The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-05, Page 10• N'. ti: itce 4 fi tip •PAGE TEN . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO , , • WEDNESDAY, OCT'. 5th, :1955, 2 -RUN NINTH INNING HOMER GIVES .WELIESLEY VICTORY A . two -run homer in the last. of the • ninth save Wellesley an. 8-4 victory over the Lucknow nine last Wednesday, and sent them two games up in the •best- of -seven ,. series . for the W.O,A.A, I:ntarmediate• "B" -championship. The game was played . vizi Lin-: = .An 'afternoon rain .in Linwood inade the clay, . diamond like cem- ent and softball "spikes" . proV'ed r , practically, ,useless The outfield ,grass Was- quite ' slippery', and hard to splay 011. . :It was .anyone's game 'through- out, with- both. teams: having the: lead ;a times... It was a 6-6 to .going into the 9th inning; Luck- nOw failed to score in their half. It, looked like . extra innings, 'as Wellesley had'two out and a 'man on first. However, R. Futher 'of the Wellesley team thought dif- ferent as he strode to the , plate and promptly -knocked one " over thefence for '.a tvYo-ruri homer to rob Lucknow's chances • of -a But Futher t wasn't the only one that... robbed 3 ucknow The umpiring was .' terrible, particu- larly ' , on the bases. . Lucknow' aren't rioted as some teams • are, 'for their chronic "beefing" , on' umpires' decisions, ; but we just. couldn't ' ovet'leok this ' time.. One of ';the. many "raw` deals":.'was as follows.„ The 'Ljnwood '• 'park is surrounded:,. by a ''snow fence'. 'within ,,which : is ` a large.. score (board in right” field.. • A ball ;,,was hit past ;Fightfielder Paul. ,Cause; • • and it went under -the , score- board and out of . sight. Paul, : as- susanmg it .a'::two-base .hit : ddin• t.. "crawl:.under" to retrieve the ball: Thebase umpire• proceed- ed to ,. get down on his hands"and .knees,; feel blindly .for. the''ball, and ,pull: ` it from under .the sign. 'With no :.doubt :in their: minds they promptly announced . it a "HOMVIE . ' RUN".: . The Lucknow rdariagement.''•met. after the .game and decided' on taking . several groundhogs for •right -field. duty next game. • . Grant Chisholm pitched a good game .'for Lucknow, striking out 8 ; and giving up 9 hits. Linder` was" an the :mound_:for Wellesley, • striking out 1 ..and 'giving 'up, 10 • hits ' Wellesley: Lindner, ‘ p, H. 'Leis, rf R. •Leis,. 3rd, sutzi, ss;' Schwartz, 2•nd; • Spahr, , c; Futher, d;• Kelterborn, 1st; Gaschs, lf. Lucknow z ' Al Baker, c; : Art Baker;'. 2nd Macintyre, .'cf, West- .. lake,• lf: iVIaCMillan; ss; Chisholm, p; Hedley, :;,3rd; Thoinpson, :1st;. Cause, rf.' , •' Wellesley.: Lindner and Spahr; tatekn'ow• Chisholm and Baker.. 5trig: t, V!J.ies 10th .INNING; SINGLE. GIVES . ley, 3rd; Thompson,, 1st Chin, lf, • MacMILLAN 8-7 VICTORY,- ' Wei 1 e s 1 e y: Lindner, • rf; .a Schwartz, . 2nd; H.. Leis,. p; R. I ' Harold "Toby" Greer was the Leis,' 3rd; ilrutzi, ss; Futher, cf;, hero' of _ game third of the Spahr, c; Kelterborn,: lst, Bo Lucknow IL champion- .shert, • . ship series in Lucknow last Fri- Lucknow:: MacMillan & Baker; da as he lashed' •'out a sha "p Wellesley: Leis and Spahr,, .. . day„, single to right field in : the '10 :h. ' r h e inning to score the winning . run; Wellesley' ' ...,200 104 000. 0-7 7 3 and'give.• ,Lucknow': the victory Lucknow ,004 000 200.1--8; 8' 5 :8-7.. the. win: put Lucknow' right -,�s '.balk in: the rtnnang. after losing. •TIE.' .S.S�IVIOND'AY'^NIGHT the first two games. INT; LINWOOD, WIN 11-8 ' Sixteen -year-old Hugh Mac ---T- Millan, .who .:' has been 'holding : : , ... « Clilsitol nt ,Stars down 'the. position , at short-stop Grant Chisholm, stole the show for .most of . the season, took over 'on Monday ' night as the. ,pitched the • p><tohing chores for. the even- excellent' •ball to lead'' Lucknow ing;; and did • a: Ynasterful job to, a 11-8 win over Wellesley in holding 'the opposition to 7 hits Linwood. Grant came ii .to, pitch and striking, out 7. His opponent, . in the 3rd inning with one . out; H. Leis,, was working well on the when . Hugh MacMillan got into. Wellesle. y' mound, staking out 9 difficulty With the Wellesley and giving up:8 'hits. to the Luck- batsmen. ' Of the. nett 20 put now batsmen. . However, • • Leis outs in the game, 16 . of, them lacked control•, • and 9 • walks. is- went down swinging ..at - Chis sued : by him helped the 'locals :.hoim's baffling pitches. Only ;yin greatly in, their. bidfor, a win. the. 9th did: he weaken at all; Brave sivering fans saw Luck-• . *hen Wellesley worked him for now boot away two runs mn the 3 walks, andthen: a• costly error first inning as the . locals Com- in.. the outfield gave' the ap,osi- initted• 4 of their 5. errors in that tion 3 runs. , frame. however,' .Lucknow set- Wellesley had, a 5-;4 leadlat' the fled down to.' play practically ler- end of-. the -3rd; 'hut-, Lucknotiiv • rdr less 'ball' 'fo"for, the • remaining nine innings giving '; MacMillan excellent' support: Donald. Mac= Intyre entered' the `Hall. of Fane' as he.nade a spectacular running 'catch in centre field, midway in the game to .nip a possible. Well esley rally:, 9: • , . By the end;..of the third inning the locals were :really "rolling", and' had. a .5-2 lead: However; •Wellesley fought ' • •back gamely with 1 run in. the fourth, ' and. a 4 -run ;• outburst in, • the Sixth . to take the lead 7-5 :,at the end end of the sixth inning, .Lucknow; added - two, in • the ddedtwo,.in''the 7th,v and -at the end of nine completed innings score was deadlocked ..at Lucknovti had little trouble get-. • . IN MIME. .. THE GREATEST .1�TAlVJ<E est io: . Made In Canada By Mayers of Bigg Ben. It's Westclox Week and to mark the event we have a 'full' showing of these dependable.' clocks and watches.., •See; our window . display, for . ALARM .CLOCKS ' ELECTRIC CLOCKS N'POCKET WATCHES WRIST 'WATCHES There's A Westelok for Every Purse and. purpose! sib .A. Schimi+ JEWELLER LUCKNOW On. alleys 3 .and 4'and : 9 and .8 on '.alleys 1 and 2;. teams 1 and. 12 on. alleys 3 and 4 and teams '9 and 8 on alleys • 5 and 6..' • Thursday night it's teams ‘4 end ,5 on 1 aria 2 team"s 7 and 6 on :3, and '.4 and •steams 2 and 3 On. 5 and 6,_ scored' one in the. 5th 'inning, oriel in `'the 7th, four: in the : 8th, and United:' Church Mission Band one • in the 9th,: to give them an. The meeting . opened on -Mon- -11-5 lead goinginto, the: last . day . aftern by singing the 9th. . Wellesley's : 3=run :out- burst .an: the ''9th' vows nicked in slop . Band hymn Mary All' time, and this gave Lueknowv the 'victory,' and tied .the series: ing The business wa dealt Al' Baker:' Was dumped hard midway ,in: the game when tag-' ,ging a man at home ..plate.: He suffered "spiked". leg,.head arid. scraped back. He -..came ..back gamely to, finish the. contest. : 'Wellesley.s .catcher,. Spahr, re- �ceived a' split finger; at the knuckle'joint;' and .was replaced liy Bast' In .the• 7th'. `'Wellesley used two. pitchers. Lindner start- ed, but .was : replaced by Leis 'in ting three risen . Out in the Well- •the 8th inning, .esley. •:half of the . 10th,• In the' last) Lucknow; Al Baker,: c• Harold::. thers All followed' by the Mis- in read the.minutes of -the .last Meet- ing.with.. The Lucknow;. Viotonia " Mission Hand invited us to •a Hallowe'en party ;to be -held at the Presby- terian Church.'at' 2.30 p.m.. Oct- ober . ct-ober'. 29th. Dawn_.. Stewart •,.and:. Barbara Rathwell collected, the offering.::'Murray ' Hunter • said, a prayer, Lynn Cause read a •poem. and R.everley McKenzie played . a pianos. solo. Lynda Button recited. :a' poem: We then had a story from, of the .10th, . Charlie Chin led' off with a :: lovely 'bunt: Al Baker bunted,. and . was :safe on an over throw to first 'base, 'putting run- ners en 1st and 2nd '.with nobody "rut Harold Greer • cracked a Lucknow: • MaolVlillan, Chas - lovely single to right` field: to holm.. (3). and Baker; Wellesley: score • away . Lin Chin. The ball got a . Y. Lindner,. • Lein ;(8) -and Spahr; from :the,right fielder, and•Baker Bast (7). . and Greer went all the way r h ` e -around` to score, .but ,.according Lucknow : •..:.022.010 141-11 12 3 to Umpire ,Tiffin the play, auto- Wellesley :::.023 000 003::-- 8 • . 7' 3 Greer •21-1d;• 'MacIntyre cf,. Thornp •, son 1st; 'Westlake 1st . (5); Mac - Milian p, ss (3) ' Chisholm rf;.j p (3) ; Hedley ss, rf (3) ; , Arta Baker 3rd; C. Chin \lf.. matically ceases as soon as the. winning'• run crosses,`' the plate.` Lucknow: Baker, c; H. Greer, 2nd; MacIntyre, cf; Westlake, ss; This year's .bowling season Ma r h e .all twelve teams s eing • action • last 001' 021 200-6 10 '4 - 100.040 102--8 9 4 Weweekdnesday night'sawthe Wol serines take three • out of four TIMBER TIPS. cMillan; p; Chisholm, •rf, ,Hed- looks ' to,. be the best yet. with Lucknow. Wellesley 413 4,i1, 41 y. ' l' . Now ' Is The Tinie To r ''THOSE BARN AI D' .GARAGE DOORS. l "` We Now Have .A Supp y �Of Barn Door TRACK, TROLLEYS and BRACKETS a •o . TONGUE, and GROOVE PINE For Doors. BARN`. SASH Primed and Glazed' 9.1t. 10 x 12" 81.t10 x 12" 6' It 16"'x'12" 4 lt. l9' 12-' 4 lt. 10" •* '147. FRESH • : .IME-- • Spra►y .Lime' Masons Lime Finishing Lime IEIENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED • Lucknow' ;,Phone'• 1;50. ... , Ontari'o See °Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation'`' at The: Pia'yhotise. r:„ • 'J' points ,from the Coons led by Sack. Bannister with a flat triple of . _651. Three points. were _ also - taken by the .Lebras- over, the Gophers. with Ken Jardine show- ing the way,with a 628 flat triple score. The Zebra s also carne thru with bhe week's high team single, 1.074 flat: With Captain Bill Hun- ter leading :the . way,. the Chip munks,took all fourpoints from the •,Beavers. Bill holds the, high flatsingle score with a. 314. Don _McKihnon, . rolled • • well for the :losers: 'On Thurs • ay nig t • ree :u ton's Squirrels ,and Dick Park's Cubs split their points with each team, taking' two Gladys Harrill - ton set a ' high' triple score for both the, rnen and ladies t� shoot at with a. 687 .flat •and• a ladies high single . of 254 'flat to lead the Kangaroos to a :three. -to -one point Nin over.the Polecats. •Mike Sanderson, back after a year's absence on the alleys, came thrii -strong;, for, the losers, Wm -ling a 650. flat ,triple.• The Tigers 'start- ed the season : in . fine fashion, roaring over the Loons ' for foul° Team 'Standing Chipmunks 4,.. Tigers. 4, Kang- aroos 3, Zebras 3, Wol..verines 3, Squirrels 2, Cubs 2r Polecats 1, 'Gophers 1; Coons ' 1, Beavers 0, Lions 0.' ' Ozt Wednesday night Of sthiS c as Old at 40,50,60?"' Nan You re .Crazy.. For et ur a "e! Thousands are ' g Yo gPePPy.at 70. • Try `;"pep ing up" with Ostrez: Contains tonic 'for weak rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron:' which many: men and• women caU "old," Try- Ostrex Tonic. Tablets. for pep, younger feeling, :this very day; New• 'get acquainted"' size Only 80c. For sale iit: an drug stores everywhere.. : the study ,book and, closed; the meeting with the' members' • pur- pose. THAT water from the, River Jar-, clan,. brought : to Walkerton Mr. and, .•Mrs. George Sillers on. their.-, return from 'a Middle East cruise;. was . used by Rev. Win. . A. Henderson in. 'baptiz- ing•Mr.. and Mrs. Siller's, grand;. daughter, V to ria Boa d au g h : ter • of. 'Mr. and Mrs; Gilmore Boa. The father is an : internat- ionally ;famous..•marksman. • Breedinga erloQ�GottIe Association • , ',Where Better Bulls Are Used"' H that these Bulls are doing the. Job. ere, is: Proof ---- : We have -received ' , -- in -»Friesian Association -from_the Hoyte Of Canada, , an up-to-dat.e report ' of the milk and fat : pro- duction as well as type grading of.,:the daughters of our. Holstein bulls. 'These production . figures' -are -a comparison with Breed :Class Average wthich. is 100%.`" The records and, grading: are on- artificially sired daughters in , many herds and 'under.: varying conditions' v a: 0 0 al u A aa? do i 0. a4 ai BULLSO� o' c .' •a A' w . z Pea. -EIincroft Monograms Duke, .` 205 110 l I1 2 38 60°' V G. Extra . . Glenafton Milestone..VG..... -163 114 120 302 41'0 Glenafton Trad.eniark. VG 48 11.1 116 •109. 4B o y ' ',105 105' '=• 89 40% Elmcroft telebrit . V,G ' 4,7 Selling Wing' Double V.G.�28 106. 119 86 :96°Z ,Seiling . Wing Pietje 2.. 88. 8S 11' , Alt thea sires together average '•` 835 49% . .. 4:9,3.., 1 0' 114 . : The following two bulls' were privately owned before being :purchased by the Unit in • the summer of 1053 and their--artgicially 'bred daulg t r -s -are -=not -=y s roduction,. Glenafton Benefactor Ex. ' ' 31 111 123 43 81",,, •Elmcroft Tradition V:G 30 •105'' 109 3+) 7Q PRODUCTION PAYS THE. BILLS WHY NOT USE these !lilts who have PROVEN .THEIR. ABIILI.TY to sire • •daughters. thatare. outstanding •fior 'milk production with a high test, and 'better than •aver :n;e. for •typ e. The above bulls are, all alive and will probal?i'Y' be' good . for . some time with the exception of' Elmcroft ',Mono 'grain Duke whose/ ability to produce ` good semen isover and Selling Wing Pietje who was recently slaughtr Cd• We ha:ye .a, supply of frozen-semen...on-band.,..from 1'tet1�` If you wish to use a desirably proven bull 'b' a promising young bull,, we have the answer � ,For moue iindorntatiofi or service to these or axiy of oitr bulls of alt .breeds 'Phone' collect to CLINTON 515 Between 740 and 10.PO a.m. on week days 1.30 and 9.30 a.m.: on bondays,,aitd holidays. '%moi•%%,�,�ii%iii,; -, ii -✓,ice �:.i.--,%i,%�i�� • 9� ' . P?