'S , RUBBER BOOTS $2.25 ,sies •6-10). • th*eIIeS�n . 'eine Footwear' For All The Family,- 4.4%. amily. ••�vrtriuttais min 40:14,„„1.40,4101,424 Ax.