The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-12, Page 9/ 9.5.5 . .WEDNESDAY', ,OCT.. • 12th ind• [ler ay. ore `. les;. th at Ons ton ,. Mr. poi-. trs. Irs. eld tis ase= - me` rry del au-' ion )bt.; sur ;am the Un- ies- the. op - was :01) ma tor. in the han ;ery the on the 1955 P -R TS T ON. AN.NIVER$ARY (KINLOVG11 NEWS) Travelogue Wa. Feature 'Mrs. Tom Hodgins; presided for the meeting of the IM.W,L when members from Lucknew and 'Ripley were guests: This, vnis 'a special meeting on Ceylon and the, roll call Was ,"Something I read about.. Ceylon", Rev, G, B. Cox, who has visited there re- •cently, gave` a very interesting .talk on the country and its, peo- le, He--stated-•that-rCeylon--is-,the Pearl Of the• ocean and.the germ' of the ',Orient with a .population of. , 8;000,000. It .iS 30 miles from the .• equator ;,and is very.: o,id: •i.n; its civilization ' 'The:'climate • is 'mild . and it is very beautiful. The people speak very. good Eng fish. Their religion is varied. Iii 1956 the. A.C..W.W:. will' meet in' Colombo. Their. `experts . are tea, graphite,' quinine, tapioca. and. rubber. Cocoanut and .rice are. important it the diet. The fpirst meeting of the CoIombo plan was held in Ceylon in which. Canada "has played a very important, part, ,also • in their civilization. Following his address Mr. Cox showed pictures, taken by him on his visit there. These were greatly; enjoyed • and, at 'the con- ,clusion,Aayriarci—Ac-kes-lex-- .er -e-x pressed thanks and presented biro :with• a . remebrance-' in 'ap precciation for . his kindness Mrs. Don. MCCosh of Purple 'Grove and president •'of '. South Bruce District, was "present and 'brought greetings. She 'stated.' . that the. doors'•of opportunity .are: never, shut. She .congratulaed the In- stitute for planning sueh an in- teresting' meeting on . Ceylon, She also spoke of the °convention which she attended'. during. the week' at Wingharn and .paid a fine tribute to our local .radio station CKNX..The ;party- Made. a tour •of the station .and also he. new TV 'station; She urged the ladies to avail themselves •of the opportunity of visiting. and: seeing all that.. is behind , the voice . you hear, . She concluded her Premarks with 'a.' humorous story. Those takingpart music-. ally 'were Peggy 'MacDonald and. Mrs. Jack. Hewitt, H'olyrood;'the girls trio..from Ripley;.under the direction• of Mrs.. DuKcan Mitnn:;• Twp • HE LUCKNOW SEN;TI EL, 'LLCKNOW, ONTARIO: Mrs. Jessie' 'Alun, Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, Mrs. John Hall and. Miss Margaret Rae ..accompanied y Mrs. J" W.. Joynt from Luck ►ow:: A .donation was. •made ;to he Unitarian" Service. Plans were made. for the'.annual Re- ' to . mem�branee-Da: had' y—service—also-fox a, Hallowe'en dance and .the stag- ng of the Teeswater, play. The •N� Club leaders• class' is; to be held n ': Walkerton laterthis month. he_ coarse -_is— `Cotton—accessor- es for the .C1:ub .girl's bedroom"., irs.' 'Ambrose. Gamble and 'Mrs. harles ' Cook • expressed their hanks to the }Tolyrood Branch. efresh.mexits • were served and a oc%al rim& enjoyed:; •• . Mr., -- -and Mrs. Bert Ticho-ison ccbmpan ed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ayler on a 'trip. to Ottawa end Tontreal. „ Karen . and Evelyn Nicholson dent . thte week -end with Mr. ,& lrs.. Howard Thompson. • onored'fon • 40th Aririiversary 'Mr, and Mrs. John Ross, • Con. Kirilo3$. were honored with surprise party by friends and neighbors irr H iyropd Ha11 Th Bening: was :spent iil ;dancing tiring the' lunch'. period. a pros- ntrition of a : trilight lamp, .a flee table 'and a. sum . of money was made. as well as' a »unifier of individual gifts: Those taking part in thisevent were` Mrs, Ernie Hanna, Mrs. Grant Ecken- sTiler,. Mrs davit Tioss, Mrs: P. A. Murray and .: Miss Cora. 1311e Thompson. • Mrd, J, W Colwell visited during the eek with " Mr. and Mrs. Roy ` ebster and Mr.. and Mrs,. jack • Mason : and other friends' 'in' London. • • Mrs." -Dorothy Tilont,psorr.� re- riled home • from Wingharnsfital' where' she has been ,a tient for the past 3 weeks. 'r"iends `of Mrs. Win,. Lloyd of indon are pleased 'to know' that e is making a', satisfactory ii(tit- V�,"_•k3f/ly tfr yami:.J, , re- ..iL...f91.4i..(alci qalac '.i PAGE • • A K,-WECANBVYA. CANADA SAVINGS BOND POR J25OD�WL..,. • r. DOWN P •YMENT OF 5% .. �•52.50 FOR A $50.00 BOND, $5.00 FOR A $100.00: BOND, • ETC.— BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR. .. BUY YOUR BONDS • roDA r • for cash* by rite/meats at Oyu' neighbourhood NW .' j02Mluio ciuiiANI 44(4'4 7vY4t 5'4,4 :WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN. EVERY WALK' Of LIFE SINCE .1.817 ANK O� MONT�tEAL Lucknow. .:Branch MURRAY LOUSE, 'Manager ' • ation at .. Victoria:; Ho pi tal, . Lon don. . . Mr and Mrs. Campbell Brov,n (nee Kathileen . Lane) attended the teachers' convention. at: Chi- •cago. . . Mr:' and • Mrs. Wm. NMcConnela and Mrs. Annie Nesbitt . of 'Bet - vie 'and Mr: and Mrs: Ben 'Scott visited on Sunday with Mrs.' Milton Walsh.: ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Haldenby. of Toronto spent the :'.Week -end *with relatives here. . • Mr. :Ralph. Haldenby of Clark- son larkson.spent the ,week -end at his home here. ' •Mr and ' Mrs. Clare Sperling_ and Allan of Walkerton spent Sunday with 4r. and Mrs. • Geo:. Haldenby.:" • Mr. -arid Mrs.: Arthur ",Breckles entertained • Toronto relatives over ` the .week -end. • Sunday visitors with Edna and: May..Boyle were Mr. 'and.. Mrs. Frank Maulden and .Keith,: Mr.. ;J. R. •Lane and ' Mr. 'and Mrs.' . Chris- Shelton. � he ton,. Mr. and .Mrs Stanley John - stone and Noreen of London vis- ire. l' ,k .th.-tVIr.. and Mrs. Wesley- Guest aiid . Fred •over the week- end., The ,Anglican Church service for the'remai:ndt r of October November will be at 3 o'clock with Sunday School at 2.00 p.m f Friends. of. Mist :Annie Wall & Mrs. Wm. Wall' are sorry to 'hear they are : under• the doctor's care. mMr. • and Mrs. 'Norman . Fry' and Rickey of, Clinton spent :Thanks giving,here. with, Mr, and fMrs. Wm. E. Haldernby.• Mr. Russell Barr. ' of 'Toronto spent the week -end. at .his home.. 'Mr.__J. R..:_Lane,LM-r. -and Mrs. Frank Maulden ' 'and : Keith .spent Thanksgiving Day with 'Dr. and Mrs.: R. Lane at, Port Elg.in.. On Friday evening 'Rev: G. B. :C,ox, 1.47111 show pictures• of both local interest and these: taken.. on: -his. recent trip through •the',West' .and 'the' United $tater, In the. Anglican ' Church basement when a sdci•aI willbe held: Everyone le .., invited to come and *enjoy the evening CULROSS CORNERS. Mr. Ernest (Bud), Stewart re- turned home "from Western Can- ada Thanksgiving night.' : October 5th,; community •"de • serted reason; Teeswater Fair! • •� Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. John 'Rots ` ,who `celebrated : • their 40th ':wedding. 'anniversary, Fri- day.' Their family of fdur. dauigh ters and four sons were. all home for .the ; ha ; occasio PPY . n In the evening Mr. • and Mrs.. Ross were the honored guests at' a .gather - Mg in :.Holyrood:Hall. Visitors •during the week with `'Mr. and ' Mrs. -Earle .H,odgins and. Mr, and Mrs. Don . -Donaldson and. family were: Mr.. and .:Mrs. :Tom' Emery , of Akron, Ohio • and Mr:. and 'Mrs. George .Hodgins, Wood ,stock.' Congratulations. are in order for pupils from: ourschool who. won prizes for exhibits. gat Tees - water' Fair.: Prize:; winners were, Elda and Beverley Wall, .Sharon lioagin,, , Barbara and Donna Haldenby. .. 1 • Misses ' Ellen and,' Walterine Wilkie; Kincardine, . spent the week=end with, their grandpar- ents, Mr. and, Mrs. Tom Stewart. Mr: and; Mrs. Mac MacPherson •' and .family spent Sunday :with Mr and •Mrs... Tom Stewart Sunday visitors at the home, -of. Mr."' and 'Mrs.. 'Midford Wall and Donnie were Mr. and Mrs; John Emmerson of Kinlough::and' Mr. and Mrs. ;Tom' Hackett and Doug of Ashfield. We 'aresorry to report :that• Mrs: ' Wr,,n. Wall of . Kinlough • is. " confined to bed. at•.the' home of. Mr. anl. _ Mrs Jack:..,Sc'humarher, : • Sunday visitorS. with ; Mr.,and Mrs. Alex Whytock and family, .• were Mr. and.1, rs. Wrn. 'Camp- bell. •ard faniily; of Kinloss.and •' 1VIr ar:d Mrs.. Everett "Whytcck and and,. family. . Mr.:. and; Mrs: •:ath s Wraith: spent 'Sunday witl,•Mr: avid Mrs... Robt. Stobo and farriily. Congratulations- to Mr. & •Mas; Morley Wall on the .birth of a daughter in .: Wingham 'Hospital. ,M Solution ask loan Y�.';iTy±neea extra cash fog: -doctors' bills, for house repairs, to save•on. a season's fuel supply . -or for any sound.'reason Don't hesitate see • the bank about it. ' It's 'the natural thing to do. The chartered banks, through .inexpensiv_e perspnal loans large and small, make it possible forr 'people to meet pressing''needs or take advantage of bargains. At' any branch, you ;cavi ; count: on consideration, courtesy, pr vacy,:It is a simple matter to arrange a: -loan, repayable out of income in ' ' . nstalrnents that suit ,y:our c nvenience, The local:'brainch of a cllai'tered bank not.only prosi'despersonat loans 'but• many'other banking :$ervices of value to everyone: iii the community. • -fr' • 'yam• "•• %• moi Only a chartered bank • offers a full 'range of banking seruicer,,. rncludi g' SAV•INGS',ACCOUNTS Keep -your money -safe; pay you steady interest;. encour- age'•the habit of rliri t.... , LEI TERS OF "citEDfT For travellers on extended trips, or ro :.htiance business trans- actions.at a°disiarlse. TRAVELLERS CHE••QUES Protect "yotr against theft or loss of cash. 'They are readily negoriable .anywhere. •OME IMPROVEMENT' LOANS . For repairs, alterations or additions to your home."' 4 .' .Q • ,.. ..� R�• I �: Gr • "'�' CJ U R ..0 d M TEE -CfhA:.RTER�D, BANS •S M'U•NITY•• 4; • • • .11 •