The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-19, Page 9i5r5 EqvaskiPmertieriiilliTVZVW wercoismimmowitontlitarfATIllkatV., WEDNESDAY,' OCT, 19th, ,1955 1At1ir1„ ' omekert ture '1 lose. M THEATRE .• TIDE'. LUCK I'QW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Thursday, Friday, Saturda • Y, October 20, •21, 22 VISTAIi�Hj STEWAHTJUNE nurse gicAiromn,ana AN1 NICOI, , RY SUIJJV N • :�� �.BENNEF[. !,'.IuMd b "AMUn, J; swum . D ,s,W M AN711ONY MANN &misplay tri YAIIMINft pow Ma L ANe LAY. h, ,Slay b, kinks 4j. k.. A Prrokoi Piga" !. LM,e:ATRI, Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p,m. EVENING ADMISSION i- 60e, 356, 25e 1 1 :Monday,' Tuesday,, October 24, 25.:i' .. LANA 'TURNER, EDMUND 'FUR,DOM, inn "THE PRODIGAL" • (Adult ,Entertainment) • i A lavish 'Biblical, spectacle • in.'CinetnaScope and Colour based on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. • ' ... 1y/�1 lY�U�rt!!tllll�0�1&11�„�p�t 0•I�I,�H�f�l .qt+/��tN /� Pip ,. PURPLE GROVE Mr; and ,Mrs. Alfred Herbert, Wenda- and Linda -of '.Weston; -Mr and Mrs. Oscar • A mstrong, `Mr. and: Mrs. Mines, Armstrong and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith . A:rri-. strong and Jerry were visitors .of `Mr. 'and : • Mrs. Frank Currie• on •Sunday.. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Needham and Donnie were Sunday' visitors CURRIE'S CORNERS .Visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs.: • Wilfred-Parrish'on.. Sunday were Mrs. Minnie. Horne of Toronto, Miss Hazel ..Culbert of • Lucknow and 'Mr. and Mrs. '•Lloyd' Mac - . Mrs:: • Elliott • Sandy and• • 'Mrs. 'Bill Wareing motored to° ;Preton one day . last week. ' Mr: and Mrs Joe Courtney &• at the'• home, of Mr. and Mrs• family visited on Sunday with' 1 Peter 'Leeson.. Mr. and Mrs; Leo Courtney. `Mrs. Lorne Ritchie and Anna- belle :are:spending a • few days With , her parents, •Mr: and Mrs. ,Dan Nicholson of Luckn:ow: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Canip, ball and. 1aniily and Mr. John • D: McArthur of .Ripley were vis itors at the home of Mr and Mrs. George' Emerson recently. ; • Marlene Gawley .hada the this fortune to -fall and receive a frac- tune of•the shoulder. After spend- ing a .few 'days. in Victoria. Hos pital; London, she was•' able to. return. honme.•but will be wearing a 'cast , for some time. • • Mr and 'Mrs Donald 'McCosh, Mary 'and Dickie ' and Mrs. Col well, visited . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Diek Richardson Suri Mr `and MVXrs. Hector 'Knight' and family of Picton 'visited re- cently with Mr: Donald • Mc.Cosh R D. .Ross visited a day last week with :Mr:: Jas. • Donaldson. Mr; and Mrs. Gordon Walters of : Goderich .visited with. Mr. & Mrs Lorne. 'Farr.i§h and ,'Donald on ::Sunday. WEOD1Ni • .SELLS • • PHILLIPS, -WALTER, • t : At• Victoria .Street ''Church: par son•age, `;Goderiel , the Rev A: E. Moote • .united ' in • .the Eliza- beth Ira :May .Walter; daugh ter of Mr:' and' Mrs: Harry Wal - 'ter, Goderichs and ,William' Dur nin • Ph llips, . Goderich, `son of Mr. anad • Mrs. Herman Phillips, R Lucknow : , The bride id.e •'wore a'' Charcoal. grey. suit with/pink•h'at and black: ac- cessories and corsage 'of pink carnations. Mrs:. Kenneth Horton„ Goder 1C`lr, ut A. M. HARPER Chartered Areuuntant wearinga dight grey suit with, navy, accessories and'. corsage . of yellow mums: Donald Phillips. of. • Ashfied, brother ofT the _grooms, -.-w as- groomsnian. ' At the reception which follow- •West Street ed at the home of Mr.;and .,tMrs. Wellington '. Good, 'Auburn,- the bride's mother' received guests wearing •'a blue- crkie-�nsemble and , corsage of .:red . roses. Following a • wedding trip t, t Niagara'alls, Mr. and Mrs. Phil- lips,,wiil' reside in, Goderich. Telephones 343J 343W eetiflg • in :the • 'TOWN HALL; LUCKNOW �II�O�II�IF�r(1�11�IY�IF�11i1�i11�1�(� • October . 21- , • at •:8.00 p.m.. on , BEEF' and •DAIRY•'CATTL FEEDING and MANAGEMENT . Fending Special sts — •W41 '`Be ,in `Attendi LUCKY DOOR PRIZE , :a. • uc Everyone Welconie, .Sponsored by .'..' now District Co-op .Y1111.1•..'S)�4 _4 :ON. ANNIVERSARY (ST HELENS NEWS) • Our : high calling the' call t eo*itin,ent, was the theme o the worship service of the meet ing of tthe W.M.S..of the Unit Church held at the, home of Mrs James:Curran on Thursday , of ternoon with 17 ladies in attend ante. Mrs. W. I ' Miller, the pres 'idntt ewas in the chair. ,Th scripture lessons were read b. Mrs. Lorne.: Woods' and: ;Mrs. E W: Rice and Mrs.. ' Jehn-�C-amexon led in prayer Mrs. Frank Mc .W Qualliri,; Mrs.' Harvey ebb 'and Mrs. Ross •Erringttn ,,read from the •new stud .book . , "Conning .our Way"., Thereasurer • report- ed %that : $141 had. been sent to the Presbyterial treasurer.. Mrs. T. J. Todd presided for the 'meeting of .the ' . W.A. ' that followed, with the' theme "The Bread of Life". 'Mrs, Caineron read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Errington, the less o.n thoughts. The treasurer's. report •sho.wed: $90.65. on` hand. The' fol- lowing committees were appoint.: ed for :the bazaar:to• be held' in the Auxiliary Booms, Lucknow, on . Saturday, .1V,ovember. 12th': Lunch -Miss W. p.. Rutherford', Mrs.T. J. Todd, Mrs.. Jas; Cur ran, Miss" Annie Durnin,.rs. •J. Oaaneron,:Mrs. Jas.- Durnin;;.bak- ing=-Mrs Lorne . Woods, 'Mrs. Ross .Errington, Mrs. Wm.. Mac- Pherson, Mrs.; Allan .Miller,. Mrs. 1VIcQuillan;:.'sewing Mrs Gordon' iMaePherso, 1VIrs .L, Durnir Mrs. C. Taylor,., Mrs.. W. G.; Huirnphrey;, serving Mrs. Charles McDonald, Mrs: Alex Murdite,,,Mrs:•E .harbour; kitchen —Mrs,,. -Eldon -Eldon .Miller;' Mrs. D. - C. McDonald,: Mrs. •' W; Qi. Humph- , rey; candy and .plants -Mrs. G: Stuart, ,Mrs.:' E; W. 'Rice, Mrs:. H. Webb;:' . Mrs. McNeil; cashier--. Mrs W. 'A.. ' .Miller.' The next meeting.. will. 'be ' held at Mrs. \M Charles. cDonald's with Mrs. E:" W.: Rice and Mrs. '.A Miller as •hostesses.. A. pleasant, social hour i'was enjoyed ' when' lunch : , was served with '.Mrs. H. .Webb` and Mrs.' E. Miller .as; hostesses; • Forty-five yea'rsago, . on Oct ober . 13th; 1910,' the Rev. 'S. H. Moyer united in marriage Mar- garet `Anne Rutherford, daugh- ter. of .the late Mr. and Mrs. ,.J. B. ftubherford and William Lsaac Miller; son of the late • Mr •. and Mrs, R. K. Miller: The ariniver-. sary' of this •happy event -was ob— served OCT 'Saturday, evening at e. family gathering 'at their hotne, Present .were all their family Mr, -arid ' Mrs. T. .J.'. Todd, Anne, s._Isobel Miller; Mr, and Mrs. ' G. . S `Mc= In`tyre, and Donald of •Brace - bridge; . Mr. and • Mrs. Gordon Miller ` and. Larry of London; also Miss W.:D. - Rutherford, sis.'' ter of the ,bride, and the groom's sister Mrs. W. A:. Miller, and •Mr. Miller. During the evening the happy couple were each present- ed with handsome wrist watch -from—the' family. - PiAG'rE; `NINE.. 0 f eS d, e. ya • t e Two Shows Each Night at 7,30. — :Saturday •Matinee, at 2,30 Friday,, Saturday,,, _October. 2 1, '22 Grien. Force, Diana LA, ratriela Medina, in ",FL'ZJNDER OF 'THE • SUN" Warner'; Bros ":present the .modern, day.:adventures of men seeking the 'n " e sw - r to a h a � 2500. ear o .Y ld riddle•. ..•,in,.. searching among the ruins of a Mexican temple ,for, the key to, the wealth•'of'an. entire• civilization.••:'"' • ung •:splendid • 'Work.' The' name founders of A.A were `important. variesin...different, sections. eag. partners. They turned their Alanoii, Alano, Onala; but alf are homes into virtual rescue anis: composed of one type of member sions. As more and more drunks- -and have a single aim: Al -an- became A.A.'s more and' More non •a contraction for • Alcohol- wives, husbands and childreta • ica Anynom,ous and ,the groups ;needed help and encouragement. are ' auxiliary '' to A.A. .�Alanon The . National .Committee' .on; grew•apout• of a ;desperate need.:Alcoholisrn in. the US. estimates, Non -alcoholics related to alto, that: of 65 million Americans; holies have distressing problems who' drink, 4 million 'have well distinctly. their own, The'growth developed .eases of alcoholism. . of''Alanon roughly parallels that In ;Canada? We already_ have of A.A.,. for the wives of the two 300 such groups; • • • Zrow1•asuH 1rooc11«.ko„ariiilaor.oaruimpor►,, ' lmom 1 PHILCO. DU MONT •R,C.A. VICTOR MOTOROLA,' •PHI'1;IPS•; ; ' • •ADMIRAL SYLVANIA G.E.' and; HALICRAFTERS eduCed Prices ON T.V and `ANTENNA INSTALLATION Come In And See The 1956 Models - We Install and ; Service What We Y Sell >:tas a Ramo 3 . 'PHONE* iio, .L•UGKNOW iso r�swl�ir�r�, , ,1.. . 1��/�U111�.U�,i�,.lU�11�1/•�O`1i�11� .THE 'MOTORISTS' MAGAZINE SAYS. ate The • mystery , of the "best, buy", in 'auto insurance, the I tangled web that most motorists know little 'ornothing about, has been solved by the' editorial' research 'board. 'of Car Life Magazine,''in an exclusive article apRearing, in the November issue:. After two months of study and evaluation of -39 auto insurance companies by , the national magazine's research. team,, the State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance- Com- - piny of Bloomington, Illinois, was awarded the • Car Life Seal of Merit Award for "the nation's best buy in auto in-. .Rentember the Variety Night in . the Community Hall on Fri- day . evening at 8:30 -tinder the. auspices of the Y.P.U.'of, the Un- iced. ' Church. .. Rev. Benson Cox of ' Kinlotigh will gave -an illustrated lecture including his trip. to the .'Holy Land, in the United Church un , der the auspices, of the; W.M.S. • and the W.A. of St. Helens •U i ited Church on Monday, evening, October 24th at '8.00: p.m. Every- one is invited. This will be• the annual Autumn Thar koffering of the W.M,S.. Donald Taylor; who is attend- ing night 'classes at the• Beal Technical School, London, was • httne "for the .week -end., Mr, and .Mrs. Stanley Todd :& seri. Andrew • of Southampton were Saturday visitors With Mrs,l David 'Todd. • ALANON FAMILY, GROUPS. • „More than •.10,000 delegates re- gistered ._at-..theirs.-..._co.nveritior Cleveland in: 1954; Returning to their!' homes • other groups were pawnedall over the country. In e next five year's. 650 were or. ganized::They are still ;forming at a current rate of one aweek. A ivonderfid' organization dos gakadmrAl vS•.:__ +.n.+ai:ki:;:..dti..il:.'it.� surarr�e". • • k 1 . "When you are ' 'ready to •buy your :policy"; ' Car Lif e !found, "you 'need not shop • for one, that offers. everything '' and' a • little extra Today, all policies; have standard pro'' visions and, mos companies use the standard -policy: But what yoprotectu do ;.hd to' idis .this:.+hka' amounion yeeour, particuconslaerr needs reqTuiree: ind' The +costndo f the;t of ` ,_• policy and „the reputation and stabilitty of the company in- suring you,,. "However, these are by no means theonly or most im- portant factors to ' be taken . into account .,in buying auto ---insurance", - the—maggazipe �clrtic ie ,continues. "What-is—"int- ' portant is what happens when you present your inaurance' 'company with' a claim .'"Is the agent or representative easily. reached? Is he co- 1 I operative? Does he represent you as well' as t1 company?. t: Will the company try to 'taut. you out of your claim, or •reduce I, 1 it? Will you ave to_ wait a long period for settlement? Will = f.' i.. ! the company force you to go to court? I>7 short, wall 'your insurance_'poliey do what it clainms �td- do?" : 1 Taking all these .factors into consideration, the"friagazine ', .. editors found that State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance 1 I..Comp..an-y ;.eotnpa.te-cLbetter:-. w-.ith_the.._ragid.-code—oi.--spec-if-rca-., tions than any of the .'39 auto insurance companies, studied. -tatejarmi.., 1 Insurance ,Compiny itepre ented iii this district by j RELBEhT' Vi►ILSON, R. 3, Goderiah, Pharie Dwitaitantlou 80-r- • nr.?: iilik "711•41111Mtilik. (t 4 .Y:� iii �. YiiYr. i X!�Iu Ieu3 AS