The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-05, Page 4. PAGE FOUR,, • . THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW', .ONTARIO oti `, IF OR: SALE •— quantity ' of cal. Corn, by the acre or by the ton, Adrian Van Dungen, R. 7, Luck.- how, uck haw, phone 77.r-10 „Dungannon. FOR. •SAi =-'.quantity of dry �._ __ _^1iax�clwood; ;.John;.--Ii-.T-Gil�riore,-•• R 3, Lucknow,. WA��1 Dungannon; pn, .Jamesa ram lamb. hone Keane, R.-., g p. 14-21. • ...WOOD FOR SALE - - dry hard, .ana e.. Apply to George. .Ken nedyl TR.' •1, I 'G off'. .n APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Apply Gammie :Apartments.' FOR: SALE—good. cow; Ayrshire and, Durham; also. Hampshire 'red pullets. R. B. Quante, Lucknow,. 104 • New. ApPly 'to TORRENT - heated apartment va.ilable on : Main St.` Alihert_ arnmi'e. OR SALE—red nylon snow suit, size 3;: pair brown, rubber,' gol- oshes,. size'7, in good condition. Apply to. Mrs. Archie Snaith, phone97-J. Lucknow: • • HARDWOOD. FOR SALE -- ap- ply.' to Joe Weiler, Second Con cessaon, ' phone 101-r-31 Lucknow: FOR SALE • .21 weanling pigs • and 12' steers rising two ' years old. Apply • to George Fisher,, Whitechurch: • FARM FOR • SALE' Lot 12, Con. 2, Kinloss, contain- ed land, ibalance in swamp with quantity of -cedar, :never failing spring creek, running the - length of 'farm,. For further ointdirmation c bntact, R. !Carter.,' A.R. 2 ` Brus-, sets, Ontario. • • Sanitary Sewage Disposal. Have your septi.:. tanks,, cess- pools, cellars, etc.,:. pumped and 'cleaned with sanitary • modern. equipment. All, work guaranteed satisfactory. For quick service write or phone. Louis Blake,. ,Brussels, Ont., phone Brussels 42=r-6 Average size house tank COMING .EVENTS RESERVE THE DATE Reserve Tuesday, October 48,'I for •the fowl supper, by the Wo- men's men's Association of the, Luck -1' now. United Church. wr_op ESDAY, OGT 5th, 1955 Insure With The CULROSS MUTUAL: FIRE INSURANCE CO.. for Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT • Your Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 R STRONG_ - ••:OPTOMETRIST ` GOD.ICH; FOR 'APPOINTMENT • 'Phone 1100 For. Appointment or. Information • R..S..HETHER-INGTON, Barrister, Etc.. Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monday. . and Wednesday. Located in the Municipal'Office ''Phone Wingham. Office 48''Residence 97 PARADE OF APRONS, I ackett's W.A. .will sponsor a parade of aprons, sale of home- made baking : and, afternoon tea in. the Lucknow, . Legion . Rooms, Saturday,: October 8th, at 2.30 ,pm: TURKEY „SUPPER • Royal- Black -. Preceptory, Turkey Supper Supper .•will be held in the • Recreation. ,Hall,' Lucknow, •Th'ursday, October 13th M at ' 7.'00: p.m. .Tickets $1,50,• available now from members. Program and dance. Dance admission' 50c • for those' not .attending banquet HARNESS RACES,, .HANOVER 'There will.: be Harness Races at Hanover on. Thanksgiving Day,, Monday, October 10th comment- I ing at 2.00 pan. A starting gate. ' •INSURANCE' FIiE, WIND, CASUALTY'. AUfiOMOBILE' AND..IFE To Protect Your Jack, , `Ins'ure-:With ;Tack Today- • J. ` A. McDONAGH R.R. 3,,' Lucknow; Ont: 'Phone :61-5, Dungannon; R.• • W. ANDREW•^ • Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO L UCIKNOW•. 'Every• .'. .. . Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Jdynt Block'.' Telephone. Kenneth ' K: MacKenzie, Optometrist USTOWEL, ONT; at the former Wrotia Jewetery store: Ripley, 10 a:m, to 9. p.m, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th and every'' Second Wednesday.' Eyes examined Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone', Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, 'Ripley. AGNEWS' AGENCY H'owar'd•: Agnew - Jos..Agnew MEMBER • OF. Ontario Insurance Agents' Association • See Wm. A. -Schmid, 'Phone • 167-w, Lucknow., will be used. and'there will be costs .approximate.,y .$25:00. betting' 'privileges. • • PLOWING: MATCH Bruce. County Plowing Match at Russel Wagner's farm, Lot 14, 3rd ;Con. of Arran, " Saturday, Octdber: 8th.. • W I LKERTON SALES Zone 2 Yorkshire Sale, Tues- day, October, 11th- 3.9• bred sows, 12 boars. • Bruce County Holstein Bred Heifer !Classic, Friday,' .October 14th. 35 .choice heifers freshening • Oct. -Jan: • . , JBruce County Shorthorn . Sale,, WHITECHURCH Mrs., Gib Gillespie and 'Mrs. Emma' 1Vlarks motored to London Monday, October .17th—12 bulls, on • Sunday '• with Mrs. • Lorne 9 females. Johnson.. Mrs. Marks, who . has been visiting. Mr., and Mrs, Gil- lespie, returned to ' her home The Bible Society held a meet- ing. in the Presbyterian . Church on. 'Thursday Evening: Scholtz was again 'elected presi- .dent arid -Miss •Marjorie . Coulter as sec.-treas. Mr. Keyes was : the special speaker. He showed • a . film : ' '• • Mr. and Mrs Gib. Ha.nilton•.& family. 'of ; Lucknow visited with her parents, Mr and Mrs A. E.' Buckton.:.•.,' ; 'Office. 135' • Residence 31-J' The Huron . Presbyterial."Sec-------• ------ AUCTION FOR SALE=100 acre •farm, good " SALE a Bluewater to be held .:at Elton McLelland and. Sons, Berv+ie, on -Friday af- .ternoon at; 1.30 ''.o'clock, October .7th, ,.of the .following. 35' fresh and springing' .Holstein cowws ` & heifers; `la Nov. heifers and cows; 1 blue co*,; . springing; 60' choice Hereford ' yeariling. 'steers,; ' no. w horns, ' well , ,mated 8 yearling Holstein heifers; 10 yearling •Angus heifers .4 two -year -odd . sure both house arid, barn. Apply Mrs. A': Armitrong, Ripley 16-2. HOUSE FOR SALE:—Modern. 8-4 'St. Oil fitrnate,-hardivood. floors. MEAT • FOR SALE Good. beef for 'sale by the . :quarter. 'Choice light HerOord steers, fronts 32c; hind' quarters Oc. Beef' killed :under license from the Department 'of Health: Phone 24-30, RiPley.' Kt • • • Carruther's Convalescent Home. 'available if required in case of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car-, FOR SALE.—small farm, approx-' .rinately••29 acres, north of C.N.R., with house,. barn, chicken house, or terms. Apply to Mrs. Herb FOR. .SALE aricx-Established-restaUtant, well equiplied, seats -4a, good- Volume - of 'busines.s.' Price $7500200. 'Half' Cash required, balance easY terms,- plus- stOck_on_banLat in. .lientory. Business to be sold as • owner- lias other interests. For GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: ' • . usiness 39 • Residence 138: tional meeting Was held in the United CI urch on urs y There were 82 registered. Mrs, Pike of Ilderton was the mis'sion- ary speaker, giVing an. interest - :n.4 address 'on' tnissionary Work in the .aftetnoon. , 'Mr. and Mrs: jack Henderson Lucknow 'Visited on Sunday H; Moore and Mrs. ,M. RosS and Olive. Mr and ' Mrs.. Elwood Gros - With relatives in London on -Sat- Debbie . of :Hanover visited with Mr..' and Mit. Elwood GrOskorth. top of Culross visited on Sunday' Witir Mrs. j. Tiffin:, Mr. and 1VIrs. Fred •Tiffiri, Mr., arid Mrs. Vic 'Enierson and Mrs. Mary Jane •Tiffin motored Mr. arld-•Mrs. ROSS- Smith' of Toronto spent the Week -end •with her parents,. MI\ and Mrs: Rus;- Sel Chapman. Irene' 'Paterson of Toronto h Th da NOTICE. - ,September 30th;,.1955, ' I; will not be responsible for 'any :debt incurred, in mY 'name vvithout my Written order. . -William -Robinson. My sindere thanks to the many kind -friends and- -neighbors'_who so lindly remembered me with cards and gifts While in Wingharn. arid Victoria Hospitals. It was ap= preciated More than, words can tell and I wish to .say thanks "a Mrs. Williarn Sillib 'wishes" to -express-her- sinCere _thanks ,and appreciation to 'friends and rela- tivr for the kiridness shown her. further particulars..contact C.' F. during !her recent illness, also r CILAPaVIAN, Realtor, Box 96,. cards, Rimers and treats., Than • Goderich, phone 18:-W. of choice livestock, implements, bay, grain' 'and household -e at Lot 3, Durham Road, Kinloss Township, one mile west of Blackhorse, Tuesday', October. 18 at' 1.00 p.m. See hills for list arid terrtis,,John Bostock, Prop.; Don- • AUCTION SALE • , of household effects, etc, at Lot miles east of Ripley, on Thurs- Emile MacLennan, Auc.. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Asseciation ',Where Better Bulls Are •Used" Artificial insemination service, for all tbreeds 4)1.'dattle. Vier ser. -Wee; or inforMation .phone ton 242 'collect, between 7:30 and dill, on week days and 7.30 NOTICE Blyth to. a social. evening on WednesdaY, October 12th, please contact Joan ,England; Lucknow‘, phorie 101-5,, not later :than Mon-. day,' Octeber . 10th, • 'JOHNSTONE'S McLENNA and ryices conducted.' accord- HOme, 'your Church, or at • our Memorial :Chapel at no additional charge. .• : AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 181; LuCknoW, • . Day or Night, FUNERAL HOME Day- or Night: Ambulance Service USE'. OF' FUNERAL HOME: At No Extra: Cost Moderate Priees Established 1894 Counter Check 'Books for sale at The Sentinel, Office. • hiSURANCE TOWN RESIDENTS ' as well as the farm bilsiness. kip'. information conSuit Phone Dungannon 704-10 ° Phone 20-r-23 iS .spendirig this week with her Mrs.. V. 'Emersori Jlobt. Purdori -.attended the , Women's On Thursday and FridaY of laSt gate' frOm .Whitechurch and Mrs. Emerson was the conVener Mary EiSher,.,Who has 'been a' patient in Wingliam:Hospital last week:with Pleurisyt'was taken to London. on 'Saturaiy arid under - Went, an -operation on Sunday. STATE FARM, MAXIM; .• 3i. dederich • Office on Patrick St, just off the ,Main St. •in Professional Eye Examination Optical Sex -aces Evenings by appeintinent. 'Phone: Office •770; Regl 291. Co -Operative Life. Insurance 1Viereantile & *aim' Fire • insurance .70-F-10, DUngannin MEMORIAL 'HOP We Hal:re' Been Memorial CraftSnrien. For Thirty -Five Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Expert Designing and , Workmanship. • Prices Most, Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty lihone, 256,, Wingham, Ontario RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountan CLINTON, OSITARIO Phones:. 561, 455 Office: Royal Bank Building Residence: Rattenbury St. Chartered Accoffintant West Street Telephones 34' ,13\fIr WEDDINGS; ANNIVER\SARIES sonalized accessories for ,parties, anniversaries, weddings, a'n d every occasion is now on hand:: Ne* designa, new.. colors, new items in p,ersonalized *serviettes, A phone tall will bring the.r simples to your door, or drop, in • Public Accountant • 4 Brittania Rd, (tether South St.) Telephone 1011 A ad th j -of sh • sk pc ti stc wi an an Th ce sill • Ar • ies all Ro da imi Kir gai tac • Mr