The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-12, Page 8P .GE EIGHT. THE LUCKNOW S•ENTI'NEL,LUCKMOW, QNTARIO ft' Coming. "The �.. R. Fp { It STARTS MONDAY,OCTOBER 24th{, ENDS SATURD.AY., \NOVEMBERth Watch for 'details Of this grand opening; sale-ithat. will offer you Jthe . finest .of merchandise at real bargain ,prices it' will -pay, you Well to start' your Christmas Shopping .'during this bargain festival.'• ova• Jewellery, 'Silverware, China and , Gift " Shop SCHMID r• to • 4 ,ii r • • 41 • r• 1. hone 181 ; 'Kincardine:. - FOR - � ' - E T. PRIG S PAYING - HI;G�H S E LIVE 'POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty In aecordance with, • government , regulations our ' poultry cod* are thoroughly washed 'and disinfected: • • for your proteactilon...• SIXTH AN'D NINTH Honored` on. 25th ' Anniversary Another • bride and groom 'of 25 years:ago from our Ninth Line were' honored. when. „neighbors & relatives ` met ' together Tuesday evening,: October' 4th at the home.. of Mr. • and , Mrs. Lorne-° Durnin to spend ''a pleasant evening with fiheiin: Progressive • euchre . was enjoyed :with -high; scores `'going to Mrs. Albert Taylor and Joe I'oran.:Lunch was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Durnin were ushered , to 'two special Chairs. Mrs:'' Durnin wore...a .. corsage'. of :'Dred carnations : presented.::to; her. earlier , in the evening: Mr. John Cameron read' an. address. The. Foran: Brothers -and . Earl Durnin made the presentation of a rocking' chair, 'trilight • mirror: and, smoking stand.. ; Both Jean and 'Lorne replied expressing their , thanks to .:all: Then "For They Are: Jolly Good, r'e1 owe was sung'. • x. . Mrs:.James'' McKenzie.. visited' with' her daughter; Mr. and Mrs. .obt 'MeAll;ster. ( Mr: acrd—Mrs: Jinn Hendersons FINAL SERIES 'RAINED ()VT TWICE: FOR NINE -DAV BREAK ' The Lucknow-Wellesley •.final. • series for' the W.O4.,A.. Inter-' inediate "B" ' Championship was slowed down ,considerably .dar- ing the past week, after two games were rained.. out., • A . game was scheduled o11 the Lucknow diamond last. Wednes- day, . and back in Linwood Fri- day, ..but both .contests: -were post- poned' because of 'wet weather The series' s -scheduled to -.get rolling ' again tonight '.(Wednes day) u} Lucknow, and Back in Linwood' again: on Friday of this: •week.. It 'will •Nave been nine daysbetween the fourth•. and fifth . games, with. the ' best -of - seven. tied at two games ea h. •* *.•* •' TIMBER .TIPS • Dick Parks was, the big,' gun in the 'Cubs' 31 win ` over the Wolverines on Wednesday 'night, . with a high- triple of 678.flat. The Lions came through. .for their first points of the season, Splitting four points with the Chipmunks. Anna Johnstone was. high' on 'the .' Chipmunks: with, a fine 606 total. The Tigers fell. off , slightly this week as they were zonlY able to. take One -point :.from. the' Coons, who were .much . improved from last Week. Larry Salkeld showed, `mid-season form as he led the Kangaroos .to . a 3-1 whin, over the hapless. :13eavers: Last. ' year's champion ' Zebra team' were. overcome by:•a strong. Polecat team; which' took 'all 4. po'nts..' . Dinnie 'Hamilton :scored. well for the . winners. with 'a flat triple. 'of 606: ' • George Westlake and Russ, Button :.led the 'Gophers .attack .on. the 'Squirrels . which , got them. lour points: 'Bill Button was .the 'bright 'spot, on . the 'losers'. team with .a triple of 652 flat -Team Standings • Chipmunks 6, • Kangaroos:. 6, Polecats 15, . Gophers. 5, cubs 5, Tigers 5," ,Wolverines: 4; Coons 4, Zebras 3 Squirrels ,2,, Lions ::2, Beavers 1; . ' ' - • Next •week's. schedule-Ved- :nesday, ` alleys • 1-2, teams: 9-.7;' .3-4,. 12-2; 5-6,8-10; Thursday,.1-2; 3=5; 3`4, 1-11; 5-6, 6-4. • erts ' of Lucknow visited with M r. arid Mrs. Wm..•P-urdon. . Visitors ..with Mr. and Mrs. ToYiii.'Armstrong •during theweek- end eek end 'were Mrs: • McLeod,' ' .Mrs... Paton and Mrs.'Poyner• of Lon- don, , ' Miss Eleanor Wightsnan ' & Mr. 'Stanley, Hisler of Winghaxi. Kenneth, 1VieAllister . and Don Cameron were ,amorLg . #16 teach- ers each ers who enjoyed a ,we'ek-end Chicago. Mr. Bob ' :McAllister ac= companied' 'them to ' the city. Mr.• Gromley Thompson and, Bob of: Brampton visited his- sis- ter,lVir. & Mrs. Mark Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs:: Bob Srnyt1i, Lyn-, da, Carol and Bobby of Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors 'with Mrs. Bessie'- Stewart and Brown 'Smyth. ; Miss Barbara Wilson:; of_;:,Lpnn don spent thte .week -end at- her. home here: •, ' ' • • Mr. and 'Mrs. Allan Dtirnin of London,, Mr. ' and �1VIrt Dan Hie- bert of 'Goose 'Bay,' Labrador,. ' & r_ _'.''_Mr: Will Loiidorr;- were recent visitors' with Mr. & Mrs. Jaines i urnin- ' • Mrs.. , Grayson Richmond and. son Dick of-. Monkton spent a • few °da,.ys--1as� j-weelc�-with-Mr-:-�ond. and Isabel of Brantford, Mrs. W. days last week 'with Mr: & Mrs:° Nixon and Mr: George 'MeRob- James Wilson. • 4 r • In • notifying ` us of., a: change :of • address, Ross .MacDonald of •Ottavia, said that he saw Hughie Iall.'s: picture in . ,a Montreal paper about, a month ago. Hall: did his football hurling in the Quebec metropolis this year. With a team: called "Snowdens", •and had about an ' even. split in the Won and foot column: **4 :NOW IN STOCK 4" Glaed Sewer Tile 4' Glazed • Elbows 4,'-0lazedY's • '4 ' •r4 44 4" Glazed CT's • 4i' .Field. Tile 4" No -Corrode Pit ' WEP ESDAY, OCT, •.12th; 19.55 • ro Interrupt' IN LUCKNOW ctol.eF • r 1955 ' . ron> 1.00 -p.m. to • 4.00 p.m..' .ti a ,.0"0 �rr,1 ,moi q�rN r 1,�N! ,�aN, , tn..(11,1 p ei.sn:.., ,►::.. WHITECHURCH M • .red m s on arid his aught„r.. a', 1VL rs 4• Mac olmson of Toronto, visited. a few`, days last week with Mrs • J. J. Tiffin and other relatives. • ' Mr: and 1VLrs Malcolm. Ross & family of 'Galt visited on Sunday with his ',mother,' Mrs,' •M. Ross and Olive. • ' Mr. and ,Mrs.' Melvin McClen•- aghan and 'Michael, of Kitchener, Mr:. and 'Mrs. Irwin McClenag- han • and family . of St. Thomas; Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Maclntyre and Linda ' of Ridgetown,' Mr.. 8i" Mrs. A euchre party 'will be :.• held • Harry Moss .and•family of Platts- 'in the Memorial Hall on: Thurs- --Mr.. anwd=.Mrs._ Bih ..Parker.. day, October 13.th.Ladies-please and:'• family of Brucefield, . 211 bring lunch., >✓veryone welcome spent Thanksgiving with 'Mr: & Mrs. Doris: Willis, Jahn,'. Garry Mrs. B. D: McCenaghan.' ' and 'Bill spent the'week-end with Rev.. N.Caswell left,: Monday friends and relatives at' Gowans morning to `visit' his 'parents at .town. . Oakville. • Mr.' and Mrs.` Mac; :Ing1i3 and Mr- ',and *Mrs.,':,Carrnen' Farrier, . Mrs. Jack Flanagan of Toronto Brian' and Colleen of New Tor- spent' the week -end with Mr. & onto spent the week -end with Mrs.' Thos.:.Inglis. • Mr. and 'Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mrs. •ALma Campbell and dm.' Mr. °::and Mrs.. Archie. Watt; ghter Barbara • Jean ..of ,London -' Linda and Lorraine of Toronto visited with Mr.'. and Mrs, 1obt; spent the•';week-end : with: his• Ross :'over the .weekend parents,. Rev. ,and ''Mrs. • W J Mr, -Litt -of Teeswater has ,pur- Watt: - • ' • ' 'chased: the farm .owned, .by'. Sam 'Mr: • 'and Mrs. Stan`le f tW ore Tar9butt " and mily:' spent .the` week -end r' 'zmeeting of,. the with. hfais' sister, Mr.. and: Mrs.: W.. YoungThe Adult regula.Group of.Un B., Thompson: in Preston.. . , ited • Church. wasp'. held' on Tum- Mrs. Robert .McNall'• held a day evening, October ':4th' in trousseau at her home on Tues- church basement. After the :op - day op -day in honor. of her daughter, ening exercises •:the: meeting was 'Roberta, bride elect, of ., the. turned over to the Mission. 'con month. �' vener,,; *Mrs.; Clarence McClena The 'Young Adult. Group. -of ghan, who gave the call to wor the .United Church • will. hold a ship.. Mrs. E. .Groskorth • led in especial service On 'Sunday even= prayer. Mrs. G. Farrier read the ing,. 'October 16th, at 7.30'. p.m. scripture; Mrs 'C. McC'lenaghan `in .Whitechurch United. Church, read a story on 'the "Discovery The guest speaker .will •be John' of Trinidad'. The'' topic fox •the K. Lessey, of. Trinidad • Special evening: was . a questionnaire on, music *ill be presented: Trinidad: Rev.' Brook 'closed :the Harry' Tichborne .of God :meeting „With, prayer erich spent the 'weekend with' • - her• mother; Mrs: D. ' Kennedy. ,Fluid • drive may be:, new .to. Mrs.' Lorne Durnin`. of • SSt: Helens auto engines; ' but we ve a visited :Mrs. Kennedy Sunday; ,'drips at the wheel. for years., Mr.. and Mrs. 'p:. Jantz and family, of : Milverton • Visited: •h;�r •.: brother, Mr.:and .Mrs Ceg-' >!'ish-' • er and Mrs. D, Kenndy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and ' Mr. and, Mrs. Walter James;. Roy .' and . Leonard , visited with ,Mr: and Mrs. Keri ,Dickson at Bellmore Saturday evening:' • Mr. and Mrs.. Cam Simmons • and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs: Clayton Scholtz, .all., of . London and Mr. and Mrs. 'Freeman Beatty 'cif Tor 'onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin . and' Mr.. and Mrs. ...Scholtz. • :T ' • • q ,It cost Port Elgin hockey club, $7,ODO:DOlast 4yeafr- f 'a _Wtfi 'ling intermediate •hoekey team -- and that 'didn't quite' keep . the club out of the red, 'Bat the "sport" is up for discussion again and a definite decision. _on_!enter- ing a club is to be' reached-ICI-Fs- week.. eachedthisweek. CURRIE'S' CORNERS Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sutton & . • family of `Galt .were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 Wareing b M. and ` Mrs. George Tartish and -Lynda of Listowel 'visit*i- with .Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Farrist and Donald over . the' week=end.. Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Little and Mr: and Mrs. .Ross '.Errington spent a. few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.. Leo: Courtney & family, Mr. and' Mrs. Art Thorn - soil and family visited .on Sunday: with Mr.. & Mrs. Norman O'Con- nor. . We are glad to report that Mrs. Wilfred Fairish, Jas. Donaldson and .R. D.: Ross,. all patients from London • hospitals, returned home. last -Saturday;;; • , The. Ifackettown ladies report ,1 good return fromtheir bazaar on 'Saturday in the. Legion Robms. ; • Visitors 'with : Mr. and Mrs'. Cyril Campbell during the Week- end were Miss 'Eileen Campbell, Mr and Mrs. *Vic Kanna- pin andf Marilyn of • Kitchener, Mr. arid.Mrs., Richtard Solomon 'and Marion arid Miss Hoffinyer' Vf 't tiOrtt. 1 • h • —Also. 8Vz! x--8 �'' _+G-LAZED� CH.11VI.1VE _.:TILE 8'2 x 13". GLAZED CHXIVINE* TLE HENJJERS I ER LIMITED Lucknow f3Y Phone_' 150 ,.w•da.:c�:1a Outaria '� •, i yet N.w "Watsrfoll"' Design ! ". Autornatc Oven `Controls !.. . Niw - aert drifiioI$T * FRE Aluminum Roast'i Awair .it ''harp n 1.l. W .. V'. +Y •- ' . .w Trento in your troublos for, a. Now McClary': ebster r acKinno Plumbing.Bleating', Bleating Wiring, pEavetroughin Ti fo wl an wc� an II Co .cel tal p1E • Pe. .. of of, trht •its. 'uni • Th lis] 19 CO. • ru lin the " diel Foi sh •ion •,gre pr. •hi' • pre Do •an• )is gr - do:. sh stit ter S,h wh wet fin • stat a he the the. �e�i . t{oit ` her .•'stor ally Mrs girl dir- Mrs Mor Mis. !by no the were a H; ing Clul i.n'. The: les Mrs. Chap •than Refr soci - , beaMHCMapvcut oer rynno oreKng : •cena1on0ifsMtsnelrli was o f tn par' Ernie swill, • .ly. .elle Mr u.rin Mrs. Mrs. fritbrr� _ Mri turne Hosl?i paticj li ri, Lond, :8he i:. covtsr ,4444tlrfl 1,X044141M( 1 1144.b1,awitkob11 40beibt' " •